专题21 读后续写语料积累之如何表达悲伤背诵与测试(词-句-文)讲义-2024年高考英语读后续写高分宝典 原卷版.docx

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专题21 读后续写语料积累之如何表达悲伤背诵与测试(词-句-文)讲义-2024年高考英语读后续写高分宝典 原卷版.docx_第1页
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《专题21 读后续写语料积累之如何表达悲伤背诵与测试(词-句-文)讲义-2024年高考英语读后续写高分宝典 原卷版.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《专题21 读后续写语料积累之如何表达悲伤背诵与测试(词-句-文)讲义-2024年高考英语读后续写高分宝典 原卷版.docx(7页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、优点英语2024年高考英语读后续写高分宝典专题21 读后续写语料积累之如何表达悲伤背诵与测试(词-句-文)讲义原卷版背诵积累区:背诵迁移 举一反三一、必背单词1.悲伤类形容词:优点英语sad adj. 难过的;悲哀的heart-broken adj. 极其伤心的,令人心碎的brokenhearted adj. 心碎的;伤心的sorrowful adj. 悲伤的,伤心的heart-struck adj. 心痛的;伤心的distressing adj. 使痛苦的;悲伤的blue adj.忧郁的,悲观的miserable adj. 悲惨的;痛苦的downcast adj.垂头丧气的,萎靡不振的glo

2、omy adj.阴郁的;忧郁的 painful adj 痛苦的 优点英语2.悲伤类名词:sadness n. 悲哀sorrow n.悲伤;伤心事gloom n.忧郁pain n. 痛苦grief n. 悲伤,悲痛3.悲伤类动词:sadden v.悲哀;悲痛grieve v 悲伤,悲痛4.悲伤类副词:sadly adv. 悲哀地;悲痛地painfully adv 痛苦地二、高频语块1.feel sad 很难过2.feel blue 情绪低落3.in pain 处于痛苦之中4.be reduced to tears 流泪5.be in tears含泪,泪流满面6.break ones heart

3、伤心绝望7.fight back tears抑制住泪水8.ones heart sinks 心沉下去 9.with a sinking heart 心情沉重 10.be down /low in spirits 情绪低落11.in a sorrowful tone/voice伤心地说12.be overcome with sorrow悲伤不已13.a gloomy feeling 一种悲伤的情绪14.an ocean of sadness 悲伤的海洋15.sadness comes in waves 悲伤如潮涌 16.have tears in ones eyes眼里含着泪水17.burst

4、into tears 放声大哭,突然哭起来18.be numb with sorrow/sadness 难过得麻木19.break down(因情绪失去控制而)痛哭,大哭20.be close to tears/be on the verge of tears快要哭了21.a wave of loneliness/sadness 一阵孤独/悲伤 22.weep with one s face hidden in one s hands掩面啜泣23.tears roll/run down ones cheeks泪水顺着脸颊淌下来24.have a lump in ones throat(因感动、

5、悲伤而)哽咽,喉咙哽住25.with a heavy/ sinking/ sorrowful/ broken heart怀着沉重/沮丧/难过的心三、佳句赏析1.I was seized with sadness.我伤心欲绝。2.A flash of grief swept upon me.一阵悲伤袭身而来。3.Tears rolled down her cheeks.泪水从他的脸颊滑落。4.Charles was overcome with grief.查理悲痛欲绝。5.He felt as if a knife were cutting his heart.他觉得心如刀割。6.Tears w

6、ere beginning to gather in her eyes.她眼里涌上泪水。7.A wave of sadness welled up inside her. 一阵悲伤涌上她的心头。8.He looked mournful, even near to tears.他看起来很悲伤,几乎要流泪了。9.He sank onto the chair ,crying his eyes out.他倒在椅子上,悲痛欲绝。10.His last word went like a bullet to her heart. 他最后一句话太扎心了。11.She burst into tears and

7、ran out of the room.她突然哭了起来,跑出了房间。12.He shook his head sadly, tears rolling down his cheeks. 他难过地摇摇头,潸然泪下。13.As he looked at Katherine, great sorrow/ sadness clouded his eyes.他看着凯瑟琳,满眼忧伤。14.She was seized by a burst of sadness and couldnt help sobbing bitterly.她悲伤得忍不住哭泣。15.She was seized by a burst

8、of sadness and sank onto the chair.她悲恸欲绝,倒在椅上,哭得死去活来。16.His face was cast a cloud of gloom after he heard this news.听到这个消息后,他脸上蒙上了一层阴云。17.Jane turned to me with tears in her eyes, and begged me to help her.珍妮眼里含着泪水,恳求我帮他。18.I felt like I were floating in an ocean of sadness, and words could not expr

9、ess my sorrow.我感觉正漂浮在悲伤的海洋里。言语无法表达我的哀伤。测试巩固区:分级测试 步步为赢一、高频语块汉译英1.很难过2.处于痛苦之中3.流泪4.伤心绝望5.抑制住泪水6.心沉下去 7.心情沉重 8.情绪低落9.悲伤不已10.悲伤的海洋11.放声大哭,突然哭起来12. (因情绪失去控制而)痛哭,大哭13.快要哭了14.一阵孤独/悲伤 15.泪水顺着脸颊淌下来二、佳句赏析汉译英1.我伤心欲绝。_2.一阵悲伤袭身而来。_3.泪水从他的脸颊滑落。_4.查理悲痛欲绝。_5.他觉得心如刀割。_6.她眼里涌上泪水。_7.一阵悲伤涌上她的心头。_8.他看起来很悲伤,几乎要流泪了。_9.他倒

10、在椅子上,悲痛欲绝。_10.他最后一句话太扎心了。_11.她突然哭了起来,跑出了房间。_12.他难过地摇摇头,潸然泪下。_13.他看着凯瑟琳,满眼忧伤。_14.她悲伤得忍不住哭泣。_15.她悲恸欲绝,倒在椅上,哭得死去活来。_16.听到这个消息后,他脸上蒙上了一层阴云。_17.珍妮眼里含着泪水,恳求我帮他。_18.我感觉正漂浮在悲伤的海洋里。言语无法表达我的哀伤。_三、情感表达片段运用请运用以上必备单词或高频语块,把下面的语篇补充完整。I was selected to represent my school in the approaching contest this year. But

11、I was so proud that I neglected the importance of practicing for the contest. On the day of the contest, I began to lose confidence in myself and suffered from stage fright. In the end I walked off the stage, 1 _ (眼里饱含泪水). Finally, results were announced after the contest. I did not win any prizes.

12、I bit my bottom lip 2 (心里充满悲伤). I dragged my heavy legs 3 _ (心情沉重) and moved out of the lecture hall. 4 _(我伤心地垂着头,巨大的悲伤笼罩着我的双眼). On entering the classroom, 5 _ (悲伤如潮涌,泪水从脸颊滑落). The next following days, I felt like she was 6 . (我感觉正漂浮在悲伤的海洋里), not wanting to do anything.四、情感表达语篇运用1.(2023上贵州高三校联考阶段练习)

13、阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。I had a younger sister, Michelle. But as a big brother, I rarely cared for her.On a Sunday in March when I was 8, Easter (复活节) came. As usual, my sister and I would search for the hidden baskets full of candy and other things prepared for us. On that Easter morni

14、ng, I got up early.“Michelle!” I whispered to my sister, who was still sleeping in her bedroom. “Wake up. Its Easter. We have to go and find our baskets.” She rolled over in bed and finally got up. “Mom and Dad are still sleeping,” I warned her as we walked out into the kitchen. “If were quiet, we c

15、an find our baskets without waking them up.”It didnt take long for me to find my basket, which had candy, toys, etc. This basket was obviously mine because it contained the latest issue of my favorite magazine. My sister continued searching in every room while I dropped my basket off at the kitchen

16、table and started separating candy into different categories. 20 minutes later, my sister told me, “I cant find it. I looked all over. Can you help me?” I decided to help her not because I felt sorry for her, but because I thought it was fun to find the missing basket.We started searching through th

17、e cabinets (贮藏柜). Later, our parents were awake. Dad headed straight for the bathroom, while Mom walked out to make coffee. “Mom, Ive found my basket,” I told her. She smiled and asked, “Wheres yours, Michelle?”Thats when my six-year-old sister started to cry. “Lets keep looking,” Mom said, taking h

18、old of my sisters hand. After searching the living room they went to the closet (贮藏室). There Michelle finally found her basket. But when she picked up her basket, we found everything in it had all been bitten and damaged by mice.注意:1续写词数应为150左右;2请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Michelle dropped her basket on the f

19、loor, looking upset._Then I walked slowly into my sisters room with my basket._【导语】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了作者虽然是哥哥,但是很少关心自己的妹妹Michelle。在作者八岁那年的复活节,作者早早地起床,叫醒妹妹,两人一同寻找为他们准备的隐藏的礼物。作者很快找到了属于自己的礼物,开心地整理里面的糖果,但是妹妹一直没有找到,在妹妹的请求下,作者开始帮助妹妹找她的礼物。后来,妈妈也来帮妹妹找礼物,最终找到的时候,大家却发现礼物篮子空了,里面的东西都被老鼠破坏了。【详解】1. 段落续写:由第一段首句内容“Miche

20、lle把篮子扔在地上,看上去很沮丧”可知,第一段可描写作者作为哥哥内心挣扎是否用自己的礼物篮子来安慰沮丧的妹妹,以及作者最终做出决定。由第二段首句内容“然后我提着我的篮子慢慢地走进妹妹的房间”可知,第二段可描写作者作为哥哥安慰妹妹,分享自己的礼物篮子,以及看到妹妹开心起来后作者的感悟。2. 续写线索:Michelle很沮丧作者内心挣扎作者做出决定作者进入妹妹的房间作者分享礼物作者的感悟3. 词汇激活行为类奔:rush/run/dash感觉到:feel/perceive/sense决定:decide/make a decision/make a choice认识到:learn/understan

21、d/realize/be aware of情绪类难过:sorrow/sadness/unhappiness高兴的:cheerful/joyous/happy/joyful【点睛】高分句型1 On the other hand, I could feel my sisters sorrow when I put myself in her shoes. (when引导时间状语从句)高分句型2 Having struggled for a while, I decided to cheer her up by sharing what I had with her. (现在分词短语Having s

22、truggled作状语、what引导宾语从句)2.(2023上山东高三山东省实验中学校考阶段练习)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。When I was in college, I experienced a very challenging time. Not only was I dealing with the difficulties of academic life, but I was also struggling with financial hardship. I was so poor that I often found mysel

23、f without food. There were days when I would wake up with just a few coins in my pocket, and those coins were usually just enough to buy four loaves of bread. After that, I would have no idea where my next meal would come from.I was desperate to find a way to make money and decided to try my luck ap

24、plying for a part-time job. I spent hours reading the newspaper, searching for job advertisements, but in vain.Despite all these difficulties, I didnt want to give up hope. I knew that if I kept pushing and refused to quit, I would eventually find a solution to my problems. So I stuck to looking for

25、 more opportunities to earn a living. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldnt land a single interview. The more I tried to get a job, the more depressed and hopeless I felt.One day, while making phone calls to apply for yet another job, I noticed someone else waiting behind me for the pay phone. H

26、e seemed kind of impatient, pacing back and forth with his hands behind his back. Ignoring him, I continued to try calling several times but I couldnt get through somehow.After a while, he cleared his throat and said coldly, “Other people have to use the phone, too, you know.” It was a simple statem

27、ent, but it was enough to push me over the edge. I turned to this stranger and shouted, “See this bag on the floor? That has all my food in it! I dont have a phone at home to call from! Im sorry if your cell phone is broken, but whatever call you have to make is less important than my trying to come

28、 up with tomorrows meal!”注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。I turned back and tried to hold back my tears._Putting a five-dollar bill in my hand, he left._【导语】本文以人物为线索。作者在上大学的时候,经历了一段非常具有挑战性的时期。作者没钱买饭,所以想要找一份兼职。但无论作者如何努力,他仍然找不到工作。一天在电话亭打电话的时候,作者尝试了好几次都打不通电话,电话亭外的一个男人非常不耐烦地催促作者。作者情绪失控了,而那位男子看到这一幕

29、,为自己的话感到抱歉,于是他安慰了作者,并给了作者5美元。作者看到还有人会关心自己,于是对未来又重新充满信心。【详解】1. 续写线索:由续写第一段首句“我转过身来,强忍着泪水。”和第二段首句“他把一张五美元的钞票放在我手里,就走了。”可知,第一段可以描写作者情绪崩溃,感慨自己的不幸,而这位男子安慰并鼓励了作者。由续写第二段首句“他把一张五美元的钞票放在我手里,就走了。”可知,第二段可以描写作者发现竟然还有陌生人关心自己,又重新对未来充满信心。2. 段落续写:强忍泪水失控痛哭男子转变态度男子鼓励作者男子给作者钱作者惊讶于有人会关心自己作者心态转变作者重新对未来充满信心3. 词汇激活:行为类崩溃:

30、break down/collapse/fall apart代替:replace/take the place of/ substitute for对表示同情:express sympathy for/give sb. sympathy/sympathize with情绪类悲伤的:sad/ mournful/ sorrowful震惊的:shocked/surprised/ stunned乐观的:positive/optimistic【点睛】【高分句型1】But I was so sad that I broke down, failing to make it.(使用了sothat引导结果状语从句、现在分词作状语、不定式作宾语)【高分句型2】I had never thought somebody would express sympathy for me and encourage me to keep trying. (使用了省略that的宾语从句、不定式作宾补和动名词作宾语)

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