Unit 8 First Aid(人教版高二英语上册教案教学设计).docx

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1、Unit 8 First Aid(人教版高二英语上册教案教学设 计)一、教材分析本单元的中心话题是First Aid,详细涉及关于动物咬伤、烧伤、 刀伤和中毒等的一般急救常识。此外还介绍了家庭平安须知,急救的 重要性等。语言学问和语言技能都围绕这一中心话题设计。1. Warming up由两个部分组成,第一部分设计了六张事故情景, 他们分别是溺水、交通事故、烧伤、划伤、噎塞等常见场景。要求同 学看图争论:遇到这些紧急状况应怎么处理,平常怎样能避开这些事 故的发生;其次部分让同学争论遇到上述状况应当如何处理,如何避 开这些状况,关于急救自己知道哪些学问,以及急救时可能会用到哪 些词汇等。这些活动

2、都来自于生活,简单引起同学对急救的思索,引 起同学参加本单元话题争论的爱好,对本单元的学习起到了热身作用。2. Listening部分可在热身的基础上,以听的形式进一步了解 “急救”常识,共有两段对话。第一段是一个父亲和被狗咬伤的儿子 在医院与护士之间的对话;其次段是一个两岁半的女孩误喝墨水,母 亲带她上医院时与护士的对话。通过训练,提高同学听力水平。3. Speaking部分是有关家庭平安须知,要求同学学习运用“应 当做什么,不应当做什么”的表达方法;同学两人一组,相互告知家 庭平安须知,提出忠告,课文列举了一些常用的句型作为参考。4. Pre-reading呈现了有关急救的三个写作提纲,要

3、求同学不 读课文思索“假设让你写一篇有关急救的文章,你会选择使用三个中 的哪一个提纲? ”其次个问题是让同学猜测本单元的阅读文章会使 用三个提纲中的哪一个,并给出理。这些活动的目的是让同学体会文1 .Warming upThe six situations shown in the warming up represent common accident scenes, including drowning, traffic accident, burns, bleeding, cuts and choking. The students are asked to think what the

4、y would do in the situations and what we could do to prevent similar accidents. If we know how to give first aid , we can help others when accidents happen.这.些活动来源于生活,因此 教学可以从同学的生活经受谈起,引入本单元的话题。Brainstorming:How do you come to school every day?Have you ever seen a traffic accident or have you ever b

5、een in a traffic accident on your way to school?What did you do when it happened? (show some pictures about traffic accidents)Do you know anybody bitten by a poisonous snake? If that happened, what should we do?Do you help your mother do the housework, especially girls?Have you ever had your finger

6、cut? Then what did you do?这些都是同学生活当中可能会遇到的,在争论的过程中,能启发 急救的重要性并导出有关急救的学问的新单词:bleeding, cuts, emergency, bites, ambulance 等。接着再引导同学争论书中的六幅图。What do the six pictures in the book tell us?1. Pair work : 1). What would you do in the above situations?2)What could we do to prevent these accidents(Divide the

7、 class into four groups, and each group choose one picture to discuss.让同学两人争论之后,上台表演急救措施 并用英语来讲解,让同学在做中学)2. Group work: When you are having PE class, some unexpected situations may happen, what are they? (e. g. faint, shock-) And what would you do to give first aid? (work in groups of four)3. Indivi

8、dual work: what do you already know about first aid?4. Class work: what new words do you think will be useful when you talk about accidents and first aid.2 .ListeningThis part will give the further information about first aid. There is a dialogue between a nurse and a man and another one between the

9、 nurse and a woman. The man s son and the woman s daughter have been injured. The man and the woman have just taken their children to hospital. Encourage the students to guess what happened to them, what re the possible suggestions from the doctor. Before listening, ask the students to have a guess

10、activity.1. Pre-listeningLook at the two pictures and guess where are they? What happened to the children?本活动为开放型,目的是为了激活听前捕获信息的力量,集中同 学的留意力,同时增加悬念。2. While-listening3. Listen to the tape and fill in the formPartlPart2 What happened the child When did it happen? Was any first aid given What was done

11、Childl (parti)Child2 (part2)(通过表格的设置,同学能够一目了然地去捕获重要信息。What was done?这个问题在parti当中要求同学听一遍写出来有点难度, 因此在推断出Was any first given?既给出A. He dried the wound B. He washed itC. He tied a clean piece of cloth around it这样的三项急救措施要求同学排序,一方面可以降低难度,同时 可以让同学了解急救的步骤。4. . Listen to parti again and write down the nurse s

12、questionsCan?What,s?What did you do?Doe s?5. Post-listeningDiscussion: If you have little babies or grandparents at home, what do you suggest can be done to keep them off danger?Homework: writingWrite a composition about how to give first aid and how to prevent the emergency in your daily life. Use

13、the words about first aid in this period.The Second Period SpeakingTeaching Aims:1. Learn some knowledge of the family safety.2. Practise the speaking ability with Dos and Don ts.3. Master some useful words and sentences.Teaching Important Points;Training the Ss speaking ability.Teaching Difficult P

14、oints:How to help the Ss finish the speaking practice.Teaching Methods;Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.Teaching Procedures:Stepl. Lead-inLast time we ve discussed what we should do when some accidents happen. But do you know certain things at home can be dangerous?

15、 Can you tell me what they are?such as: electric wires, a pan of oil, poisonsStep2. Pre-speakingIf there are the dangerous things in you house, what should you do and shouldn t do? Ask Ss to discuss each other and list some, then show the following on the screen, including the useful expressionsDos1

16、. Make sure that electrics wires are safe and that children can t reach them.2. If a pan of oil catches fire, turn off the gas and cover the pan quickly.3. Make sure that everyone in your family knows how to call 110.4. Learn more about first aidDon ts1. Don t put poisons into other containers, for

17、example empty bottles.2. Never leave small things on the floor or table which a baby can put in its mouth.3. Don t play with electrical equipment.4. Never use ladders on a wet floor.Useful expressionsYou should always*You should notYou ought to/shouldYou should neverYou mustYou must neverYou have to

18、Please don tMake sureStep3. SpeakingAsk Ss to use the above lists to work in pairs, group to tell each other about safety at home. Encourage the Ss to add more safety tips to each list. A moment later, ask some Ss to act out their dialogues.Step 4. ConslidationAsk the Ss to make lists of dos and don

19、 ts for one of the following situations and then discuss them in pairs.1. Traffic safety2. Classroom rules3. Internet safetyHomework:Workbook pl31 Talking. Ask Ss to work in pairs to make dialogues.The Third Period Reading DR ABCPre-reading:Task 1 Predicting1. Everybody writes every day. How would y

20、ou write? Will you give an outline before writing?2. If you are going to write a passage about first aid, what aspects will you refer to? Try to give an outline.1. Group activity: DiscussingThe students discuss the outlines (on page 59) and work out an outline.2. Individual activity:ReportingAsk som

21、e students to show their outlines and the reasons for their choices.While-reading:Task 2 ReadingActivity 1. Skimming1. Read the passage DR ABC quickly to find out which outline is used in it.2. Read again to sum up the main ideas of each paragraph.Para. 1. Knowing first aid can mean the difference b

22、etween life and death.Para. 2. To stay calm is the most important thing when dealing with an emergency.Para 3-4. Remember DR ABC to give first aid when we have to think fast.Para. 5-6. When we have checked the DR ABC, we should give the first aid that is needed and call an ambulance.Activity 2. Scan

23、ningRead the passage again to find out the answers to the questions ( on screen ).1. Why is first aid important in our daily life?2. What s the most important thing to remember when dealing with an emergency?3. What do the hospitals recommend?4. What do the letters “DR ABC stand for?5. What we shoul

24、d do when we have checked the DR ABC?6. Can we do first aid correctly after reading this passage?Post-readingTask 3 PracticingActivity 1Present pictures ( page 60) on screen, ask students to use what they have learnt from the text to describe what the people are doing in the pictures.Activity 2Work

25、I pairs. Use the letters DR ABC to tell your partner how to give first aid.First, you shouldSecond,Third, 章的构思过程,学会依据主题先列提纲,依据提纲阐述理由或细节, 为同学阅读下文起引导作用。5. Reading是一篇介绍急救的文章,标题是DR ABC,详细介绍 急救的重要性,如何进行急救,急救时留意DR ABC: D代表Danger (危 急),R代表Response (反应),A代表Airway (呼吸道),B代表 Breathing (呼吸),C代表Circulation (血液循

26、环),以及如何进一 步急救等一些急救基本常识和步骤,使同学了解急救对病人的重要性 及基本急救学问,以便他们运用于生活实际。6. Post-reading设计了两个练习,第一个练习给出三个急救画 面,要求同学找出课文中与之对应的句子。其次个练习让同学两人一 组列举急救现场应做的几件重要事情。通过这两个练习,可以帮忙同 学检查自己对课文把握程度,并进一步理解、巩固课文。7. Language study分词汇和语法两部分。词汇部分设计了两个 练习,第一个练习要求同学依据所给的新的语境,从刚学习的课文中 找出合适的词填入空白处;其次个练习设计了一段短文,要求依据语 境选择正确的词汇填空。这两个练习的

27、目的都是帮忙同学复习词汇, 学习在详细的情景中正确使用词汇。语法部分是进一步介绍虚拟语气的用法,教材先向同学提出四个 句子,让同学依据句子情景,理解这些句子虚拟语气的含义。然后设 计了三个练习,帮忙同学通过练习理解、熟识、把握虚拟语气的用法。8. Integrating skills的阅读部分供应了一篇关于处理一般创 伤的说明文,可以说是前面阅读文章的补充。要求同学在阅读和理解 的基础上,回答一些有关急救学问的问题,并用所学的急救学问设计 一份急救学问小常识问卷。写作部分要求同学写一篇介绍有关“如何 进行急救”的文章。这些活动贴近同学生活,能够引起同学的爱好, 并能够综合地训练同学用诘言做事的

28、力量。Fourth,Last,Task 4 ActingPerformance of the first aidHomework:1. Revise the text and find out the useful expressions and sentences.3. Prepare for Language study and finish off the exercises on page 61-62 and page 133.The Fourth Period Language StudyTeaching Aims:1. Review some useful words learnt

29、 in the text.2. Further study the Subjunctive Mood.3. Do some practice to master the Subjunctive Mood betterTeaching Important Point:Help the students to master the Subjunctive Mood.Teaching Difficult Point:How to make the students master the Subjunctive Mood through practice .Teaching Methods:1. Do

30、ing-drills to get the students to master the Subjunctive Mood better.2. Pair worker individual work to make every students work in class.Teaching ProceduresStepl. Word study1. Pre-learning.2. Play a word game. The teacher say a word of some part of the body, the students should touch the part of his

31、 or hers. Such as hand , eye , nose, mouth, ear, chest, arm , leg , foot, knee, face, wrist3. Review some first aid words in the text , such as aid, slightly, response, wound , ambulance, recovery, rolling,bleeding. Let the students tell me the meaning of each word.II. While-learningTaskl Fill in th

32、e blanks with words in the text on page 61.Task2 Read the following story and fill in the blanks with the words from the box on page61.Personal work to finish the tasks, and class work to check the answers.Step2. GrammarI. Lead-inIn Unit7 the students have learnt some sentence structures in the Subj

33、unctive Mood to talk about events or situations which are not certain to happen. So ask the students to find out the sentences in the Subjunctive Mood in the reading passage in unit8. Write them down on the blackboard.1. If I had known more about giving first aid, I could have helped them.2. If we w

34、ere to panic, we would not be able to help.3. If we were to get hurt trying to save someone, we would not be able to help.Let the students compare the first sentence . with thesecond and third ones. What s the difference between them? Teacher allows students enough time to discuss why the sentence p

35、atterns are different. Then teacher gives some explanations and writes the sentence patterns on the black board.“If +Sub. + had done*, Sub. +would have done”“If + Sub. + were to Sub. + would (not) do , ”The first sentence talks about things that did not happen in the past perfect is used in the if c

36、lause; would+ the present” in the main clause.The second and third sentences talk about “unreal” or improbable present situations. The past tense is used in the if clause “would +an in infinitive in the main clause;II. PracticeTaskl. Finish Ex2 on page62. Join the pairs of sentences using the Subjun

37、ctive Mood.Personal work to finish the task and class work to check the answers .Attention: There are some other cases the Subjunctive Mood is used.1. after the verbs: order , command , insist, demand, desire, request, recommend, propose, suggest, and other verbs with similar meaning followed by tha

38、t clause.e. g. we insist that a meeting (should) be held as soon as possible.I suggest that we (should) set off straightway.They demanded that the aggress or troops be withdrawn immediately.2. in the Predicative Clause or the appositive Clause after the nouns suggestion order proposal advice demand

39、request requirement, etc.e. g. My suggestion is that we (should) send a few people to help the other groups.He made a suggestion that they (should) carry on their conversation in French.3. in the construction “it is /was important/ necessary/ essential / suggested / requested / ordered etc. +that cl

40、auseve. g. He said it was important that every member (should) send his subscription by the end of the month.It is necessary that he (should) be sent there at once .It is requested that Miss Cai (should) give a performance at the party .4. in the construction “it is time that and after wouldrather /

41、 preferetc.e. g. It is time that we went to bed.I would prefer you had seen the filmTask2. Do Exl on page61. Fill in the blanks with the words in brackets. You may change the form if necessary.Task3. Do Ex3 on page62. Find one error in each sentence and then correct it.Personal work to finish the ta

42、sks and class work to check the answers.Homework1. Finish Ex. sl-4 in workbook.2. Review and remember the use of the Subjunctive Mood.3. Prepare the last period-integrating skills.The fifth Period Integrating SkillsTask 1: warming upEven if we do our best to prevent accidents, they can t be avoided.

43、 People who have witnessed accidents often wish that they could do sth to help. If we prepare for an emergency and know what to do. We will be able to stay calm when an accident happens and give first aid. A boy named John does not know anything about first aid, who can help him?The “DR ABC“ method

44、does not contain enough information for you.Task 2: Read the passagePersonal work1. Read and find what common injuries are mentioned?2. Read again and find out how to deal with the injuriesHow to deal withAnimal bitesBurnscutspoisoning3. Group work (discussion)Use what you have learnt about first ai

45、d to answer the questions below.1) What should you do if you find a person who has stoppedbreathing?2) What should you do if you find a person with a knife in his or her leg?3) You find a girl unconscious on a sofa. You think that she may be poisoned. What do you do first?4) What should you do if so

46、meone has been bitten by a dog?5) Your friend burnt herself while she was cooking. What could you do to help?6) What should you do if you find a person who has suffered the electric shock?Task3:WritingActivity 1:Pre-writingDescription of the accident sceneYou have just seen a car accident. Two cars

47、crashed and three people on bicycles were also involved. The driver of one of the cars is slumped over the steering wheel. He is not moving . His passenger is standing outside the car, holding his arm. His is screaming and is obviously in great pain. The other driver is bleeding from a cut on his he

48、ad and is also screaming. One of the bicycle riders is on the ground and is not moving. The other two bicycle riders are sitting on the street. One seems to have hurt her leg and the other is holding his stomach.Questions:1. What would you do first?2. Who should you help first?3. What kind of first aid would you give to each person?4. What should you do after you have given first aid?A


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