热点话题16 后北京冬残奥会时代 精神影响久远备战2022年中考英语作文热点话题押题预测(解析版)-中考英语备考资料重点汇总知识点归纳.docx

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热点话题16 后北京冬残奥会时代 精神影响久远备战2022年中考英语作文热点话题押题预测(解析版)-中考英语备考资料重点汇总知识点归纳.docx_第1页
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热点话题16 后北京冬残奥会时代 精神影响久远备战2022年中考英语作文热点话题押题预测(解析版)-中考英语备考资料重点汇总知识点归纳.docx_第2页
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《热点话题16 后北京冬残奥会时代 精神影响久远备战2022年中考英语作文热点话题押题预测(解析版)-中考英语备考资料重点汇总知识点归纳.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《热点话题16 后北京冬残奥会时代 精神影响久远备战2022年中考英语作文热点话题押题预测(解析版)-中考英语备考资料重点汇总知识点归纳.docx(8页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、热点话题16后北京冬残奥会时代精神影响久远备战2022年中考英语作文热点话题押题预测【背景介绍】回望短短十几天的冬奥会,它的结束显然不是终点。在更长远的未来,它将深深改变、 影响我们的生活。硬设施用之于民创造丰厚的冬奥遗产,为广大市民、主办城市和国家带来长期收益,是北京冬奥会筹办 工作的重要内容,也是落实办奥理念的具体行动。本届冬奥会不仅充分利用2008年夏奥会 场馆遗产,也在日后应用上谋求最大限度地“造福于民”。“软环境美景永存无论生活在北京还是张家口,人们不约而同的切身感受是身边美景越来越多,蓝天 之下,白雪之上,生态环境这笔宝贵遗产给我们的未来带来潜移默化的影响。修复生态,促进赛区场馆与

2、自然相融,张家口赛区更是对奥运核心区、冬奥生态风景道 等地统筹规划景观,生态修复成果与奥运核心区形成完整的生态绿地系统。北京2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会可持续性计划【典型范文】A假设你是李华,是一个善良、有礼貌的中学生。你参加了 2022北京冬奥会志愿者服务 工作。如:语言翻译、帮助引导、物品发放、介绍中国文化等。请根据提示,以“lam a beautiful volunteer”为题,用英语写一篇短文,介绍你自己在做 奥运志愿者服务期间的表现和感受。要求:1.要点齐全,并适当发挥;2 .文中不得出现真实姓名与校名;3 .卷面整洁,书写美观,可适当加23分;4 . 80词左右。开头与结尾已给出,

3、不计入总词数。I am a beautiful volunteerMy name is Li Hua. I am a kind middle school student. And I am always ready to help others.Im lucky to have this chance to be a volunteer. I hope I can play a role in building a beautifuland strong country.【答案】I am a beautiful volunteerMy name is Li Hua. I am a kind

4、middle school student. And I am always ready to help others.I worked as a volunteer for 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games. My spoken English is so good that I could have no difficulty communicating with foreigners. I was glad to provide the best service for foreign athletes and visitors during Winte

5、r Olympic Games. I could lead the athletes to the different places and I could give out objects to them, too. Besides, I had a rich knowledge of Chinese history, so I was not only a volunteer but also a carrier for our culture.Ive learned a lot from this experience. Tm proud of being a volunteer. An

6、d Im proud of our motherland.Im lucky to have this chance to be a volunteer. I hope I can play a role in building a beautiful and strong country.【详解】1 .题干解读:本文是一篇话题作文。要求介绍自己在做奥运志愿者服务期间的表现和感受。 2.写作指导:本文采用一般过去时为主,人称以第一人称为主。分为四段式:第一段和最后 一段已给出;第二段介绍自己的志愿者工作;第三段介绍自己从这次经历学到了什么。写作 时保持主谓一致性,做到无语法和标点错误。B2022

7、年北京冬奥会、冬残奥会的主题口号是:一起向未来(Together for a Shared Future)o 假如你是李华,你校英语社团公众号正在做“一起向未来”系列推送,如:一起努力学习、 一起锻炼身体、一起保护环境、一起了解传统文化、一起参加志愿服务、一起研究科技小发 明请你用英语给社团公众号投稿,介绍一件你最想和同学或朋友一起做的事情,说明选 择它的原因,谈谈你们打算如何做。提示词语:together, important, benefit, helpful, continue提示问题: What do you want to do with your classmates or fri

8、ends? Why do you want to do it? How are you going to do it?Im Li Hua from Class 1, Gracie 9.【答案】Im Li Hua from Class 1, Grade 9. I want to do exercise with my friends, doing exercise regularly can keep us in good health and high spirits.We are going to do running, which is very good to body and mind

9、. And we are going to spend half an hour in playing basketball after school every day. On weekends, we are going to do mountain climbing. Unless are strong and healthy, we cant work well.【详解】1 .题干解读:题目要求根据提示问题写短文介绍自己想和同学或朋友一起做什么事情,说明 原因及如何做。2 .写作指导:写作时要以第一人称为主,时态采用一般将来时。可以分为两段式写作:第一 段开篇点题;第二段介绍具体的如何

10、做及原因。耍做到无单词拼写及语法错误。C某英语杂志社正在开展“我心中的奥运之星”的英语征文活动,谷爱凌在本届北京冬奥会勇夺两金,为国人树立了良好的榜样。请结合下面表格提供的信息完成一篇征文稿。Gu Ailings Personal informationBirth2003.9Jobfreestyle skier, model and studentPersonalityhard-working, positiveAchievement(成就)learned skiing in 2006won two gold medals for China at the Beijing 2022 Winte

11、r Olympics内容包括:1 .谷爱凌个人信息;2 .你的个人感悟。注意;1 .词数:80-100词(文章开头已给出,不计入总词数);2 .可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3 .文中不得出现真实姓名及学校姓名。Have you watched the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics? Did you notice a beautiful girl withlong blond hair?【答案】Have you watched the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics? Did you notice a beautiful girl with

12、 long blond hair? Now let me introduce her to you.Gu Ailing, a freestyle skier, is a model as well as an excellent student. Gu Ailing was born in September, 2003, and she started to learn skiing at the age of only three because she loves the feeling of snow. The 18-year-old girl won two gold medals

13、for China at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and made history.Gus positive attitude and hard work help her achieve great success. We should learn from her and never give up when we are in trouble. She sets a good example for us, and I want to learn from her and make full use of my time and make con

14、tributions to our country.【详解】1 .题干解读:本文是一篇材料作文。要求根据表格提示内容,写一篇征文稿,介绍谷爱凌个 人情况及她在北京冬奥会勇夺两金的成就,并表达自己的感悟。2 .写作指导:本文时态以一般现在时和一般过去时为主;人称以第三人称和第一人称为主。 本文分为三段式,第一段引出话题要介绍谷爱凌,第二段介绍她的个人情况及取得的成就, 第三段写自己的感悟。写作要确保语句通顺,无单词语法错误。D假如你是李希,你的英国笔友M汰e发来一封电邮祝贺2022北京冬奥会圆满落幕,同 时想了解我们在疫情期间也能成功举办的原因。请你给他回复。内容需包括:1.团队精神与安全保障(

15、建设者、工人、志愿者共同努力;闭环管理、场地、服务等安全); 2.国际奥委会主席巴赫的赞扬:“如果没有中国人民的支持,北京冬奥会不可能收获如此卓 越的成功。3.你的感受(至少两点)。要求:1.80词以上,短文的开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数;2 .条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确;3 .可适当发挥以使全文连贯。参考词汇:2022 北京冬奥会 The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics;国际奥委会主席巴赫IOC President Bach闭环管理 closed-loop managementDear Mike,How is it going? Glad to hear

16、 fromyou.Thanks for your love for China and best wishes!Yours,Li Xi【答案】Dear Mike,How is it going? Glad to hear from you. Knowing that you want to know why China held the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics successfully, Tm writing to tell you we won teamwork and safety.Just as IOC President Bach said, we c

17、ouldnt receive such a great success without the support of people all around China.What makes us admirable is the effective closed-loop management that keeps everyone safe. It was very obvious that the athletes were more than happy with the venues, villages, services and safety in China.I hold the v

18、iew that although the Games came to an end, the friendship and mutual respect was among the moments in Beijing when the Olympic spirit shone brightly. And you can always believe China is one of the safest places on the planet. (125w)Thanks for your love for China and best wishes!Yours,Li Xi【详解】1 .题干

19、解读:该题目属于应用文写作。要求根据所给的要点提示给Mike写一封回信,向他 解释北京冬奥会能够圆满成功的原因,并谈谈自己的感受。注意要点齐全。2 .写作指导:本文人称不限,随需求而定,时态主要以一般现在时和一般过去时为主来行文。 文章的开头和结尾已给出,第一段应点明回信的目的;第二、三段写成功的原因;第四段写 自己的感受。写作时注意保持主谓一致性,在介绍内容时,除所给信息外可适当展开,注意 语言的准确性,不要有语法和拼写错误。E在竞技体育领域中,成功与失败是运动员的家常便饭。2022北京冬奥会刚刚结束,摘 得奖牌的运动员或许一夜之间名声大噪,如:谷爱凌、苏翊鸣、徐梦桃;更多的是那些经年 累月

20、辛苦训练,却无缘比赛或者领奖台的运动员,但是他们依然在为理想而战。人一定要有理想,万一实现了呢?你的理想是什么?在逐梦道路上有过什么特殊经历? 你怎样看待其中的成与败?你们学校要举办一次本话题的演讲比赛,请结合自己的学习与生 活经历,以“On the way to my dream”为题写一篇英语演讲稿。要求:语句通顺,条理清楚,可适当发挥。100词左右(开头已给出,不计入总数)。文中 不得出现真实的姓名和校名。On the way to my dreamLadies and gentlemen,Its my great honor to be here to give you a speec

21、h about my dream.【答案】On the way to my dreamLadies and gentlemen,Its my great honor to be here to give you a speech about my dream.My dream is to be a teacher. When I was a primary student, I was not good at English. Reading and writing were very difficult for me. Luckily, my English teacher encourag

22、ed me to be confident and helped me a lot. I practiced reading and writing during the whole year. Finally, with his help, I did better in English and achieved success. From then on, I made up my mind to be a teacher like him. I hope to influence students in their lives, too.Now I will keep going and try my best to realize my dream.【详解】1 .题干解读:本文要求一篇100词左右的英文演讲稿写作,要结合自己的经历讨论自己的梦 想,可以根据题干中所给出的问题进行写作,可以适当增加细节。文章的开头已经给出,注 意上下文衔接。2 .写作指导:本文以第一人称为主。时态以一般现在时和一般过去时为主。第一段文章已给 出引出主题;第二段主要讲述自己的经历;最后一段表达自己的愿望。在介绍内容时,要力 求语言准确,内容完整。不要出现单词和语法错误,可以适当运用短语和句型增加文章亮点。


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