【教案】高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册 全册教案(最新版本).doc

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1、高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册教案高二英语教案(选择性必修第一册)ContentsUnit1 People of AchievementPeriod 1 Reading and thinkingPeriod 2 Learning about languagePeriod 3 Discovering Useful StructuresPeriod 4 Using language(Listening and speaking)Period 5 Reading for writingPeriod 6 Assessing Your Progress & ProjectUnit 2 Loo

2、king into the futurePeriod 1 Reading and thinkingPeriod 2 Listening and speaking Period 3 Discovering Useful StructuresPeriod 4 Using languagePeriod 5 Reading for writingPeriod 6 Assessing Your ProgressUnit 3 Fascinating Parks Period 1 Reading and thinkingPeriod 2 Learning about languagePeriod 3 Dis

3、covering Useful StructuresPeriod 4 Using languagePeriod 5 Reading for writingPeriod 6 Assessing Your Progress & ProjectUnit 4 Body LanguagePeriod 1 Reading and thinkingPeriod 2 Learning about languagePeriod 3 Discovering Useful StructuresPeriod 4 Using languagePeriod 5 Reading for writingPeriod 6 As

4、sessing Your Progress & ProjectUnit 5 Working the LandPeriod 1 Reading and thinkingPeriod 2 Learning about languagePeriod 3 Discovering Useful StructuresPeriod 4 Using languagePeriod 5 Reading for writingPeriod 6 Assessing Your Progress & Project人教新版选择性必修一 Unit 1 People of Achievement教学设计授课教师学校、年级高二

5、课型高二英语(新人教版)选择性必修一 Unit 1 People of AchievementReading and Thinking 位置本单元第1-2课时时长40分钟X 2教学设计理念在高中英语新课程标准中讲到:“高中英语课程要有利干学生优化英语学习方式,使他们通过观察、体验、探究等积极主动的学习方法,充分发挥自己的学习潜能,形成有效的学习策略,提高自主学习的能力;要有利于学生学会运用多种媒体和信息源,拓宽学习渠道并形成具有个性的学习方法和风格。”把信息技术作为英语教学的认知工具和知识载体,围绕英语学科知识进行整合实验,不仅可以扩大英语阅读的“面”和“量”,而且也培养了学生诸如信息的获取,

6、信息的重组和加工以及信息的交流等多种信息素养。另外,活动要围绕“英语学习活动观”展开,并践行教、学、评一体化。文本解读What该板块的语篇内容主题是“描述卓有成就的人物”(Describe people of achievement),向读者传达了屠呦呦获诺贝尔奖的新闻,体裁属于专题新闻报道,这种文体时效性。Why学生通过阅读语篇,归纳屠呦呦及团队获得成功的原因及了解屠呦呦发现青蒿素并成功治疗疟疾的过程。在此过程中,学生了解屠呦呦及团队的艰辛和伟大,了解传统中医药对人类健康和世界发展的贡献,进而反思自我,为成为“有价值之人”做好职业和人生规划。How第1课时主要聚焦“读前-读中”两个环节,通过

7、略读,关注语篇的非文本特征,找出语篇的类型、语言特征和问题结构;然后逐段分析,帮助学生理解语篇内容,把握语言特点;要求学生绘制时间轴和流程图,梳理屠呦呦的生平和再现屠呦呦及团队发现青蒿素的过程,进而挖掘人物背后的伟大品质,最后通过屠呦呦的获奖感言,凸显屠呦呦获得诺贝尔奖的重大意义以及中国传统医学对世界的影响。第2课时主要聚焦“读后”环节,首先让学生听录音,关注语音、语调和情感,完成语言的吸收。通过问题让学生再次回归文本,寻找evidence,完成信息的内化。引导学生再次思考问题Is Tu Youyou a person of success or a person of value? 在讨论过

8、程中,学生可以在上节课所绘制时间轴和流程图的基础上圈出展示屠呦呦成功的点和有价值的点,同时,基于在课程之初,学生关于屠呦呦零散的信息,引导学生有逻辑的辩证的看待屠呦呦获得诺贝儿奖和背后付出的努力。学情分析高二学生已具备一定的英语听说读写基础,在高一下学期必修三 Unit 2 Morals and Virtues单元的学习中,熟知话题“道德与美德”和其典型代表人物林巧稚和白求恩,并积累了一定关于人物品质方面的词汇,在本课时对主要人物屠呦呦品质的挖掘方面,可以对已学知识进行内化和输出;对于语篇学习,而且是熟悉的人物,学生更加容易接受,更感兴趣,不过由于词汇的限制,学生未能深入了解屠呦呦及其团队发现

9、青蒿素的整个过程,容易看不懂内容;对于“卓有成就人物”的认知也只存在初级阶段,不能形成全面的认知,仍需要进一步感受认知冲突,形成正确价值观;对于中国传统医学也有一定的积累,不过相关的英语词汇还有所欠缺,需要加强学习。教学目标本节课为本单元第1个课时,设计如下:在本课学习结束时,学生能够:1. recognize the structure and characteristics of a news report. (A1感知与注意)(A2获取与梳理)2. get the entire process of finding artemisinin and understand the conte

10、xt.(A3概括与整理)(B1描述与阐述)3. make a definition for a person of value. (B2分析与判断)(B3内化与运用)4. raise pride in Chinas growing increasingly powerful and our super-excellent traditional Chinese medicine. (C3批判与评价)教学重难点1. 新闻报道的语篇特征 2. 按时间顺序叙述人物经历的方法3. 屠呦呦获得成功的多方面原因 4.正确对待和评价人物的价值措施:1.结合图片,标题了解新闻报道的主旨大意2.利用三道选择题了

11、解新闻报道的结构特征和语言特点3.利用思维导图让学生复述人物的经历 4.通过归纳总结了解屠呦呦及团队的品质教学资源课件PPT,黑板、白板。教学过程教学目标活动形式与步骤活动意图活动层次效果评价时间recognize the structure and characteristics of a news report.读前活动:1.问题导入并出示学生所熟悉人物的图片Q1:What do you know about them? Q2:Can you choose one to introduce?2.出示单元主题图片Q3:What is happening in the picture?Q4:

12、How can we describe Tu, a person of success or a person of value?3.观看视频激活背景知识,引入新知了解屠呦呦研究青蒿素的过程,取得的成就及获得诺贝尔奖的过程(A1感知与注意)学生能够进行课前预习,了解到平常一些熟悉人物,对所学课文内容有所期待。观看视频,结合自己的背景知识,从视频中了解一些屠呦呦研究青蒿素的信息,为语篇学习做好准备。5mins10minsrecognize the structure and characteristics of a news report.get the entire process of fi

13、nding artemisinin and understand the context.读中活动1. 学生快速阅读文章,老师通过题目引导学生识别文本特征并梳理文章结构。2. 通过新闻报道六要素引导学生进入新闻部分的细读(P1)3. 使用时间轴和流程图梳理出屠呦呦的生平和发现青蒿素的过程,形成可视化图形呈现。(P2&3)4. 使用流程图进一步梳理屠呦呦发现青蒿素的过程,形成可视化图形呈现。(P2&3)(3、4过程要求学生归纳出人物的品质)5. 让学生就以上两个流程图进行小结,通过屠呦呦的原话引出What does “all the people” refer to?理出屠呦呦的品质。(P4)引

14、导学生识别文本特征并梳理文章结构形成可视化图形呈现潜移默化习得伟大的成就需要付出努力,更需要脚踏实地。(A2获取与梳理)(A3 概括与整合)(B2 分析与判断)学生结合语文学科积累的新闻六要素,能自然迁移到本语篇中。学生认真研读语篇,边看边边梳理并进行更正,更准确了解屠呦呦的生平及青蒿素的发现过程,锻炼了获取关键信息的能力。学生多角度思考,锻炼思维品质25minsmake a definition for a person of value.raise pride in Chinas growing increasingly powerful and our super-excellent t

15、raditional Chinese medicine.读后活动1. 让学生听课文录音,在听的时候要注意语音、语调、情感,并尽量模仿,然后让学生大声朗读。2. 思考问题:What words will you use to describe Tu Youyou? Why?3. 引入屠呦呦获得共和国勋章和被评为先锋人物的新闻,提出问题Is Tu Youyou a person of success or a person of value? Why?How to be a person like Tu?学生进行小组讨论。4.针对Opening Page部分的名言名句,再次就成为成功的人还是有价值

16、的人进行辩证思考,并设置新的情景,要求学生就这个问题进行free talk,做到前后呼应。训练学生的听力,帮助学生进一步理解语篇。再次回归文本,理清文本的写作思路,捋出所反映的人物品质。充分做到以评促学(B1描述与阐述)(B 2分析与判断)(C1推论与论证)(C2批判与评价)学生讲内化的知识形成能力,即新情境下有话可说,且说的有理有据学生可根据两大流程图,合力的输出学生展示后,呈现评价量表,让学生在对别人进行评价的同时,反思自我40mins板书设计课时作业设计1. Write a summary of this text;2. Reflect how to be a person of val

17、ue;3. Surf the Internet to know more about TuYouyou and Chinese medicine.教学设计亮点1 可视化图表贯穿整个单元引导学生建构信息,提高思维逻辑性;2 强调语言的内化吸收,完成细读后,让学生听录音,关注语音、语调和情感;3 从英语学习活动观的视角设计教学活动,符合生活常识,关注活动的有效性,让学生更好地学习伟大人物屠呦呦的生平、贡献及其品质,促进学生英语学科核心素养的发展和提高。教学反思与评价新课标强调思维可视化,更强调让学生的学习真实发生,这就是需要基于真实情境下真实任务的设置,我在本课时的设计中严格按照英语学习活动观,体

18、现思维的递进性,同时也尽量让学生形成对语篇扎扎实实的理解,这是后续学生思维发展和挖掘育人价值的基础。另外,思维相对抽象,我使用了时间抽和流程图两种工具来使学生完成语篇重要信息的梳理,但是学生英语基础不一,分析和推断能力又有不同, 在这块基于语篇的信息梳理过程中,会导致用时较长,结果不一的情况,针对这一问题,我的解决方案是小组内互帮互助,形成学习合力,提高效率,做到学生的学习真实发生。教师学科English 年级Senior 2教学课题 Section 2 Learning about language课时共 课时 第 课时时间 年 月 日课标要求 Relative clauses includ

19、e restrictive relative clauses and non restrictive relative clause. There are some differences as well as a great deal in common between the two classes. There are three activities in this park. Firstly, the definitions and functions of the two types of classes are to be danced in activity one throu

20、gh four sentences. Features of the non restrictive relative clauses will be presented by rewriting the sentences. At last, opening sentences will be of great benefit when using non restrictive relative clauses correctly.教学目标(核心素养) At the end of this section, students will be able to:1. Definition an

21、d function of non restrictive relative clauses.2. Distinguish the differences between restrictive relative clauses and non restrictive relative clauses.3. Describe something by using non restrictive relative causes.教学重点 Distinguish the differences between restrictive relative clauses and non restric

22、tive relative clauses.教学难点Describe something by using non restrictive relative clauses实施策略教学方法Activity-based Approach教学资源(信息技术应用)Seewo Whiteboard教学过程备 注Step one observing and discovering.Present students read the full sentences in activity one and ask them to read and paraphrase them. Provide explan

23、ations if necessary.Pair students to compare the causes and settle their differences, remind them to pay attention to the following aspects:教学过程备 注 The function of the cross to the whole sentence and location of the cause in the whole sentence, the use of relative pronoun and the punctuation used be

24、fore or after the clauses.Encourage students to give their definitions of the non restrictive relative clause.Add Information if necessary.Step Two Enhancing understanding1. Analyzing. Pair students to read, for example, in activity to try to figure out how the children separated sentences are combi

25、ned into one non restrictive relative clause and try to summarize the method. Ask students to share their methods and Information if necessary.2. Rewriting by imitating. Ask students to rewrite the sentences using non restrictive relative clauses.Pair students to check the answers and explain the an

26、swers to each other. Provide correct answers for students to check and ask them to compare their answers with the correct ones.Step 3 Practicing Ask students to read example and other incomplete sentences in activity three, and try to Complete the sentences using non restrictive relative clauses.Gro

27、up students to check their answers and try to pick some sentences to make up a story.Invite some groups to present their stories to the whole class. Make an impromptu evaluation if necessary.作 业(体现分层设计) Ask students to make a table showing the differences and similarities between Restrictive and non

28、restrictive relative clauses. Students to finish the exercises on page 62.教 学反 思成 效困 惑2019人教版高中英语选择性必修一U1 Discover useful structure 教学设计教学内容学生在学习必修 1、2 限定性定语从句的基础上,学习并熟练掌握非限定性定语从句的形式、意义和功能,体会这一新的语法手段可以使人和事务的描述更加充实、丰富和生动。教材分析本版块围绕主题任务“People of Achievement (Describe someone you admire)”展开,设计遵循 “发现-归纳


30、限制性定语从句。课时目标1. 通过观察,能够辨认、分析非限定性定语从句,并熟悉关系代词和关系副词的用法以及非限定性定语从句的功能;2. 通过实际运用,能够体会非限定性定语从句在具体表达中的作用,并熟练使用。教学重点和难点1. 通过大量例句的观察与分析,帮助学生掌握非限制性定语从句的特点,体会其作用。2. 根据非限制性定语从句的特点,准确且熟练地使用该类别定语从句。教学资源步骤教学活动设计意图时间Lead-inStep 1Read 4 sentences and underline the relative clauses. ( Ss book P5 Ex.1)1. They tested hu

31、ndreds of Chinese medical treatments that showed promise in the fight against the disease.2. Tu Youyou was awarded the Nobel Prize,which is considered one of the highest international honours a person can receive.这个环节的学生活动旨在创设一个语言情境,帮助学生更直观地进入学习定语从句的语境,从而为下一个环节的练习和巩固打下基础。2 m CW教材、多媒体课件、多媒体设备。教学过程18学

32、科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司3. Tu Youyou went to Hainan, where malaria was more common, to study malaria patients.4. Later, the medicine was tested on malaria patients, most of whom recovered.Step 2Activity One:Ss pay attention to the underlined relative clauses and divided them into two d

33、ifferent types. And then T analyzes these 4 relative clauses, helping Ss be clear about the differences between these two types of relative clauses, based on their forms and functions.让学生主动发现两种不同类型的定语从句,并发现它们不同的功能。最终对比出限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句的差别。4 m CWStep 3Activity Two:Ss combine 6 sentences using non-res

34、trictive relative clause to feel the fluency and conciseness of the new sentences, which is added with more information without starting a new sentence. ( Ss book P5 Ex.2)通过合并句子的练习,让学生更加清晰、巩固非限定性定语从句的存在形式和其功能作用。5m IWStep 4Activity Three:1. Ss choose the words in the box to complete the sentences. (

35、Ss workbook P62 Ex.1)2. T makes a summary of the usage and functions of relative pronouns & relative adverbs.通过引导词的选择填空,学生更加了解关系代词和关系副词在非限定性定语从句中的功能、位置。3m IWStep 5Activity Four:Ss write a few sentences about some great people with the given information, using relative clauses. ( Ss workbook P62 Ex.3

36、)通过该项练习,让学生体会在不增加句子数量的情况下,利用非限定性定语从句将较多零散信息放在一个句子里面,形式更加紧凑。6m IWStep 6Activity 5: More PracticeSs work in groups and complete the sentences using non-restrictive relative clauses to give extra information. Then share them with their group members. ( Ss book P5 Ex.3)让学生在语境中运用所学的非限定性定从句,进一步体会该类从句的实际用途

37、,并巩固具体引导词的用法。5m GWStep 7Assignment:Writing: introduce a person you admire通过 2020 年全国 1 卷的应用文,学生实际操练一下定语从句的使用。15m IW教学反思本堂课的设计是按照学生对知识的接受水平由浅入深,利用已经学过的课文和语法知识,逐渐推进的。由教师引导,学生发挥主体作用。此外,小组合作学习的倡导,使得学生将语法知识与实际运用联系起来,培养了学生语感,达成了教学设计的中的预期目标。这堂课上,学生的自主活动占了较大比例,效果也和预期的基本一致。备注:Ss: StudentsT: TeacherIW: Indivi

38、dual WorkPW: Pair WorkGW: Group WorkCW: Class Work答疑A model essay of Assignment:We have a lot of respectable people around us. They may be our teachers, parents or one of our elders. As for me, my father is the person I respect most. My father is a teacher who loves his work and his students very mu

39、ch. As is often the case, he works very hard every day but he will also spare some time to accompany me and share many funny things with me about his work.When I come across the problems of learning in my study, my father, whoisliterallyconsiderate, will never fail to listen to me patiently and enco

40、urage me to overcome the difficulties bravely. That is the reason why I admire him so much. I love him forever.“as 和 which 引导非限定性定语从句时候的异同”答疑背景:在学习非限定性定语从句的时候,学生容易分不清 as 和 which 在非限制性定语从句中的用法和区别,进而造成混淆使用。一、相同点两者引导非限制性定语从句时,可指代主句中的部分或整个句子的内容,在从句中做主语,宾语或表语,位于主句之后有时可互换。The meeting was put off, as/ whic

41、h was exactly what we wanted. He was a doctor, as/ which I knew from his manner.二、不同点1. as 可以放在主句前后,也可插入主句之中;而 which 引导的非限制性从句只能位于主句之后。 As is known to all, fish cant live without water.Air, as we know, is gas.2. as 常用“正如”含义,常用的结构有 as we know(众所周知);as often happens(正如常发生的那样); as is often the case ( 情

42、 况 常 常 如 此 ) ; as we all can see ( 正 如 我 们 看 到 的 ) ; be announced/expected/known/imagined/mentioned/said/shown/ reported 等。这些结构常放句首,偶尔也可以放句中或句末。As is known to all, China is a developing country. Kate was late for school, as is often the case.3. “介词+关系代词(介宾代物)”中关系代词只能用 which。The Travel Agency, with w

43、hich our company has been dealing for several years, has opened for new branches.Air is a mixture of gases, of which oxygen forms 21 percent.4. 在非限制性定语从句中,关系代词代表前面主句中的宾语从句时,常用 which。 He said he had passed the exam, which was untrue.I doubt whether he can finish this task on time, which also makes ot

44、her teammates feel insecure.5. 有时用 case, point, time, situation 或 reason 等抽象名词来总结主句的内容,可用“介词+ which +抽象名词”构成从句:Ten years of hard work changed her greatly, for which reason he could hardly recognize her at first sight.The machine may be out of order, in which case it will be repaired at once. Basic I

45、nformationContentNew Senior English for China Students Book Option 1(人教版)Unit1 People of AchievementListening & Speaking: Explore the meaning of greatnessDateApril 13, 2022Description of studentsSophomore 1 (42 students)Teaching objectivesBy end of the lesson, the students will be able to:1. use the

46、 strategies for noting down key words to acquire the opinions of speakers view of great people and the reasons of admiration by a conversation about people of achievement;2. realize the importance of language fillers;3. apply language fillers to express their understanding and ideas to talk about great people.Teaching key and difficult points1. Teaching key pointStudents can grasp the opinions of speakers view of great people and reasons of admiration. They can


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