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1、1 Learning AZ,Inc.All rights reserved.www.readinga-CamouflageLesson PlanLeveLT TAbout the BookText Type:Nonfiction/Informational Page Count:28 Word Count:1,855Book SummaryCamouflage explains different types of animal camouflage.Readers learn why and how animals use camouflage throughout their lives.

2、The book shows examples of types of camouflage in interesting,close-up photographs.About the LessonTargeted Reading Strategy VisualizeObjectives Usethereadingstrategyofvisualizingtounderstandtext Identifymainideasandsupportingdetailsintext Recognizeandusecommasinaseries Understandandusecontentvocabu

3、laryMaterialsGreen text indicates resources available on the website BookCamouflage(copy for each student)Chalkboardordryeraseboard Main idea and details,commas in a series,content vocabulary worksheets Discussion cards Indicates an opportunity for students to mark in the book.(All activities may be

4、 demonstrated by projecting the book on interactive whiteboard or completed with paper and pencil if books are reused.)Vocabulary Content words:Story critical:blending coloration(n.),disguise(v.),disruptive coloration(n.),flash coloration(n.),startle(v.),warning coloration(n.)Enrichment:blotch(n.),c

5、onceal(v.),eyespot(n.),offspring(n.),predators(n.),prey(n.)Before ReadingBuild Background Askstudentsiftheyhaveeverbeenstartledbyananimaltheydidntsee,suchasaninsect,abird,orasnake.Havethemtellwhytheydidntseetheanimal.Preview the BookIntroduce the Book Givestudentsacopyofthebookaskingthemtopreviewthe

6、frontandbackcoversandreadthetitle.Have students discuss what they see on the covers and offer ideas as to what kind of book this is,and what it might be about.2 Learning AZ,Inc.All rights reserved.www.readinga-CamouflageLesson Plan(continued)LeveLT T Discussthemeaningofthetitle,Camouflage(relate it

7、to the camouflage clothing students wear).Tell students that nonfiction books are telling the reader facts.explain that a fact is information based on truth and evidence.explain that this book contains facts and evidence about camouflage used by animals.Showstudentsthetitlepage.Talkabouttheinformati

8、ononthepage(titleofbook,authorsname).Directstudentstothetableofcontents.Remindstudentsthatthetableofcontentsprovidesanoverview of what the book is about.each section title provides an idea of what the section is about.After reviewing the table of contents,model using it as a way to think of question

9、s about the contents of the book.Introduce the Reading Strategy:Visualize Explaintostudentsthatgoodreadersoftenvisualize,orcreatepicturesintheirmind,whilereading.Visualizingisbasedonwhatapersonalreadyknowsaboutatopic.Explainthatonewaytovisualizeistodrawapicture.Readaloudpage4.Modelhowtovisualizeusin

10、gdrawing.Think-aloud:Whenever I read a book,I always pause after a few pages to create a picture in my mind of the information Ive read.This helps me organize the important information and understand the ideas in the book.For example,the introduction states that some animals must rely on the color a

11、nd pattern of their body covering for survival.Where I live,I often see lizards that match the ground they live on.I pictured them using their color to hide from predators that are hunting them.Ask students to identify another detail the author mentioned in the Introduction.Provide blank drawingorsc

12、rappaper.Havethemdrawwhattheyvisualized.Invitethemtosharetheirdrawing.Asstudentsread,encouragethemtouseotherreadingstrategiesinadditiontothetargetedstrategy presented in this section.Introduce the Vocabulary Remindstudentsofthestrategiestheycanusetoworkoutwordstheydontknow.Forexample,they can use wh

13、at they know about letter and sound correspondence to figure out a word.They can look for words within words and prefixes and suffixes.They can use the context to work out meanings of unfamiliar words.Directstudentstothefirstsentenceonpage5.Havethemfindtheworddisguise.Model how they can use context

14、clues to figure out the meaning of an unfamiliar word.explain that the last sentence on the previous page describes how some animals rely on the color and pattern on their body for survival.Read the first paragraph on page 5 with students and point out that the text describes how predators sneak up

15、on their prey without being seen.explain to students that these clues make you think that the word disguise means to change appearance.Have students follow along as you reread the second sentence to confirm the meaning of the word.Remindstudentsthattheyshouldcheckwhetherawordmakessensebyrereadingthe

16、unfamiliarword in the sentence.Set the Purpose Havestudentsstopaftereveryfewpagestovisualizethemostimportantinformationanddrawontheirpaperwhattheyvisualized.During ReadingStudent Reading Guide the reading:Have students read to the end of page 16.encourage those who finish earlytogobackandreread.Have

17、studentsdrawwhattheyvisualizedformthesepagesontheirpaper.3 Learning AZ,Inc.All rights reserved.www.readinga-CamouflageLesson Plan(continued)LeveLT T Modelvisualizing.Think-aloud:On page 16,I read about disguise and how the stick insects look just like the stick they are resting on.It made me visuali

18、ze a time when I might have been close to picking up a stick insect,instead of a stick!Invitestudentstosharetheirdrawingsaloud.Check for understanding:Havestudentsreadtotheendofpage18.Havethemvisualizetheinformationinthetextastheyread.Askstudentstodrawwhattheyvisualizedaboutthetrickerythat some anim

19、als use as a defense.Ask them to share aloud what the chameleon and the snake have in common when it comes to trickery.Havestudentsreadtheremainderofthebook.Encouragethemtocontinuetovisualizeastheyread the rest of the book.Have students make a small question mark in their book beside any word they d

20、o not understand or cannot pronounce.encourage them to use the strategies they have learned to read each word and figure out its meaning.After Reading Askstudentswhatwords,ifany,theymarkedintheirbook.Usethisopportunitytomodel how they can read these words using decoding strategies and context clues.

21、Reflect on the Reading Strategy Think-aloud:On page 23,I envisioned the butterflies I have seen at my house and how peaceful they look flying around.Many of them are very colorful,like the Monarch.I never knew that these pretty colors actually repel their predators.Maybe that is why they look so pea

22、ceful,because they know that their colors warn others that they do not taste good.Askstudentstoexplainhowthestrategyofvisualizinghelpedthemunderstandandenjoythebook.Askvolunteerstoshareexamplesofthethingstheyvisualized.Teach the Comprehension Skill:Main idea and details Discussion:Review or explain

23、that many books are about a main topic.A main topic is who or whatthebookisabout.Showstudentsthecoverofthebookandaskthemtotellthemaintopicof this book(camouflage).Remind students that it is easy to know the topic when it is the title,but in some books you may have to look at the table of contents,or

24、 read the book,to find out the main topic.Introduce and model:Direct students to the table of contents on page 3.explain that each section tellsamainideaaboutcamouflage.Say:A main idea gives us important information about the main topic,which is camouflage.Supporting details can be facts and/or reas

25、ons that give additional information to explain,or support,the main idea.As an example,have students reviewthesectionson“CamouflageinYoungAnimals”onpages13-15.Say:This section tells about animals that disguise themselves as a means of protection when they are young.This is the main idea.(Write it on

26、 the board.)The rest of the information,the details,tells us why and how young animals must be camouflaged.Ask students to tell some of the details that support,or prove,the main idea to be true.(Write the details under the main idea.)Check for understanding:Have students look at page 16.Ask them to

27、 find the main idea(Disguise is another form of camouflage).Invite students to find two details that tell more about disguise.explain that looking for the main ideas and details in text helps students to remember important information.Have students write the main idea of each section on the inside b

28、ack cover of their book.Working in pairs,have students exchange books and write two details under each main idea.Have students discuss what they wrote and why.4 Learning AZ,Inc.All rights reserved.www.readinga-CamouflageLesson Plan(continued)LeveLT T Independent practice:Give students the main-idea-

29、and-details worksheet.explain that there are two main ideas listed on the worksheet:1.camouflage that stays the same;2.camouflage that changes.Have students fill in the details that support each main idea on the worksheet.Discuss student responses.Build SkillsGrammar and Mechanics:Commas in a series

30、 Revieworexplainthatwheneveralistofthreeormoreitemsismade,acommamustbeplaces between the items.Without the commas,the sentence would be difficult to read and understand.Listed items can be nouns,verbs,adjectives,or entire phrases or clauses.Remind students that this is only one of the many uses for

31、a comma.Writethefollowingsentenceontheboard:They are able to match the color of white pink or yellow flowers.Askstudenttoexplainwhythissentencedoesntmakesense(thereisnosuchthing as white pink,thesentencedoesntmakesense).Directstudentstopage12.Askstudentsto identify the location of the commas in the

32、sentence.Ask a volunteer to come to the board and add commas in the correct places,separating the words in a list.Point out that the last phrase(or yellow flowers)is joined to the list by the word or following the comma.Havestudentsturntopage25andaskthemtofollowalongasavolunteerreadsthesecondsentenc

33、e in the second paragraph aloud:Predators with the best traits will be the ones that have regular meals,stay strong,and are more likely to survive and reproduce.Point out the phrases in a list(regular meals,stay strong).Talk about the location of the commas within the list.Point out that the sentenc

34、e makes much more sense with the correct punctuation.Check for understanding:Have student turn to page 22.Ask them to find a series of words that is separated by commas(Fish,frogs,snakes,many kinds of insects).Ask them to circle the commas and notice that the last item is added to the list after the

35、 word and.Independent practice:Introduce,explain and have students complete the commas-in-a-series worksheet.Discuss answers aloud after students finish.Word Work:Content vocabulary Havestudentsturntotheglossaryonpage28.Havethemreadtheglossarywordsandtheirdefinitions aloud.Next have students turn to

36、 the page indicated,and read the glossary word in thesentence.Usecontextcluesinthesurroundingsentencestoworkoutunfamiliarvocabularywords,as necessary.Independent practice:Introduce,explain,and have students complete the content vocabulary worksheet.Make sure students understand the concepts of acros

37、s and down when solving a crosswordpuzzle.Dothefirstfewquestionstogether.Havestudentscompletetheremainderofthe worksheet independently.Discuss their answers.Build FluencyIndependent Reading Invitestudentstoreadtheirbookindependently.Additionally,invitepartnerstotaketurnsreading parts of the book to

38、each other.Home Connection Givestudentstheirbooktotakehometoreadwithparents,caregivers,siblings,orfriends.5 Learning AZ,Inc.All rights reserved.www.readinga-CamouflageLesson Plan(continued)LeveLT TExtend the ReadingWriting and Art ConnectionHave pairs of students work together to write a story about

39、 an imaginary animal that needs to disguise itself but is having a problem.Ask students to think about what might happen if the animal could not disguise itself or what might happen if it hid itself too well.Have students illustrate their stories and share their stories and illustrations with the gr

40、oup.visit Writing AZ for a lesson and leveled materials on narrative writing.Science ConnectionEncouragestudentstolookintheirenvironmentforanimalsthatusecamouflage.Forhelpfulinformation about your area,use the Internet,science textbooks,and human resources,such as parknaturalistsorthe4-Hextensionoff

41、ice.Havegroupsofstudentssharewhattheylearnedaboutanimals and camouflage by making a poster that shows the animal and tells how and why it uses camouflage.Display the posters in a group,titled Hidden Among Us.Skill ReviewDiscussion cards covering comprehension skills and strategies not explicitly tau

42、ght with the book are provided as an extension activity.The following is a list of some ways these cards can be used with students:Useasdiscussionstartersforliteraturecircles.Havestudentschooseoneormorecardsandwritearesponse,eitherasanessayorasa journal entry.Distributebeforereadingthebookandhavestu

43、dentsuseoneofthequestionsasapurpose for reading.Conductaclassdiscussionasareviewbeforethebookquiz.AssessmentMonitor students to determine if they can:consistentlyusethestrategyofvisualizingtocomprehendtextduringdiscussion accuratelyidentifythemainideasanddetailsinnonfictiontextandcompletetheworksheet correctlyrecognizeandusecommasinaseriesduringdiscussionandontheworksheet correctlyunderstandandusecontentvocabularyandcompletetheworksheetComprehension Checks BookQuiz Retelling Rubric


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