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1、2023高中英语听力综合训练试题2023高中英语听力综合训练试题第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最正确选项,并标在试卷的相应位 置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来答复有关小题 和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Whatare the speakers talking about?A. A fire.B. A matchbox.C. A rain.2. Whattime is it now?A. 10: 15.B. 10: 30.C. 11: 00.3. Whoare the two speakers?A. Retired sold

2、iers.B. Collegestudents.C. Army people.Harry came to see his mother one morning whileshe was having her breakfast, and said to her, “No one at my school likesme, mother. The teachers don t, and the children don t. Even the cleaners andthe bus drivers hate me. ”“Well,Harry. his mother answered, uPerh

3、aps you aren t very nice to them. If a fewpeople don t like a person, he or she may not be responsible for that; but if alot of people don t, there is usually something wrong, and that person reallyneeds to change. ”I m tooold to change. Harrysaid, I don t want to go to school.”“Don tbe silly, Harry

4、,“ his mother said, going to the garage to get his car out. Youhave to go. You re quite well, and you still have a lot of things to learn. Andbesides that, you re the headmaster of the school. ”答案:1-5ABCBA6-10BCBBC 11-15ABCCA16-20AABCC4. Whatis wrong with the printer?A. It doesn t flash.B. There isn

5、 t any ink.C It s broken.5. Whatis the woman interested in?A. Sports.B. Fashion.C. Politics.第二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的、A、B、C三个选项中选出最正确选项,并标在 试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个 小题,每题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时 间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,答复第6和第7题。6. Howdoes the woman go to the place?A. By bike. B. By bus. C. By

6、 taxi.7. Whatcan we learn about the woman?A. She has walked more than two blocks.8. She is in Nanjing Road now.9. She is on the wrong street.听下面一段对话,答复第8和第9题。A. At 8: 00.B. At7: 30.C. At 7: 47.9. What sthe result of the conversation?A. The man will drop the woman at anunderground station.B. The man

7、will drive the woman to the park.听下面一段对话,答复第10至第12题。10. Whatball games does the man like watching on TV?A. Football.B. Volleyball.C. Basketball.11. Whatdoes the man think of his supporting team?A. Good.B. Just so-so.C. Disappointing.12. Howmany more games does the man s team have this season?A. 3.B.

8、 4.C. 5.听下面一段对话,答复第13至第16题。13. Whatis Sally?A. A famous singer. B. A film star. C. A famous swimmer.14. Where is Sally now?A. In a petition. B. In a swimming pool. C. In California.15. Whatdid Sally do at the last Olympics?A. She broke all the records.B. She won many cups.C.She swam thirty-five mile

9、s.16. Whyhas the woman given up swimming?A. She is too old to be a swimmer.B. She prefers visiting other countries.C. She can t win any petitions.听下面一段独白,答复第17至第20题。A. In the morning.B. In the afternoon.C. In the evening.18. Whatwas Harrys problem?A. Everyone at his school liked him.B. No one at his

10、 school liked him.C. Some people at his school disliked him.19. Whydidn t Harry want to accept his mother s advice?A. Hethoughthewastooweak.B. Hethoughthewastheheadmaster.C. Hethoughthewastooold to change.20. Whatcan we learnfrom the passage?A. Harry is a bus-driver.B. Harry is a student.C. Harry is

11、 the headmaster听力原文ext 1M: Did you hear about the fire at the Department Store?W: Yes. It s reported that the building is in ruins.M: That sright. It went up like a matchbox. Therewas nothing they could do to save it.M: Theysaid that the eleven o clock train was running late again as usual.W: We arr

12、ived at thestation at exactly 10: 00. However, we ve already been waiting forthirty minutes. Whattime did they say it would arrive?M: Well,we 11 probably have to wait another quarter of an hour.Text 3W: Howlong have you been in the army service?M:Twenty-fiveyears. I joined up right after college.W:

13、Ihave only been in the army for seven years.M: Lookslike you have a while to go until retirement.Text 4M: Look! It s broken. I told you it wasn t working.W: Ofcourse it won t work! See, the ink box indicator is flashing. You have tochange it.M: I msorry. I didn t know what it meant.W: Doyou like rea

14、ding fashion magazines?M: Notparticularly. They are a little too boring for me.W: I mnot into fashion, either. I prefer outdoor magazines.M:Notme. The magazines I read are all about politics.Text 6W: Excuseme, sir. I m trying to find my way to Shanghai Zoo.M:Yes.Are you taking a taxi?W: Todayl want

15、to go there by bus.M: That s good. First ofall, you are on the wrong street. You have to walk more than two blocks toNanjing Road where you 11 catch bus No. 57.W: Manythanks.M:Notat all.Text 7M: I mgoing into London. I 11 give you a lift ifyou like.W: Really? That would be kind.W: Nearthe park, but

16、if you can drop me at an underground station, that 11 be fine.M: No,it s all right. The park is not far out of my way. I 11 take you there.W: That svery kind of you.Text 8M: Ireally enjoy watching the NBA games on TV.W: Who syour favorite player?M:I don treally have one but I support Houston.W: Doth

17、ey have a good team?M: Ithink they do. They have a good manager and a great coach.W: I can t keep up with thegame. The players play so quickly that I can hardly see what they are doing.M: I have the same problem. The players are really very skillful. I wish I could play that well. Now I playfor an a

18、mateur team. We re doing pretty well this season. We ve won most of ourgames, but we re not top of the league table. We ve got four more games thisseason. I hope we can win all of them.W: Do you remember SallyGreen, the swimming star? She was the girl who broke all the records lastOlympics. Where is

19、 she now? Last week our reporter, Tom Parker, went tosee Sally in her home, California.M: Is ittrue that you don t swim at all now?W: I mafraid so. Im too old.M: Butyou are only twenty.W: That s too old for aswimmer. If I swim in an international petition now, I wouldn t win. Sol d rather not swim a

20、t all.M:Butdon t you enjoy swimming?M: Butyou were famous at fifteen. And look at all these cups.W: It s true that I have somewonderful memories.I enjoyed visiting other countries, and the Olympics werevery exciting. But I missed more important things. While other girls weregrowing up, I was swimming. What can I do?


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