原版英语RAZ 教案E12-All Kinds of Farms.pdf

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《原版英语RAZ 教案E12-All Kinds of Farms.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《原版英语RAZ 教案E12-All Kinds of Farms.pdf(5页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、All Kinds of FarmsLesson PlanLeveLE E1 Learning AZ All rights reserved.www.readinga-About the BookText Type:Nonfictional/Informational Page Count:12 Word Count:100Book SummaryAll Kinds of Farms is a simple chapter book that introduces readers to different types of farms and the products that come fr

2、om things that live or grow on farms.Students will read about farms they may be familiar with,such as dairy farms and chicken farms,and farms they most likely will not have heard of,such as sugarcane farms and fruit farms.The question asked on the last page encourages students to use higher-level th

3、inking skills.About the LessonTargeted Reading Strategy Make,revise,andconfirmpredictionsObjectives Make,revise,andconfirmpredictionstounderstandinformationaltext Classifyinformation Blendphonemes Identifyinitialconsonantr-blends Understandthatnounsnamethings ExpandvocabularyaboutfarmsMaterialsGreen

4、text indicates resources available on the website BookAll Kinds of Farms(copy for each student)Chalkboardordryeraseboard Classifyinformation,initialconsonantr-blends,nouns worksheets Wordjournal(optional)Discussion cards Indicates an opportunity for students to mark in the book.(All activities may b

5、edemonstratedbyprojectingbookoninteractivewhiteboardorcompletedwith paper and pencil if books are reused.)Vocabulary*Boldvocabularywordsalsoappearinapre-madelessonforthistitleonvocabularyAZ.com.High-frequency words:and,for,of,on Content words:Story critical:chickens(n.),cotton(n.),cows(n.),fruits(n.

6、),sheep(n.),sugarcane(n.)Enrichment:apples(n.),breakfast(n.),butter(n.),cheese(n.),clothes(n.),eggs(n.),milk(n.)Before ReadingBuild Background Makeawordwebwithstudents.Writethewordfarm in the center.Ask students to tell you the different kinds of farms they know about,things they have seen on a farm

7、,or things they think belong on a farm.Continuethediscussionbyaskingstudentsiftheythinktheremightbeanyothertypesoffarms.All Kinds of FarmsLesson Plan(continued)LeveLE E2 Learning AZ All rights reserved.www.readinga-Book WalkIntroduce the Reading Strategy:Make,revise,and confirm predictions Tellstude

8、ntsthatafunwaytoreadthathelpsthemunderstandandrememberwhattheyread in a book is to predict,or make guesses,about what they will find in the book.Showstudentsthefrontandbackcoversofthebook.Askthemtoreadthetitle.Askstudentswhat they think this book will be about.Think-aloud:I can make a prediction,or

9、guess,about what I think this book is about by looking at the title and the front and back covers.On the front cover I see the kind of farm I know about.Its one that cows live on.But the title of the book says“All Kinds of Farms,”so that makes me think there will be some other kinds.When I look at t

10、he back cover of the book,I see a scarecrow.This makes me think that I will read about a farm that grows vegetables or fruit.I think maybe we might read about a horse farm.I will write my ideas on the board.Encouragestudentstomakepredictionsaboutwhatkindsoffarmstheythinktheywillreadabout in the book

11、.Record their predictions on the board.Showstudentsthetitlepage.Talkabouttheinformationthatiswrittenonthepage(titleofbook,authors name).Ask them to predict what kind of farm is shown in the picture.Showstudentsthetableofcontents.Explainthattherearetwochaptersinthebook.Readthechapter titles and tell

12、students that the number that follows each one tells the page number on which the chapter begins.Have students put their finger on the chapter title they think might tell about cows.Have them put their finger on the chapter title they think might tell about corn.Ask students to predict what animals

13、might live on farms and what things might grow on farms.Have students turn to the page where the first chapter begins.Asstudentsread,encouragethemtouseotherreadingstrategiesinadditiontothetargetedstrategy presented in this section.Introduce the Vocabulary Gothrougheachpageofthebookwithstudents.Talka

14、bouttheillustrationsandusethevocabularyandlanguagepatternstheywillencounterinthetext.Forexample,askstudentswhat they think comes from cows and where they think wool comes from.Ask students to talk about what they see in each picture and revise or confirm the predictions written on the board as they

15、get new information through the pictures.Name any items students dont know.Provide opportunities for students to say the new vocabulary words,talk about their meanings,and use the words in sentences.Modelword-attackstrategiesbypointingtoanobjectinthepicture.Forexample,askstudentsto point to the pict

16、ure of the sheep on page 6.Ask students to say the word and tell what sound theyhearatthebeginning.Askstudentstofindthewordonpages6andexplainhowtheyknowthat the word is sheep.Ask students to look at the picture and decide if the word sheep makes sense.Repeatwithothervocabularywordsifnecessary.Remind

17、studentstolookatthebeginningandending sounds in words and/or the parts within words that they recognize to help them sound out the words.Set the Purpose Tellstudentstoreadthebooktofindoutiftheirpredictionsaboutkindsoffarmsarecorrect.During ReadingStudent Reading Guide the Reading:Give students their

18、 book and a sticky note.Tell them to put the sticky note on page 7 and to read to the end of the page.Tell students to reread the pages if they finish before everyone else.All Kinds of FarmsLesson Plan(continued)LeveLE E3 Learning AZ All rights reserved.www.readinga- Whentheyhavefinishedreading,asks

19、tudentswhethertheirpredictionswereconfirmedfromtheirreading.Modelconfirmingorrevisingpredictions:I predicted that milk comes from cows and the book tells me this.I predicted that the book would tell me that we get wool from sheep.I was right.I learned that we make clothes from wool.I predict that in

20、 the next part of the book I will learn how we use different things that grow on farms.Continuethediscussionbyaskingstudentstotellwhatweusemilkfor.Havethemlookatthepictures of cheese and milk.Ask them to put their fingers on the word that matches the picture name in the sentence below the picture of

21、 milk;do the same with cheese.Ask them to find the sentence that tells where wool comes from.Ask students to tell the kind of farm that has eggs(chicken).Ask them to find the sentence that tells when people eat eggs.Ask if they think eggs can be eaten at any other time.Have students make a small que

22、stion mark in their book beside any word they do not understand or cannot pronounce.These can be addressed in the discussion that follows.After Reading Askstudentswhatwords,ifany,theymarkedintheirbook.Usethisopportunitytomodelhowtheycanreadthesewordsusingdecodingstrategiesandcontextclues.Reflect on

23、the Reading Strategy Havestudentsturntopage6andlookatthewordclothes in the last sentence.Ask how they know this word is clothes.Ask what sound is at the beginning of the word,and what sound is at the end.Ask what picture clues helped them figure out the word.Ask if the word clothes fits in the sente

24、nce.Comprehension:Reinforce that making a guess about what they will find in a book helps them understandandrememberwhattheyhaveread.Modelthestrategy:I thought I might read about a horse farm.I didnt read about horses,but I did learn about a cotton farm.Making guesses about what was in the book,and

25、then finding out I was right,or that I needed to change my guesses helped me think about what I was reading.Teach the Comprehension Skill:Classify information Introduce and model:Have students look at the table of contents.Tell them that each chapter is aboutadifferentgroupofthingsfoundonfarms.Expla

26、inthatthefirstchapterisaboutthingsthatliveonfarms.WriteThings that live on farms on the board.Ask them to tell some of the things they read about.Record their responses.Check for understanding:Have students look at the title of the second chapter.Ask them to tell whatthischapterisabout.WriteThings t

27、hat grow on farms on the board.Have them tell some of the things they read about that grow on farms.Independent Practice:Introduceandexplainhowtocompletetheclassify information worksheet.Discuss their responses.Extend the Discussion:Instruct students to use the last page of the book to draw a pictur

28、e of themselvesontheirfavoritetypeoffarm.Havethemsharewiththegroupandexplainwhytheychose that kind of farm.Build SkillsPhonological Awareness:Blend phonemes Tellstudentsthatyouaregoingtosayawordslowlybystretchingoutthesounds:/g/rrr/ooo/Stretchthesoundsexceptforthe/g/.Tellstudentsthatyouaregoingtoble

29、ndthesoundstogethertosaytheword:grow.Repeat one more time,having students listen carefully.All Kinds of FarmsLesson Plan(continued)LeveLE E4 Learning AZ All rights reserved.www.readinga- Explainthatyouwillsaythesoundsofsomewordsandthatyouwantthemtoblendthesoundstogether to say the words.Say each sou

30、nd for each word one at a time,slowly and distinctly and havestudentsblendthemtogethertotellyoutheword:/b/r/i/k/(brick);/k/r/a/b/(crab);/d/r/a/n/(drain);/t/r/a/p/(trap);/p/r/e/s/(press);/f/r/e/(free).Phonics:Initial consonant r-blends Writethefollowingblendsinarowalongtheboard:br,cr,dr,fr,gr,pr,tr.E

31、xplainthattheseareall consonant blends.The letter r blends with another letter(consonant).Say each blend and have students repeat them with you.Writethewordtrip on the board.Ask students which initial consonant blend they see at the beginning of the word.Have a student come up and circle the blend.H

32、avestudentssoundoutthewordwithyouwhileyourunyourhandundertheletters.Repeatthe words brim,crib,drip,frill,grass,and prop.Havestudentsworkwithapartnertofindwordswithinitialconsonantr-blends in the book.Wordstheywillfindare:drink,from,breakfast,tree,fruit,grows,bread.Explaintheinitial consonant r-blend

33、s worksheet,goovertheexampleprovided,andinstructstudentstocompletetheworksheet.Whencompleted,discusstheiranswers.Grammar and Mechanics:Nouns Revieworexplainthattherearespecialwordsthattellthenamesofpeople,places,and things.These words are called nouns.Ask students to tell the names of the animals th

34、at live on farms.Have them tell the names of things that come from animals that live on farms.Ask students to tell the names of things that grow on farms.Have them tell the names of the things that come from plants that grow on farms.Reinforce that each word is a noun.Independent practice:Introduce,

35、explain,andhavestudentscompletethenouns worksheet.Have students go through the book and circle each naming word.Vocabulary:Content vocabulary Askstudentswhatallofthewordsinthebookwereabout(farmsandwhatlivesandgrowsonthem).Review the types of things that live and grow on farms.Review what each farm p

36、roduces.Provide opportunities for students to talk about difficult words such as chickens and sugarcane.Askstudentswhatsoundeachbeginswith.Explainthatthewordsugarcane is made by putting two words together.Have students look at page 10.Have them put their finger on the word sugarcane.Then have them f

37、ind the word sugar.Provide opportunities for students to say the new vocabulary words,talk about their meanings,and use the words in sentences.Build FluencyIndependent Reading Allowstudentstoreadtheirbookindependently.Additionally,allowpartnerstotaketurnsreading parts of the book to each other.Home

38、Connection Givestudentstheirbookstotakehometoreadwithparents,caregivers,siblings,orfriends.Givestudentstheirworksheetstotakehome.Theycancompletethemwiththehelpoftheirparents,caregivers,siblings,or friends.Extend the ReadingWriting and Art ConnectionWritethesentences_live on farms.and_grow on farms.A

39、sk students to choose one of the sentences to write and fill in the blank with what they would like to have live or grow on a farm.Tell them to think of a reason why they choose the animal or plant.Tell students to illustrate their sentences.Display on a bulletin board titled Our Farms.All Kinds of

40、FarmsLesson Plan(continued)LeveLE E5 Learning AZ All rights reserved.www.readinga-Social Studies ConnectionHave a local farmer or someone from the agricultural school at a nearby university talk to students about different types of farms.Have him or her tell how livestock is handled and how crops ar

41、e grown.Then provide paper cups,seeds,soil,and water for students to plant a sunflower seed.Have students draw pictures of their plants on each day of growth and label as Day 1,Day 2,and so on.Skill ReviewDiscussion cardscoveringcomprehensionskillsandstrategiesnotexplicitlytaughtwiththebookareprovid

42、edasanextensionactivity.Thefollowingisalistofsomewaysthesecardscanbeusedwithstudents:Useasdiscussionstartersforliteraturecircles.Havestudentschooseoneormorecardsandwritearesponse,eitherasanessayorasa journalentry.Distributebeforereadingthebookandhavestudentsuseoneofthequestionsasapurpose for reading

43、.Conductaclassdiscussionasareviewbeforethebookquiz.AssessmentMonitor students to determine if they can:makelogicalpredictionsbasedonavailabletextinformationandthenreviseorconfirmpredictions as they read the book classifyinformationbycorrectlylistingthingsthatgrowonfarmsinonecolumnandthingsthatlive o

44、n farms in another column orallyblendsoundstomakewords recognizeinitialconsonantr-blends,read simple words with the blends,and find words in the book and on a worksheet recognizethatnounsnamethingsandcorrectlyfindthenounsusedinthebook and on a worksheet usethefarmvocabularywordsinmeaningfuloralsentencesComprehension Checks BookQuiz Retelling Rubric


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