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《江苏省镇江地区2023-2024学年高三上学期期初检测英语试题.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省镇江地区2023-2024学年高三上学期期初检测英语试题.docx(9页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、高三期初质量检测试卷英语注意:本试卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟;所有答案填写在答题卡上,否则无效。第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题L5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。 听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What is Hailee going to do this afternoon?A. Take part in an activity.B. Hang out with Alex.C. Prepare for an exam.2. Ho

2、w much should the man pay?A. $2.10.B. $2.30.3. What is probably the woman?A. A shop assistant.B. A customer.4. What does Lily think of eating raw food?A. Harmful.B. Healthy.5. Why does the woman move house?A. For friendly neighbors.B. For a convenient location.C. $3.60.C. A manager.C. Strange.C.For

3、a comfortable living environment.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题,听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. What does the woman say about the package?A. Its not urgent.B Its not valuable.C.It needs to get to London tomorrow.7.

4、 How much should the woman pay?A. $15.B.$19.听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。8. Who does Nick probably want to talk with at first?A. Miss Brown.B. Mr. Hunter.C. $22.C. Mrs. Collins.9. When will the speakers meet?A. At 11:00 am.B. At 2:00 pm.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. What will the woman probably use the car for?C. At 2:15

5、pm.A. Picking up her kid.B. Going sightseeing.C. Visiting her parents.11. What does the man say about electric cars?A. They,re less expensive.B. They require much maintenance.C. Theyre environment-friendly.12. Why does the man know so much about cars?A. Hes a professional driver.B. Hes interested in

6、 cars.C. Hes a car salesman.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. What makes the woman want to quit her current job?A. The poor job prospects.B. The low salary.C. Endless overtime.14. How did the woman know about the position?A. From a newspaper.B. On the Internet.C. From a friend.15. What job is the woman intereste

7、d in?A. A director.B. A fashion editor.C. An advertising designer.16. How does the woman probably sound?A. Nervous.B. Modest.C. Confident.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. How many African countries has Dieuveil Malonga visited?A. 30.B.38.C. 54.18. What did Dieuveil Malonga do?A. He set up a website.B. He offer

8、ed cooking courses.C. He opened a Michelin-starred restaurant.19. Why did Dieuveil Malonga give the example of Nigeria?A. To show the differences between countries.B. To promote his restaurants in Nigeria.C. To emphasize the diversity of African food.20. Where did Dieuveil Malonga open a restaurant

9、in 2020?A. In Germany.B. In France.C. In Rwanda.第二部分阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Wintery worldFamily activity/December 10, 2023FreeExplore the winter in this exciting event, full of art, crafts and exploration. Experience an exciting journey, wandering throu

10、gh cold, beautiful landscapes, before returning to the warmth of light and color. WeH look at scenes of winter from across the world in our collection, with the opportunity to create a wintery masterpiece to take home and display.Out-of-hours tour: life and death in ancient EgyptDecember 11, 2023-De

11、cember 19, 2023 33, 30(Members), 16.50(Ages 5-15), free for under 5 and disabled visitors5 assistantDiscover how people lived and died in ancient Egypt, and explore their hopes and aspirations for the afterlife. From painted coffins, statues and models of daily life, to spectacular wall paintings, i

12、nvestigate what tombs and burial goods tell us about the lives of ancient Egyptian people.The world of StonehengeFebruary 17, 2024-July 17, 2024Tickets will go on sale in early DecemberStonehenge is perhaps the worlds most awe-inspiring ancient stone circle, and its image is famous around the globe.

13、 This major exhibition is the first of its kind in the U.K. It will bring the story of Stonehenge into sharper focus, showing that rather than a shadowy age of mystery, Britain and Ireland of four millennia ago were places of big ideas, commerce and travel.Around the world in a 70-minute tourDecembe

14、r 10, 2023-December 19, 2023Adults and children aged 12+, 14Explore some of the most famous objects on display at the Museum on this guided highlight tour. Follow our knowledgeable tour guide on a journey of discovery around the galleries. See the complex detail of the characterful Lewis Chessmen, m

15、arvel at the ancient texts on the world-famous Rosetta Stone and get closer to many more highlights from the collection.21. If youre interested in ancient British lives, you can choose.A. Wintery worldB. Out-of-hours tourC. The world of StonehengeD. Around the world in a 70-minute tour22. How much s

16、hould a member pay to visit Out-of-hours tour with 2 kids aged 3 and 13?A. 28.B.30.C.46.5.D.63.23. Where can we probably find the text?B. In a science report.D. In a history coursebook.A. In a travel leaflet.C. In a fashion magazine.Every November, as Thanksgiving Day approaches, one memory comes to

17、 my mind. At my big Turkish familys get-togethers, baklava(果仁蜜饼)is the norm at the dessert table. Theres rolled baklava, nut-filled baklava and chocolate-dipped baklava.One year, though, back when I was in high school, my cousin Johnny decided to change things up a bit. He showed up at my parents ho

18、use for Thanksgiving with two items that had never been served before-apple pie and a can of cream.Those two items caused one of the biggest arguments. I distinctly remember my mom and aunts whispering in the kitchen.“Apple pie?9,one of my aunts said.What to do with this?”I can still recall my moms

19、puzzled expression at it all. If theres one thing in this world my mom distrusts, its fruit-filled desserts, a no-no in our cuisine culture.Why would you bake fruits into a dessert when you can eat them fresh?,she often says.The cream only made things worse. My mom didnt want to hurt Johnnys feeling

20、s. In a true act of love, she put the pie out on the dining room table, accompanied by the cream. It went mostly untouched.Nowadays, things are different. We actually have pie at Thanksgivingmy mom regularly makes pie (the fear of fruit-filled sweets continues, but desserts topped with fruits or nut

21、s have been given the okay), We still laugh about the drama caused by Johnnys apple pie. ril never forget it. It wasnt just about the pie for me. Growing up, I sometimes felt like an outsider because of my culture. That Thanksgiving, though, was one of the first times I realized that my familys oddn

22、ess was actually a good thing. Its what made us.What about you? Which Thanksgiving sticks out as your most memorable one?24. The purpose of the first paragraphA. the unique family traditionC. different kinds of baklava25.Johnnys apple pie.A. ruined the festival atmosphereC. resulted in a family quar

23、relis to introduceB. the background of the storyD. the customs of Thanksgiving DayB. challenged family traditions D. contributed to a heavy meal26. Which of the following is the best description of the authors mom?A. Serious and honest.C. Humorous and caring.B. Generous and strict.D. Considerate and

24、 flexible.27. What does the underlined sentence Its what made us J in Paragraph 7 imply?A. The author is at ease with his family members.B. The author is aware of the importance of customs.C. Cuisine culture helps shape our identity.D. Culture shocks make a harmonious family.CPeople often recommend

25、planting trees to make cities greener, cleaner and healthier. But during heat waves, city trees can actually increase air pollution. Indeed, a new study has found, up to 60 percent of the smoggy ozone in a citys air on hot days may trace to chemicals emitted by trees. Galina Churkina, who works at H

26、umboldt University of Berlin, and her team have confirmed it.The findings might seem the opposite of what you would expect, notes Robert Young, an expert in city planting at the University of Texas at Austin. Indeed, he says, Everything has multiple effects.The new findings do not mean cities should

27、 discourage tree planting. Instead, cities may need stricter controls on other sources of pollution, such as tailpipeemissions from cars and trucks.City trees soak up carbon dioxide, and at the same time they release oxygen into the air. But oxygen is far from the only gas that trees and certain oth

28、er green plants release into the air. One of these chemicals is a hydrocarbon known as isoprene(异戊二烯).It can react with combustion(燃烧)pollutants, such as nitrogen oxides(氮氧化物)emitted by cars and trucks in cities. The result is the formation of ozone, a component of smog, which can irritate the lungs

29、 and cause airway diseases.Churkina says her team is not surprised to see the seemingly contrary relationship between plants and pollution. She adds that its importance is quite amazing. The results,Churkina says, “suggest that city tree planting programs should not ignore the role this greenery may

30、 play in aggravatinesummer air pollution.Adding more trees will improve quality of life only if those cities also undertake plans to sharply cut vehicle pollution in summer and to increase their reliance on clean energy sources for electric power/9 she says.28. What does the new study find about cit

31、y trees on hot days?A. City trees can reduce the smoggy ozone.B. City trees may easily absorb heat waves.C. City trees may cause more air pollution.D. More city trees can make a city far better.29. What is the third paragraph mainly about?A. The harm ozone does to people in cities.B. The way trees h

32、elp the formation of ozone.C. The chemicals green plants release into the air.D. The benefits trees bring to the city environment.30. What does the underlined word “aggravating“ mean in the last paragraph?A.Worsening.B. Decreasing.C. Improving.D. Releasing.31. Which of the following is suggested by

33、Churkina?A. Planting more trees in cities.B. Advocating using clean energy.C. Improving peoples quality of life.D. Banning vehicle pollution in summer.DTechnology is starting to give us superpowers once reserved only for comic book heroes like Spider-Man and Superman. We now live in an age of human

34、enhancement and related technology has captured the attention of the media and investors.Some of these new technologies achieve their effects by means of electronic devices that connect our brains to external sources of knowledge, sensory data or physical power. We may not get chips implanted in our

35、 brains any time soon, but think about Google Glass-who needs an inserted chip when you can wear a computer on your head?Wearable technology doesnt only come in the form of a pair of glasses. A Japanese laboratory is working on a more practical prototype(雏形)of a muscle suit than Iron Mans shiny armo

36、r(盔甲).The muscle suit, called an exoskeleton, enables the sick and elderly to move around more easily, New Scientist magazine reported. Coveting(觊觎)the powers of Spider-Man, the US military is working on a Spider-Man suit“ that not only lets wearers climb vertical walls, but also allows them to sens

37、e approaching objects without looking at or hearing them, according to an American military technology website.But perhaps you favor more subtle powers like mind control or mind reading. This may one day come true as well. The most amazing human enhancement technologies that have come into reality a

38、re devices that interact directly with the human brain.Q Sensor, created by scientists at MIT, is a wireless sensor that measures electricity conducted through the skin. It can detect whether people are bored, stressed or excited, and therefore has wide applications in research and therapy, the BBC

39、reported.Scientists envision neural implants that could allow humans to manipulate real-world objects with their mind-a power not unlike mind control. Slate magazine reported this might already be happening. 32. What can be learned from the first two paragraphs?A. New technologies have brought us in

40、to a new era.B. Superpowers of comic book heroes have been widely applied nowadays.C. Human enhancement refers to the superpowers of the comic book heroes.D. Spider-Man and Superman have captured the attention of the media and investors.33. What can we know about Google Glass?A. It is implanted in o

41、ur brains.B. It is technology with inserted chips.C. It is a device which makes us superheroes.D. It is a technology that enhances human power.34. Which of the following items does NOT involve wearable technology?A. Google Glass.B. The muscle suit.C. Iron Mans armor.D. The Spider-Man suit.35. What i

42、s the best title of the passage?A. Explore superpowers for human enhancementB. Go beyond Iron Mans shiny armorC. Meet superheroes in real lifeD. Embrace the unknown world第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分125分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。It is well-known that food which is full of fat isnt good for yo

43、ur heart. 36 Australian researchers tested people with asthma(哮北帚)before and after a high-fat meal or a low-fat meal. Then they found that the high-fat meal increased inflammation(炎症)and reduced the lung functions.30 non-obese people with asthma took part in the study, as well as 16 obese adults. Th

44、e non-obese volunteers received either a high-fat or low-fat meal, while the obese ones were all given a high-fat meal. 37 The low-fat meal was 13 percent fat.Four hours after the meal, the researchers found that the airway inflammation increased a lot and lung function was affected in those who had

45、 the high-fat meal. And these people saw just a 1 percent improvement in their lung function when they used their inhalers(吸入器)to treat asthma. 38“If these results can be tested again by further research, this suggests that reducing the amount of fatty food one eats may be useful for managing asthma

46、/9 said the studys lead author, Lisa Wood, at the Hunter Medical Research Institute in New Lambton. The number of people in the world with asthma has increased greatly over the past few decades. 39”Dr Thomas Leath, director at Scott & White Healthcare in Texas, said, Eating fatty food can lead to ob

47、esity, and fat can certainly cause a small amount of inflammation.例“He doubted whether the effect on lung function was great enough for people to notice, but said the study provided one more reason why people shouldnt have high-fat diets.A. And one reason is the high-fat Western diet.B. Inflammation

48、 can be either short-lived or long-lasting.C. But now a new study suggests that fatty meals may affect the lung function too.D. But Im surprised that one meal could do this.E. The high-fat meal was 50 percent fat.F.People are generally considered obese when their body mass index is over 30 kg/nV.G. Those who ate the low-fat meal saw a 4.5 percent improvement.第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


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