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《2024届四川省蓉城名校联盟高三第一次联考英语参考答案及评分标准.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2024届四川省蓉城名校联盟高三第一次联考英语参考答案及评分标准.docx(7页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、梦飞跃英语2024届高三第一次联考英语参考答案及评分标准第一部分 听力(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)15:BCCAA610:BCAAC1115:BACCB 1620:ABBCA第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)2123:BBD2427:DACB2831:BCDD 3235:ACAB第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)3640:CAFGE第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)4145:DCDDA4650:ABABA5155:ABCAC5660:DBABB第二节

2、语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)61. spent 62. to 63. the 64. beginning65. trying66. sees 67. directly 68. but/while 69. curiositys70. decisive第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)I remember my school days being cheerful and fun while learning many lessons about life. Even though I was able to acqui

3、re knowledge from textbooks, the lesson of friendship, lessonsteamwork, hard work and discipline I learnt outside the classroom remained closely to my heart. close My school days would not be completed without my friends in school. Each year, I got complete new friends and teachers with who I shared

4、 my dreams, doubts or worries. Along with play whom and playingsilly jokes on others, we used to go to the school canteen and got what we liked to eat. We also get shared our lunch boxes and complimented the food that made by our mothers. My school days (或者在that后面添加was)were filled such happy memorie

5、s, and I am grateful to my school for shaping us as a good student. with me 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)Our Labor Practice CourseWith the aim of educating students to feel freer to engage in broader exploration, experimenting and questioning, our school has carried out a series of agricultural practices.While wo

6、rking in the field, I, as a weeder, pulled out a row of young plants by mistake, which caused my group members to scream. To make up for my mistake, I bought seeds and replanted them in the field, using up my entire weekends.This setback is a real disappointment for me but meanwhile an opportunity f

7、or learning. I felt proud to have come up with solutions to the challenge. Things are never going to happen the way we imagine. Thus, what we could do is to develop the ability to self-adjust, which is key to responding properly in social situations.一、总体评分原则:评分时,先根据文章所表达的内容和语言质量初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡



10、号是体现语言准确性的一个方面,评分时应视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑,英、美拼写均可接受。注意:1考生如果写出以上三个完整的要点,原则上定为第三、四档,即1120分之间。语言错误相对较多,则属于第三档,即在1115分之间。语言错误相对较少,但多数为简单句,则属于第四档,即在1620分之间。如果考生使用了很多高级表达,且句式多样,则为第五档,即在2125分之间。不过,满分需慎重。2考生如果写出了全部要点,原则上分值不少于11分。若实在无句子,则降一两分。答案解析阅读理解A篇主题语境:人与社会旅行地推荐语篇类型:应用文语篇大意:本文简要介绍四个恐怖电影的拍摄场景地。21. B. 考查细节理解。根据第

11、三段最后一句The hotel even offers a one-hour guided experience called The Shining Tour,这个地方专门为游客提供了一小时电影场景地参观游,因此游客们可以在这里进行参观。22. B. 考查细节理解。根据第五段this impressive Victorian Gothic country house sits on an area of 35 acres overlooking the River Thames in England可得知,这个地方能够俯瞰泰晤士河景色,因此B选项正确。23. D. 考查文章出处。根据文章第一

12、段When youre ready for a truly horrifying road trip, heres where to go以及全文内容可推断,本文很有可能来自某本旅行杂志,向人们推荐一些可游览的地方。B篇主题语境:人与自我作者的儿子和他的猫咪之间的故事语篇类型:记叙文语篇大意:本文讲述的是作者的儿子Brian和他的猫咪Tiger之间的故事。24. D. 考查推理判断。根据第一段最后一句Brian, at six, wanted something that was his alone, something not handed down as were his clothes

13、and toys from his older brother. 和第二段第一句And so, on Christmas Day 1954, I rose early with my wife to put the tiny kitten a neighbor had given us into the stocking that Brian had carefully fastened to the mantelpiece (壁炉台) the night before.可知,儿子一直想要得到一个不是哥哥用过的东西,所以作者把邻居送给作者一家的小猫送给儿子作为圣诞礼物。25. A. 考查词汇理

14、解。根据第二段划线词所在的句子For a sometimes fumbling child, Brian showed great gentleness with Tiger, which was amazing.可知,对于一个时而的孩子来说,Britan显现了极大的温柔,这很神奇,那么划线词的意思应该和gentleness(温柔)形成对比的关系,所以选择粗鲁tough。26. C. 考查细节理解。根据文章第三段but when I backed out of the driveway this afternoon, Im afraid I ran over your cat. I tried

15、 to help him, but he jumped up and ran away.可得知,邻居在倒车的时候不小心撞到了猫,虽然试图帮助它,但是它自己跳起来跑了。27. B. 考查推理判断。根据全文多处描写可得知,Brian是一个性格内敛,对动物有爱心,会关怀体贴的孩子。C篇主题语境:人与社会科技创新在文物保护领域的应用语篇类型:说明文语篇大意:本文主要介绍了在重庆举行的以科技在文物保护中的应用为主题的会展中的一件颇受欢迎的展品3D打印的绿脸俑,以此来说明科技在文物保护中起到的作用。28. B. 考查细节理解。根据第五段 the museum came up with the idea o

16、f promoting a copy by using achievements in archaeology, materials science, arts and crafts, as well as new digitalization technology, such as spectrum analysis, high-definition scanning and 3D printing.可得知,这个3D打印的绿脸俑集众多领域的技术于一身。29. C. 考查细节理解。根据第三段倒数第二句话It is said to be the first of its kind in the

17、country.可得知,这个展览是这个种类的第一次,也就是说它是一个全新的会展种类。30. D. 考查推理判断。根据最后一段最后一句I hope more and more high-tech enterprises are attracted to the field of cultural relics, which we believe is a real blue ocean market.可得知,馆长希望以后越来越多的企业都来文化遗产领域发展,他认为这个领域将会提供巨大的市场。31. D. 考查文章主旨理解。本文主要介绍了在重庆举行的以科技在文物保护中的应用为主题的会展中的一件颇受欢

18、迎的展品3D打印的绿脸俑,以此来说明科技在文物保护中起到的作用科技能够让文物更好的展现在世人面前。D篇主题语境:人与社会婴幼儿的语言学习语篇类型:科技议论文语篇大意:本文通过一个最新的研究来阐述一个观点婴幼儿的语言习得快慢和他们与周边物品互动的频率有关。32. A. 考查细节理解。根据文章第二段第一句In new research in the cognitive sciences, we investigated how this is the case by considering how children learn words that refer to something you c

19、an touch, grasp and interact with. 可得知,这个在认知领域的新研究是要调查研究幼儿对他们能够常接触到的物品的名称的习得情况。33. C. 考查推理判断。根据第二、三段的内容可得知,幼儿对日常物品名称的习得速度和他们是否能常与这个物品互动有关。34. A. 考查推理判断。根据文章最后一段的内容可得知,其它一些研究也有类似的研究结果,因此它的作用是为了支持本文的观点,也就是本文所提到的最新研究的发现。35. B. 考查推理判断。全文多处在提到最新研究时,用了第一人称,诸如we investigated.; our finding.等等,由此可知,作者也是研究人员之

20、一。七选五主题语境:人与自然如何训练狗狗语篇类型:说明文语篇大意:本文主要介绍了如何训练狗狗让它在不戴狗链时不会给他人造成安全威胁。36. C 该空位于第一段的末尾处,其作用主要是引出话题,前文提到很多人都梦想着不带狗链遛狗,以下将提供具体的训练方法去实现人们的这种幻想。37. A 该空位于第三段的中间,主要考查的是句间关系,前后句讲的是“教狗狗学会看你的眼睛这条命令”的具体做法:喊出狗狗的名字并拿着一个吃的靠近它的鼻子,给出命令(看我!)然后把吃的放在眼睛处,狗狗一抬头看你的眼睛,就把吃的给它。38. F该空位于第四段的中间,主要考查的是句间关系,前后句讲的是“教狗狗学会走在你旁边”的具体做

21、法:给它指令(跟上!)然后走开,向前迅速迈几步,(给出指令时)用热情的语调,把吃的放在它能闻到但是吃不到的位置,然后慢慢停下,当它坐下时给它奖励,当它在你身旁表扬它。39. G 该空位于最后一段的第一句,其作用主要是承上启下。此句的意思是把所有这些拴绳训练练完了之后,在不拴绳的情况下再进行一遍。然后有人就会达到一种状态:认为狗狗已经足够安全了,可以不拴绳了。40. E 该空位于最后一段的中间,主要考查的是句间关系,前文说道,不能因为狗狗已经训练得很好了就掉以轻心。当你在训练的时候,外出的时候还有和狗狗在一起的时候,都要带上链子,你要做好准备当需要出现时随时可以把链子给狗狗戴上。完形填空主题语境

22、:人与社会邻里商铺对邻里居民的善意语篇类型:记叙文语篇大意:本文主要讲述了作者一家受到邻里商铺善待的故事。41. D. 根据全文主旨(邻里商铺善待邻里居民)以及最后一段But those small kindnesses from people.可知。42. C. 根据后半句.did not mean they were treated the same way可知,此处所填的词意思应和they were treated the same way意思一致。43. D. 根据本段以及下一段的大意可知,作者每次去买这个贝类食品,商铺老板都会多给他,除此之外,还会主动给他一些店铺的鱼尾,这当中体现出

23、的是鱼贩的体贴与关怀。44. D. 根据本句后半句的意思可以推测,因为作者的孩子特别喜欢吃这个,所以他们是这个店铺的常客。45. A. 根据此句大意可知,商家每次都会多给作者一铲贝类,所以选择without fail:必定。46. A. 根据本句信息可知,多给的这铲贝类是用来补偿make up for那些已经购买的贝类中不能开壳的。47. B. 当商家问及作者觉得这些鱼如何时,作者以为商家希望他能买一些走,然而生活拮据的他无法破费,所以他只能说这鱼很不错,但他仅要些贝类就好。48. A. 根据下一句信息可知,商家说他们供货的餐厅只要鱼排不要鱼尾,所以此处是想问他要不要一些鱼尾。49. B. 根

24、据上下文信息可知,商家说他们供货的餐厅只要鱼排不要鱼尾,所以他们不知道该如何处置这些鱼尾(当然这是商家为送鱼尾找的理由,以让作者不那么尴尬)。50. A. 根据上下文大意可知,商家本意就是想送作者一些鱼尾,因此这些鱼尾是免费的。51. A. 根据上题可知,鱼尾是免费的,所以算是商家请作者和他的太太吃的。52. B. 从本段下文One evening, well into my wifes eighth month可知,作者的太太当时正在怀着他们第二个孩子。53. C. 根据本段剩余文字可得知,商家一直记得他们,所以后面才会送他们炒面和炒饭还有多一份的特色中餐,并祝愿他们生一个健康的宝宝。54.

25、 A. 根据生活逻辑,作者此处应当是结账然后离开。55. C. 根据上下文可知,作者只点了一份特色中餐,而商家给了两份并且还送了炒饭和炒面,因此袋子肯定比平时重。56. D. 根据生活逻辑,店铺马上关门了,剩下的炒饭会丢掉。57. B. 此题与第52和53题呼应,商家祝福作者和他的太太生一个健康的宝宝。58. A. 根据文章第一段以及文章大意可知,作者此篇文章主要想表达的就是邻里商铺善待邻里的故事。59. B. 本句的these指代上句的savings,因此作者想表达的意思是,虽然能够节约下来这些钱也是要感激商家的(但更多的是商家的举动让人很温暖)。60. B. 通过文章大意可知,邻里的顾客被

26、看作社区的成员,商家和客人的关系更多像是同一个组织的成员之间互助互爱的关系。语法填空主题语境:人与社会从蒙娜丽莎的微笑的创作过程看达芬奇的品质语篇类型:说明文语篇大意:本文主要讲述从蒙娜丽莎的微笑的创作过程可以看出达芬奇众多优秀的品质。61. spent. 考查非谓语动词过去分词作后置定语,修饰lifetime。62. to. 考查介词的固定搭配:apply.to.把应用于。63. the. 考查冠词的正确用法。“the+单数可数名词”表示名词的类别。64. beginning. 考查将动词正确转化为名词。65. trying. 考查非谓语动词分词作伴随状语。66. sees. 考查主谓一致以

27、及动词的时态,本句话的主语是:the center of the retina(视网膜)因此,谓语动词用单数,而这个陈述是真理,所以用一般现在时。67. directly. 考查副词的正确用法,此处所填的词需要修饰look这个实义动词,所以要用副词形式。68. but/while. 考查连词的用法,根据上下文逻辑,此处需要一个连词来连接前后句并构成对比或者转折关系。69. curiositys. 考查名词所有格的正确用法。根据固定短语for ones sake可知,此处意思是为了好奇本身。70. decisive. 考查形容词的正确用法,此处表达的意思是对一切充满好奇是达芬奇的决定性特征。短文

28、改错主题语境:人与自我对校园生活的回忆语篇类型:记叙文语篇大意:本文主要讲述的是校园生活的点滴。1. lessons 考查可数名词复数的正确用法。2. close 考查形容词副词的正确用法。此处的remained是系动词,所以使用形容词close。3. complete 考查形容词和动词的正确用法。从语法上说,completed也正确,但从语义上来说,此处想要表达的是“完整”而不是“完成”。4. whom 考查定语从句关系词的正确用法,关系代词前有介词,先行词为人,所以应用whom。5. and 考查连词的正确用法和逻辑语义。6. playing 考查非谓语动词分词的正确用法。7. get 考

29、查谓语动词的正确用法。8. 去掉that或者made前加上was。考查非谓语动词分词作后置定语或者定语从句。9. 加上with 考查介词的固定搭配。10. me 考查代词的正确用法。听力原文Text 1W: I have to take a bus to the City Library. My bike was broken yesterday.M: I can give you a ride. W: Its very kind of you.Text 2W: Thank you for meeting me at the airport.M: You are welcome. If you

30、re ready, wed better start for the hotel. W: Okay. I really need a good rest after a long flight.Text 3W: Hello, Mr. Hammers office. This is Cindy.M: Hello, Cindy. This is Mr. Wang from ABC Company. Id like to talk about the technical cooperation with Mr. Hammer. When is he available this week? W: L

31、et me check his schedule.Text 4W: Ron, your electric kettle looks so smart. It must be very expensive.M: Good eye, Jane. Guess what? Since I told my wife it cost 20 dollars, she has been complaining. Actually that is just half of what I paid.Text 5M: Hi, are you done with this weight machine?W: Yeah

32、, I am. I was just trying it out. I think I must have done something wrong. My arms are aching already. M: Maybe I can help. Ive been working out here for a few months. Text 6M: Hey, Jane!W: Hey, John! I didnt expect to see you in the park. Didnt you say you would be back on Monday? M: Yes, I did. B

33、ut the work was completed ahead of time. So I came back two days earlier. W: How was your business trip in Leeds? Was your product presentation successful? M: It was great and the presentation was a big success. Many companies signed contracts with us.W: Its so cool. You can have a very relaxing wee

34、kend now.Text 7M: Excuse me, Mrs. West. Do you have a moment?W: Yes, Kevin. What is it? M: I hope you dont mind me asking, but would it be possible for me to take a couple of days off on Thursday and Friday? W: What happened? Is everything okay? M: Well, I need to do some house painting. W: I see. B

35、ut you know, this is a busy month. Well have to ask Sally or Richard to cover for you. M: But I am sure I can make up the work when I get back and get everything finished on time. You can count on me. W: Great. Just remember to fill out the “Leave Request” form. M: Thanks, Mrs. West.Text 8W: Dan, Id

36、 like to have a word with you.M: Sure, Ms. Martha. W: I know youve missed some classes recently. Im getting concerned. I dont want you to fall behind, Dan. M: Im sorry, Ms. Martha, but the truth is that Ive never been good at history. To be honest, I failed almost all my history tests. W: Thats okay

37、, Dan. Sometimes you need to go back to basics. Once you develop some tricks for memorizing people, places and dates, history is as easy as a-b-c. You can always turn to me for help. M: Thanks, Ms. Martha. I am planning to read up on some history in my spare time. W: Im glad you are taking your stud

38、ies seriously. If you are interested, you can also sign up for a history club. I think it would help you to keep up with the other students. M: Thanks for your suggestion, Ms. Martha. Im hoping I can sail through your class in the near future. Text 9M: Annie, thank you for taking time out of your bu

39、sy schedule to join our talk show.W: Its my pleasure. M: We all know you have worked in the National Geographic for many years and you have travelled more than 150 countries around the world. As the chief photographer, what do you think is the most valuable in your job? W: I think its curiosity. I a

40、m always eager to learn more and get close to people to know them. Only in this way can you take pictures that are an accurate reflection of a culture or of a place. And then you can share them with a wider world so that we all get to know each other a little better. M: So thats why you still have a

41、 great passion for your job after so many years. W: Yeah. I have the chance to catch unique moments and share my vision with the world. I can document important history and culture and make them come alive.Text 10Hello, everyone. Welcome to our program Peoples Life. In recent years, shared vegetable

42、 gardens have been more and more popular in Shanghais suburban districts of Minhang, Baoshan and Qingpu as more white-collar workers turn to farming to relax and escape the pressures of city life. Among these individuals is Yang Rui, who on weekends drives his family from their home in downtown Shan

43、ghai to the All-Happy City. It is a shared low carbon farm, where he has rented a 20-square-meter vegetable garden for 1,600 yuan per year. The family tends cabbages, tomatoes and other vegetables they have planted. Whats more, the monitoring system covering the entire farmland allows them to view t

44、heir vegetables and fields remotely through their phones. When asked about why he plants vegetables in the suburbs, Yang Rui says he mainly wants his kids to do some farm work. He adds that the kids really benefit a lot from their own labor and that they are expecting to raise some chickens and ducks next year.梦飞跃英语


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