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《2024届江西省上饶市高三下学期第二次高考模拟考试英语试卷含答案.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2024届江西省上饶市高三下学期第二次高考模拟考试英语试卷含答案.pdf(14页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2023-2024 学年高三第二次高考模拟英语科试题学年高三第二次高考模拟英语科试题参考参考答案及解析答案及解析听力:1-5 CBBAC6-10 CAABC11-15 ABACB16-20 BBCAC阅读理解:21-23 ADB24-27 CBBD28-31ACDB32-35 ABDA36-40 BDEFG完形填空:41-45 BACCD46-50 DCBCB51-55 ADADB语法填空:bination58.that/which/不填59.picking60.currently61.aims62.or63.be batted64.the65.To win【书面表达】在促进学生德智体美劳全面

2、发展的情况下,我们也很需要关注学生的体育教育。本篇书面表达是关于李华要邀请国际班好友 Tom 一起参加学校开展主题为“快乐远足”活动。Possible VersionDear Tom,Hope my email finds you well.An upcoming event called“Happy Hiking”is scheduled to be held bythe Sunshine Club of our school,and I think you may be willing to join us.The event will be held on April 24thand s

3、tudents attached to hiking are welcome to participate.Wellgather at the school gate at 9 a.m.,with the activity starting at 9:10 a.m.The route will finish at Green Farm,covering a total distance of approximately 10 kilometers.If it appeals to you,please remember to dressappropriately and wear your s

4、uitable shoes.It will be good to bring some necessary snacks in case youbecome hungry during the hike.Let me know if you can make it and it would be great to have you with us.Looking forward to yourearly reply.【读后续写】读后续写讲述的是四个人在海上的漂流和奋力求生。续写第一段主要让学生发挥想象:漆黑的夜晚在大海上的孤舟可能会碰到的事情,内容要和第二段首句衔接。第二段是四人最终获救,皆大

5、欢喜的结局。主要表达的是在逆境中永不放弃的执着精神。Suddenly,there was a long,loud swishing sound behind the boat and a shining trail of silvery blue.Itmight have been made by a huge knife.Then there was another swish and another long flash of bluish light,this time alongside the boat.Crane saw a huge fin speed like a shadow

6、 through the water,leaving a longglowing trail.The thing kept swimming near the boat.He noted its speed and power.Crane woke up themen.They knew that only they could keep the boat from sinking.And so they rowed,hour after hour,tirelessly,through the night.When day came,the four men saw land again.Th

7、ey began to turn the boat toward the beach.As theboat came closer to land,the waves got bigger and more violent.At last,a large wave climbed into the airand fell on the small boat with great force.The boat turned over as the men jumped into the sea.The waterwas like ice.Fortunately,the life-saving p

8、eople rescued them in time.People welcomed the men from thesea to the land.【阅读理解 A 篇】21.A【命题意图】考查细节理解。【解题思路】根据题目中的关键信息 a street carnival 可查找到“St Patricks Day,Ireland”部分的“Wrapup the party on St Patricks Day with a massive street carnival on 17th March.”。由此可知,人们在爱尔兰可以参加街头狂欢节。故选 A.22.D【命题意图】考查推理判断。【解题思

9、路】根据文中每个节日的时间可以看出,Cape Town Jazz Festival 是这四个节日中持续时间最长的(10 天),其余的分别是:Pasifika Festival(2 天),SXSW Festival(9 天),St Patricks Day(4 天)。故选 D.23.B【命题意图】考查推理判断。【解题思路】根据文中每个节日的活动内容可以看出,这四个节日都提到了 music,也就是说在每个节日期间,人们都可以欣赏到美妙的音乐。故选 B.【阅读理解 B 篇】24.C【命题意图】考查细节理解。【解题思路】根据文章第一段中的“But five years ago,once he pick

10、ed up running by accident,heimmediately developed a thirst for taking on greater challenges.”可知,Gandhi 在五年前偶然开始跑步时就立即渴望接受更大的挑战。随后又从 5 公里跑到半程马拉松,再到全程马拉松和 100 英里比赛。这些表明了他对跑步充满激情。25.B【命题意图】考查细节理解。【解题思路】根据文章第四段中的“The athlete uses his social media platform to ask for donations,and ateach race,he attaches

11、 the Richstone logo to the back of his shirt to spread peoples awareness on thetrails.”以及 that money and that awareness is going toward goodwill 可知,Gandhi 在社交媒体上筹款,并且在每场比赛中都把 Richstone 的标志贴在衣服后面以在赛道上宣传。这些行为都是 Gandhi 传播善意并筹款以支持慈善事业的方式。故 Gandhi 通过传播善意来帮助筹款。26.B【命题意图】考查推理判断。【解题思路】根据文章第二段中的“Gandhi soon

12、grew passionate about the cause and began fundraisingfor the organization in combination with his races.”以及第四段的内容可知,Gandhi 是一名有奉献精神的志愿者,他对慈善事业充满热情,并通过参加比赛的方式为慈善组织筹款;根据文章最后一段中的“he plans to continue upping his fundraising goalseven if that means being overly ambitious.”可知,Gandhi 对下一步的筹款目标雄心勃勃。综上可知,Gan

13、dhi 对自己的志愿者工作尽心尽力,十分投入。故 committed(投入的)这个词可以最好地描述作为志愿者的 Gandhi.27.D【命题意图】考查主旨大意。Aum Gandhi 在开始跑步后,他的生活发生了显著的转变。文章按照“开始跑步热爱跑步意识提升”来刻画他通过跑步完成目标转变的历程通过跑步实现个人成长。D 项“山径越野跑:通往转变之路”最能恰当地概括本文,适合作为本文标题。它突出了跑步(特别是山径越野跑)作为一种转变手段(指超越“身体健康”这个范畴)的作用,涵盖了个人发展、有目的的行动和积极的社会影响。【阅读理解 C 篇】28.A细节理解题。第二段第一句提到,很长一段时间里,科学家们

14、并未对睡眠这个课题产生兴趣,部分原因在于睡眠是司空见惯的事。“commonplace”是“the order of the day”的同义表达,故答案为 A。受最后一段倒数第二句影响,本题易误选 D 项,该项符合原文,但并未作为科学家没有研究睡眠的原因被提及。29.C细节理解题。第四段第一句提到,睡眠是一种意识低下和新陈代谢减慢的状态,它大约占据人一生的三分之一。换句话说,本文表明,人每天的睡眠时间应在八小时左右,故答案为 C.30.D推理判断题。第五段第二句提到,大多数科普书籍很难有简便易行、有条理的结尾,这本书也不例外,由此可知,米勒的书在结尾方面同样存在这个局限;最后一段最后一句提到,对

15、于任何想提出正确问题的人来说,米勒的书是个很好的起点,由此可知,该书是富有教益的,故答案为 D.本题易误选 A 项,该书的好评来自本文作者,然而,作者是无法代表评论家们这个群体的。31.B推理判断题。本文对米勒的新书作了介绍,该书记录了睡眠领域短暂但迷人的历史。既然是新书介绍,那就应该与“文化”相关,故答案为 B.【阅读理解 D 篇】32.A 细节理解题。根据文章第一段第四句可知,数字领域可能会带来比历史上任何时候都多的阅读,即数字阅读让人们开始广泛阅读,选项 C 意为“数字化阅读帮助年轻人利用了网络”,属于无中生有应排除,故答案为 A。33.B 情感态度题。根据文章第二段第、三句可知,加州大

16、学洛杉矶分校的玛丽安沃尔夫说,在网上,我们“略读浏览、滚动(屏幕)”,媒介就是信息:在手机上进行深度阅读就像用手机打网球一样困难,即她对于数字化阅读持反对态度,她并不看好数字化阅读。C 选项表示“客观的”,通常会出现在呈现正反两方面内容的文章中,应排除故答案为 B。34.D 推理判断题。根据文章第三段最后一句可知,在 2021 年国际学生评估项目的调查中,只有 49%的学生表示“只会在必要时才进行阅读”,比 2000 年高了 13 个百分点,即学生们阅读纸质书籍的趋势逐年下滑,而选项 A 提到学生们应该改变他们的批判性和有意识阅读,改变的方向可以是向好的方向发展,也可以是向坏的方向发展,该选项

17、扩大了范围,应排除,故答案为 D。35.A 词义猜测题。根据第四段最后一句可知,越来越多的人在教育上花费的时间更长,图书销售也保持强劲,即图书的销售呈现上升的趋势,与人们在教育上的花费时长形成并列关系,而 C 选项只是说越来越多的人喜欢去书店,但去书店不一定是购买书籍,该选项为断章取义,应排除,故答案为 A。【七选五】该语篇围绕孤雌生殖展开,是一篇人与自然为主题的文章。常见的繁殖是要由卵细胞和精细胞的结合,文章让我们了解了孤雌生殖的相关知识。目前,这种方式还不适应于哺乳动物。36.B 根据文章开头说,通常繁殖需要雄性和雌性的结合,however 后面的句子表示转折的含义,文中提到的一只雌性鲨鱼

18、生出了一只鲨鱼宝宝,可见,36 空需要包含没有雄性的参与的信息,故 B符合。37.D 第二段的开头就说明了孤雌生殖需要精细胞和卵细胞,接下来的空就可以介绍精细胞和卵细胞的作用。故选 D。38.E 该段介绍了孤雌繁殖的过程。在这个过程中,母体的基因会被稍稍打乱吮吸,所以会出现 similarto the mother but not a cloned version of the mother 的现象。故 E 符合。39.F 该空为段首句,后面的内容主要围绕两个孤雌生殖的例子,说明它并不是那么稀少罕见的。故选 F。40.G 空白处的前面提到了 lower animals 中可能会出现孤雌生殖,但

19、后面提到目前对于哺乳动物来说还是不可能的。因此空白处需要提到但哺乳动物中不能进行的相关内容。故选 G。完形填空:本文从完形填空:本文从 24 节气引出了中国南方一气候现象节气引出了中国南方一气候现象回南天。回南天。48.题选 approach(movement nearer to sb/sth in distance or time:the approach of spring),春天的到来52.题选 cycle(the fact of a series of events being repeated many times,always in the same order:thecycle

20、of the seasons),考查名词辨析,尊重自然循环两题均考查熟词生义。【语法填空】解析:本文介绍了一项新兴运动:匹克球,讲述了它的比赛形式、受欢迎度及它未来可能的趋势。56.with 本题考察句型“Its got nothing to do with sth.”表示“这与.无关。”bination本题考察词性转化,根据“as a.of”结构应填名词,即动词转化为名词。58.that/which/不填本题考察定语从句,先行词为 a small plastic ball,指物,在从句中作 bat 的宾语,即填 that/which。59.picking本题考察并列谓语,此句中由 and 连

21、接 are listening 和 picking 两谓语。60.currently 本题考察词性转化,用副词修饰整个句子。61.aims 本题考察长难句分析,aim 作谓语,根据句意用一般现在时表将来。62.or 本题考察选择连词,根据后文 singles or doubles 的提示可知。63.be batted 本题考察情态动词的被动语态。64.the 本题考察固定搭配“on the first.”意为“在最开始的.”65.To win 本题考察不定式作目的状语。听力原文Text 1M:Honey,are you going on a picnic with the kids this

22、weekend?W:Id intended to,(1)but one of my former classmates invited me to attend her wedding ceremony.M:Well,I will go with the kids.I dont want to let them down.Text 2M:Mary,Im busy preparing meeting materials.(2)I was wondering if you could help me translate thisfile.W:Is that urgent?I need to sub

23、mit my paper later.M:Yes.In that case,Ill ask someone else for help.Text 3W:(3)My meeting starts at 10:00 a.m.It will last one hour and a half,so I can meet you after thatoutside the meeting room.M:OK,but hurry,because I have a lunch appointment with Bob at half past twelve.I cant be late.Text 4W:Mr

24、.Smith,Im sorry to say that(4)I cant continue with this job.M:Whats wrong?I can give you five more days of annual leave.W:Its not that.I am in bad shape,and the doctor suggested that I rest for a period of time.Text 5W:(5)My dream is to go to the University of Oxford for postgraduate study.M:My sist

25、er who is my idol is a teacher in that university.I went there on my trip to England last year.Ireally want to be what she is now.W:Really?Thats so cool.Lets take action now.Text 6M:Hello Camille,whats that you are reading?W:It is called The Woman in White written by Wilkie Collins.M:Oh,(6)is it ins

26、pired by an actual criminal case like his The Moonstone?W:Well,(6)sort of,but in this novel,the person who investigates is not a policeman like SergeantCuff.It is an old teacher.M:Sounds exciting.Can I borrow it after you finish it?W:Sure,it may take me a while though,(7)because it is in a French ve

27、rsion,and I have to read slowly.Text 7W:Dear,have you bought the drinks for the children?M:(8)Im going to the post office later.Ill go to the supermarket on the way home and get some.I dontthink we need anything else,do we?W:Well,Im not sure whether we have enough food.You know,my cousins always eat

28、 everything whenthey come round.M:Thats OK.I think weve got everything we need.W:Good!(9)If you could get started with the housework now,Ill get started with the cooking.I dontwant to leave everything until the last minute.M:Well,there isnt much to do,actually.I cleaned and tidied the living room th

29、is morning,oh,and(10)remember youll have to collect my mom from the train station tomorrow.My cars in thegarage.W:Dont worry.I havent forgotten.Text 8M:I cant believe we spent so much last month,Rita!W:Did we?How much more did we spend than the month before last?M:It was about$1,100.W:Thats a lot!Wh

30、at did we pay for?M:(11)The largest amount went to the repair of the heating system of the house.It was$895.W:What about the other$200?M:Heres the bank statement.Just look at it yourself.W:(12)I wrote a check for$149 for two pairs of shoes on the 8th of the month and$49 for my new dresson the 19th.T

31、hats right.M:(13)Rita,my dear,we have to tighten our budget for things we dont need immediately.W:You mean I shouldnt have bought the shoes and the dress?(13)Oh,honey,Id been window shoppingfor them for quite a while.They were real good bargains,you know.Text 9M:Were talking to businesswoman Carla S

32、mith,whos made some changes to the way she lives her life.Carla,the first thing you did was to change the way you worked.Why?W:My job was interesting,so I never got stressed or needed time off like some of my colleagues,whobecame ill.I travelled all over the world.(14)Then,suddenly I realized I was

33、living in hotels and Ithought“You know what?Id like to spend more time in my own house!”M:Do you do more exercise now?W:I spend about the same amount of time exercising as I did before.(15)However,instead of doing itbetween work and dinner,I get up at 5 am and exercise then.M:Do you spend more time

34、with family now?W:Yes,particularly my sisters.We used to go to the cinema every week.That isnt always possible now,sowe have film nights at my house instead.Theres an outdoor pool in town and you can swim and watchfilms there were going to try that soon.M:Do you have any time-saving advice?W:There a

35、re things people do like checking emails or messages on the bus to work or school and making alist of things to do the next day.(16)But the thing that works well for me is having lots of clotheswhich are the same,so you dont have to think about what to put on in the morning!Text 10W:(20)Now Id like

36、to introduce the leading members in the soccer club for this season.First,let mewelcome(17)Robert,the new president.He will hold all the meetings for the next two years.Robertsson has been playing football with the club for over five years now.Next,we have Gina,shes theaccountant,and she will collec

37、t the fees from you for the season.Please try to give Gina your fees as earlyas possible in the season,(18)as the club needs the money to buy some new equipment.Also Id like tointroduce Jason,who is the head coach.For all the new members here tonight,(19)this is the third yearthat Jason has been with us as the head coach,and we are very lucky to have such an experienced coachat our club.He will continue to lead the teams for training terms and match days.If you want to know thedetails about your training,you can ask him after the meeting.


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