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1、专题06 七选五 一、 Slash(斜杠)CareersWhat is your job? Are you a teacher or a businessperson? Or maybe you are a lawyer/writer or a teacher/photographer. 16The term “slash career” comes from the punctuation mark(标识符)a slash that comes between job titles.People with slash careers often have a primary job that

2、 provides for most of their needs. The primary job usually comes before the slash.17This secondary job can help supplement the persons income.Why would anyone want more than one job? Some people look to their jobs for opportunities to develop their interests. But most people have too many interests

3、for one job. Secondary jobs can be enjoyable if they include interests that the primary job doesnt touch. Some people who encourage slash careers say they actually help with work-life balance. 18 On the other hand, a slash career can be dangerous for work-life balance. 19 One might give up necessary

4、 things like relaxation, exercise or time with ones family. People with slash careers need to think carefully about how they use their time. This includes knowing when to stop working.The clear advantage to slash careers is the extra income that secondary jobs provide. Its always helpful to have a l

5、ittle extra money to spend or to save.20 With a slash career, losing ones job does not mean losing ones entire income. Or a secondary job may be so successful that it can turn into ones primary job.If your interests stretch beyond your ordinary job, a slash career may work for you.ASlash careers pro

6、vide extra money.BSlash careers also make ones life more stable.CWorking more than one job can fill up all of your time.DIf you have more than one job, you have a slash career.E.It shows the person is creative and willing to work hard.F.The job after the slash is often based on a persons interests.G

7、.Thats because they can give people an opportunity to express themselves.二、 How fit are your teeth? Are you lazy about brushing them? Never fear: An inventor is on the case. An electric toothbrush senses how long and how well you brush, 16.The Kolibree toothbrush was exhibited at the International C

8、onsumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas this week. It senses how it is moved and can send the information to an Android phone or iPhone via a Bluetooth wireless connection. The toothbrush will be able to teach you to brush right(Dont forget the insides of the teeth!)and make sure youre brushing long e

9、nough. “17.” says Thomas Serval, the French inventor.18, so developers could, for instance, create a game controlled by your toothbrush. You could score points for beating monsters among your teeth. “We try to make it smart but also fun,” Serval says. Serval says he was inspired by his experience as

10、 a father. He would come home from work and his children told him that they had brushed their teeth. He was pleased with their behavior, 19. He decided he needed a brush that really told him how well his children brushed. The company says the Kolibree will go on sale this summer, for $99 to $ 199, d

11、epending on features. The U. S. is the first target market. Serval says that one day, itll be possible to replace the brush on the handle with a brushing unit that also has a camera. 20.Athus awarding them more toothbrushesBonly to find their toothbrush heads dryCThe camera can also check more tooth

12、 problemsDIt can even shoot holes in your teeth while you brushE.and it lets you track your performance on your phoneF.The toothbrush will also be able to talk to other applications on your phoneG.Its kind of like having a dentist actually watch your brushing on a day-to-day basis三、 Tropical Rainfor

13、estTropical rainforests are a world like none other.36Unparalleled in terms of their biological diversity, tropical rainforests are a natural reservoir of genetic diversity. They offer a rich source of medicinal plants and other useful forest products. They are an important habitat for migratory ani

14、mals and preserve as much as 50 percent of the species on earth, as well as a number of diverse and unique originating cultures. Tropical rainforests play an elemental role in regulating global weather in addition to maintaining regular rainfall, while buffering(缓冲)against floods, droughts,and soil

15、erosion (腐蚀).37Despite their monumental role, tropical forests are restricted to the small land area between the latitudes 22.5 degrees north and 22.5 degrees south of equator. The majority of the earths land is located north of the tropics.38 Tropical rainforests are a scarce resource in the 21st c

16、entury. What ever carpeted the earths land surface a mere five generations ago has been reduced to scattered fragments(碎片); today, more than two-thirds of the worlds tropical rainforests exist as fragmented remainings.39Over half of this forest lies in Brazil, which holds about one-third of the worl

17、ds remaining tropical rainforests. Another 20 percent of the worlds remaining rainforests exists in Indonesia and Congo Basin, while the balance of the worlds rainforests are scattered around the globe, in tropical regions40It is based roughly on four forested continental regions: the Ethiopian or A

18、frotropical, the Australasian or Australian, the Oriental or Indomalayan Asian, and the Neotropical.AThey take in adequate fresh water and oxygen.BIn that case, new rain forests are seen to be discovered.CTheir global distribution can be broken up into four biogeographical areas.DTheir importance to

19、 the global ecosystem and human existence is vital.E.As a consequence, rainforests are naturally limited to a relatively small area.F.They store vast quantities of carbon while producing a significant amount of the worlds oxygen.G.The largest unbroken stretch of rainforest is found in the Amazon riv

20、er basin of South America.四、 There was a time when I was very concerned about what other people thought of me, especially when I was misunderstood and labeled incorrectly.16 Of course, you need to do something to let go of that mental suffering if you are stuck in such a similar situation.Identify a

21、nd understand why you care. What makes what other people think of you so important? If other peoples opinions cause you to worry, chances are that you have a tendency to be pleased. Being favored might be a winning formula for you in the past. 17 But if it doesnt come as expected, just be yourself.U

22、nderstand you cant control others. The reality is that you cannot control what another person thinks of you. What most people dont understand is that we often form opinions of others based on associations we had in the past. And the bottom line is that its none of your business what another person t

23、hinks of you. 18Practice daily self-love and acceptance. Your situation may come from a concept that we are not as worthy as another person and our needs are not as important as theirs. Recognize you are equal to every other person. 19 We all have different roles but that does not make anyone more v

24、aluable as a human being.Live a life that pleases you. Constant worry about what others think of you must create considerable stress and will impact your relationships, your health, and your peace of mind.20 You will not need to be concerned with the few people who just dont seem to understand you.

25、You can live your fulfilling life and they can live theirs.AThats his or her private views.BDont take your role to your heart.CEveryone deserves respect and admiration.DStay true to your values and do your own thing.E.Thats to say, there is no one above or below you.F.Certainly, there are advantages

26、 to having someones high regard.G.Caring too much about their views was energy-consuming and unnecessary.五、 People-pleasers want everyone around them to be happy and they will do whatever is asked of them to keep it that way. 16. For some, saying “yes” is a habit; for others, its almost an addiction

27、 that makes them feel like they need to be needed. This makes them feel important and like theyre contributing to someone elses life.17. Not only does it put a lot of pressure and stress on you, but essentially you can make yourself sick from doing too much. In the worst case, youll wake up and find

28、 yourself depressed, because youre on such overload because you possibly cant do it all.Heres a list of strategies to help you stop being a people-pleaser and finally say “no”. Think about it.Whenever someone asks you for a favor, its perfectly OK to say that youll need time to consider. 18. It is a

29、lso important to ask the person for details about the commitment. Ask yourself: Do I have the time to do this? How pressured am I going to feel? These questions are key because you need time to think of your must-do list and things you dont want to do.19.Its tempting (诱人的) to want to defend your dec

30、ision to say “no” to someone so they understand your reasoning. But this actually backfires. As soon as you start explaining, you give the other person lots of room to come back and say, “Oh, you can do that later,” “You can adjust your schedule” or “Thats not as important as what Im asking.” Dont a

31、pologizeif its not your fault.People-pleasers tend to be serial apologists. Pay attention to when youre apologizing and consider if youre really at fault. 20. Usually, the answer is “no”.ARealize you have a choice.BDont give a list of excuses.CThey put everyone else before themselves.DSay what youre

32、 thinking and what you want.E.People-pleasing can have serious risks in fact.F.Ask yourself if youre responsible for the situation.G.This gives you the opportunity to think of you can help.六、 Do you like the idea of running your own business from home? Most of you do, and the first things you say yo

33、u like about it are being your own boss, having flexible hours and working in your pajamas.16Being your own boss is definitely one big advantage.17 You must commit to work on your business regularly to make profits. If not, you will find that your income becomes non-existent.So, have set office hour

34、s where you productively work on building your business.18Doctors appointments and family commitments can simply be worked into your schedule. Again, you need to arrange your appointments carefully and try to book them together. This way you can get all of your running around done in one day.Working

35、 in your pajamas may seem appealing initially. But it can also prevent you from actually getting your work done. 19 After that, just walk into your office and start your days work. Being too casual means getting less work done on a regular basis.In order to run a successful business from home you ne

36、ed to have a good mindset.20Taking off too many hours each week will damage your financial stability and long-term success. Set goals and limits on your time. Build your business first, before taking advantage of what working from home offers.ABut it can also become your downfall without care.BFlexi

37、ble hours are another huge plus of working from home.COnce its achieved, youll have more opportunities to develop business contacts.DYou may find it more efficient to get up, exercise, then shower and dress for work.E.This includes realizing that you and only you are responsible for your own income.

38、F.One of the biggest drawbacks is that it is so easy to allow yourself to have excuses.G.While these benefits sound great, the reality of working from home can be a little different.七、 16. And most of them were wrong. You know who have got them right? Check out the following books and movies.Hover b

39、oardIn the Back to the Future movies, Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox) hopped on a levitating skateboard to escape a bunch of bad guys. Three decades later, a 40-ycar-old French inventor proved the scriptwriters prescient by hovering across the English Channel. 17 And, unlike Marty. Zapata was smart eno

40、ugh to wear a helmet.BluetoothIn his futuristic 1953 novel Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury anticipated Bluetooth, describing wireless earphones that allowed for “an electronic ocean of sound, of music and talk” to be transmitted through the air. Imagine how thrilled he would have been with a Bluetooth

41、toaster! That was the idea behind Griffin Connected Toaster, which alerted you via smart phone when your bread was done. 18.Smart Witch The Apple Watch lets you chat, play games, and watch videos on a device strapped to your wrist Cool, huh? The Jetsons thought so in 1962when Steve Jobs was still in

42、 second grade!WIFINikola Tesla called it! In 1909. the famed electrical engineer told the New York Times that 19 No doubt he was thinking of the Kerastase Hair Coach brush, which measured brushing speed and employed a microphone to listen to your hair, all to compute an overall hair-quality score se

43、nt to your smart phone.GPSWriter Arthur CClarke (2001: A Space Odyssey) saw a world in which no one got lost In 1956, he wrote that satellites could make possible a position-finding grid whereby anyone could locate himself by means of a couple of dials on an instrument about the size of a watch.” 20

44、 Last year, the New York City police tubbed a burglar (盗版)who was wearing a GPS ankle monitor-because he was still on probation(缓刑)for a previous unlawful act.Ait will soon be possible to transmit wireless messages all over the world so simply that any individual can carry and operate his own appara

45、tus (仪器).BAt $100, this baby cost a lot of bread, which may be why it was discontinued just two yean after launch.CHe fixed his boots to a board connected to five small turbines engine and made the 22-mile trip from France in 22 minutes.DEve Elon Munks first automobile product was name after this ac

46、complished scientist.E.The coming new years always brings new visions and predictions about life in the future.F.And this watch can take you anywhere you want to travel with simple guidance.G.Clarke didnt mention that his system might also track another person, such as a criminal.八、 When I decided t

47、o leave my home country to pursue a degree in Canada, I hadnt expected that communication would be an issue.16I took English lessons in my teens and scored well on English tests.But soon after my arrival in Canada, I realized how wrong I was. In research discussions, surrounded by native English spe

48、akers, I had to be careful. I needed to consciously follow each conversation and translate it to my native language.17Finally, I tried to find the right English words to communicate that response. Constantly thinking about what I would say next, I had a hard time remaining focused in conversations.But when I again failed to say exactly what I meant in a meeting a few months later, a simple idea occurred to me. 18Communicating with my colleagues by e-mail, I had more time to think and comfortably express my thoughts. Over ti


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