专题01-2023 甲卷(中国历史人物)- 三年(2021-2024)高考英语小作文真题全解全析 .docx

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专题01-2023 甲卷(中国历史人物)- 三年(2021-2024)高考英语小作文真题全解全析 .docx_第1页
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1、优点英语2021-2024年高考英语小作文真题全解全析专题01 2023年全国甲卷真题原文你们学校正举办主题为“用英文讲中国故事”的征文活动。请你以一位中国历史人物为题写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:1.人物简介及事迹 2.意义或启示注 意 :1.词数100左右 2.题目已为你写好A Historical Figure in China_真题解析2023 年全国甲卷应用文写作,要求考生以一位中国历史人物为题写一篇短文投稿,参加主题为“用英文讲中国故事”的征文活动。内容有两个要点:人物简介及事迹,意义或启示。该题考查了考生的英语写作表达能力、逻辑思维能力以及对中国历史人物的了解程度。这一命题旨在向世界

2、展示中华文明,讲述体现中国精神的中国故事,引导学生传承和弘扬中华优秀传统文化,增强文化自信和价值观自信,厚植爱国主义情怀。写好此类文章我们需要解决两个难点:一是人物选择:选择恰当的人物,完成人物的基本情况介绍。二是语言表达:使用恰当的逻辑词串起对人物的描述,使其言简意赅,同时注意高级词汇的灵活运用。综上所述,作文的写作思路如下.1. 人物事迹:选取一位有广泛知名度和影响力的中国历史人物,例如孔子、屈原、李白、苏轼等,通过描述他们的出身背景、学术成就、文化贡献、思想理念等方面来展示他们的个人魅力和影响力。2. 启示: 探讨他们的精神品质、人生态度等带给我们的思考和反思。3. 意义: 强调他们的思

3、想对后世的影响、他们的作品对文化传承的重要性等。写作小贴士:l 对历史人物的介绍要准确、精炼,抓大放小;l 恰当使用连接词,使文章逻辑清晰。l 文章要覆盖所有的内容要点,并适当地进行拓展。范文赏析1(诸葛亮)优点英语A Historical Figure in ChinaZhuge Liang, a famous historical figure in Chinese traditional culture, was born in the late Eastern Han Dynasty.He was a famous military strategist, statesman and

4、inventor. He was also known as“Kong Ming”and was the chancellor of the Shu Han during the Three Kingdoms period.He was a master of military strategy and tactics, and was highly respected by the people of the Three Kingdoms. Meanwhile, Zhuge Liang was also a master of the art of literature, and his l

5、iterary works were highly praised by his contemporaries.His life teaches us that with unwavering dedication and wisdom, we can navigate through even the most complex situations and ultimately bring harmony and peace to our surroundings.中国历史人物诸葛亮生于东汉末年,是中国传统文化中著名的历史人物。他是一位著名的军事战略家、政治家和发明家。他也被称为“孔明”是三

6、国时期蜀汉的丞相。他是军事战略和战术大师,深受三国时期的人民爱戴。同时,诸葛亮也是文学艺术大师,他的文学作品被同时代的人称颂。他的人生启示我们,凭借坚定不移的奉献和智慧,我们可以克服最复杂的境遇,最终给我们周围的人、事、物带来和谐与安宁。亮点词汇military adj. 军事的statesman n. 政治家chancellor n. 大臣a master of .方面的大师 tactic n. 战术,兵法unwavering dedication 坚定的奉献navigate v. 航行;横渡 ultimately adv. 最终范文赏析2(李白)A Historical Figure in

7、 China中国历史人物 Living in a golden age of Chinese poetry, Li Bai was best known for his rich imagination and striking imagery in his poetry as well as his great love for wine.His poetry, transcending time and space, communicates universal themes of the beauty of nature and the human longing for freedom

8、. Many of his poems have remained today, having a great impact on our Chinese culture and society.His legacy inspires us to express our inner feelings and views of the world. His artistic mastery reminds us of the power of words, urging us to engage with our own creative pursuits, shaping the world

9、with our unique voices.李白生活在中国诗歌的黄金时代,闻名于其在诗歌中展现的丰富的想象力和诗意以及对酒的喜爱。他的诗歌超越了时间和空间,表现了自然之美和人类对自由的渴望等普遍主题。他的许多诗作留存至今,对中国文化和社会产生了巨大影响。他的作品激励着我们去表达内心的情感和对世界的看法。他的艺术造诣使我们感受到了文字的力量,敦促我们去追求创造,用我们独特的声音塑造世界。亮点词块poetry n. 诗歌be known for 因.而闻名striking imagery 引人注目的transcend v. 超越,超出 have a great impact on 对.有巨大影响

10、inspire sb. to do sth. 激励某人做某事remind sb. of sth. 使某人想起某事 urge sb. to do sth. 敦促某人做某事 范文赏析3(张骞)A Historical Figure in ChinaIn distinguished Chinese history, many people have made great contributions to the development of our country, among whom Zhang Qian stands out. He is one of the pioneers of the

11、Silk Road.In the Western Han Dynasty, following the emperors command, Zhang Qian made his journey to the Western Regions. He opened the door of friendship between China and many countries in Central Asia. Through his traveling, the Silk Road came into being and he greatly promoted the spread of Chin

12、ese culture. Nowadays, with more and more international exchanges, it is a great time for us to learn from Zhang Qian to spread our brilliant culture to the whole world.中国历史人物在耀眼的中国历史上,许多人为我国的发展做出了巨大贡献,其中张骞的贡献十分突出。他是丝绸之路的先驱者之一。西汉时期,在皇帝的命令下,张骞出使西域。他打开了中国与中亚许多国家之间的友谊之门。通过他的旅程,丝绸之路应运而生,这极大地促进了中国文化的传播。如

13、今,随着国际交流日益频繁,现在正是我们向张骞学习向全世界传播我们辉煌文化的好时机。亮点词汇distinguished adj.杰出的,卓越的contribution n.贡献stand out 突出pioneer n. 先锋come into being 形成;产生promote v. 促进spread v.传播exchange v. 交流;互访brilliant adj. 杰出的;巧妙的范文赏析4(屈原)A Historical Figure in ChinaQu Yuan was born in around 340 BC and became an official of the sta

14、te of Chu in his twenties. He was not only a famous patriotic poet in Chinese history, but also a pioneer of romanticism in Chinese classical literature.Although Qu Yuan was a person who devoted his energies to the development of Chu, he could not get support from everyone. He recorded his own exper

15、iences and expressed his concern about the state of Chu in several long poems, such as Li Sao( The Lament)Nowadays,Chinese people still commemorate Qu Yuan every year during the Dragon Boat Festival. His patriotism, loyalty, and dedication to his country and people are qualities that we should all s

16、trive to emulate. 中国历史人物屈原出生于公元前 340 年左右,二十多岁时成为楚国的官员。他不仅是中国历史上著名的爱国诗人,还是中国浪漫主义古典文学的先驱。屈原虽然是一个致力于楚国发展的人,但无法获得所有人的支持。他在离骚等几首长诗中记录了自己的经历,表达了对楚国现状的担忧。如今,中国人仍然在每年的端午节期间纪念屈原。他的爱国主义精神、忠诚以及对国家和人民的奉献精神值得我们学习。亮点词汇state n. 状态;状况patriotic adj. 爱国的pioneer n. 先锋;开拓者romanticism n. 浪漫主义devote to把.奉献给. commemorate(

17、用)纪念patriotism n.爱国主义loyalty n. 忠心;忠诚dedication n.献身;奉献strive to 努力emulate v. 向看齐范文赏析5(苏轼)A Historical Figure in ChinaSu Shi, a gifted scholar from Chinas Song Dynasty, was one of the “Eight Doyens of the Tang and Song Dynasties”. He was diligent in his approach to study, which served as the foundat

18、ion for his status as a world-class literary giant.In addition, as an official, he won the love and support of the people, but his life was not all smooth sailing and he was demoted three times.His life experience encourages us to express our thoughts and feelings bravely. His poetic lens teaches us

19、 to appreciate lifes simple moments, reminding us that our personal experiences can resonate with others, creating bonds of shared understanding. 中国历史人物苏轼是中国宋朝的天才学者,也是“唐宋八大家”之一。他学习勤奋刻苦,这是他成为世界级文学巨匠的基础。此外,他还是一位深受人民爱戴的好官。然而,他的人生并非一帆风顺,他曾三次被贬。他的人生经历激励我们勇敢地表达内心的想法和情感。他的诗意使我们懂得欣赏生活中的点点滴滴,提醒我们:个人的经历可以与他人产

20、生共鸣建立共同理解的纽带。亮点词汇diligent adj. 勤奋的;刻苦的status n. 地位;身份smooth sailing一帆风顺demote v. 使降职appreciate v. 欣赏resonate v.产生共鸣范文赏析6(鲁迅)A Historical Figure in ChinaLu Xun, another name is called Zhou Shuren, who is a great modern Chinese writer, thinker and revolutionary.Lu Xun was born in Zhejiang in 1881. He

21、first studied medicine abroad, and then engaged in the literary and art world to change the national spirit. During his lifetime, he wrote many literary works, such as Diary of a Madman, Wild Grass and so on.As a great standard-bearer, he participated in the China Free Movement Big Union and the Cul

22、ture Circle Against Japan National United Front.In a word, Lu Xu devoted himself too much to our country. He has had too much influence on our future generations. 中国历史人物鲁迅,又称周树人,是中国现代伟大的作家、思想家和革命家。鲁讯于1881年出生在浙江。他先在国外学医,后投身文艺界,以改变国民精神。在他的一生中,他创作了许多文学作品,如狂人日记野草等。作为一名伟大的标杆人物,他加入了中国自由运动大同盟和文化界抗日统一战线组织。总

23、之,鲁迅对我们的国家做出了许多贡献。他的爱国精神对一代代后人产生了深远的影响。亮点词汇revolutionary革命者literary 文学的national国家的;民族的standard-bearer 旗手,领袖participate in参加;参与devote oneself to 致力于范文赏析7(孔子)A Historical Figure in ChinaBorn in Qufu, Shandong province, Confucius lived in an era over 2,500 years ago known as the Spring and Autumn Perio

24、d when many small states were often at war. In order to end the conflicts, he developed a philosophy called Confucianism, hoping to bring peace and harmony.His philosophy concentrates on five virtues, including Benevolence(Ren), Righteousness(Yi), Propriety(Li), Wisdom(Zhi) and Fidelity(Xin). Meanwh

25、ile, Confucius attached great importance to education and his teachings were recorded in the Analects(Lun Yu).In conclusion, Confucius was a remarkable historical figure whose teachings have had a lasting impact on Chinese culture and society. His philosophy continues to inspire people around the wo

26、rld, reminding us of the importance of education, moral values and respect for others. 中国历史人物孔子出生于山东省曲阜市,生活在2500多年前的春秋战国时期,当时许多小国经常发生战争。为了结束冲突,他创立了儒家思想,希望能带来和平与和谐。他的哲学推崇五种美德,包括仁、义、礼、智、信。与此同时,孔子非常重视教育,他的学说被记录在论语中。总之,孔子是一位杰出的历史人物,他的学说对中国文化和社会产生了深远的影响。他的哲学不断地激励着世界各地的人们,提醒我们教育、道德和尊重他人的重要性。亮点词块the Spring and Autumn Period 春秋时期conflict n. 矛盾 冲突philosophy n. 哲学Confucianism n. 儒家the Analects 论语remarkable adj. 引人注目的,非凡的moral value 道德 优点英语优点英语


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