【Week2-5】精读讲义 20240112 Be Happier ★★★☆☆.pdf

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1、大西洋月刊双语大西洋月刊双语 Para.1 如何让生活更快乐 Week02 周五 字数 954 words 难度系数 全文导读 每个人都有会担忧,但担忧可能会产生焦虑,不仅占用时间,还会使人不再平静。长期处于担忧情绪中的人会不善于应对不确定性、难以集中注意力等问题。研究表明,人们担忧的大多数事情并不会真正发生。因此,需要重视起来,避免过度担忧,变得更快乐。重难点讲义&全文翻译 How to Worry Less and Be Happier 如何减少担忧,变得更快乐 A good place to start is simply by writing down whats bothering

2、you.写下困扰你的事情就是一个好的开始。Everybody has worries.In early 2023,according to the market-research firm Ipsos,the five most common worries of people worldwide were inflation,poverty and social inequality,crime and violence,unemployment,and corruption(financial and political).Such surveys ask respondents to c

3、hoose from a list of typical global problems.In that regard,they no doubt diverge from your personal worries,which might be even greater:a perceived change in your partners affections,perhaps,or your childs rather mixed performance in school,or that sore spot on the back of your leg.扫码听音频 新英文外刊公众号 2

4、 0 2 3-1-1 21/15Para.2 Ipsos 益普索,1975 年在法国巴黎创立,是市场研究顾问行业中唯一一家独立的由专业研究顾问人员管理的全球性的上市公司。经过四十余年的发展,益普索已成长为全球领先市场研究集团,并于 1999 年 7 月 1 日在巴黎证券交易所上市。其服务范围涵盖了快消、母婴、金融、汽车、通讯、医药保健、地产、泛娱乐、互联网与新科技、教育和旅游等诸多行业。respondent /rspndnt/n.a person who answers questions,especially in a survey 回答问题的人;(尤指)调查对象60%of the resp

5、ondents agreed with the suggestion.回复调查的人中 60%同意这项建议。词根 respond in that regardconcerning what has just been mentioned 在这方面;在这一点上I have nothing further to say in that regard.在这方面,我没什么要说的了。diverge /davd/v.(from sth)(of opinions,views,etc.意见、观点等)to be different 分歧;相异Opinions diverge greatly on this iss

6、ue.在这个问题上意见分歧很大。SYN deviate perceive /psiv/v.to notice or become aware of sth 注意到;意识到Stress is widely perceived as contributing to coronary heart disease.压力普遍被认为能造成冠心病。SYN detect affection/fekn/n.(for sb/sth)the feeling of liking or loving sb/sth very much and caring about them 喜爱;钟爱She was held in

7、deep affection by all her students.她的学生都十分爱戴她。词根 affect 划线句 In that regard,they【指上文提到的全球最常见的五大担忧】no doubt diverge from your personal worries,which【which 引导非限制性定语从句,修饰 personal worries】might be even greater【对于每个个体而言,个人的烦恼可能更严重一些,紧接着后文列举了一些个人的烦恼】:a perceived change in your partners affections,perhaps【

8、由于这里没有统计数据,只是举例做个假设,所以加了 perhaps 加强语气】,or your childs rather mixed performance in school,or that sore spot on the back of your leg.每个人都有烦恼。市场研究公司益普索(Ipsos)的数据显示,2023 年初,全球范围内最常见的五大担忧分别是通货膨胀、贫困和社会不平等、犯罪和暴力、失业以及金融和政治腐败。此类调查要求受访者从一系列典型的全球性问题中做出选择。由此而言,这些问题无疑与个体的担忧有所不同,而个人的担忧可能更重要:也许是跟伴侣的感情出现了问题,也许是孩子在学

9、校的表现时好时坏,也许是自己腿部后方的痛感。Although worrying a bit is normal,for some people,worrying can be a dominant element of a generalized 新英文外刊公众号 2 0 2 3-1-1 22/15Para.3 anxiety that steals their peace and sucks up valuable time.Your loved ones have probably offered you all kinds of true but unhelpful advice,suc

10、h as“Worrying wont help”-as if that insight would make you slap your forehead and become worry free.Maybe you have at times despaired that this condition of anxiety is simply your lot in life.But the cause is not lost:With some knowledge and a bit of practice,you can make 2024 a far less worrisome-a

11、nd thus happier-year.generalized /denrlaizd/adj.involving or relating to many things,people,or parts 笼统的;普遍的;概括性的 generalized anxiety disorder 广泛焦虑症 suck up By extension,to gather,collect,or draw in a great amount of people or things,especially very quickly,eagerly,or zealously.吸收,吸引She spends her n

12、ights in the library,sucking as much information up as she can.她晚上都待在图书馆里,尽可能多地收集信息。at times sometimes 有时,偶尔 Life is hard at times.生活有时很艰辛。despair /dspe(r)/v.to stop having any hope that a situation will change or improve 绝望;失去希望Theyd almost despaired of ever having children.他们对生孩子几乎不抱任何希望了。SYN lose

13、 heart lot/lt/n.a persons luck or situation in life 命运;生活状况She was feeling dissatisfied with her lot.她对自己的命运感到不满。SYN fate cause/kz/n.an organization or idea that people support or fight for(支持或为之奋斗的)事业,目标fighting for the Republican cause 为共和党的事业而奋斗 worrisome /wrs()m/adj.making you anxious 令人焦虑的 a wo

14、rrisome problem 一个令人担心的问题 虽然有点担忧是正常的,但对一些人来说,担忧可能是广泛性焦虑的主要因素,这种焦虑会偷走他们的平静,占用宝贵的时间。你的亲人朋友可能给过你各种正确但无用的建议,比如“担心于事无补”,仿佛这样说说就能让你拍拍额头,不再担忧。也许你有时曾绝望地认为,这种焦虑的状态就是你的命运。但我们不应因此而迷失方向:只要掌握一些知识并稍加练习,你就能在 2024 年不那么担忧,而变得更加快乐。Worrying is a recursive mental attempt to resolve a situation that has an uncertain,pos

15、sibly negative outcome.As a mental operation,it is similar to rumination in that both are repetitive and self-focused,新英文外刊公众号 2 0 2 3-1-1 23/15and feature an inability to shift attention from negative thoughts.Both activities also harm attention,erode problem-solving,and worsen mood.The distinction

16、 between them is that rumination typically involves brooding on trouble in the past,whereas worry usually focuses on events that,to your knowledge,have not yet occurred.You ruminate on a bad conversation you had yesterday;you worry about the conversation you need to have tomorrow.recursive /rksv/adj

17、.involving a process that is applied repeatedly 递归的;循环的The processor implements a recursive algorithm.处理器实现了一种递归算法。SYN circular 词根 recur rumination /rumnen/n.the act of thinking carefully and for a long period about something 思维反刍,反刍思维:指个体经历考试失败、工作压力大等负性生活事件时或者事情发生后所产生的自发性的重复思考的倾向,进行反刍思维的人会在自己的头脑中反复

18、地想某一件事情,试图找到正确的解决办法。通常情况下,思维反刍会加重或延长负性情绪或抑郁症状,特别是当人们将注意力聚焦在自己的负面感受上,使自己孤立起来,不断沉溺于对所烦恼的问题的思索。in that used after a statement to begin to explain in what way it is true 因为 Ive been lucky in that I have never had to worry about money.我很幸运,从来不必为钱发愁。feature v.to include or show something as a special or i

19、mportant part of something,or to be included as an important part 以为特色,是的特征;是的重要组成 The latest model features alloy wheels and an electronic alarm.最新款式的特色是合金车轮和电子报警器。erode /rd/v.to gradually destroy sth or make it weaker over a period of time;to be destroyed or made weaker in this way 逐渐毁坏;削弱Her conf

20、idence has been slowly eroded by repeated failures.她的自信心因屡屡失败慢慢消磨掉了。brood/brud/v.(over/on/about sth)to think a lot about sth that makes you annoyed,anxious or upset 焦虑,忧思(使人厌烦、担忧或不安的事)The moment I am bound I begin to brood on freedom.一旦受到约束,我就开始盘算如何争取自由。to ones knowledgeSaid of that which one knows

21、or understands.From the information you have,although you may not know everything.据某人 所 知 Are they divorced?Not to my knowledge.“他们离婚了吗?”“据我所知没有。”划线句 The distinction between them【between rumination and worry,反刍思维和忧虑两者之前的差异】is that rumination typically involves brooding on trouble in the past【反刍思维主要是

22、对于过去已经发生的事情】,whereas worry usually focuses on events that【引导定语从句,修饰 events】,to your knowledge【插入语,据你所知还没有发生的事情】,have not yet occurred【而忧虑主要是针对未来,还没发生的事情】.ruminate/rumnet/v.新英文外刊公众号 2 0 2 3-1-1 24/15Para.4(on/over/about sth)to think deeply about sth 沉思;认真思考He ruminated on the terrible wastefulness th

23、at typified American life.他认真思考了美国生活中典型且非常严重的浪费问题。SYN ponder 担忧是一种反复出现的心理行为,目的是解决不确定的、可能会产生负面结果的情况。作为一种心理活动,它类似于反刍思维,两者都是重复性的、以自我为中心的,并且无法将注意力从消极想法上转移开。这两种心理活动都会损害注意力,削弱问题解决能力,使情绪恶化。它们之间的区别在于,反刍思维通常是对过去的麻烦耿耿于怀,而担忧通常集中于目前尚未发生的事件。比如,反刍式思考昨天的一次糟糕谈话;而担忧明天即将进行的谈话。A number of psychological theories have b

24、een advanced to explain chronic worry.One of the most prominent is called the avoidance model,which explains how worry can become obsessive and intrusive in our lives.This model argues that inveterate worriers replace thoughts of clear outcomes of problems,especially potentially catastrophic ones,wi

25、th a hazy sense of negativity thats harder to act upon.In support of this idea,subsequent research has shown that when people prone to worry are shown negative images,the parts of the brain normally associated with processing stimuli-the parietal cortex and the insula-are relatively disengaged.In ot

26、her words,worrying seems to mute the vividness of our mental picture,interfering with some of the pathways that could help us devise real solutions.advance/dvns/v.(formal)to suggest an idea,a theory,or a plan for other people to discuss 提出(想法、理论、计划)The article advances a new theory to explain change

27、s in the climate.这篇文章提出了一个解释气候变化的新理论。SYN put forward obsessive /bsesv/adj.thinking or worrying about something all the time,so that you do not think about other things enough used to show disapproval 痴迷的,迷恋的;过度的含贬义an obsessive concern with cleanliness and order 对干净整齐的过分讲究 intrusive /ntrusv/adj.too n

28、oticeable,direct,etc.in a way that is disturbing or annoying 侵 入 的;干 扰 的The cameras were not an intrusive presence.这些摄像机的存在不会造成干扰。词根 intrude inveterate /nvetrt/adj.someone who does something very often and cannot stop doing it 积习难改的,有瘾的I never trust anything he says-the mans an inveterate liar.我从不相信

29、他说的任何话这个人是个惯于说谎新英文外刊公众号 2 0 2 3-1-1 25/15的人。worrier/wri(r)/n.a person who worries a lot about unpleasant things that have happened or that might happen 爱担忧的人;常发愁的人 catastrophic/ktstrfk/adj.very bad极差的,糟蹋透顶的,灾难性的 She had to put her catastrophic Olympic performance out of her mind.她不得不尽力把自己在奥运会上灾难性的表现

30、抛在脑后。hazy /hezi/adj.not clear because of a lack of memory,understanding or detail 记不清的;模糊的a hazy memory/idea 模糊不清的记忆/概念SYN vague negativity /netivti/n.an attitude in which someone considers only the bad qualities of a situation,person etc,not the good ones 消极性 act on/upon something to do something b

31、ecause of another persons advice or order,or because you have received information or had an idea 根据行事 She is acting on the advice of her lawyers.她按照律师的建议行事。划线句 This model【avoidance model 回避模型】argues that inveterate worriers replace thoughts of clear outcomes of problems,especially potentially catas

32、trophic ones【插入语,进一步解释 说 明 对 于 哪 些 事 情 的 解 决 方 案】,with【replace with,用替换。用模糊的消极情绪取代对问题解决方式的思考】a hazy sense of negativity thats【修饰 a hazy sense of negativity,这种情绪下,很难采取行动】harder to act upon.prone /prn/adj.to sth/to do sth likely to suffer from sth or to do sth bad 易于遭受;有做(坏事)的倾向Tired drivers were foun

33、d to be particularly prone to ignore warning signs.据调查,疲劳驾车时特别容易忽视警示标志。SYN liable stimulus(pl.stimuli)/stmjls/n.something that makes someone or something move or react 使人或物产生反应的刺激,刺激物 At this age,the infant begins to react more to visual stimuli.到了这个年龄段,婴儿开始对视觉刺激有了更多的反应。parietal/prat()l/adj.one of t

34、he two large bones that form the top and sides of the skull颅顶骨的The parietal lobes of the brain lie below the parietal bones.大脑的顶叶位于顶骨的下面。cortex/kteks/n.(anatomy 解)the outer layer of an organ in the body,especially the brain 皮层;(尤指)大脑皮层the cerebral cortex大脑皮层。insula/nsjl/n.a pyramid-shaped area of th

35、e brain within each cerebral hemisphere beneath parts of the frontal and temporal lobes 脑岛叶(Also called island of Reil)The primary function attributed to the insula is disgust,not love.岛叶的主要功能是恨,而不是爱。disengaged /dsn edd/adj.not involved with or interested in something or someone,and feeling separate

36、 from them 不介入的;不在意的;脱离的 The students were oddly disengaged,as if they didnt believe they could control their lives.奇怪的是,学生们都心不在焉,好像他们不相信自己能掌控自己的生活。mute v.to make sth weaker or less 新英文外刊公众号 2 0 2 3-1-1 26/15Para.5 severe 减弱;缓解 She thought it better to mute her criticism.她觉得还是婉转地提出批评比较好。pathway/pwe/

37、n.A pathway is a particular course of action or a way of achieving something.途径Diplomacy will smooth your pathway to success.良好的交际会铺平你的成功之路。SYN approach devise /dvaz/v.to invent sth new or a new way of doing sth 发明;想出A new system has been devised to control traffic in the city.控制城市交通的新系统已经设计出来。SYN t

38、hink up 人们提出了许多心理学理论来解释长期担忧。其中最著名的理论之一称为回避模型,它解释了担忧如何在我们生活中变得有强迫性和入侵性。这种模式认为,长期习惯于担忧的人会用模糊的消极情绪取代对问题(尤其是潜在的灾难性问题)的明确结果的思考,导致其更难采取行动。为了支持这一观点,随后的研究表明,当容易担忧的人看到负面图像时,大脑中通常与处理刺激相关的区域顶叶皮层和岛叶相对不活跃。换句话说,担忧似乎会削弱我们头脑中画面的生动性,我们制定真正的解决问题方案的思考路径也因此受到干扰。Second,the avoidance model suggests that worriers hold a b

39、elief that if they think enough about a threat,they will manage to avoid it.Research has revealed that worriers believe that their worrying will help them learn how to handle a situation better or increase their control of it.This conviction also contains an element of superstition,as if worrying pe

40、r se could somehow ward off negative events and prevent them from occurring.For some people,therefore,worrying is like wearing a pair of lucky socks or carrying around a rabbits foot.This is similar to the belief that you can“jinx”something by talking about it,and equally inefficacious.conviction/kn

41、vkn/n.a strong opinion or belief 坚定的看法(或信念)a conviction that all would be well in the end 最终一切都会好起来的坚定信念 词根 convict element of surprise/truth/risk/doubt etc an amount,usually small,of a quality or feeling 几分惊奇/真实/风险/怀疑等 There is an element of truth in your argument.你的论点有些道理。superstition /supst()n/n.

42、the belief that particular events happen in a way that cannot be explained by reason or science;the belief that particular events bring good or bad luck 迷信;迷信观念(或思想)Fortune-telling is a very much debased art surrounded by 新英文外刊公众号 2 0 2 3-1-1 27/15Para.6 superstition.算命是一种透着迷信色彩的十分低级的把戏。SYN fetish p

43、er seused meaning by itself to show that you are referring to sth on its own,rather than in connection with other things 本身;本质上The drug is not harmful per se,but is dangerous when taken with alcohol.这种药本身无害,但与酒同服就危险了。ward off something to do something to try to protect yourself from something bad,su

44、ch as illness,danger,or attack 防止,抵挡疾病、危险或攻击等 Many people swear by vitamin Cs ability to ward off colds.很多人深信维生素 C能预防感冒。SYN avoid rabbits footThe rabbits foot,in most English-speaking countries and especially the United States and Great Britain,is considered a good luck charm.有“幸运符”的意思,在很多英语国家,佩戴“兔子

45、的后脚”是一种习俗,据说每当需要好运的时候,只需要摩擦随身携带的兔子脚,好运就会到来。jinx /dks/v.to cause a person or group to experience bad luck 诅咒I thought we would win,but I didnt say so I didnt want to jinx it.我以为我们会赢,但我没这么说我不想倒霉。inefficacious /nefkes/adj.failing to produce the desired effect 效果不佳的On the condition that medical treatmen

46、t is inefficacious,an open heart surgery should be performed.在内科治疗无效的情况下,则需要进行手术干预SYN useless 词根 inefficacy 其次,回避模型表明,常担忧的人相信,如果他们对威胁进行足够的思考,就可以设法避免它。研究表明,这部分人相信,担忧会帮助他们学会如何更好地处理某种情况或加强对该情况的控制。这种信念还包含迷信的成分,就好像担忧本身能够以某种方式避免负面事件的发生。因此,对有些人而言,担忧就像穿了一双幸运袜或随身携带幸运符。这与那种认为只要谈论某件事就能“诅咒”它的想法类似,同样是无效的。Some ev

47、idence suggests that chronic worrying actually has a genetic component.The so-called worrier/warrior gene determines how well catecholamines-neurotransmitters and hormones released into the body in response to stress-are broken down.Worriers have a gene variant that allows them,researchers presume,t

48、o process excess dopamine efficiently in areas of the brain associated with working memory.The warrior variant has a different genetic characteristic that may enable superior absorption of neurotransmitters in regions that handle negative information;a person with this variant seems better equipped

49、to be calm under fire.新英文外刊公众号 2 0 2 3-1-1 28/15Para.7 warrior /wri(r)/n.(especially in the past)a person who fights in a battle or war(尤指旧时的)武士,勇士a warrior nation(=whose people are skilled in fighting)善战的民族SYN fighter 词根 warring catecholamine/ktklmin/n.any of a group of hormones that are catechol d

50、erivatives,esp adrenaline and noradrenaline 儿茶酚胺,通过1 受体作用于心脏,使心率加快,收缩力增强,传导速度增快,心输出量增加。可引起肾素、胰岛素和胰高血糖素、甲状腺激素、降钙素等多种激素分泌的变化 neurotransmitter/njrtrnzmt(r)/n.(biology 生)a chemical that carries messages from nerve cells to other nerve cells or muscles 神经递质(在神经细胞间或向肌肉传递信息)Acetylcholine is the principal n


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