专题19 阅读理解(一)【讲练】-2022年中考英语二轮复习讲练测.pptx

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1、eadingeadingR阅读理解(一)2022年中考英语第二轮复习2 2技 能1 细 节 理 解1 1总 体 考 查 目 标3 3技 能2 推 理 判 断目录总体考查目标阅读理解逻辑推理归纳概括材料的评估能力技能1细节理解细节理解阅读材料中某一特定细节或文章的主要事实的理解直接细节类答案几乎可以直接从原文中找出根据题干中的关键词与原文进行对照,根据题干中的原句隐含细节类可以根据文章的隐含意义,从原因、前提或结果等仔细推敲方法1关键词定位Paragraph 1Mike has started two technology companies.And he has a bigger dream

2、for the future.“I really want to make things easier for people,especially the old,Mike explained.The next,maybe a health care robot.1.What is Mikes bigger dream?A.To be a health care worker.B.To make things easier for people.C.To learn computer knowledge.D.To start two technology companies.首先通过题干信息确

3、定关键词;其次在原文中查寻关 键词原词或其派生词近义词或反义词,找相关句子;最后比对选项和原文细节,确定答案。如:第1题:根据题干中的bigger dream定位至该段第三句“I really want to make things easier for people,可知Mike更大的梦想是为人们把事情变得更容易。故选B。方法1关键词定位Paragraph 261%of the food waste is from home cooking.Food services,such as restaurants,produce 26%and groceries(食品杂货店)and other s

4、tores 13%,2.Where is most food waste from?A.Home cooking.B.Restaurants.C.Food stores.D.Groceries.根据题干中的“most food waste定位至该段第一/1 旬,可知大多数食物浪费来自家庭烹饪。故选A。方法2相关信息转换Paragraph 3必须是由文中事实推断出的另一个正确的事实Mike showed great learning ability and interest in the“how and“why behind things at a very young age.He began

5、 to study computer programming atage 5.3.When did Mike start to learn computer programming?A.At age 5.B.At age 7.C.At age 10.D.At age 12.首先阅读题干,确定关键词,寻读原文相关信息;其次利用同义/近义/反义词复现、同源词复现、词性或语态变化、简化/转换原文复杂表达来确定答案。如:第3题:根据题干中的关键词“computer programming定位至最后一句,对比题干可知start to learn”与原文began to study之间为同义转换。故选A。

6、技能2推理判断基础:理解原文字面意思分析:隐含的信息和语篇逻辑关系判断和推理.:理解作者所要传达的信息得出:文章的深层意义及隐含意义1.常见设问方式(1)针对文章中细节的推断What can we learn/know/infer from the passage/.paragraph/sbs word?Which of the following is TRUE(about.)according to the passage?We can infer learn from the passage/Paragraph X that.Which of the following best des

7、cribes.?From the passage/paragraph./the text we can learn that_.(2)根据文章体裁和内容推断文章出处In which part of a magazine can we read the text?Where is(does)the passage probably(come)from?Which part of a newspaper can this passage be taken from?These texts are probably from(3)推断文章续写内容和作者写作意图What is the purpose

8、of the text?What is the ending of the story?What will the writer talk about in the last paragraph?2.解题技巧judge不能根据表面文字信息进行多余推理 判断有据,推论有理conclusion必须是由文中事实推断出的另一个正确的事实JRCreason方法3针对细节推断Paragraph 4“Mike does well in all subjects,his mother said.“When he has difficulties,he will try to find a way out.”H

9、is father was satisfied with Mikes non-academic(非学业的)achievements.“They mean much more,his father said.5.What can we learn about Mikes parents?A.They are proud of their son Mike.B.They help Mike with all subjects.C.They care more about Mikes grades.D.They work in the same company.确定题干关键词,对照关键词在文中定位相

10、关线索,然后进行推断,排除错误选项(无中生有、以偏概全原文信息)。如:第4题:根据Mike父母话语中的关键词“does well in all subjects 及“mean much more可推知,Mike的父母为Mike感到自豪。故选A。方法 4根据文章体裁和内容推断文章出处Paragraph5If you have problems describing people,dont worry!Well use popular film characters(角色)to help you learn some useful words.6.In which part of a magazi

11、ne can we read the text?A.Sport.B.Travel.C.Environment.D.Language.此类题目可以根据文章的用词和格式推断文章的出处。如:网页的格式、网址;报纸前会出现日期、地点;广告的用词和格式,也可以根据文章主题意义来确定文章是否属于文化健康、科技等版块。如:第5题:由最后句中的“help you learn some useful words可推断出,本文应是出自杂志的语言版块。故选D。方法 4根据文章体裁和内容推断文章出处Paragraph 6If you have problems describing people,dont worry

12、!Well use popular film characters(角色)to help you learn some useful words.6.In which part of a magazine can we read the text?A.Sport.B.Travel.C.Environment.D.Language.此类题目可以根据文章的用词和格式推断文章的出处。如:网页的格式、网址;报纸前会出现日期、地点;广告的用词和格式,也可以根据文章主题意义来确定文章是否属于文化健康、科技等版块。如:第6题:由最后句中的“help you learn some useful words可推

13、断出,本文应是出自杂志的语言版块。故选D。方法5推断作者写作意图Paragraph 7 According to the finding of a new UN report,the wold wastes about one-sixth of the food each year.Thats about 1,030,00000 tons,or 121 kilograms for each person on the Earth.Then what can we do to stop food waste?Small actions make a difference.Each of us c

14、an play a part.Next time,before you throw,think twice!8.What is the purpose of the text?A.To collect money.B.To call for action.C.To get some advice.D.To express thanks.作者写文章时的态度和观点往往并不直接写出来,但是在文章的首段或者尾段一般表现得非常明显,考生要重点理解首尾段,提炼作者的观点。如:第7题:根据最后一段首句提出“然后我们应该做什么来阻止食物浪费?”可知,文章的目的是号召人们行动起来阻止食物的浪费。故选B。方法6

15、巧用数字推断Paragraph 8 To protect finless porpoises(江豚)and the Yangtze River,the government has stopped people from fishing on the river.In 2019,Xiao Liuying formed the voluntary team with 12 other fishermen.Today the team has more than 50 members.All of them are over 60 years old.“We want to protect the

16、 river while wecan,said Xiao.9.How many members were there in the team when it was formed?A.12.B.13.C.50.D.62.解答此类试题的方法是先理解文章的大意,然后经 过对比、分析、计算等得出正确的答案。如:第8题:由题干中的中心词“formed可对应到本段第二/2句,从而得出队伍由Xiao Liuying 和其他12名渔民组成,1+12=13。故选B。方法7推断文章结尾Paragraph 9The next minute I heard the singing of the wagtail ag

17、ain.He was flying back and two large magpies followed.They landed on either side of the young magpie,and then put their heads in the air and sang excitedly.10.What is the ending of the story?A.The magpie broke both his wings again.B.The magpie flew away with the wagtail.C.The magpie got together wit

18、h his parents.D.The magpie returned to the writers home.题目需要抓住最后一段中的细节性描述,从而推断 出文章结尾。如:第9题:根据该段第二、三/2、3句可知小喜鹊被父母包围着,它们头仰天兴奋地唱歌,由此可以推断出,喜鹊和它的父母团聚了。故选C。方法8推断文章续写内容Paragraph 10 The local people of La Gomera can carry on conversations by whistling(吹口哨)from far away.For face-to-face conversations,they sp

19、eak Spanish.But when they need to speak over a distance(距离),they whistle.Whistling is popular at Ia Gomera,and many methods of whistling are used.11.What will the writer talk about in the last paragraph?A.Disadvantages of whistling.B.Stories of a top whistler.C.Different methods of whistling.D.Examp

20、les of good whistlers.梳理文章结构,根据文章中的提示性语句,可以推断 出作者的思路和续写内容。如:第11 题:根据最后一段中 的“many methods of whistling are used可推知,后文应是接着介绍吹口哨的不同方式。故选C。方法9推断代词指代内容Paragraph 11Keeping a diary helps a lot.Studies have shown that people who keep a diary sleep and feel better.It helps people remember what once happened

21、such as dreams,friendships and happiness.Writing about bad feelings can also help brains get over them and move on.12.What does the underlined word“them refer to(指的是)?A.Studies.B.Bad feelings.C.Friendships.D.Brains.解答此类试题的关键是找到代词所在句,先去除句子的“枝叶”_修饰成分,只留代词所在句子的主干部分,用所找的指代内容替换画线代词,核实句意是否合理,前后内容是否一致。如:第11题:本题画线单词“them所在句为最后一句,再结合句中“Writing about bad feelings 可知“them应指代前文的“bad feelings。故选B。eadingeadingR感恩学习,成就明天!2022年中考英语第二轮复习


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