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《精品解析:2023年江苏省南京市金陵中学集团中考一模英语试题(原卷版).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《精品解析:2023年江苏省南京市金陵中学集团中考一模英语试题(原卷版).docx(13页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、 初三学情调研卷英语试卷注意事项:1. 本试卷共8页。全卷满分为90分。考试时间90分钟。试题包括选择题和非选择题。考生答题全部在答题卡上,答在本试卷上无效。2. 请认真核对监考教师在答题卡上所粘贴条形码的姓名、考试证号是否与本人相符合,再将自己的姓名、考试证号用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔填写在答题卡及本试卷上。3. 答选择题必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案。答非选择题必须用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔写在答题卡的指定位置,在其它位置答题一律无效。选择题(共40分)一、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1. Sherry looks

2、upset. Whats wrong with him?Well, everyone has one of those days when _ goes right.A. everythingB. nothingC. somethingD. anything2 Its amazing that Mothers Day is _ the same day as my mums birthday this year.A. inB. onC. atD. for3. Shall we visit Nanjing Brocade Museum this weekend? The clothes ther

3、e are different from _.Of course, hanfu has become a fashion around the world.A. usB. weC. ourD. ours4. The government plans to add more green spaces to improve our living _ like building over 400 pocket parks by 2025.A. spaceB. environmentC. methodsD. cost5. There are many old sayings requiring us

4、to be _, such as “the early bird catches the worm” and “Practice makes perfect”.A. generousB. confidentC. hard-workingD. organized6. The famous magician, as well as his assistants, _ to perform at the Spring Festival Gala in 2023.A. was invitedB. were invitedC. has been invitedD. have been invited7.

5、 Zhang Guimei has sent nearly 2000 girl students to colleges around China _ she opened the school in 2009.A. whenB. afterC. untilD. since8. What a heavy rain! When did it start?It started at about six thirty this morning. I _ on the way to my office then.A. droveB. will driveC. have drivenD. was dri

6、ving9. Last night, I _ late doing some exercise to keep fit.Really? If you dont sleep for at least 8 hours, you may gain weight.A. put upB. took upC. gave upD. stayed up10. In order to make sure the program goes _, more volunteers are needed.Im in! Many hands make light work.A. slowlyB. smoothlyC. s

7、ilentlyD. specially11. Liu Cixin, a science fiction writer, has _ the world with his imaginative works, such as the Wandering Earth series and Three Bodies.A. expressedB. impressedC. succeededD. suggested12. I dont care what other people think.Well, you should. _, some opinions are worth weighing.A.

8、 In allB. Above allC. After allD. First of all13. Which of the following books can be arranged in the same section as A Brief History of Time?A. China 19112011B. Ronnie Goes into SpaceC. Germany in World War D. How the Earth was Formed14. A train crash happened in Ohio several days ago.That was real

9、ly bad news. People all wondered _.A. that why it happenedB. how did the government helpC. what caused the terrible accidentD. how many people are killed in the crash15. You must be excited about going to England for further study._ but I am afraid I am not used to the weather and the food there.A.

10、Im sorryB. Certainly notC. Never mindD. I suppose so二、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)Did you know that vocabulary is more important than grammar? If you have good vocabulary, you can communicate successfully _16_ the grammar is not completely perfect.However, one _17_ problem is learning new words and then

11、forgetting them. So when you want to use a new word in a conversation, you cant remember it at that moment. Does this often happen to you? The _18_ of this difficulty is that most students try to learn vocabulary by studying lists and dictionaries and remembering the words. But it may not _19_ if yo

12、u dont have a very good memory.The best way to learn vocabulary and remember the words well is to learn new words and use them _20_. You can do this with a very simple exercise. Every time you learn a new word, for example, from an English lesson or an article, write it down in your vocabulary noteb

13、ook. _21_ is more active than just reading a definition (定义). You should write the word, the definition in English or translation, one example sentence from the article or dictionary and one example sentence that you _22_.Imagine you just learn the word “generous”. Write in your vocabulary notebook:

14、 generous (adjective), definitiongiving or willing to give freely. Example one, from the _23_: Thanks for paying for my dinner; youre very generous. Example two, my example: My brother is generous because he volunteers at the animal shelter on weekends. Its best if your example sentences are _24_ to

15、 your life, because this creates a personal connection with the new word. The next day, read your vocabulary notebook again and try to add one more example sentence _25_ the new word. Its helpful for you to remember it. These two simple stepswriting the word and using it at oncehelp you remember and

16、 use new words.Do you have a vocabulary notebook? If not, start now.16. A. whenB. thoughC. becauseD. until17. A. commonB. newC. strangeD. famous18. A. situationB. causeC. conditionD. result19. A. formB. changeC. workD. rise20. A. later onB. on timeC. if possibleD. at once21. A. WritingB. SpeakingC.

17、ListeningD. Watching22. A. copyB. writeC. thinkD. create23. A. notebookB. blackboardC. articleD. experience24. A. suitableB. trueC. honestD. useful25. A. byB. withC. onD. in三、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)A26. If a school subscribes 10 copies of Storytime for a year, it will pay around _.A. 38.99B. 254C. 3

18、89.9D. 254027. Which word can be put in _ in the passage?A. TimesB. PlacesC. WaysD. Reasons28. After a child subscribes Storytime, he can _.A. receive each magazine in a boxB. get teaching resources packagesC. enjoy classic stories every monthD. have a big discount while payingBSam: How are your cla

19、sses going?Sheldon: So well, thank you for asking.Sam: I didnt realize you lived on campus.Sheldon: I dont.Sam: Then why do you have a single? And you dont even sleep here?Sheldon: Well, so I have a place to go. Sometimes I take naps there.Sam: I live with two other girls in a room this size!Sheldon

20、: You should have complained to President Hagemeyer. She was very helpful.Sam: Wait, there are two closets?Sheldon: Thats a bathroom.Sam: Are you kidding me? I share one with 30 other people.Sheldon: That sounds terrible.Sam: This is so unfair. You get so much more than every other student.Sheldon:

21、Fair isnt everyone getting the same thing. Fair is everyone getting what they deserve (应得).Sam: Sheldon, that is why no one sits with you in class or lunch.Sheldon: Well, theyre just keeping a respectful distance to my intellect (智力).Sam: No. Theyre avoiding you because youre an entitled (享受特权的) chi

22、ld who thinks that youre better than everybody else.Sheldon: So, I should just pretend (假装) Im less intelligent than I am?Sam: You should realize that there are more important things in life than _.29. According to the conversation, we can learn that _.A. Sheldon only takes naps in the dorm room.B.

23、Sam has a single with a clean bathroom.C. Sheldon sleeps in college with 2 roommates.D. Sam has complained to President Hagemeyer.30. Sheldon is considered NOT _ by most students.A. braveB. confidentC. modestD. lively31. Sam may probably say “You should realize that there are more important things i

24、n life than _” at the end of their talk.A. how smart you areB. where you are fromC. who others think of youD. when you entered collegeCMalaria has been a big problem for humans since ancient times. Usually, people get malaria when infected mosquitoes bite them. Countless people have died from the di

25、sease. Luckily, Chinese scientist Tu Youyou found an effective drug called qinghaosu.In 1969, Tu became the director of a national project to develop a drug for malaria. Her team took a special approach. They studied books about classical Chinese medicine. After reading more than 2,000 old remedies

26、(药方), Tu and her team collected over 600 plants and listed almost 380 possible remedies for malaria.One remedy, which is 1,600 years old, uses sweet wormwood as a treatment. Tu found it worked and tried to extract (提取) the qinghaosu from it to make a drug. The extraction failed at first, so Tu retur

27、ned to the classical books again and finally found a way. She used a low-temperature method to extract the qinghaosu and finally succeeded in 1972.After her team showed that qinghaosu could treat malaria in mice and monkeys, Tu and two of her coworkers decided to test the drug on themselves before t

28、rying it on human patients. It turned out that qinghaosu was safe, and all patients in the test got better. Gradually, qinghaosu became the first-line treatment for malaria recommended by WHO, saving millions of lives around the world.In 2015, when Tu was given the Nobel Prize in physiology or medic

29、ine, she refused to take all of the praise. Instead, she praised her coworkers and Chinese traditional medicine. She once said, “Every scientist dreams of doing something that can help the world.”32. What usually caused people to get malaria?A. Dirty water.B. Wrong medicine.C. Polluted water.D. Infe

30、cted mosquitoes.33. Where did Tu find a way to solve after the extraction failed at first?A. From different plants.B. From foreign remedies.C. From classical medical books.D. From tests on animals and humans.34. In the 4 paragraph, what does the underlined word “it” refer to?A. Malaria.B. The drug.C

31、. The monkey.D. The mouse.35. Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage?A. B. C. D. DType in “A cat wants to go to space” and ask the robot to write a bedtime story. Just one second later, youll get the story of Max, who was on his way past many difficulties to sing among the st

32、ars.This robot writer is real. Its called ChatGPT. From writing Shakespeare-style poetry to making music, ChatGPT has amazed the world since its launch out in late 2022 by the US company OpenAI. OpenAI developed it to generate (生成) human-like texts. It can translate languages, talk with people and w

33、rite songs, poems and even jokes. Its one of the most powerful AI of its kind, with the complete writing abilities of a real person!People around the world have tried ChatGPT and posted their results on social media. Some used it to write history reports, some asked it to take notes of presentations

34、, and some even generated advice on how to communicate with people at a party, reported The Atlantic.The power of ChatGPT lies in its speed and understanding of complicated (复杂的) matters. We may spend hours researching, understanding and writing an article on the theory of evolution (进化论). But ChatG

35、PT can produce a well-written one in seconds. Another good thing about it is that if you ask dark, harmful questions, such as how to make weapons (武器), it will not give you an answer.ChatGPT comes along at a time when AI is becoming increasingly able to do creative tasks. There is no doubt that Chat

36、GPT is a powerful tool. However, some schools in the US, Australia and France have banned (禁止) the use of ChatGPT. In the US, for example, New York City public schools banned students and teachers from using ChatGPT on the local networks and computers, CNN reported. The move comes out of worries tha

37、t the tool could make it easier for students to cheat on homework. Some also worry that ChatGPT could be used to spread improper information.“It does not build critical-thinking (批判性思维) and problem-solving skills,” said Jenna Lyle, the deputy press secretary of the New York City Department of Educat

38、ion. “The materials they create are difficult to tell from those made by humans. This causes many problems, such as the issue of copyright (版权). Since the system is largely trained using words from the Internet, it can also pick up on the Internets biases(偏见) and stereotypes (刻板印象) about certain gro

39、ups. These are all the things that depend on humans to solve.”36. The cat story was written to _.A. show what creative work ChatGPT can doB. introduce a cat that wants to go to spaceC. introduce a series of bedtime booksD. show how robots create scientific research37. What do we know about ChatGPT?A

40、. It is still under development.B. It is the most powerful kind of AI.C. It can write almost anything humans can write.D. People cannot tell the difference between ChatGPT and humans.38. Paragraph 3 is mainly about _.A. the disadvantages of ChatGPTB. the most popular use of ChatGPTC. what people thi

41、nk about ChatGPTD. how ChatGPT has helped people so far39. Compared with human writing, ChatGPT is _.A. fasterB. saferC. more interestingD. more difficult40. Whats the main idea of the last paragraph?A How people feel about writing in the future.B. What problems AI writing can cause.C. Peoples wrong

42、 ideas about AI writing.D. Human efforts in developing AI writing.非选择题(共50分)四、填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)(A) 根据括号中的中文提示写出单词,使句子意思完整正确。每空一词。41. China has carried out a project to _ (连接) 10000 African villages to a TV network, helping local people learn about the world outside.42. Are people in Internet com

43、panies complaining about long working hours?Yes. They make great contributions to IT industry, but they cant achieve a _ (平衡) between life and work.43. Helen developed a _ (持久的) friendship with her English teacher.44. Since 2011, Nanjing Museum has carried out more than 100 public _ (训练) activities

44、for volunteer guides.45. Musk is now facing the biggest _ (挑战) of his careertaking over Twitter, which brought him a great loss.(B) 根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。46. Did you watch the table tennis championship this morning? The Japanese player acted so well.Thats true. But _ (luck), Ma Long got the gold me

45、dal.47. Liu Yang is the first woman _ (travel) into space in Chinese history.48. Dad, when can we cycle around the countryside?Not until the bike _ (repair) next month.49. Good news! The Chinese women football team came first in the 2022 Asian Cup.Exactly. The final is the _ (amaze) one I have ever

46、seen.50. I feel _ (pride) of being an ORBIS nurse to help more people see again.根据短文内容,从下列方框中选择适当的单词或短语填空,使短文内容完整正确。pay more attention to, finds out, practice, in the daytime, walksWe all know doing exercise makes us healthy. But many of us dont know which is better, to exercise _51_ or at night. Dr

47、 Yang, a famous sleep doctor, advises people to do outdoor exercise for at least 30 minutes a day in the daytime.Dr Yang has been doing research on sports and sleep for years. He _52_ that those who exercise in natural light for half an hour every day have better sleep and more energy. Dr Yang himself gets up at 6:30 a.m. Then he usually takes a walk outside. Sometimes he _53_ his two dogs in the park


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