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1、Week10 复习文档 使用说明:每天花 35 分钟时间快速浏览一遍,加深印象即可,请勿死记硬背。每周只看上周的,滚动复习。(周一)1.dominate /dmnet/v.to control or have a lot of influence over sb/sth,especially in an unpleasant way 支配;控制;左右;影响 He tended to dominate the conversation.他往往左右着交谈的内容。2.sequential /skwenl/adj.relating to or happening in a sequence 连续的;相

2、继的;顺序的;序列的 sequentially adv.循序地 3.pixel /pksl/n.any of the small individual areas on a computer screen,which together form the whole display 像素(组成屏幕图像的最小独立元素)Pixel are the dots that make up the picture on a display screen.像素就是组成屏幕上的画面的一系列点。4.render /rendr/v.to express or present something in a parti

3、cular way(以某种方式)表达;表现 Infrared film renders blue skies a deep black.红外线胶片将蓝色的天空拍成深黑色。【render 也是计算机图形学中的一个概念,译为“渲染”,是指将计算机生成的 3D 场景或模型转化为最终图像或动画的过程。在渲染过程中,计算机会模拟光照、阴影、材质、纹理等视觉效果,并将其应用到场景或模型上,以生成逼真的图像或动画。渲染的目的是为了呈现出最终的视觉效果,使场景或模型看起来栩栩如生。】5.simultaneously /sam()ltenisli/adv.at the same time 同时地 The gam

4、e will be broadcast simultaneously on TV and radio.比赛将同时在电视和广播中进行转播。6.algorithm /lrm/n.(尤指计算机)算法,运算法则 a set of rules that must be followed when solving a particular problem 算法;计算程序 Dont diddle code to make it fasterfind a better algorithm.不要为了使代码更快而胡乱编写代码要找到更好的算法。7.extract /ekstrkt/v.to choose infor

5、mation,etc.from a book,a computer,etc.to be used for a particular purpose 选取;摘录;选录 This article is extracted from his new book.本文选自他的新书。8.soaring /sr/adj.ascending to a level markedly higher than the usual 猛增的 They were protesting soaring prices.他们在抗议不断飞涨的物价。9.edge /ed/n.a slight advantage over sb/s

6、th(微弱的)优势 The company needs to improve its competitive edge.公司必须提高它的竞争力。10.lash /l/v.to fasten sth tightly to sth else with ropes 捆绑;捆扎 Several logs had been lashed together to make a raft.几根原木捆扎在一起做成了木筏。此处理解为该词的比喻意义“串联”。11.juicy /dusi/adj.attractive because it will bring you a lot of money or satis

7、faction 有吸引力的;报酬丰厚的;令人满足的 If sales continue like this,we should be showing a nice juicy profit at the end of the year.如果销售量这样保持下去,年底我们的利润会很丰厚。12.behemoth /bhim/n.a very big and powerful company or organization 巨头(指规模庞大、实力雄厚的公司或机构)With over 250 million users,Facebook is a social networking behemoth.F

8、acebook 的用户超 2.5 亿,是一个社会网络巨头。(周二)13.aural /rl/adj.relating to the sense of hearing,or someones ability to understand sounds 听觉的;听力的 an aural stimulus 听觉刺激 14.fringe /frnd/adj.less important or popular than the mainstream 边缘的,非主流的 The environment is no longer a fringe issue.环境不再是一个边缘问题了。15.guerilla /

9、ril/n.a member of a small unofficial military group that fights in small groups 游击队员 American troops found themselves fighting a guerrilla war.美军发现自己是在打游击战。16.facilitate /fsltet/v.to make it easier for a process or activity to happen 促进;使便利 Computers can be used to facilitate language learning.用电脑可使

10、语言学习更方便。17.speculative /spekjltv/adj.bought or done in the hope of making a profit later 投机的 speculative investments 投机性的投资 18.swoop /swup/v.to move very quickly and easily through the air,especially down from a height in order to attack(尤指为进攻而从高处)俯冲,向下猛扑 The eagle swooped down to snatch a young rab

11、bit.鹰俯冲下来抓一只小兔子。swoop in:to move to somewhere swiftly 19.cue v.to signal(to something or somebody)at a specific moment in a musical or dramatic performance 插入以提示 20.metric /metrk/n.a standard of measurement 衡量标准,指标 21.equate to sth to be equal to something 相当于,等于 a rate of pay which equates to 6 per

12、 hour 相当于每小时 6 英镑的报酬 22.follow suit to do the same as someone else has done 跟着做,照着做,仿效 Budget companies have been so successful that other airlines have had to follow suit and lower their fares.廉价航空公司很成功,其他航空公司只得仿效他们降低票价。23.omnipresent /mnpreznt/adj.present everywhere 无所不在的;遍及各处的 These days the medi

13、a are omnipresent.现在新闻媒体无处不在。24.viral /varl/adj.passed on to other people on the Internet or using mobile phones 在网络上或用手机广为传播的 It is one of the most viewed viral videos on the web.这是网络上被观看次数最多的“病毒视频”。25.endure v.to remain alive or continue to exist for a long time 生活下去;持续存在 friendships which endure

14、over many years 保持多年的友谊 26.forthcoming /fkm/adj.a forthcoming event,meeting etc is one that has been planned to happen soon 即将到来的,即将出现的 Keep an eye on the noticeboards for forthcoming events.请注意布告牌上的活动预告。(周三)27.fertility /ftlti/n.the ability of a person,animal,or plant to produce babies,young animal

15、s,or seeds 生育能力,繁殖力 OPP infertility 28.downward /danwd/adj.moving to a lower level 往较低水平下降的,下跌的 Share prices continued their downward trend.股价继续呈下跌趋势。29.trajectory /trdektri/n.the events that happen during a period of time,which often lead to a particular aim or result 事物的发展轨迹 The decision was certa

16、in to affect the trajectory of French politics for some time to come.这一决定在未来的一段时间里必将影响法国的政治轨迹。30.upshot /pt/n.the final result of a situation(某事的)结果结局 The upshot was that after much argument they all agreed to help her.最后的结果是,经过长时间争论,他们全都同意帮助她。31.unwanted /nwntd/adj.not wanted or needed 不需要的,多余的 an

17、unwanted pregnancy 非意愿怀孕 32.hurdle /hdl/n.a problem or difficulty that you must deal with before you can achieve something 障碍,困难 Finding enough money for the project was the first hurdle.第一道难关是为该项目筹措足够的资金。33.bring up to look after and influence a child until he or she is grown up 抚养,养育 He was brough

18、t up by his grandparents.他是由祖父母抚养长大的。34.disposable /dspzbl/adj.available to be used 可以使用的 disposable resources 可支配的资源 35.squeeze /skwiz/v.to strictly limit the amount of money that is available to a company or organization 严格限制公司或组织的资金;压缩 The government is squeezing the railways investment budget.政府

19、在压缩铁路投资预算 36.sluggish /slg/adj.moving or reacting more slowly than normal 行动缓慢的;反应迟缓的 Economic recovery has so far been sluggish.经济复苏的速度目前仍然缓慢。37.soar /s/v.to increase quickly to a high level 猛增,骤升 soaring unemployment 急剧上升的失业率 38.populist /ppjlst/n.someone who tries to be popular with ordinary peop

20、le and to represent their ideas and opinions 平民主义者;民粹主义者 39.entitlement /ntatlmnt/n.the official right to have or do something,or the amount that you have a right to receive 拥有或获得某物的权利;应得的数额 The paid holiday entitlement is 25 days.可享有的带薪假期为 25 天。40.prop /prp/v.to support something by leaning it agai

21、nst something,or by putting something else under,next to,or behind it 把靠在上;支住,支撑 The government introduced measures to prop up the stock market.政府推出措施来扶持股市。(周四)41.anthropologist /nrpldst/n.someone who scientifically studies humans and their customs,beliefs,and relationships 人类学家 词根 anthropic 42.pede

22、strian /pdestrin/n.someone who is walking,especially along a street or other place used by cars 行人,步行者 43.nowhereville /nwe(r)vl/n.a remote,boring or unimportant place 穷乡僻壤 They left the city and settled in Nowhereville,Montana.他们离开城市,定居在了蒙大拿州的穷乡僻壤。44.spawn /spn/v.to cause sth to develop or be produ

23、ced 引发;引起;导致;造成 The bands album spawned a string of hit singles.这支乐队的专辑带出一连串走红的单曲。45.immensely /mensli/adv.very much 非常;极度 Nationalism is an immensely powerful force.民族主义是十分强大的力量。SYN extremely 46.coercive /ksv/adj.using threats or orders to make someone do something they do not want to do 强制的;胁迫的 co

24、ercive measures to reduce absenteeism 减少旷工现象的高压措施 词根 coerce 47.vanish /vn/v.to stop existing 不复存在;消亡;绝迹 All hopes of a peaceful settlement had now vanished.和平解决的全部希望现已化为泡影。48.lane /len/n.one of the two or three parallel areas on a road which are divided by painted lines to keep traffic apart 车道 Use

25、the outside lane for overtaking only.外侧车道仅限超车使用。49.hasten /hesn/v.to make sth happen sooner or more quickly 促进;使加快 The treatment she received may,in fact,have hastened her death.实际上,她所接受的治疗可能加快了她的死亡。词根 haste 50.cord /kd/n.an electrical wire or wires with a protective covering,usually for connecting

26、electrical equipment to the supply of electricity 电线 the phone cord 电话线 51.lobby /lbi/n.a group of people who try to persuade a government that a particular law or situation should be changed企图使政府更改某项法律或改变某种局面的游说团体 the anti-foxhunting lobby 反对猎狐的游说团体 lobby v.游说(政府或有政治权力的人)52.spout /spat/v.to talk a

27、lot about something in a boring or annoying way 喋喋不休地说,滔滔不绝地说 My father was spouting his usual nonsense!我父亲又在没完没了地讲他的那些废话了!53.afterthought /ftt/n.a thing that is thought of,said or added later,and is often not carefully planned 事后想法,事后添加的事物(常未经周密考虑)They only invited Jack and Sarah as an afterthought

28、.他们后来才想到邀请杰克和萨拉。54.ambitiously /mbsl/adv.in a way that need a lot of effort,money or time to succeed 费力地;耗资地;耗时地 The museum unveiled the ambitiously designed exhibit on Tuesday.博物馆于周二对外开放了这场精心安排的展览。55.eschew /stu/v.to deliberately avoid doing or using something有意地回避,避开 I had eschewed politics in fav

29、our of a life practising law.我选择从事律师行业,有意避开了政治。56.congestion /kndestn/n.the state of being crowded and full of traffic(交通)拥塞;塞车 traffic congestion and pollution 交通拥塞和污染 57.dealership /dilp/n.a business that sells a particular companys product,especially cars 特许经销商(店)尤指汽车经销商dealership 福特汽车经销店 58.on-s

30、treet /n strit/adj.(of parking facilities 停车设施)located at the side of a public road rather than in a garage,a drive,etc.街边的;路边的 59.ditch /dt/v.to stop having something because you no longer want it 扔掉,抛弃,丢弃 The government has ditched plans to privatise the prison.政府放弃了监狱私有化的计划。(周五)60.scratch /skrt/v

31、.if you scratch an idea or a plan,you decide that you will not do it 取消,撤销想法或计划 SYN:abandon 61.shroud /rad/v.to keep information secret so that people do not know what really happened 隐瞒,将保密 The incident has always been shrouded in mystery.这一事件始终蒙着神秘的色彩。62.executive /zekjtv/n.a manager in an organiz

32、ation or company who helps make important decisions 机构或公司的主管,经理 a marketing executive 营销主管 63.pivot /pvt/v.(especially in a business context)completely change the way in which one does something 转向 64.endeavour /ndev(r)/n.an attempt to do sth,especially sth new or difficult(尤指新的或艰苦的)努力,尝试 advances i

33、n the field of scientific endeavour 在科学探索领域的进步 65.titan /tatn/n.If you describe someone as a titan of a particular field,you mean that they are very important and powerful or successful in that field.巨人;巨头.the countrys two richest business titans.这个国家两位最富有的商业巨头。66.breed /brid/v.to cause a particular

34、 feeling or condition 引起,酿成,招致某种情感或状况 Poor living conditions breed violence and despair.贫困的生活条件滋生暴力和绝望情绪。67.pervasive /pvesv/adj.existing everywhere 到处存在的,到处弥漫着的,遍布的 the pervasive influence of television 电视无所不在的影响 68.pioneer /pan(r)/v.to be the first person to do,invent,or use something 开创,开发;倡导 The

35、 new cancer treatment was pioneered in the early eighties by Dr Sylvia Bannerjee.这种新的癌症治疗方法是由西尔维娅班纳基医生在 80 年代初期开创的。69.virtually /vtuli/adv.almost 几乎 Virtually all the children come to school by bus.几乎所有的孩子都乘公交车上学。SYN:practically 70.wrest /rest/v.to take power or influence away from someone,especiall

36、y when this is difficult 攫取权力或影响 They are fighting to wrest control of the party from the old leaders.他们正极力从老一辈领导人手中夺取对党的控制权。71.discontinue /dskntnju/v.to stop doing,producing,or providing something 停止,中断,终止 discontinuation n.72.infotainment /nftenmnt/n.television programmes that deal with important

37、 subjects in a way that people can enjoy 在电视中用轻松的方式谈论重要问题的信息娱乐节目 73.function /fk()n/v.to work in the correct way 起作用;正常工作;运转 Despite the power cuts,the hospital continued to function normally.尽管供电中断,医院继续照常运作。74.emblazoned /mbleznd/adj.if something is emblazoned with a name,design etc,it has that des

38、ign on it where it can easily be seen 印有名字、图案等标志的 a T-shirt emblazoned with a political slogan 印有政治口号的 T 恤衫 75.poised /pzd/pletely ready to do something or for something to happen,when it is likely to happen soon 准备好的;蓄势待发的 Spain was poised to become the dominant power in Europe.西班牙已准备好成为欧洲的霸主。76.in

39、filtrate /nfltret/v.To infiltrate people into a place or organization means to get them into it secretly in order to spy on it or influence it.使渗入 He claimed that some countries have been trying to infiltrate their agents into the republic.他声称有些国家一直试图使他们的特工渗入该共和国。77.rival /rav()l/v.to be as good or

40、important as someone or something else 与匹敌,与媲美 The colleges facilities rival those of Harvard and Yale.这所学院的设施比得上哈佛和耶鲁。(周六)78.fraternity /frtnt/n.a group of people sharing the same profession,interests or beliefs(有相同职业、爱好或信仰的)群体,同人;同好 members of the medical/banking/racing,etc.fraternity 医务界、银行界、赛马圈等

41、同人 79.ambiguous /mbijus/adj.that can be understood in more than one way;having different meanings 模棱两可的;含混不清的 The language in the Ministers statement is highly ambiguous.部长的声明措辞很含糊。80.instil /nstl/v.to teach someone to think,behave,or feel in a particular way over a period of time 逐渐灌输培养思想、行为方式或感受 A

42、 managers job is to instil determination into his players.主教练的工作就是向他的队员灌输必胜的决心。81.engender v.to be the cause of a situation or feeling 引起,产生某种情形或感觉 the changes in society engendered by the war 战争造成的社会变化 82.rile /ral/v.to make someone extremely angry 激怒,使非常生气 That class gets me so riled up.那个班级把我气死了。

43、83.uncivil /nsvl/adj.not polite 不礼貌的,无礼的He was most uncivil to your father-called him an old fool.他对你父亲极其无礼称他为老傻瓜。84.mannequin /mnkn/n.a model of the human body,used for showing clothes in shop windows 商店橱窗中用以展示服装的人体服装模型 85.studiously /stju.disli/adv.in a way that is very careful and intentional 刻意地

44、 They studiously avoided/ignored each other.他们刻意回避/忽视对方。86.unprompted /nprmptd/adj.said or done without anyone asking you to 主动的;自发的 Quite unprompted,he offered to help.他主动提出帮忙。87.disparaging/dsprd/adj.criticizing someone or something,and showing that you do not think they are very good or important

45、 贬低的,抨击的 She made some disparaging remarks about the royal family.她说了些贬低王室的话。88.reckon /rekn/v.to think or suppose something 认为,以为 The police reckon that whoever killed Dad was with him earlier that day.警方认为杀害爸爸的人那天早些时候就和他在一起。89.ladder /ld/n.a series of levels which someone moves up and down within

46、an organization,profession,or society 在机构、专业或社会中晋升的阶梯,途径Becoming a doctor would be a step up the social ladder.成为医生就是在社会阶梯上向上攀升了一级。90.evoke /vk/v.to produce a strong feeling or memory in someone 引起,唤起某人强烈的感情或回忆His appearance is bound to evoke sympathy.他的外表肯定会引起人们的同情。91.bulge /bld/v.to stick out in a

47、 rounded shape,especially because something is very full or too tight 鼓起;胀出He fell heavily to the floor,his eyes bulging wide with fear.他重重地摔在地上,吓得双眼圆睁。92.eyeball /abl/n.the round ball that forms the whole of your eye,including the part inside your head 眼球 93.concession /knsen/n.something that you a

48、llow someone to have in order to end an argument or a disagreement 让步 The British were not prepared to make any concessions.英国人没有打算作出让步。94.courtesy /ktsi/n.polite behaviour and respect for other people 有礼的举止,礼貌He didnt even have the courtesy to call and say he couldnt come.他甚至连打个电话来说一声他不能来的礼貌都没有。95.

49、cynical /snkl/adj.unwilling to believe that people have good,honest,or sincere reasons for doing something 愤世嫉俗的,不相信人的真诚善意的 a cynical view of human nature 认为人性本恶的一种观点 96.reverse /rvs/n.the exact opposite of what has just been mentioned 相反情况;正相反 I didnt mean to insult her quite the reverse.我没想侮辱她其实我是

50、想赞扬她。97.invective /nvektv/n.rude and insulting words that someone says when they are very angry 咒骂 He let out a stream of invective.他连声咒骂。98.equable /ekwbl/adj.someone who is equable remains calm and happy and does not often get annoyed 平和的,性情温和的 a young man with a naturally equable temperament 生性温和


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