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1、Analyze:How have events in Frances history influenced the religions and celebrations of many French people?Evaluate:Why do you think millions of people visit Paris each year?Discussion QuestionsVisit www.readinga- for thousands of books and materials.FranceA Reading AZ Level Z Leveled BookWord Count

2、:1,394www.readinga-LEVELED BOOK ZLEVELED BOOK ZWritten by Travis KiechFrancewww.readinga-Written by Travis KiechFrance16Glossaryarchitecture(n.)the design and construction of buildings(p 5)basin(n.)a low area in the earths surface(p 8)cathedral(n.)a large church(p 5)Celts(n.)people who lived in anci

3、ent Britain and Western Europe(p 7)dialects(n.)forms of language that are used in specific regions or by specific groups of people(p 7)dynasties(n.)series of rulers in a country from the same families(p 10)fashion(n.)popular or current styles of clothing(p 5)gorges(n.)long,deep valleys surrounded by

4、 higher land(p 9)massifs(n.)groups of older mountains that form one large shape(p 8)tourism(n.)the business of providing services for people who travel to a place for pleasure(p 6)Vikings(n.)Scandinavian explorers,traders,and pirates who raided and settled much of northwestern Europe in the eighth t

5、o eleventh centuries(p 7)vineyards(n.)fields where grapes are grown(p 7)16FranceCountries Around the World Level Z Leveled Book Learning AZWritten by Travis KiechAll rights reserved.www.readinga-Photo Credits:Front cover,back cover:NiseriN/iStock/Thinkstock;title page:Rafael Laguillo/iStock/Thinksto

6、ck;pages 3,5:incamerastock/Alamy;page 6:Pascal Pavani/AFP/Getty Images;page 7:Chad Ehlers/Alamy;page 9:Hemis/Alamy;page 10:Leemage/Corbis;page 11:Masterpics/Alamy;page 12:145/Riou/Ocean/Corbis;page 13:Luc Novovitch/Alamy;page 14:MATTES Ren/Hemis.fr/SuperStock;page 15(main):choness/iStock/Thinkstock;

7、page 15(inset):banarfilardhi/iStock/ThinkstockFront and back cover:Paris includes many famous buildings,such as Les Invalides(lahs EN-vah-LEED),a complex of buildings that contains museums and monuments relating to Frances military history.Title page:Chateau Castelnaud,a medieval castle in France,is

8、 a popular tourist destination.Page 3:France is known for its impressive art collections,such as those held in the Louvre(LOO-vruh),an art museum in Paris.CorrelationLEVEL ZU/VN/A50Fountas&PinnellReading RecoveryDRA15FranceSource:Central Intelligence Agency(July 2014),World BankPopulation:66,259,012

9、Land:620,427 sq km(239,548 sq.mi.)Capital City:ParisPrimary Language:FrenchPrimary Religion:Roman CatholicCurrency:Euro(YUR-oh)France Level Z153Table of ContentsWhere Is It?4People 6Land 8History 10Celebrations 12Food 13Conclusion 14Glossary 16France Level Z14ConclusionFrance is a modern country wit

10、h a long and fascinating history The ancestry of its people reflects a history of invasions and warfare Today,many of its people enjoy lives filled with good food,art,and other leisurely pursuits France has become a country known throughout the world for its architecture,art,food,and culture Beautif

11、ul cities,villages,castles,and vineyards dot its rolling hills,plains,and mountains With its landmarks and rich history,it is no wonder France is the most visited country in the world Part of Normandy in northern France is called the Alabaster Coast because of its white cliffs.4Where Is It?France is

12、 the largest country in western Europe To the northeast of France are Belgium and Luxembourg,and to the east are Germany,Switzerland,and Italy Spain is to the south of France,and across the English Channel to the northwest lie the United Kingdom and Ireland To the west of France is the Atlantic Ocea

13、n,and to the southeast is the Mediterranean Sea The large island of Corsica,off the southeastern coast,is part of France The tiny country of Monaco is located on Frances southeastern coast as well FranceBelgiumGermanySpainLuxembourgSwitzerlandItalyUnited KingdomFranceParisGulf of LionEnglish Channel

14、MEDITERRANEAN SEAEUROPEAFRICABay of BiscayCorsicaATLANTIC OCEANASIAToulouseBordeauxMarseilleBayonneLimogesDijonMonaco13FoodFrance is famous for its food and cooking styles,and many French people consider good food one of lifes greatest pleasures One type of French cooking that has become popular aro

15、und the world is called haute cuisine(OHT kwih-ZEEN)which means“high cooking”Meals cooked in this way usually include rich dishes made with butter,cream,eggs,and spices Many French people also cook delicious,low-fat meals that use fresh ingredients French people can buy meat at a butcher,or boucheri

16、e(boosh-REE)At a bakery,or boulangerie(boo-LAHN-zhuh-REE),people can buy bread baked in long thin loaves called baguettes For dessert,the French sometimes eat crepes,which are very thin pancakes,and tarts,or small pies made with fruit or eggs A wide variety of cheeses are sold by shopkeepers and out

17、door vendors in France.Some regions make their own unique types of cheese.France Level Z5Paris,the capital of France,is a city famous for its beautiful architecture,art,and historical landmarks Millions of people visit Paris each year to see the Eiffel(EYE-ful)Tower,the Notre Dame(no-truh DAHM)Cathe

18、dral,and the Louvre(LOO-vruh)art museum,among other sites A monument called the Arc de Triomphe(ARK du tree-OHMF)stands over one of the citys main avenues,the Champs-lyses(SHAHM-zay-lee-ZAY)The Seine(SEN)River runs through the city,and public parks and gardens are plentifulMore than ten million peop

19、le live in Paris The city is Frances center for both business and culture,and is known for its museums,concert halls,and fine restaurants Over the years,many writers and artists have lived in Paris,taking advantage of its cultural and educational opportunities It is also known for its fashion indust

20、ry,which displays new styles of clothing every year at huge shows Originally a fort,the Louvre became a museum in 1793.France Level Z12CelebrationsThe French celebrate many different holidays Many holidays are tied to Christianity and the Roman Catholic Church On the first Sunday after New Years Day

21、,many French celebrate Fte des Rois(FET DAY RWAH),or Three Kings Day Bakeries sell round,flat pastries called galettes(gah-LETS)The galettes are filled with a paste made from butter and almonds A small figurine is also baked inside the pastry,which comes with a cardboard crown If you find the figuri

22、ne in your portion,then you are crowned king or queen for the dayAnother popular holiday is Bastille Day,which is held on July 14 and honors the day that the French Revolution began On that day in 1789,French citizens stormed the Bastille,a prison in Paris,setting the prisoners free and taking contr

23、ol of the building Today,French people celebrate their freedom with parades,speeches,and fireworksgalette6PeopleMore than sixty-six million people live in France,with most people living in urban areas Approximately 80 percent of people work in the service industries,and tourism is by far the largest

24、 service industry In fact,France is the most-visited country in the world,with more than eighty-two million tourists each year Some French people also work in factories that produce cars,machinery,aircraft,electronics,clothing,and other products Some factories make chemicals and process food,and a l

25、arge mining industry also provides jobsMany French people often enjoy a slower pace of living compared to Americans In fact,leisure time is so important that,in 2000,the government reduced the number of hours that French employees work from 39 hours to 35 hours weekly Companies must also provide the

26、ir employees with at least five weeks of paid vacation per year Tour de FranceFor three weeks in July,France hosts the Tour de France,the most difficult bicycle race in the world.People crowd along the streets to watch the cyclists as they cover thousands of miles of French terrain.It is the country

27、s largest annual sporting event.Tour de France trophy11In the tenth century,France allowed groups of Vikings to settle in a small part of northern France,called Normandy In 1066,the Normans,led by William the Conqueror,successfully took over England This was the beginning of hundreds of years of riv

28、alry and wars between England and France Finally,in 1453,the French drove the English out of FranceFrom the fifteenth to the eighteenth centuries,France was ruled by kings who tried to increase the countrys powerand their own However,these kings lived lavishly,spending Frances money on palaces,art s

29、chools,and other buildings In 1789,the people rebelled,and the French Revolution began France became a republic in 1792,although the next hundred years were full of turmoil as several dictators stepped in to rule the country The French overthrew two more leaders,setting up new governments each time

30、Today,France is a republic with a strong democracy Louis XIVOne of Frances most famous kings was Louis XIV.He ruled from 1643 to 1715,the longest a king has ever ruled in Europe.His palace of Versailles(vehr-SEYE),near Paris,is a popular tourist site.France Level Z7Although only about 4 percent of w

31、orkers are farmers,France produces a large amount of agricultural products More than half of the countrys land is used for farming,with the majority of farmers growing wheat,corn,and other grains Farmers also grow sugar beets and potatoes,and raise dairy cattle for cheese and other dairy products In

32、 some regions of France,farmers grow fruits such as apples,pears,and peaches in orchards,as well as wine grapes in vineyards Many different groups have settled in France during its long history,so the French people have a mixed ancestry that includes Celts,Romans,Germans,Vikings,and North Africans M

33、ost people in France are Christians,with about three out of every five people belonging to the Roman Catholic Church Some Christians belong to Protestant churches,and a smaller percentage of people follow Islam or Judaism The countrys main language is French,although people speak different dialects

34、in several areas France is famous for its many different types of wine.Different types of wine are made from different types of grapes.France Level Z10HistoryIn ancient times,France was known as Gaul,and the people who lived there were called Celts Around 50 bc,Gaul became part of the Roman Empire f

35、or nearly five hundred years The Romans spread the Latin language throughout Gaul,and many Celts adopted Roman customs and ideas By ad 400,the Roman Empire was quickly losing control of its regions Neighboring tribes began invading Gaul,including the Germanic Franks Around 486,the Franks took over G

36、aul and called it Regnum Francorum,which is Latin for“kingdom of the Franks,”or Francia for short Eventually,Francia became FranceFor hundreds of years,several dynasties of Frankish kings ruled France The first king,Clovis,followed the Christian religion,and he and his followers brought this religio

37、n to France In 732,a king named Charles Martel kept France from being invaded by Muslim armies from Spain Charles the Great,or Charlemagne(SHAR-luh-mayn),became Frances first emperor in 800.The Holy Roman Empire fell apart soon after he died in 814.8LandFrance has hills,plains,rugged plateaus,toweri

38、ng mountains,beaches,and massifs,or older mountain blocks Despite the wide variety of landforms,most of France is covered in flat plains and low,rolling hillsSeveral river systems flow through France The Seine River runs through Paris and,along with smaller rivers,drains the Paris Basin,Frances larg

39、est lowland The longest river in France is the Loire,flowing for 1,020 kilometers(634 mi)and emptying into the Atlantic OceanFrances LandformsLoire ValleyFrench AlpsMassif CentralBay of BiscayGulf of LionEnglish ChannelMEDITERRANEAN SEAParisBrittany PeninsulaPyrenees MountainsJura MountainsParis Bas

40、inCorsicaFranceLoire RiverSeine RiverCote dAzurMont BlancLIGURIAN SEA9France includes five different mountain ranges Most of these sit on its borders with other countries,forming a natural barrier Part of the Alps,the largest mountain range in Europe,lies along the borders between France,Switzerland

41、,and Italy The highest mountain peak,Mont Blanc,is found in the French Alps Another famous mountain range,the Pyrenees(PEER-uh-neez),lies along the border between France and SpainA large,rugged plateau called the Massif Central spreads across about 86,000 square kilometers(33,200 sq mi)of France The

42、 Massif Central includes an ancient mountain chain that has many extinct volcanoes and deep river gorges In addition,beautiful beaches line the coasts of France,particularly along the Mediterranean Sea Along the coast in northern France,impressive white chalk bluffs face the English Channel Many people in France enjoy biking and hiking in the Massif Central.France Level Z


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