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1、听力推理判断题开学检测小卷1. What impressed the man most?A. The plot.B. The main performers.C. The songs.2. What will the woman do on Sunday?A. Mark tests.B. Teach a class.C. Meet Professor Mathers.3. Where is the man probably going tonight?A. The stadium. B. The theater. C. The library.4. Why does the woman mak

2、e the phone call?A. To make an appointment. B. To confirm an appointment. C. To cancel an appointment. 5. What do the speakers usually do at the weekend?A. They watch a play. B. They listen to some CDs. C. They dine at a restaurant.6. What does the man say about his novels?A. They can reflect his ow

3、n life.B. They are translated into foreign languages.C. They each can be summarized in 200 words.7. What do the speakers agree about the museum?A. It is small. B. It is educational. C. It isnt worth visiting.8. What did the speakers do on their last trip?A. They hiked Snowdon.B. They drank hot choco

4、late.C. They got caught in the rain.9. What type of movie did the woman most probably watch?A. An action movie.B. A comedy.C. A documentary.10. What part of the game did Tammy watch?A. The whole.B. The first half.C. The second half.11. What does the man try to do when climbing?A. Go as fast as he ca

5、n.B. Finish it all by himself.C. Fully enjoy the unique views.12. What is the man going to do today?A. Prepare for a speech. B. Give a talk.C. Look for a job.13. Where are the speakers?A. At a post office.B. At a store.C. At home.14. Where did the man do the classes?A. At home.B. In the school.C. At

6、 the womans place.15. What is the woman probably doing?A. Painting a picture.B. Washing a brush.C. Drinking water.以上试题选自高中英语听力专项训练 高三分册、高中英语听力强化训练 高三分册、高考英语听力模拟试题精编。(Text 1)M: Ive just been to see that new musical.W: Oh really? Is the plot as good as what people say about it? M: Yeah, although there

7、 are one or two bits that didnt work. For me, what stood out were the people playing the two leading roles. But the songs were unimpressive for the most part.1. What impressed the man most?A. The plot.B. The main performers. C. The songs.【答案】B【分析】题干中的impressed most对应原文中的stood out, 而原文中所说的people play

8、ing the two leading roles对应main performers。这一题既考查了词汇之间的同义转述,也考查了思维转换。(Text 2)M: Hello, Lucy. This is Jack. I know you are a fan of live music. I guess I dont have to tell you about the concert at the pub on Sunday. Its supposed to be the best show of the year.W: I wish I could be there but I already

9、 promised Professor Mathers that Id have all of the tests graded by Monday.2. What will the woman do on Sunday?A. Mark tests. B. Teach a class. C. Meet Professor Mathers.【答案】A【分析】男士邀请女士周日去看演唱会,女士婉拒,并解释说她已经答应教授在周一前将测试评好分。虽然女士并没有明确说出“评分”这个事情是在周日做,但联系上下文,可推断出这一点。原文中的 grade 是“分数”的名词动化,表示“评分”;正确选项中的 mark

10、 表示“打分”,是该词的熟词生义。(Text 3)W: Could you give me a ride to the stadium tonight?M: Id like to, but Im heading in the other direction. Im meeting Jean for her favorite play The Library Card.3. Where is the man probably going tonight?A. The stadium. B. The theater. C. The library.【答案】B【分析】根据男士所说的 Im meeti

11、ng Jean for her favorite play 可知,今晚他要陪 Jean 去看戏剧,因此今晚男士最有可能去剧院。本题的难点在于其他两个选项的干扰性比较大。女士请男士载她去 stadium,男士先说了他愿意,后面才说他要去一个相反的方向以表示婉拒。而戏剧的名称里包含了 library 这个词,学生要是漏听了 play 就容易误选 C 项。(Text 4)W: This is Suzy Parker. I dont have an appointment, but could Diego fit me in for a haircut this afternoon?M: Let me

12、 check. If you can get here by four, hell fit you in.4. Why does the woman make the phone call?A. To make an appointment. B. To confirm an appointment. C. To cancel an appointment.【答案】A【分析】fit sb in意为安排时间见(某人),女士问男士Diego下午能否安排出时间帮她理发,由此可推断出女士打电话的目的是预约理发。 (Text 5) 5星W: Did you remember to get the tic

13、kets for the play?M: Well, I remembered, but they were sold out. What do we do now? Shall we go out for a meal?W: No. I still want to break our weekend routine and try something new.M: Yeah, what about a concert then?W: Its a waste of money going to a concert. I mean you can buy CDs and listen at ho

14、me or on the Internet.5. What do the speakers usually do at the weekend?A. They watch a play. B. They listen to some CDs. C. They dine at a restaurant.【答案】C【分析】谈话双方本来想这周末去看剧,但是票已经卖完了。男士建议去吃饭,女士说还是想打破周末的惯例,尝试一些新东西。言外之意就是他们平时周末的惯例是出去吃饭。B项干扰性较强,但这只是女士的提议,并未落实。break weekend routine 打破周末常规(Text 6) 5星W: M

15、y guest today is Tom Davies. Hes written a lot of successful novels. Tom, some people say that they can find bits of you in your novels, is that true?M: Someone said you cant write 200 words in a novel without giving something of yourself away and I suppose thats true.W: Now, though you have many su

16、ccessful novels, we only saw two stories translated onto the big screen. Whys that?M: Well, you know, making a film needs a team. 6. What does the man say about his novels?A. They can reflect his own life.B. They are translated into foreign languages.C. They each can be summarized in 200 words.【答案】A

17、【分析】对话中男士提到有人说小说作者即使只是写了二百字,也难免会自我暴露。男士同意这种说法。由此可知男士的言外之意是他的小说会反映他自己的人生。本题难点在于理解 you cant write 200 words in a novel without giving something of yourself away 这句中的双重否定表示肯定。bits of 些许 give sb / sth away 泄露;暴露(Text 7) 4星M: That was a great museum.W: If I went again, though, Id suggest not bothering wi

18、th that room with those old pots.M: But they helped us to imagine what life was like back then. W: It was a long way to come to see a museum of that size, though.M: Yes, I imagined itd be much bigger.7. What do the speakers agree about the museum?A. It is small. B. It is educational. C. It isnt wort

19、h visiting.【答案】A【分析】女士表示要走很远的距离来看那样大小的一座博物馆,言外之意认为博物馆小,与距离远形成反差。男士表示同意,他以为博物馆会更大一些。本题难点在于理解女士的隐含之意以及男士的虚拟语气。bother with sth 花费时间精力做某事(Text 8) 5星W: I hope it doesnt rain heavily when we hike up Snowdon.M: Lets check the forecast before we go, unlike when we climbed Ben Nevis. We dont want to have to

20、shelter under that small tent again.W: Well, well have hot chocolate to keep warm if we need to.8. What did the speakers do on their last trip?A. They hiked Snowdon.B. They drank hot chocolate.C. They got caught in the rain.【答案】C【分析】女士说希望徒步时不要下大雨,男士说出发前看看天气预报,不要像上次爬山时那样了,由此可推断,他们上次爬山时遇到了大雨。男士又提到不希望再

21、次躲在小帐篷下面了,综合以上信息可知,说话者上次爬山被困在了雨中。本题难点在于没有直接说出上次出行遇到了下雨的天气并且被困,需要结合上下文来推出该信息。(Text 9) 5星W: I just got back from the latest BlazingBolt movie! Wow! The special effects and storyline are so impressive.M: Great! I wasnt looking forward to it because I heard it had some funny romantic parts and documenta

22、ries are my favorites.9. What type of movie did the woman most probably watch?A. An action movie.B. A comedy.C. A documentary.【答案】B【分析】男士说并不是很期待BlazingBolt这部电影,因为它有一些搞笑的情节,由此可知,女士很可能看了一部喜剧。本题最大的干扰在于男士紧接着说自己最喜欢纪录片,非常容易误选。(Text 10) 4星M: Did you see the game last night, Tammy? W: I caught it during the

23、 halftime show and watched it from there. I was lucky as I dont think much happened in the first half. Did you catch it? M: Yeah, I saw the whole thing and youre right. The first half was pretty slow.10. What part of the game did Tammy watch?A. The whole.B. The first half.C. The second half.【答案】C【分析

24、】女士说在中场休息表演的时候开始看的比赛,并从这里继续往后看,由此可知,她看的是后半场。材料关于全场和前半场的信息比较明显,且出现在靠后位置,会加大干扰。(Text 11) 5星W: I suppose you get a view of mountains that nobody else really sees?M: Yes. But if I was dropped on the top of a mountain by helicopter, it wouldnt be the same. Its knowing that youve covered the distance to t

25、he top yourself, fighting every inch of the way. Thats what makes you feel so pleased with yourself when you get to the top.11. What does the man try to do when climbing?A. Go as fast as he can.B. Finish it all by himself.C. Fully enjoy the unique views.【答案】B【分析】男士说知道自己一步步爬到山顶,全程都是通过自己的努力,这才能在达到山顶时感

26、到如此高兴,也就是说男士靠自己一个人爬上山。题干中的Finish it all 对应原文中的covered the distance to the top和fighting every inch of the way。cover表示“走完(一段路程)”,是该词的熟词生义。cover vt 走完(一段路程) every inch of the way 全程(Text 12) 5星W: I know that you are busy preparing for the presentation these days, and Im sure that you will do an excelle

27、nt job today. I just wanted to wish you good luck.M: Thanks. I have worked very hard, and I really know my material well. So, dont worry. I will do my best.12. What is the man going to do today?A. Prepare for a speech. B. Give a talk.C. Look for a job.【答案】B【分析】女士鼓励男士说她知道男士最近一直忙着准备演讲,她相信男士今天会做得非常棒。由此

28、可推断出,男士今天要作演讲。本题答题关键在于知道正确选项中的talk是原文中presentation的同义转述。(Text 13) 4星M: Thatll be four pounds fifty for this parcel. Oh dear!W: Whats the matter?M: Youve put sticky tape all over it. Im afraid youll have to take it away and repack it.13. Where are the speakers?A. At a post office.B. At a store.C. At

29、home.【答案】A【分析】根据话题词汇 parcel(包裹),sticky tape(透明胶带),repack(重新打包) 可以推断出,谈话者正在邮局。(Text 14) 5星W: How are your Italian classes?M: Theyre good. Its such a beautiful language but Ive had to start taking them online as traveling to the college in the evenings was taking too long.W: I understand, maybe I coul

30、d give you the details of my tutor and you could do them face-to-face at home.M: Good idea!14. Where did the man do the classes?A. At home.B. In the school.C. At the womans place.【答案】B【分析】男士说他因为晚上去大学上意大利语课太费时间了,所以开始在线上学习,言外之意就是他之前在学校里上这门课。(Text 15) 4星W: Professor, Im having problems making this water look real.M: Give me your brush for a moment. Watch me add just a few shadows here.15. What is the woman probably doing?A. Painting a picture.B. Washing a brush.C. Drinking water.【答案】A【分析】由 brush、shadows 等可知,男士将给女士示范如何把水画得自然逼真。由此可推知,女士正在画画。


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