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《高中英语2024届高考词汇短语练习0502(英汉互译+语法填空)(共101个)(附参考答案).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语2024届高考词汇短语练习0502(英汉互译+语法填空)(共101个)(附参考答案).doc(9页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、高考英语词汇短语练习班级 考号 姓名 总分 (一)1.parallel n.相似之处adj.平行的(to/with)2.passion n.强烈的情感,激情;热爱3.pastime n.消遣,娱乐4.pedestrian n.行人,步行者5.pension n.养老金,退休金6.permanent adj.永久的,永恒的(反:temporary)7.personnel n.全体人员,职员;人事部门8.phenomenon n.现象(pl.phenomena)9.physician n.医师10.portable adj.手提式的,便携式的,轻便的11.postpone vt.推迟,延期12.p

2、recious adj.宝贵的,珍贵的;珍稀的13.pregnant adj.怀孕的14.prejudice n.偏见,歧视(against)15.prescription n.处方,药方(for)16.preview n.预映;预展;预演17.previous adj.以前的,先前的18.primary adj.首要的,主要的19.primarily adv.主要地20.primitive adj.原始的,远古的21.privilege n.特权;特殊待遇;荣幸22.procedure n.(正常)程序;步骤;手续23.profession n.职业;行业24.promote v.促进,提高

3、;晋升25.psychology n.心理;心理学26.punctuation n.标点符号27.purchase vt.&n.购买28.qualification n.资格,学历;资历29.questionnaire n.调查问卷180.radioactive adj.放射性的【词汇英汉互译】1._ n.相似之处adj.平行的(to/with)2._ n.强烈的情感,激情;热爱3.pastime n._4.pedestrian n._5.pension n._6.permanent adj._ (反:temporary)7.personnel n._8.phenomenon n._ (pl.

4、phenomena)9.physician n._10._ adj.手提式的,便携式的,轻便的11.postpone vt._12._ adj.宝贵的,珍贵的;珍稀的13.pregnant adj._14.prejudice n._ (against)15.prescription n._ (for)16.preview n._17.previous adj._18.primary adj._19.primarily adv._20.primitive adj._21.privilege n._22.procedure n._23.profession n._24._ v.促进,提高;晋升25

5、.psychology n._26.punctuation n._27.purchase vt.&n._28.qualification n._29.questionnaire n._30.radioactive adj._【语法填空】在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。1.The stroke left his right side _(permanent) damaged.2.Tango is a _(passion) dance, which brings the dancers together in a way words cant express.3.How do w

6、e make sense of these _(phenomenon)?4.Previous teaching experience is a necessary _(qualify) for this job.5.It was an unpopular decision to postpone _(build) the new hospital.6.There is widespread prejudice _ workers over 45.7.Tickets can _(purchase) at the Madstone Theatre box office.8.The band has

7、 gone on tour _(promote) their new album.9._(pedestrian) complain that e-bike riders pay little respect to the rules of the road.10.The data is _(privilege) information, not to be shared with the general public.【短语英汉互译】1.parallel with2.postpone doing sth3.have a prejudice against4.be privileged to d

8、o5.have a passion for(二)31.random adj.随意的,随机的n.随意;随机32.recall v.回想起,回忆起;召回;收回33.register v.记录,登记34.regulate v.控制;调整,调节35.regulation n.规则,条例,法令;管理,控制36.relevant adj.相关的,切题的37.representative n.代表;代理人38.reservation n.预订;保留39.respectful adj.有礼貌的,恭敬的40.resume v.重新开始n.简历41.riddle n.谜;谜语42.ridiculous adj.愚

9、蠢的,荒唐可笑的43.routine n.惯例,常规;例行公事44.sacred adj.神圣的45.sacrifice n.牺牲;献祭vt.牺牲46.sample n.样品47.sceptical adj.持怀疑态度的,不相信的(about/of)48.scholarship n.奖学金49.sculpture n.雕刻;雕塑50.sensitive adj.敏感的51.sensitivity n.敏感;过敏52.session n.一段时间;正式会议53.shallow adj.浅的,不深的;肤浅的54.sheet n.床单,被单;张;薄片55.shipwreck n.海难,船舶失事56.

10、shortcoming n.缺点;短处57.signature n.签字,签名58.significance n.重要性;意义59.simplify vt.使简易,使简单,简化60.snack n.小吃,点心【词汇英汉互译】31._ adj.随机的n.随意;随机32._v.回想起,回忆起;召回;收回33._ v.记录,登记34.regulate v._35.regulation n._36.relevant adj._37.representative n._38.reservation n._39.respectful adj._40._ v.重新开始n.简历41.riddle n._42.

11、ridiculous adj._43.routine n._44.sacred adj._45._ n.牺牲;献祭vt.牺牲46._n.样品47.sceptical adj._ (about/of)48.scholarship n._49.sculpture n._50.sensitive adj._51.sensitivity n._52.session n._53.shallow adj._54.sheet n._55.shipwreck n._56.shortcoming n._57.signature n._58.significance n._59.simplify vt._60.s

12、nack n._【语法填空】在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。1.It is better to read a few books carefully than to read many _ random.2._(recall)the extraordinary changes injust 28 years gives me great hope for our energy future.3.These comments are not directly relevant _ this enquiry.4.He went to the desk to inquire and

13、 make a _(reserve).5.The new drug has great _(significance) for the treatment of the disease.6.Zawodny used a _(simplify) version of the plan to shed 50 pounds in a year.7.The European Union has proposed new _(regulation) to control the hours worked by its employees.8.The classroom teacher must be s

14、ensitive _ a childs needs.9. The children in our family are always _(respect) to their elders.10._(register) a car in Japan, the owner must have somewhere to park it.【短语英汉互译】1.at random2.be relevant to3.很重要4.对敏感5.personal resume(三)61.sneeze v.打喷嚏62.souvenir n.纪念品;纪念物63.straightforward adj.易懂的;坦诚的,坦率

15、的64.stretch v.(使)变松;伸开n.伸长;伸展;连绵65.subjective adj.主观的(反:objective)66.submit v.呈送,递交,呈递;顺从(to)67.supervision n.监督;监管68.supreme adj.最高的,至高无上的69.suspension n.暂停,中止70.swear v.(swore,sworn)诅咒;起誓71.sympathetically adv.表示同情地;有同情心地72.temporary adj.暂时的,临时的73.tension n.紧张,焦虑74.terminal adj.晚期的,不治的n.终点站;终端75.t

16、heoretical adj.理论上的;假设的76.thereafter adv.之后,此后77.tolerant adj.宽容的,容忍的78.tournament n.锦标赛79.transform vt.使改观;使变形;使转化80.transformation n.转变,改观【词汇填空】1.The company announced a sudden _ due to financial difficulties.2.The detective had a theory about the _cause of the crime.3.She bought a small _ as a re

17、minder of her trip to Paris.4.The _ of the old bridge added to the charm of the village.5.Despite the _, he managed to keep his cool during the negotiation.【阅读理解】In the small town of Willowbrook, a souvenir shop had been a local favorite for years.The owner, Mr.Thompson, was known for his straightfo

18、rward and friendly demeanor, which made customers feel at ease.One day, the town council announced a suspension of all non-essential businesses due to a health crisis, which left Mr.Thompson worried about the future of his shop.After a temporary closure, Mr.Thompson decided to transform his business

19、 with an innovative idea.He started an online store, offering virtual tours of his shop, which showcased the unique souvenirs he had collected from around the world.The transformation was met with enthusiasm from the community, and his online sales began to soar.During this period, a young journalis

20、t named Sarah was assigned to cover the story.She was sympathetically moved by Mr.Thompsons plight and decided to write an in-depth piece.Her article highlighted the subjective nature of what constitutes a non-essential business and argued for a more objective approach to such decisions.The story of

21、 Mr.Thompsons resilience in the face of adversity caught the attention of a national news outlet.They decided to feature the shop in a segment about small businesses adapting to tension and change.The segment was aired from the terminal of a major airport, symbolizing the connection between travel a

22、nd the souvenir industry.As the shops popularity grew, so did the theoretical discussions about the role of local businesses in a globalized world.Mr.Thompson was invited to speak at a tournament of business leaders, where he swore to share his experiences and insights.His speech was a testament to

23、the power of community and the importance of tolerant and supportive environments for small businesses.In the aftermath of the crisis, the town of Willowbrook emerged stronger and more united.The thereafter period saw a renewed appreciation for local shops and a tolerant attitude towards the necessa

24、ry changes brought about by the pandemic.Mr.Thompsons sneeze of an idea had turned into a full-blown strategy for survival, and his shop stood as a beacon of hope for other small business owners. Qs1.Why did Mr.Thompson decide to transform his business into an online store? - A.He wanted to expand h

25、is customer base globally. - B.The town council had suspended non-essential businesses. - C.He was interested in new technology. - D.He was bored with the traditional shop model.2.What was the role of Sarahs article in Mr.Thompsons story?- A.It provided a theoretical framework for understanding the

26、crisis.- B.It sympathized with Mr.Thompsons situation and advocated for a more objective approach to business closures.- C.It criticized the town councils decision to suspend businesses.- D.It focused on the financial success of the online store.3.How did the national news outlets segment impact Mr.

27、Thompsons shop?- A.It led to a decrease in local sales due to increased global competition.- B.It connected the shops story to the broader context of small businesses adapting to change.- C.It resulted in a lawsuit against the town council.- D.It caused Mr.Thompson to swear off media attention.(四)81

28、.transparent adj.透明的;易懂的82.trash n.废物,垃圾(同:rubbish)83.tricky adj.难对付的,棘手的;狡猾的84.tunnel n.隧道;(动物的)洞穴通道85.unconscious adj.失去知觉的86.underline vt.在之下画线;强调;使突出87.underlying adj.根本的;潜在的88.undertake v.从事;承担89.uneasiness n.不安;忧虑90.unique adj.独一无二的91.upgrade v.使升级92.vacant adj.空着的;(工作或职位)空缺的93.vague adj.含糊的,不

29、明确的94.valid adj.(法律上)有效的;有根据的;确凿的95.vanish v.消失,灭绝96.violate v.违反,违背;侵犯97.virtual adj.虚拟的,模拟的98.weave v.编织;迂回行进99.wreck vt.使失事n.残骸100.wrinkle n.皱纹101.zip v 拉上拉链 快速移动【词汇填空】练习1:填空题1.The company is looking for a qualified candidate to fill the _ (空缺的) position of project manager.2.The magicians perform

30、ance was so convincing that the audience thought he had really made the rabbit _ (消失).3.The _ (透明的) glass allowed us to see clearly into the aquarium.4.The _ (易懂的) instructions made it easy for everyone to follow the recipe.5.The _ (狡猾的) fox managed to outsmart the hunters and escape.6.The _ (失去知觉的)

31、 patient was rushed to the emergency room for treatment.7.The _ (潜在的) cause of the crash was a mechanical failure in the planes engine.8.The _ (独一无二的) artwork was admired by all the visitors at the gallery.9.The _ (虚拟的) meeting was attended by participants from around the world.10.The _ (含糊的) messag

32、e left everyone confused about the next steps.练习2:词的正确形式填空1.The _ (valid) contract was signed by both parties, making the agreement legally binding.2.2.She was so _ (tricky) in her response that no one could tell if she was being honest or not.3.The _ (vacant) look in his eyes suggested that he was

33、not fully present in the conversation.4.The _ (underline) importance of education was highlighted in the principals speech.5.The _ (weave) of the carpet was so intricate that it took a skilled craftsman months to complete.6.The _ (transparent) material allowed light to pass through, creating a warm

34、ambiance in the room.7.The _ (uneasiness) felt by the passengers increased as the trains delay extended.8.The _ (unique) solution to the problem was proposed by the youngest member of the team.9.The _ (zip) of the bag was broken, making it difficult to close securely.10.The _ (wreck) of the old ship

35、 was discovered at the bottom of the ocean after many years.【完形填空】完形填空阅读下面的短文,选择合适的单词填空。In a small, 1._ house by the sea, an old man wove a beautiful story.His tale was about a 2._ world where creatures could vanish and reappear at will.The story was so captivating that it 3._ the importance of crea

36、tivity and the power of the human spirit.However, the old mans words were often 4._ , which made the story even more intriguing.As he spoke, his eyes twinkled with the wisdom of someone who had seen many 5._ things in his life.The listeners, their faces creased with 6._, were reminded of the fundame

37、ntal joy of storytelling, a tradition that would not 7._ as long as there were those willing to listen and learn.1.A.transparent B.vacant C.unique D.ancient2.A.virtual B.vague C.valid D.underlying3.A.violated B.underlined C.vanished D.upgraded4.A.tricky B.trash C.vague D.vacant5.A.unique B.unconscio

38、us C.valid D.vivid6.A.wrinkles B.trash C.vagueness D.validity7.A.vanish B.violate C.upgrade D.vacate附:参考答案(一)【语法填空】1.permanently 2.passionate 3.phenomena 4.qualification 5.building 6.against 7.be purchased 8.to promote 9.Pedestrians 10.privileged【短语英汉互译】1.与平行 2.推迟做某事 3.对有偏见 4.很荣幸做某事 5.对有热情(二)【语法填空】1

39、.at 2.Recalling 3.to 4.reservation 5.significance 6.simplified 7.regulations 8.to 9.respectful 10.To register【短语英汉互译】1.任意,随机 2.与相关 3.be of great significance 4.be sensitive to 5.个人简历(三)【词汇填空】1.suspension2.theoretical3.souvenir4.transformation5.tension【阅读理解】1.*B.The town council had suspended non-ess

40、ential businesses.* - 根据文章内容,Mr.Thompson决定将他的业务转变为在线商店是因为小镇委员会宣布暂停所有非必要的商业活动。 2.*B.It sympathized with Mr.Thompsons situation and advocated for a more objective approach to business closures.* - Sarah的文章同情Mr.Thompson的处境,并主张对商业关闭采取更客观的方法。 3.*B.It connected the shops story to the broader context of sm

41、all businesses adapting to change.* - 国家新闻媒体的节目将这家商店的故事与更广泛的小企业适应变化的背景联系起来。 这些问题旨在检查学生对文章的理解和分析能力,确保他们能够从阅读材料中提取关键信息,并对文章的主旨和细节有深刻的理解。(四)【词汇填空】练习1 1.vacant2.vanish3.transparent4.understandable/clear5.tricky6.unconscious7.underlying8.unique9.virtual10.vague 练习2 1.valid validity2.2.tricky tricky3.vaca

42、nt vacant4.underline underlined5.5.weave weaver6.transparent transparency7.7.uneasiness uneasy8.unique uniquely9.zip zipper10.wreck wreckage【完形填空】1.B.vacant- The context suggests a house that is empty or unused, which corresponds to vacant.2.A.virtual- The description of a world where creatures can vanish and reappear implies a non-physical or imaginary realm, best described by virtual.3.B.underlined- The sentence indicates that the story emphasized or highlighted the importance of creativity and the human spirit, making underli


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