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《初中英语2024届中考语法复习形容词和副词考点练习(基础练习+语篇练习+针对练习)(附参考答案).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《初中英语2024届中考语法复习形容词和副词考点练习(基础练习+语篇练习+针对练习)(附参考答案).doc(3页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、中考英语形容词和副词考点练习班级 考号 姓名 总分 一、基础练习1.China has formed a deep friendship with countries around the world.We are working _ together in many fields.A.closely B.easily C.terribly D.sadly2.Zhaozhou Bridge is one of the _ stone bridges in the world.A.old B.older C.oldest D.the oldest 3.When you are _, you ca

2、n go out to take a deep breath to relax.A.happy B.excited C.nervous D.surprised4.Susan deals with the math problem again and again.She is very _A.patient B.busy C.funny D.shy5.As a volunteer, she _ comes to the nursing home to wash clothes for these elders.A.never B.seldom C.often D.exactly二、语篇练习The

3、 mountain bike race was about to start and Eddie had been training _1_.Perhaps, this year, he would finally win.The waiting crowd shouted encouragement, and Eddies dad was sitting in the audience(观众), smiling _2_The starters gun went off and Eddie got away quickly.The road was bumpy(起伏不平)with lots o

4、f _3_ turns, but Eddie was ready for these challenges.As he went around a corner, his friend Riley was the _4_ rider in front of him.Eddie was going to win! The crowd began to cheer and Eddie heard his fathers _5_ voice supporting him.Moments _6_, Eddie heard a cry.Riley was lying on the road with h

5、is bike on the top of him.Eddie jumped off his bike and ran to Riley.His friend was hurt and the boys _7_ moved Rileys bike off the road.The other riders sped past to the finish line, and Eddie heard a cheer go up for the winner.Slowly, Eddie pushed his bike to the finish line.He was _8_.Then, to hi

6、s surprise, Eddie heard a cheering sound from the crowd.And there was his dad, with the proudest smile of all.1.A.hard B.together C.apart D.back 2.A.luckily B.seriously C.honestly D.happily 3.A.small B.sudden C.large D.easy 4.A.left B.last C.only D.right 5.A.noisy B.loud C.low D.quiet 6.A.again B.ju

7、st C.later D.early 7.A.quickly B.clearly C.slowly D.peacefully 8.A.happy B.upset C.bright D.surprising 三、针对练习(一)针对单词填空1.The more you think about others, the more_(有帮助的) you will be.2.Almost every part of China has its own special forms of _(传统的) art.3.There is more space in the highspeed train and t

8、he journey becomes more _ /kmfrtbl/.4.Jennys parents are p_ of her because she has won the first prize in the competition.5.After the rain, the air became f_ than just now.Everything in my eyes seems like completely new.6.Dont be a _ of the competition.Its a chance for you to get over the fear.7.5G

9、technology has come into peoples life.And soon it will be w_ used.8.The film teaches me to help others.It a_ makes my life full of joy.9.Getting angry j_ makes problems worse so we should try our best to find a way to solve them.10.Emily, youre playing video games _ /en/! Why not spend more time on

10、your study?(二)针对语法填空一、用所给形容词、副词的适当形式填空1.Im pretty good at tennis.Actually, Im probably the_(good) in the club.2.On November 11th, most products online in China are usually sold at the _(low) prices.3.Dreams are powerful and they can drive you to work_(hard) and become better than before.4.Because pe

11、ople can find information on the Internet, knowledge spreads_(quick)5.The study group discussed the problem again and again, and they _(final) worked it out.6.I think the wide road is the _(big) change in our country.7.Lucy is the _(tall) of the twins.You can easily tell them apart.8._(general) spea

12、king, we should watch out the table manners when we are in different countries.9.He is _(real) a warmhearted person.He always tries his best to help others.10.Everyone in our class should realize the _(important) of telling the truth.二、微语篇提能 Once upon a time, there lived a man.His son, however, was

13、very lazy and did nothing all day.The man, who always thought things 1._(wise), was worried about his sons future.One day, he asked his son to find a treasure.Then he handed his son a map.The son set out on his long journey the next day 2._(happy).Along the way, he met a lot of people.He was helped

14、by some with food and by some with shelter.He saw the 3._(different) among four seasons.4._(gradual), after a long year, he reached the treasures location.He spent two days looking for the treasure, but he found nothing.On his way back, he experienced the same changing seasons.Sometimes, he would st

15、op to enjoy the beauty of nature.He found the scenery(风景) was 5._(pretty) than before.He also learned to hunt and make meals.When he reached home, he said sorry 6._(sad) to his father for not finding the treasure.But his father answered with a smile, “I think you have found the 7._(good) treasure.Ha

16、ve you got it?”附:参考答案一、1.A2.C3.C4.A 5.C二、1.A2.D3.B4.C5.B6.C7.A8.B三、(一)针对单词填空1.helpful2.traditionalfortable4.proud5.fresher6.afraid7.widely8.also9.just10.again (二)针对语法填空一、1.best 2.lowest 3.harder 4.quickly 5.finally6.biggest7.taller8.Generally9.really10.importance二、1.wisely2.happily3.differences4.Gradually5.prettier6.sadly7.Best 3


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