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1、课时素养评价十七 Module 6 Grammar语用训练I.单句语法填空1. (2020 全国HI卷)In ancient China lived an artist whosepaintings were almost lifelike. The artists reputation had made him proud.2. I live next door to a couple whosechildren often make a lot of noise.3. (2020 天津高考)Dr Rowan, whosesecretary resigned two weeks ago, h

2、as had to do all his own typing.4. We visited the Jade Buddha Temple, whichis in the northwestern part of Shanghai.5. The air quality in the city, as is shown in the report, has improved over the past two months.6. We will put off the picnic in the park until next week, whenthe weather may be better

3、.7. Wind power is an ancient source of energy, to which we may turn in the near future.8. I have reached a point in my career whereI need to decide which way to go.9. Jack s speech was listened to by a group of five judges, all of whomagreed that it was the best one this year.10. Sam remembered seve

4、ral occasions whenhe had experienced a similar feeling.II.翻译句子1. The hotel where/at which they stayed last month is not far from here.他们上个月住过的旅馆离这不远。2. This is one of the best films that have been shown this year.这是今年上映的最好的电影之一。3. They arrived at a farmhouse, in front of which sat a small boy.他们到达了一

5、个农舍,农舍前坐着一个小男孩。4. He failed in the maths exam again, which made himself very disappointed.他数学考试又不及格,这使他自己很失望。5. Such machines as are used in our workshop are made in China.【解析】选A。逻辑推理题。经过努力,Chris和Tim成功地将“人工繁殖”和“自然繁殖” 结合在一起。A选项正确。13. A. forcedB. forbadeC. taughtD. enabled【解析】选D。逻辑推理题。Chris和Tim成功地将“人工

6、繁殖”和“自然繁殖”结合在一起, 这使得Emma诞育了五只幼鹤。enable sb. to do sth.意为“使能够做某事”,D选项 正确。14. A. defeated B. gratefulC. assuredD. tolerant【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。根据后文more efforts must be made可以推知,尽管两个人为 自己的成就感到骄傲,但是他们还需要付出更多努力,因为野生鹤的数量在减少。所以他们 还不能完全放心(白鹤不会灭绝)。assured意为“确定的,有把握的,自信的。故选C。15. A. listB. riseC. agendaD. decline【解析】选D

7、。逻辑推理题。根据because可知,前后句之间是因果关系,根据more efforts must be made可以推知,野生白鹤数量在减少,所以,还要付出更多的努力(来挽救白鹤灭 绝)。故D选项正确。16. A. In contrastB. After allC. By the wayD. On the contrary【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。前文提到:野生白鹤数量正在减少,很多其他物种似乎也在逐渐 灭绝。该句提到,并不是所有的人都意识到野生动物有思想,感情以及平等生存的权利。很 明显,该句是对前文出现野生动物濒临灭绝原因的一种解释。after all:毕竟(用于解释和 说明理由)。故B

8、选项正确。17. A. leaveB. bridgeC. openD. identify【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。针对上文提到的很多物种灭绝这种现象,作者提出一个问题:我 们如何来消除将人类和动物隔开的不断扩大的鸿沟呢? B选项正确。18. A. courseB. excuseC. answerD. reward【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。前文提出一个问题:我们如何来消除将人类和动物隔开的不断扩 大的鸿沟呢? Chris和Tim的做法给我们提供了一个答案。C选项正确。19. A. brainsB. behaviorsC. servicesD. projects【解析】选A。逻辑推理题。根据下文中

9、的“held all the solutions可以推断出,人类认 为自己的“大脑”掌握着所有的解决办法。即:人类认为自己的大脑可以想出所有的解决办 法。A选项正确。20. A. guideB. treatC. exampleD. companion【解析】选A。逻辑推理题。根据转折词but可以推知,人类想当然地认为自己的“大脑”掌 握着所有的解决办法。但或许他们可以用“心”更好地“引领”他们去保护这些濒危的动物。 故A选项正确。【难句剖析】But before they can be assured, more efforts must be made, because the popula

10、tion of the crane in the wild is on the decline, and many other species appear headed toward extinction.分析:该句子的主干为 more efforts must be made; before they can be assured 为时间 状语从句;because the population of the crane in the wild is on the decline, and many other species appear headed toward extinction

11、为 because 引导的两个并列原因状语从句。 翻译:但在确定它们之前,必须作出更多的努力,因为野生鹤的数量在下降,许多其他物种 似乎正走向灭绝。我们车间使用的机器是中国制造的。【补偿训练】1. Anyone who failed the axam(没有通过考试的)should be punished.2. He is late for class again, as is often the case(这是常有的事).3. He stood at the window, from where he could see what was happening(从那儿他能 看见正在发生的事).4

12、. There are two thousand students in our school, two thirds of whom ore girls(其 中三分之二是女生).5. The boy will never forget the day when he wvs left alone at home(他一个人被留 在家里).-主题阅读I.阅读理解APeople and animals often enjoy loving relationships with each other. When people adopt domesticated(家养的)animals into t

13、heir families as pets, animals give humans the blessings of companionship and fun in return. In the wild, animals sometimes carry out dramatic rescues of people in dangerous situations, miraculously (奇迹般地) sensing human needs and jumping in without fear to help.A 6-year-old boy named Elian Gonzalez

14、left Cuba on a boat bound for Florida in the United States, but the boat sank and everyone aboard drowned except for Elian and two adults. Elian and the other two survivors held onto an inner tube for 48 hours to try to stay afloat in the sea. After a while, however, Elian began to lose strength, sl

15、ipping under the water and then grabbing the tube again as he fought to stay alive.A small group of dolphins noticed Elian struggling and swam over to him to help. The dolphins formed a circle around the inner tube and took turns using their noses to lift Elian until fishermen working in the area di

16、scovered and rescued Elian and the two adults who floated nearby. The fishermen reported that, when they discovered Elian, he was repeating a prayer that his mother had taught him before drowning, asking guardian angels to protect him.Miraculously, the dolphins knew that a child would need more help

17、 than adults,so they focused on Elian一and they figured out exactly what needed to be done and cooperated to carry out that plan successfully. They made it!【文章大意】本文介绍Elian落水,奇迹般地被海豚营救。这表明人和动物都是喜欢彼此、 和谐友爱的。1. Why did Elian slip off the tube?A. The dolphins helped him.B. He was tired out.C. The two adu

18、lts pushed him.D. The tube was too smooth to grab.【解析】选Bo细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句中however, Elian began to lose strength, slipping under the water 可知,Elian 累了。2. How did the dolphins save Elian Gonzalez?A. They informed the fishermen.B. They formed a circle around him.C. They stopped Elian slipping under the

19、water.D. They supported the inner tube by turns.【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第三段中The dolphins formed a circle around the inner tube and took turns using their noses to lift Elian 可知,它们阻止 Elian 在水下向 下滑。关键词是lift。3. Which of the following words can be used to describe Elian Gonzalez?A. Confident and strong.B. Adapta

20、ble and aggressive.C. Friendly and optimistic.D. Determined and lucky.【解析】选Do推理判断题。根据第二段中的held onto an inner tube for 48 hours to try to stay afloat in the sea 和 grabbing the tube again as he fought to stay alive 可 知,Elian是有决心的,坚定的;再由故事中Elian被海豚所救,可知他是幸运的。4. What can be the best title for the text?A

21、. Prayer Doing Wonder.B. Elian s Narrow Escape.C. Animals: Human Beings Angels.D. The Dolphins That Rescued Elian.【解析】选D。主旨大意题。本文主要讲述了海豚营救了 Elian的过程。(2020 银川高二检测)The Sabi Sand Game Reserve in South Africa is one of the richest wildlife regions in the African continent. Over 200 species of mammals an

22、d 350 different birds can be found in its vast plains, grasslands and forests.I spoke to Michael Rattray, chairman of the Sabi Sand managementcommittee, about the management policies. If in a thousand years time the reserve is still a wonderful habitat for wildlife, then we will have succeeded in ou

23、r mission.Various measures are being put in place. These include dealing with the problem of erosion(侵蚀). In 1996 we had abnormally high rainfall. This could have been absolutely destructive. However, we have successfully fought erosion using gabion stretchers, which are wire baskets filled with roc

24、ks. We have also used a lot of old aerial photographs, which have helped us return the land to its earlier state. This meant recreating open grassland areas to attract different types of animals, “ he said.Apart from these measures, the reserve employs a wide range of local workers. Building staff a

25、ccommodation of any sort would make a big impact on the environment and would go against the aim of keeping the reserve as natural as possible. Instead, transport is provided so employees can live a normal life with their families outside the area, and the human impact is kept to a minimum(最彳氐限度).Vi

26、sitors to the reserve spend about six hours a day in open vehicles, observing wildlife on game drives. They are accompanied by a ranger and a local tracker. I shall never forget the moment on a game drive when a cheetah(猎豹)with her five cubs was pointed out to me. She was lying in a sea of long yell

27、ow grass, her markings almost invisible. We got close enough to hear her purr.The Sabi Sand Game Reserve is a place where animals have no fear of humans. It is impossible to quantify the benefits of spending time in such an environment.【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。南非的Sabi Sand野生动物保护区是非洲大陆物种最丰富 的野生动物保护区之一。本文介绍了其基本

28、情况。5. What helped solve the problem of erosion?A. High rainfall.B. Gabion stretchers.C. Empty baskets.D. Aerial photographs.【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的“However, we have successfully fought erosion using gabion stretchersv可知,通过使用 gabion stretchers,我们成功的抵御 了腐蚀。因此帮我们解决腐蚀的是gabion stretchers。故选B。6. What can w

29、e know about visitors to the reserve?A. They can walk to the open fields.B. They must have very good eyesight.C. They cannot go around the reserve alone.D. They have two ways to enter the reserve.【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的They are accompanied by a ranger and a local tracker可知,他们由园林管理员和当地向导陪同。因此去保护区的参观者需

30、有工 作人员陪同,不能单独去。故选C。7. The author,s experience of visiting the reserve can be described as.A. luckyB. amazingC. stressfulD. frightening【解析】选B。推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中作者对自己经历的描述I shall never forget the moment on a game drive when a cheetah with her five cubs was pointed out to me. ” 可知。我永远不会忘记在游猎时,一只猎豹和她的五只幼崽朝我

31、过来的时刻。由此可以看此 作者在Sabi Sand野生动物保护区的经历令人难忘,非常精彩。故选B。8. What would be the best title for the text?A. An introduction to the Sabi Sand Game ReserveB. The importance of protecting wildlifeC. Some advice on visiting the Sabi Sand Game ReserveD. The Sabi Sand Game Reserve一the biggest wildlife region【解析】选A。主

32、旨大意题。根据最后一段“The Sabi Sand Game Reserve is a place where animals have no fear of humans. ”可知,Sabi Sand野生动物保护区是一个动物不怕人类 的地方。因此,本文主要介绍了南非的Sabi Sand野生动物保护区,但没有提到是最大的,故 选AoII.语法填空(2020 成都高二检测)Spotted owls (斑点猫头鹰)live in old-growth forests in the western United States and act as an indicator species, a me

33、asure of the biological health of 1.area, for public-land management.The species is 2.(particular) allergic to logging, andwhen the northern subspecies of spotted owl 3. (list) in 1990 as threatened一likely to become 4. (endanger) in the future.The listing of the northern and Mexican spotted owls as

34、threatened drew national attention to the dramatic fall of old-growth forest ecosystems and 5.(force)policy changes in the management of national forests.In spite of that 6. (protect), populations of spotted owls have continued to fall outside of national forests over the last 38 years. Though many

35、believe wildfire has largely led 7. this fall, there is little scientific basis for this assumption.“Spotted owls were once a symbol of the biodiversity (生物多样性)8. (find) in old-growth forests, “ says Derek E. Lee, 9. is associate research professor of biology at Penn State. We need to reevaluate our

36、 management methods to 10. (well) protect these birds and the extraordinary biodiversity in severely burned forests.”【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。本文讲述斑点猫头鹰是衡量一个地区生物生长情况的物种4曰巡F o1 .【解析】an0考查冠词。句意:斑点猫头鹰成为了一种衡量一个地区生物生长情况的物种 指示器。根据冠词使用规则,表示泛指用a/an, area以元音音素开头,所以用an。故填an。2 .【解析】particularly。考查副词。修饰形容词allergic,应用副词。故填

37、particularly。3 .【解析】was listedo考查动词时态语态。此处the northern subspecies特指斑点猫头 鹰物种,因为species为单数含义,结合语境和后文的时间,用一般过去时,且list与主语 是动宾关系。故用过去时单数含义的被动语态。故填was listedo4 .【解析】endangeredo考查非谓语动词。endangered受到威胁的,遭遇危险的。become 是系动词,接形容词做表语,过去分词用为形容词,表示状态。故填endangered。5 .【解析】forcedo考查动词时态。该处与前文的drew为并列的谓语动词。用一般过去时, 故填 f

38、orcedo6 .【解析】protection。考查名词。介词of后接名词作宾语,故填protection。7 .【解析】too考查介词。lead to导致,是固定短语,故填to。8 .【解析】foundo考查非谓语动词。此处为非谓语动词作后置定语修饰Spotted owls,它 们之间存在逻辑上的动宾关系。故用过去分词形式。故填found。9 .【解析】who。考查定语从句。分析句子可知,此处是定语从句,指人的先行词Derek E.Lee 在后面起说明作用的非限制性定语从句中充当主语成分。用关系代词who,故填who。10 .【解析】better。考查副词比较级。reevaluate重新评估

39、,意味着要更好保护。用比较 级。故填better。完形填空(2019 江苏高考)Wildlife has been greatly threatened in the modern age. There are species (物 种)that are every day. The white-naped crane is a typical example. So scientists are trying their best to 2 the species from going out of existence.Chris and Tim work at a zoo, helping

40、 endangered cranes with their 3 . Emma, a female crane, has been in their 4 since she arrived in 2004.Born at an international crane foundation, Emma was 5 by human caretakers.This led to an unexpected 6 , though she had a wonderful time there. Emma had 7 taken herself as a crane and become deeply a

41、ttached to humans. She 8 to live with male cranes, and even had a 9 for killing some of them, which made it 10 for her to become a mother.11 , the two zookeepers didn t want to see the extinction(灭绝)of thisprecious species. With their patience and efforts, they successfully developed a 12 of artific

42、ial breeding(人工繁殖)and natural reproduction. This 13 Emma to give birth to five baby cranes.The two keepers are proud of their productive work. But before they can be 14 , more efforts must be made, because the population of the crane in the wild is on the 15 , and many other species appear headed to

43、ward extinction. 16 , not everyone has realized that wildlife has thoughts, feelings, and most importantly, equal rights to survive.How can we 17 the ever-widening gap that separates us from other animals? Chris and Tim offered us the 18 : human beings took it for granted that their 19 held all the

44、solutions, but maybe their hearts can be a better 20 .【文章大意】这是一篇夹叙夹议类的文章。在现代,野生动物正在遭受巨大威胁,每天都有 一些物种灭绝。白鹤就是其中之一。但是,有很多人正在竭尽全力保护这些物种免于灭绝。 Chris和Tim通过努力,帮助一只名叫Emma的雌鹤繁殖了五只幼鹤。1. A. growingB. migratingC. competingD. disappearing【解析】选D。逻辑推理题。根据第一段第一句Wildlife has been greatly threatened in the modern age”

45、和最后句提至U的.the species from going out of existencev可以推知,野生动物正在遭受巨大威胁,每天都有一些物种灭绝,即:“消失”。故I)选项 正确。2. A. ban B. save C. split D. remove【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。前文提到每天都有物种消失,那么该句应指科学家们正在竭尽全 力保护这些物种,使它们免于灭绝。故B选项正确。3. A. abortionB. recreationC. reproductionD. administration【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。上文最后一句提到科学家们竭尽全力保护濒临灭绝的物种,由此 推知,该

46、处应指Chris和Tim帮助濒危物种繁殖,增加它们的数量,这样它们才不至于灭绝。 该空应指“繁殖”,故C选项正确。4. A. careB. eyeC. mindD. story【解析】选A。词汇复现题。自从2004年,Emma一直由Chris和Tim照顾。该空和下一句中 的human caretaker”呼应。故选 A。B. chosen5. A. foundC. raisedD. seized【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。根据空后的uhuman caretakers可知,caretaker当然是照看 Emma的。故该句应指:出生在一个国际鹤基地,Emma由人类抚养照看。故选C。6. A. bon

47、usB. consequenceC. victoryD. sacrifice【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。根据空后的though(尽管)可知,though前后的两个句子之间是 转折关系。后面提到,她过得很开心。根据转折关系,那么前文应该表示“但是这导致了出 乎意料的结果”。故B选项正确。7. A. neverB. alwaysC. unluckilyD. cheerfully【解析】选A。逻辑推理题。根据下文中的become deeply attached to humans. . . even. killing some of them”等内容可知,因为Emma一直由人类照看,所以它没有将自己看

48、作是 一只鹤,而是深深地依恋上了人类。故选A。8. A. likedB. refusedC. decidedD. hesitated【解析】选Bo逻辑推理题。根据上文,Emma不把自己当作鹤,所以它“拒绝”和雄鹤生活 在一起。故B选项正确。9. A. giftB. skillC. concernD. reputation【解析】选D。逻辑推理题。根据even(甚至)这个递进关系可知,Emma不仅拒绝和雄鹤生活 在一起,而且因为弄死了几只雄鹤而“臭名昭著”。故D选项正确。10. A. illegalB. inspiringC. importantD. impossible【解析】选D。Emma拒绝和雄鹤生活,这当然使得她“不可能”生育小鹤,成为妈妈。D选项 正确。11. A. ThereforeB. MoreoverC. HoweverD. Instead【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。上文提到Emma拒绝和雄鹤生活,使得她不可能生育小鹤。下文 提到两位动物园管理员不想看到这一物种的灭绝。由此推知,上下文之间是转


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