原版英语RAZ 教案(T) The Return to the Hollow (Part I)_LP.pdf

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1、The Return to the Hollow(Part I)Lesson PlanLEVELT T1 Learning AZ All rights reserved.www.readinga-About the BookText Type:Fiction/Adventure Page Count:16 Word Count:1,266Book SummaryQynn and Sarah are back in this book in the Hollow Kids Series.Their research into the strange events in Porters Mill

2、and Sarahs moms disappearance is starting to yield resultsand everything is pointing to the Hollow as the source.The girls eventually go to Sarahs Aunt Terra and demand answers.What she tells them will lead them to the next stage in the mysterious journey.The first part of The Return to the Hollow(P

3、art I),sets up the story for the biggest adventure of the series yet.Illustrations add detail and atmosphere to the story.About the LessonTargeted Reading Strategy RetellObjectives Retelltounderstandtext Determinecharacterpointofview Identifyandusequotationmarks Defineanduseprefixre-MaterialsGreen t

4、ext indicates resources that are available on the website.BookThe Return to the Hollow(Part I)(copy for each student)Chalkboardordry-eraseboard Excerptsfromabookinfirstpersonandabookinthirdperson Stickynotes Sheetsofpaper Characterpointofview,quotationmarks,prefixre-worksheets Discussioncards Indica

5、tes an opportunity for students to mark in the book.(All activities may be demonstrated by projecting the book on an interactive whiteboard or completed with paper and pencil if the books are reused.)Vocabulary*Boldfacevocabularywordsalsoappearinapre-madelessonforthistitleonVocabularyAZ.com.Content

6、words:Story critical:coincidence(n.),cruel(adj.),disturbances(n.),hoax(n.),horrific(adj.),resolve(n.)Enrichment:devastated(adj.),elaborate(adj.),geologic(adj.),hilarious(adj.),relocate(v.),seamstress(n.)Before ReadingBuild BackgroundReviewwithstudentseventsthathappenedpreviouslyintheHollowKidsseries

7、.Invitevolunteersto share what they remember from the earlier stories,and record details on the board.The Return to the Hollow(Part I)Lesson Plan(continued)LEVELT T2 Learning AZ All rights reserved.www.readinga- Havestudentsdiscusswithapartnerthecorrectorderofevents,andinvitevolunteerstocometotheboa

8、rdandrecordtheeventsinthepropersequence.Discusswithstudentstheplotofthe entire series up to this point,referring to the different components of a plot,such as the introduction and the rising action.Askstudentstosharewithapartnertheirpredictionsaboutwhatallthestrangeeventsmeanand what they think will

9、 happen next.Invite volunteers to share their thoughts with the rest of the class.Preview the BookIntroduce the Book Givestudentstheircopyofthebook.Guidethemtothefrontandbackcoversandreadthetitle.Havestudentsdiscusswhattheyseeonthecovers.Encouragethemtoofferideasastowhattype of book it is(genre,text

10、 type,and so on)and what it might be about.Showstudentsthetitlepage.Discusstheinformationonthepage(titleofbook,authorsname,illustrators name).Introduce the Reading Strategy:Retell Explaintostudentsthatengagedreadersstopfrequentlywhiletheyreadtoretellintheirmindwhat is happening in the story.Point ou

11、t that retelling helps students remember and enjoy what they are reading.Readpage3aloudandmodelretelling.Think-aloud:As I read,I will continue retelling in my mind what I remember of the story.At the start of the story,the girls are in the cafeteria.They are hanging decorations for Halloween as a pu

12、nishment because their principal learned from the librarian that they snuck into the forbidden attic of the public library.Sarah whispers that the journal they found belonged to her mom,and Qynn asks her how she knows.I will have to keep reading to learn how Sarah knows about the journal,and I will

13、continue to retell the events in my mind as I read.Remindstudentsthataretelling,unlikeasummary,includesasmanydetailsaspossible.Explainthat this information should still be different from the text in the story as it is told in the readers ownwords.Pointoutthataretellingreliesonacorrectsequenceofevent

14、stomakesense.Havestudentsretelltheinformationfrompage3toapartner.Remindthemthatitshouldbedifferent from what they heard in the think-aloud because they need to retell the story in their ownwords.Encouragethemtorefertothestoryasnecessary.Giveeachstudentstickynotes,andhavethemplacenotesatthebottomofpa

15、ges5,7,9,11,13,and15.Explainthatastheyread,theyshouldstopeverytimetheyseeastickynoteandretell in their mind what they have read so far.Point out that sometimes they will be asked to share a retelling with a partner or the class.Asstudentsread,encouragethemtouseotherreadingstrategiesinadditiontotheta

16、rgetedstrategy presented in this section.Introduce the Comprehension Skill:Story elements:Identify character point of view Explaintostudentsthatonewaytounderstandtheplotofastoryisbythinkingaboutthepointofviewthestoryisbeingtoldfrom.Explainthateverystoryistoldbysomeoneandthatthereader can determine t

17、he point of view by figuring out who is telling the story.Writethewordsfirst-person point of view and third-person point of viewontheboard.Explainto students that these are the two most common types of point of view.Readanexcerptfromabookthatistoldinthefirstpersonandthenanexcerptfromabookthat is in

18、third person.Have students work in groups to discuss the difference between the two excerpts.Ask groups to identify who is telling each story.Invite volunteers to share their thoughts with the rest of the class.The Return to the Hollow(Part I)Lesson Plan(continued)LEVELT T3 Learning AZ All rights re

19、served.www.readinga- Explaintostudentsthatinafirst-personstory,thenarratorisoneofthecharactersandistellingthe story as if speaking directly to the reader.The story therefore uses the pronouns I and my when the character is referring to him-or herself.Write the words I and my beneath the heading firs

20、t-person point of view.Point out that the tone of first-person stories is more intimate and inviting,as if the reader is having a conversation with the character in the story.Explaintostudentsthatinathird-personstory,thenarratorisnotanyofthecharactersbutadetached observer who is describing the event

21、s in the story to the reader.The story therefore uses the pronouns he,she,her,and him to refer to the characters.Write the words he,she,her,and him beneath the heading third-person point of view.Point out that the tone of third-person stories is more remote,as if the reader is watching and eavesdrop

22、ping on the characters in the story.Reviewwithstudentsthetwoexcerptsreadearlier,andhavestudentsidentifywithapartnerwhich book is in first person and which book is in third person.Hold up one book and ask students to call out its point of view,and then repeat with the second book.Modelidentifyingpoin

23、tofviewonthebasisofthetextfrompage3.Think-aloud:I know this story is about two girls,Qynn and Sarah.However,when I read the first page of the story,I notice that in the last sentence,the narrator refers to herself as I.The first paragraph opens with the phrase were in the cafeteria,and I dont see th

24、e name Qynn anywhere on the page.I realize that Qynn is the one telling the story,and she is referring to herself when she says,I ask.Qynn is the narrator,the one who is telling the story,and since she is a character in the story,I know this story is told in the first-person point of view.Havestuden

25、tsworkingroupstorereadpage3andsearchforwordsindicatingafirst-personnarrator(were,our,and I).Invite volunteers to share a word with the rest of the class,and have otherstudentsfindandpointtothewordonthepage.Encouragestudentstocontinuelookingfor words and other details that establish first-person poin

26、t of view as they read.Introduce the VocabularyRemindstudentsofthestrategiestheycanusetosoundoutwordstheydontknow.Forexample,they can use what they know about letter and sound correspondence to figure out the word.They can look for words within words,and prefixes and suffixes.They can use the contex

27、t to work out the meanings of unfamiliar words.Introducethestory-criticalvocabularywordslistedinthevocabularysectionofthislessonandrecord them on the board.Have students share with a partner everything they know about the meanings of these words.Passoutsixstickynotestostudents.Havethemwriteonthefirs

28、tstickynoteoneortwowordsthat help explain the meaning of the word coincidence.Have students attach their sticky note totheboard.Readallthenotesaloudandguidestudentstoaclassconsensusonthedefinitionfor coincidence.Recordthedefinitionontheboard.Repeatthisprocessfortheremainingvocabulary words.Turntothe

29、glossaryonpage16.Havestudentsfindthevocabularywordsinthelist,readtheirdefinitions,and discuss how they compare to the definitions on the board.Havestudentswriteasentenceforeachwordthataccuratelyreflectsitsmeaning.Invitevolunteers to read a sentence to the rest of the class,and have other students gi

30、ve a thumbs-up signal if the sentence makes sense.Set the Purpose HavestudentsreadtofindoutwhatQynnandSarahlearnaboutPortersMill.Remindthemtoretell as they read and to look for details that indicate the character point of view in this story.The Return to the Hollow(Part I)Lesson Plan(continued)LEVEL

31、T T4 Learning AZ All rights reserved.www.readinga-During ReadingStudent Reading Guide the reading:Havestudentsreadfrompage4totheendofpage7.Encouragethosewhofinishearlytogobackandreread.Remindstudentstoretellwhattheyvereadeverytimetheysee a sticky note.Modelretelling.Think-aloud:I see a sticky note a

32、t the bottom of page 5,which reminds me to retell in my mind what I have read so far.Earlier in the story,the girls were discussing everything they learned about Porters Mill,first at the cafeteria as they hung decorations and later at Qynns house while Sarah worked on her Halloween costume.In the c

33、afeteria,Sarah told Qynn that she found her moms name on the journal,and Qynn mentioned that important pages were missing from the library book.Later,when they were in Qynns bedroom,they examined both the journal and the library book.Qynn found out that the loose pages in the journal were the missin

34、g pages from the book,and Sarah said thats why she brought the book over.Qynn pointed out that Sarahs mom found the same book at the library and that she was also researching strange occurrences around the town with her sister,Sarahs aunt Terra.That is how I would retell information from pages 4 and

35、 5.Havestudentsdiscusswithapartnerhowyourretellingcomparestothestory.Invitevolunteersto share their comparison with the rest of the class.Havestudentsretellinformationfrompages6and7toapartner.Remindthemtoincludealltheinformationtheycanremember,especiallythemostimportantdetails,andtosequenceeventsin

36、the correct order.Invite volunteers to share their retelling with the rest of the class.Askstudentswhetheryourretellingisinthefirst-personorthethird-personpointofview.Havestudents discuss with a partner the point of view of the retelling.Point out that since you are not a character in the story,your

37、 retelling must be in the third person.Check for understanding:Have students read pages 8 through 11.Ask them to stop every time they see a sticky note and retell in their mind what they have read so far.Allow students time to share a retelling with a partner.Reviewwithstudentsthemeaningofafirst-per

38、sonpointofview.Havestudentsworkwithapartner to find and underline words or sentences from the book that demonstrate the story as first person.RemindstudentsthattheseexamplesshouldallshowQynnasthenarratorofthestory.Invite volunteers to share their examples with the rest of the class and to justify th

39、eir choices.DiscusswithstudentsexampleswherethewordsI and my are not referring to Qynn,for instance,indialoguewhereSarahisspeaking.Explaintostudentsthatthepronounsareagoodcluetopointofviewbutnotthewholepicture.Reinforcewithstudentsthatthemaincriteriaforpointofviewisthenarrator.Remindstudentsthatifth

40、enarratorisoneofthecharactersinvolved in the story,then the story is in first-person point of view.Havestudentsreadtheremainderofthebook.Remindthemtostopateachstickynoteandretellthestoryastheyread.Encouragestudentstomarkdetailsthatdemonstratethecharacterpoint of view in this story.Havestudentsmakeaq

41、uestionmarkintheirbookbesideanywordtheydonotunderstand orcannotpronounce.Encouragethemtousethestrategiestheyhavelearnedtoreadeachwordand figure out its meaning.After Reading Askstudentswhatwords,ifany,theymarkedintheirbook.Usethisopportunitytomodel how they can read these words using decoding strate

42、gies and context clues.The Return to the Hollow(Part I)Lesson Plan(continued)LEVELT T5 Learning AZ All rights reserved.www.readinga-Reflect on the Reading StrategyHavestudentsworkwithapartnertowritearetellingofpages14and15.Invitevolunteers to read their retelling to the rest of the class.Think-aloud

43、:This is the way I would retell the ending of the story.By page 14,the girls had learned many more secrets about Porters Mill.They asked Aunt Terra what was at Porters Mill that caused Uncle Jasper to disappear.She told them that she didnt know,but it must have been an adventure.What Aunt Terra did

44、know was that her sister went looking for him and disappeared.She also told the girls she thought someone was playing a mean joke on them by bringing back the items Sarahs mom took with her.Then,Aunt Terra smiled at the girls and told them that was all she knew.She didnt have any more secrets.Aunt T

45、erra left to make cookies.After she left,Sarah looked Qynn straight in the eye and told her that they were going to the Hollow the next night to find Porters Mill.On that suspenseful note,the story ended.Discusswithstudentshowyourretellingcomparestosomeoftheretellingssharedbystudents.Ask students to

46、 share why the story ends on a cliffhanger,or by introducing the problem withoutresolvingit.PointoutthatthisispartoneofTheReturntotheHollowandtheconclusion will be in the following story.Invite volunteers to share with the class whether they are eager to read part two and why.Havestudentsworkingroup

47、storetelltheentirestory.Remindstudentsthattheretellingmustbe in their own words.Then,have students share their retelling of the whole story with a partner from a different group.Askstudentstosharewithapartnerhowretellingthestoryhelpedthemtorememberandenjoy what they read.Reflect on the Comprehension

48、 Skill Discussion:Reviewwithstudentstheconceptsofnarratorandfirst-personpointofview.Pointout that the story could have been a first-person story with a different narrator,for example,SarahcouldhavebeennarratorinsteadofQynn.Discusswithstudentshowthestorywouldbedifferentwithadifferentnarrator.Breakstu

49、dentsintogroups,andassigneachgroupadifferentcharacter as a narrator,such as Aunt Terra,Sarah,Sarahs dad,and so on.Have the groups discuss what the story would be like with their character as a first-person narrator.Discusswithstudentshowthestorywouldchangewithathird-personpointofview.Askstudentsto w

50、ork with a partner to rewrite the ending of the story,using third-person point of view.Invite volunteers to read their version to the rest of the class.Independent practice:Introduce,explain,and have students complete the character-point-of-view worksheet.Have students compare their answers with a p


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