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《2024届山东省泰安市高三下学期二模英语试题含答案.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2024届山东省泰安市高三下学期二模英语试题含答案.pdf(10页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、学科网(北京)股份有限公司1试卷类型试卷类型:A高三二轮检测高三二轮检测英语试题英语试题2024.04注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并收回。第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。ALive and learn like

2、 a college student this summer at Carleton Colleges Summer Liberal Arts Institute(SLAI).Beginning on March 15,SLAI is an immersive(沉浸式的)summer learning experience for current 10th and 11th graders to explore liberal arts through rigorous and experiential curriculum.If you are academically curious,ex

3、cited about learning,and thrive in cooperative work environments,SLAI is the program for you!At SLAI,you will connect with like-minded peers from all over the nation and world,all while earning college credit and learning from top-ranked Carleton faculty,who are experts in their field.Choose from 6

4、programs,with topics in:History&Literature,Storytelling,Sociology,STEM,Computer Science and Neuroscience.Students who attend SLAI come away from the program on April 6 with improved college-level reading,writing,and research skills,an increased knowledge of topics and majors they may want to study i

5、n the future,and a general sense of preparedness for college.During the program,students spend their mornings and afternoons in class,conducting research,and in hands-on labs.Specially,a variety of social activities are available after class every day,from frisbee to beading to making smores.Weekend

6、 field trips to attractions in surrounding cities are also included in the program.Past destinations have included amusement parks,museums,or even a day at the lake!Visit our website to apply today!We have two rounds of application review.The first deadline is on February 5,and the second and final

7、deadline is on March 11,Need-based scholarships are available.1.How long will SLAI last?A.About1 week.B.About 2 weeks.C.About 3 weeks.D.About 4 weeks.2.What sets SLAI apart from other learning experiences?A.Participants can have access to hands-on labs.B.Participants can apply for it online or in pe

8、rson.C.It enables participants to engage in social activities.D.It ensures participants to learn with college students.山东省泰安二模2024届高三二轮检测学科网(北京)股份有限公司23.How can SLAT benefit participants?A.It enhances awareness of preparedness for college.B.It can improve their college-level listening skills.C.It he

9、lps participants get college scholarships.D.It offers the topic they are fond of freely.BIts been nearly seven years since a group of volunteers broke ground at What Cheer Flower Farm in Providence,Rhode Island,with a simple goal:get flowers into the hands of anyone in need of a pick-me-up.Best of a

10、ll,each one of the tens of thousands of bouquets that What Cheer grows and delivers are completely free of charge.We want to blanket the state with flowers and create happiness and joy,says Erin Achenbach,What Cheers farmer and head florist.What Cheer regularly delivers joy to people at local hospit

11、als,food banks,senior centers,recovery centers and more-including AIDS Care Ocean State,which provides support to those affected by HIV.“Seeing the smiles on peoples faces who werent expecting it-who just came in to have a meeting with their case manager or take advantage of one of our programs-to j

12、ust see this glow come off their faces is great,”says Stephen Hogan Jr.from AIDS Care Ocean State.Located in Providences industrial Olneyville neighborhood,What Cheers flower beds lie on 2.7 acres that once housed a knife factory.And its safe to say that the What Cheer crew is deserving of some flow

13、ers of their own:In May,the nonprofit was awarded a record-high$500,000 grant from the Environmental Protection Agency for its continued revival of a land once abandoned because of industrial pollution.Not only do we give this space back to the neighborhood by bringing life to space that s quite lit

14、erally dead,says Achenbach,“but were an eco-landing spot with the ability to help local insect and bird populations,and thatll only make peoples lives better.”What cheer,indeed!“Whats good about a flower is that it doesnt need anything else,she adds.“Your only job when someone gives you flowers is t

15、o enjoy them.”4.What was the original purpose of What Cheer?A.To donate money to those in need.B.To present people with flowers for free.C.To protect the surrounding environment,D.To develop new flowers and distribute them.5.Why could What Cheer obtain a high grant?A.It ranked as the local largest f

16、lower bed.B.It helped patients recover from illnesses.C.It delivered remarkable joy to local people.D.It was transformed into an eco-friendly area.6.What can be inferred from Achenbach?A.The success of What Cheer cant be copied.B.What Cheer improves the well-being of locals,C.What Cheer attempts to

17、return the land to locals.D.Enjoying flowers should be advocated every day.7.Which of the following does the experience of What Cheer convey?学科网(北京)股份有限公司3A.Still water runs deep.B.Think twice before acting.C.God help those who help themselves.D.The roses in her hand;the flavor in mine.CA new form o

18、f real estate is popping up along the beaches of South Africa,which are just big enough to fit a family of African penguins.Their unique selling point:a safe and cool place for penguins to breed(繁殖).Historically,the penguins dug holes in layers of guano(鸟粪),but in the 19th century,traders started se

19、lling guano as fertilizer,leaving the penguins and their eggs increasingly exposed to predators(捕 食 者)and the burning sun.This has caused African penguin populations to decrease.Thats why conservationists have come to the rescue with the African Penguin Nest Project(APNP),which aims to employ artifi

20、cial nests to provide penguin parents a safe and shaded place to raise their chicks.While guano trade petered out by the late 1800s,recreating the layers that accumulated over thousands of years isnt an option,because seabird populations have declined so much over time and it would take around 600 y

21、ears to produce one usable guano layer.Hence,the project decided to build artificial nests.At first glance,they look fairly simple-a domed structure made from two molded shells of fabric coated in ceramic slurry(陶瓷浆料),with a small entrance measuring about 20 centimeters wide.Getting the right temper

22、ature and dampness inside the nest was the toughest and most crucial part.The two-layer design and ventilation holes(通风孔)create an air conditioning effect,while the white paint reflects the sun,helping to maintain an interior temperature of less than 35 degrees Celsius.The project started to use the

23、 nests in late 2018.“Within a matter of minutes,penguins were running into them,”says Graham,coordinator of APNP.“That tells you how desperate they are for any opportunity to find a safe place to nest.However,population recovery relies on more than merely giving African penguins a safe place to bree

24、d.Its not simply a case of we give them a nest,the species are saved.There has to be more.”8.What do we know about artificial nests?A.They function better than natural nests.B.They are designed and built scientifically.C.They are unique attractions of South Africa.D.They are equipped with mini air-c

25、onditioners.9.What is the goal of APNP?A.To raise money to preserve penguins.B.To promote the sale of artificial nests.C.To help penguins fight against diseases.D.To provide habitable shelters for penguins.10.What does the underlined phrase“petered out”in Paragraph 3 probably mean?A.turned upB.dried

26、 outC.faded away D.fell apart11.Which of the following statements might Graham agree with?A.Penguins breed more chicks in safer places.B.Various conservation efforts need be combined.学科网(北京)股份有限公司4C.Artificial nests have achieved the desired effect.D.Artificial nests should be applied to other speci

27、es.DWhen Spanish meets English,new dialects emerge,giving us real-time insight into language evolution,linguists say.For instance,“Vamos de punches punches punches,Yamilet Munoz texted her friends in Austin,Texas.It means“lets go and party,but its not a phrase youll find in any dictionary.Its a remi

28、x of Spanish and English words seasoned with an in-joke about punching the air as you dance.“Our language has always been a very big indicator of our cultural pride,says Munoz,whose parents migrated from Mexico to San Antonio,Texas,in the 1990s.Around 66%of the citys population identify as Hispanic

29、or Latino/Latina.For Munoz and her friends there is pride in speaking Spanish,but also in mixing the languages into the hybrid known as Spanglish.The evolution of Spanglish has been documented for decades,with each generation adding its unique twist.Now a growing body of research,as well as the expe

30、riences of bilingual(双语的)speakers like Munoz,shows just how deeply English and Spanish are influencing each other in the United States,resulting in hybrid dialects like Spanglish,but also,transforming the underlying languages,For the past decade,Carter and his colleagues have studied language change

31、 in Miami,a city where some 72%identify as Latino or Hispanic and which is strongly shaped by historical migration from Cuba.Their research documents the emergence of a distinct“Miami English”dialect as a result of that Spanish-language heritage.The Spanish influence has also shown up in ways people

32、 may not immediately notice,such as sounds like the“oo”in“boot”being pronounced in a more Spanish-style way in Miami,more like the Spanish“u”vowel,according to separate research by Carter,Lydda Lopez Valdez at the University of Miami and Nandi Sims at Ohio State University.“This is the work of langu

33、age change,this is the work of dialect formation,this is how it happens.It happens in things that are really noticeable,like the phrase get down from the car,but it also happens in really slight ways,he says.12.Why is an example introduced in Paragraph 2?A.To illustrate the language innovation.B.To

34、explain the advantage of Spanish.C.To highlight the mix of Spanish and English.D.To prove the enrichment of English vocabulary.13.What can be inferred from Munoz and her friends?A.Spanish and English are interrelating.B.Mixing two languages is complicated.C.Languages dominate cultural development.D.

35、Bilingualists tend to observe their own culture.14.What does Carter intend to convey?A.Dialects evolve flexibly and frequently.B.Spanish possesses more sounds than English.C.Phrases are changing more slowly than before.D.Language change is progressive and dynamic.学科网(北京)股份有限公司515.Which of the follow

36、ing is the best title for the text?A.How Researchers are Studying Languages.B.How Modem English is Changing Globally.C.How a Generation is Reinventing Spanglish.D.How Spanglish is Influencing American Culture第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Have you ever consi

37、dered what it would be like to be unable to smile?I hadnt,up until a few months ago,when I found that I actually couldnt.I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with Bells Palsy-A relatively unknown condition that paralyses one half of the face.This was quite a shock and depressed me enormously.16 ,t

38、he story is not about how tough life is,but how awesome it is when God challenges you in different ways.Anyway,smiling is a part of everyday life for me.It is my way of greeting people,of laughing,silent communication and consolidation.17 .Is it the lifting of the sides of a persons mouth,the twinkl

39、ing of the eye,or is it something beyond.or should I say behind the physical smile?18 ,I came up with the conclusion that a genuine smile is not merely characterized by the upturning of the corners of the mouth,but by the actions,words,and thoughts of the smiler.This equipped me with hope and confid

40、ence.The reason was that I was aware smiling is not just an outward expression,but an inward lifestyle.With this in mind,I set to learning how to smile through my actions.There are a few things I had to change,but it is thanks to this challenge God has given me that I have grown closer to him.19 .I

41、would really encourage you to smile more often and not just with your face!20 .For instance,Smile Cards with a chocolate bar/bookmark/bible verse/voucher!Slip it into someones hand/school bag and let them experience the true smile.A.After thinking about this for a whileB.Smiling contributes to a per

42、son s life quality C.If I had really grasped the meaning of a smile D.While this was a major bomb dropped on my lifeE.A smile can be anything making you or someone else joyful F.“Losing half my face motivated me to rethink what a smile isG.I have become more confident,defeating the depressed un-smil

43、ers第二部分语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。It was January 2016,when dark clouds hid the day.Jeremy and his girlfriend,Molei Wright,were 21 for a weekend of fun with friends on the slopes in Breckenridge,Colorado.They were two_22 Colorado natives:amb

44、itious and_23,both lovers of books,music,the outdoors.Theyd been together for less than a year,but it had taken only a few dates to realise that they could be well 24.As the car began the winding climb toward the destination,the snow came earlier than theyd_25_,but Jeremy wasnt worried.Hed driven th

45、is route a thousand times,and he knew exactly what to do.However,a truck 26 them.One minute,Jeremys car was _ 27 学科网(北京)股份有限公司6smoothly through the falling snow;the next,he found himself pinned to his seat by the wheel and he_28 with pain.To his right he saw Molei,who was injured seriously,without m

46、otion and reaction.Jeremy fell into_29.Henry,an officer on holiday trained in emergency medicine,was driving on the same road not far behind Jeremy and_30 instantly when he saw the wreck.While his wife calmed the trapped and 31 Jeremy,Henry worked_32.Protecting Moleis head and neck,he carefully pull

47、ed her out of the wreckage(残骸)and _33 her chest to bring her heart back to life.Meanwhile,Henrys wife called the emergency center,and soon an ambulance arrived and rushed Molei to a hospital,where she was treated 34.If it hadnt been Henrys professional first aid,Molie couldnt have made it to hospita

48、l alive.It was really a _35.21.A.hikingB.drivingC.flying D.camping22.A.like-minded B.absent-minded C.healthy-minded D.open-minded23.A.remarkable B.cautiousC.experiencedD.active24.A.organisedB.manneredC.trained D.matched25.A.acknowledgedB.investigatedC.expectedD.imagined26.A.hit B.passedC.blockedD.ap

49、proached27.A.controlledB.stoppedC.rolling D.accelerating28.A.jumped B.turned C.screamedD.whistled29.A.thought B.despairC.silenceD.sleep30.A.drove awayB.turned over C.hid awayD.pulled over31.A.determinedB.frightened C.gratefulD.peaceful32.A.impatientlyB.swiftlyC.joyfully D.effortlessly33.A.checked B.

50、clickedC.coveredD.pounded34.A.in timeB.in turnC.in vainD.in place35.A.taleB.record C.miracleD.comedy第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。TCM(Traditional Chinese Medicine)has gained attention worldwide in recent decades,and more than 13,000 foreign students come to China_ 3


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