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《高中英语2024届高考应用文写作讲解练习(道歉信+邀请信).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语2024届高考应用文写作讲解练习(道歉信+邀请信).doc(4页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、高考英语应用文写作讲解练习一、道歉信【讲解】应用文中,常用到的句式是下面几种:1. What.is that.(主语从句+表语从句)2. So.that.(结果状语从句,so置于句首要倒装)3. not only.but also.(not only置于句首,not only后面的句子要倒装)4. ., (介+) which.(定语从句)5. 非谓doing/dong/to do,主+谓6. it is .that.(强调句)道歉信中,常见的道歉原因有不能赴约,无法上课等,还有一些是借东西没还,把人东西弄坏等。无论哪种,框架都是一样的,即:开篇:点名写信目的- 道歉中间段:说明原因。尾段:再次

2、道歉,提出补偿措施。首段的写法无论怎么变,内容基本是固定的,可以用如下句式:Im writing to/I would like to take this opportunity tomake/ offer an apology to you for(not being able to/ failing to.)e.g.Im writing to make an apology to you for notbeing able tosee you off at the airportas planned.(没能按计划去机场送你向你道歉)I would like to take thisoppo

3、rtunity tooffer an apology to you for failing tokeep you company to themuseumas scheduled. (没能按计划陪你去博物馆向你道歉)中间段说明原因,固定可用thereason why.is that.(.的原因是.)其他内容就无法固定了,需要自己构思以上句式,哪些可以用到写作中。由可以用到的句式,反向选择内容。例如,因为活动没能如约,可以写:Soimportant is theactivity thatI couldntmiss it.(so.that.句型)The activity is scheduled

4、to be heldonMay8th,the same date we have appointed.(be schedule活动常见表达,建议熟练使用)NextSaturday is theNo Smoking Day,on whichan activity is organized by our school toinspiremore people tostop smoking.(非限,on+which替换when)再例如,生病没能参加某个老师的课程:Hardlyhad I leftmy home, whenit began to rain, leading tomy catching

5、a cold.(hardly.when.倒装句式;hardly之后接一之后的句子,用过去完成时,when之后接“就”之后的句子,用一般过去时。“一”出门,“就”下雨)What is thepity is thatI couldnt attendyour lecturein this case.(令人遗憾的是我因此无法参加你的讲座了)So eager am I to attend your lecture that Im wondering whether you could provide me with your teachingmaterials.(我是如此的想要参加你的讲座,所以想知道是

6、否可以提供一下您的教学材料。)尾段再次道歉,并提出补偿/解救措施。再次道歉的内容基本一致的,可以写成:Sorry again forany inconvenience caused and sincerely hope that you could understandmy situation and accept my apology.补偿的内容就不一定了。1)如果是未能如约,可以再次约定一个时间。Would you available this Friday? If not,please tell mea time suits for you.2)没能归还物品或损坏物品的。Im wonde

7、ring whether it isok if I pay youa new oneordirectlypayyou money?【练习】1.假定你是校英语话剧社社长李华,原定于下周举行的英语话剧表演赛因故推迟,请给担任评委的外教Katherine写封邮件,内容包括:1.表示歉意;2.推迟原因;3.后续调整。Dear Ms.Katherine,I am Lihua, Chairman of the English Drama club.Iam writing to make an apology to you forthe postponement ofDrama competitionsch

8、eduled to beheld next Sunday.The reason whyit isdelayedis thattheschool hall wherethe competitionwill take placeis going to be repaired next week.So abrupt isthe repairthatwe fail to find another place for the contest.Thre repair workis scheduledto befinishedbeforeMay8th,sowillourcompetition.When th

9、e date is confirmed, I willinform you of the timethen.Sorryagain for any inconvenience caused by this accident and sincerely hope you could understand the situation and accept our apology.2.假定你是李华,留学生朋友Peter借给你一本英文名著飘(Gone with the Wind),可是你不小心损坏了。请你给他写封邮件,内容包括:1.表示道歉;2.解释损坏原因;3.提出补救办法。Dear Peter,I

10、am writing to make an apology to you formydamaging your bookGone withthe Windwhich you have lent to melast time.It wasthe abrupt rainthatcaused the damage.Yesterday,hardly hadIgone outside of thesubwaywhenit began to rain,at which timeI had no umbrella with me.So heavy wasthe rainthatI, together wit

11、h my backpack, where your book lay in,got wet totally.Sorry again for the damage caused by this accident andsincerely hope that you could understand my situation and accept my apology.I am wondering whether it is ok if I purchase a new one for you?综上,道歉信的开头结尾基本是可以套用的,中间段以及尾段的部分内容要多练各种句式。二、邀请信【讲解】邀请信

12、大体上分为邀请别人参加活动,邀请人加入俱乐部,邀请人到家里,或邀请人投稿、访谈之类。其中参加活动和加入俱乐部,邀请人投稿与访谈的写法非常相似。开头均可这样写:Learning that you are interested in., I am writing to invite you to attend an activity/club/competition concerning.(其中be interested in可以用be enthusiastic about, be keen on, be fond of等替换)还可以套用“一.就.”句式Hardlyhad I learnt tha

13、t.when Idecided to writeto inviteyouto attend.e.g.Learning that you are keen ontraditional culture, Im writing to invite you toattendan activity held by our school concerningDragon Boat festival.听说你非常喜欢传统文化,我来信邀请你参加由我校举办的关于端午节的活动。Hardly had I learnt thatour club is going torecruite new members when

14、I immediately decided toinvite you to join.我一听说我们学校在招收新成员,就立马邀请你加入。Learning that you are fond of cooking, I am writing to invite you to write an essay concerningChinese cuisine.听说你很喜欢烹饪,我来信邀请你写一篇关于中国菜肴的文章。若是邀请至家中,可以这样写:As .is around the corner, Im writing to invite you to our home to have dinner tog

15、ether. (因为.节日/日子即将到来,我想邀请你到我家中做客。)中间段落要告知所参加的活动、俱乐部、栏目、节目等的基本信息。活动也好,栏目也罢,都涉及到时间、地点、目的与意义几个方面。时间、地点、目的可以放在一句话里:Aimed at/ With the intention of/For the benefit of,.is scheduled to be held on.at., (lasting about.)e.g.Aimed at spreading Chinese culture,the activity is scheduled to be held onFriday at t

16、he school hall from 5:00p.m to 8:00p.m, lasting about 3 hours. (小提示school hall,play ground这两个地点记住,基本所有活动都能在这两个地方展开)为了弘扬中国文化,该活动定于本周五晚5点到8点在学校汇报厅举行,历时约三小时。For the benefit of enriching school life, our program is scheduled to be held this Saturday from 5:00p.m to 7:00p.m, lasting about 2 hours.为了丰富学校生

17、活,我节目定于本周六晚五点到起点举行,历时两小时。活动的意义可以用not only.but also.句型。不仅是邀请信可以用,其他类型的应用文,但凡涉及到活动意义的,都可以这样去套用。Not only will we have the chance to., but also expands our horizons.不仅我们能有机会去.,而且还开阔了我们的眼界。E.g. Not only will we have the chance to enjoy the striking performance on the spot, but also expands our horizons.我

18、们不仅有机会去在现场欣赏精湛的表演,还能开阔我们的眼界。这个句子还能套个so.that.So marvelous is theactivity thatnot only will we have thechance to.这个活动如此精彩以至于你不仅能够.还能够.除此之外what.is that.句式也比较好套用,比如可以写令人印象深刻的是.What will impress you most is thatsome skillful craftman willshow you how to.最令人印象深刻的是一些手艺人会向你展示如何.尾段则是希望对方确认邀请。基本是固定的句式。I would

19、 appreciate it if you could confirm yourcoming at your earliest convenience. 如您能早点确认,我将不胜感激。或简化为:Your early confirmation is appreciated.I would appreciate it if you could take my invitationinto consideration.如您能考虑我的邀请,我将不胜感激。【练习】1.假定你是校广播站英语节目“Talk and Talk”的负责人李华,请给外教Caroline写邮件邀请她做一次访谈。内容包括:1.节目介绍

20、;2.访谈的时间和话题。Dear Caroline,I am Lihua,thechairman ofEnglish programTalk and Talk.Learning that your are keen onChinese traditional culture,Iam writing to invite youtoour program for a short talk.Aimed atenrichingstudentsschool life and spreading Chinese traditional culture, the program concerning tra

21、ditional cultureis scheduled to be heldonthis Fridayfrom 7:00p.m to 8:00p.m.,lasting aboutone hour.We would like to invite you to talk about yourunderstanding ofChinese culture and yourfavouritefestivals.Were convincedthat not onlywill you enjoy the process of sharing ideas with studentsbut alsohave

22、 a deeper understanding about China.I would appreciate itif you could confirm your coming at your earliest convenience.2.假定你是李华,你校英文报的体育栏目拟刊登介绍英国中学生课余生活中的体育锻炼的短文。请你给你的英国朋友David写信约稿,要点如下:1.写信目的;2.稿件内容;3.稿件长度:约200词;4.交稿日期:5月20日Dear David,HardlyhadtheSports Columnof our school decided tointroduceafter-

23、schoolexercisesofEnglishJunior andHighschool studentswhenIthought of you, who are fond ofsports.Aimed atpromoting more studentstoplay sports,ourSportsColumnisappealing toeveryone tocontributetheir essays toit. Anything related toafter-schoolsports in the UKiswelcome,whether it isabout personal experiencesorgeneral introductions.WhatI would like tostress is thatyourwriting is required to be less than 200 words and the deadline isMay 20th.I would appreciate it if you could take my invitation intoconsideration.4


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