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《高中英语2024届高考词汇讲解与练习系列0228(共五组).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语2024届高考词汇讲解与练习系列0228(共五组).doc(10页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、高考英语词汇讲解与练习一、upon / on+v.-ing / n.; It is an honour for sb.01Upon hearing that she had been awarded the Nobel Prize, she said当听到自己被授予诺贝尔奖时,她说【句型公式】upon/on+v.-ing/n.一就【句式点拨】upon/on+v.-ing/n.表示“一就”,相当于as soon as引导的时间状语从句。一些表示短暂性动作的动词,如:arrive, return, leave, reach, hear, see, receive, enter等,其相应的名词或动名

2、词形式均可用在介词on/upon之后表示“一就”。【归纳拓展】表示“一就”的表达方式as soon as, no soonerthan, hardly / scarcelywhen等。副词用作连词:immediately, directly,instantly等。名词用作连词:the minute,the moment,the instant等。at引导的一些介词短语,如:at the sight of(一看到)at the thought of(一想到)at the sound of(一听到)等。温馨提示当nosoonerthan,hardly / scarcelywhen引导时间状语从句时

3、,主句谓语动词应用过去完成时,从句应用一般过去时。当把nosooner和hardly / scarcely提到句首时,主句应用部分倒装语序。如:Nosoonerhadwesatdownatthetablethanthephonerang.我们刚在桌子旁坐下,电话铃就响了。【活学活用】单句填空 hearing that the new novel was published, he rushed at once to the bookshop for a copy.On their (arrive)in England, the children were taken to the Crysta

4、l Palace by train.We were filled with excitementthe thought of visiting Disneyland.Hardly had we left the dormitory the next morning we realized we had forgotten our map in the room.句式改写As soon as he returned from abroad, he started his research work at once. , he started his research work at once.(

5、用on/upon+n.改写)He started his research work at once .(用the moment改写)He started his research work at once .(用immediately改写)Hardly he started his research work at once.(用hardlywhen改写)No sooner he started his research work at once.(用no soonerthan改写)02It is indeed an honour for Chinas scientific research

6、 and Chinese medicine to be spread around the world.中国的科研和中医药走向世界,确实是一种荣誉。【句型公式】It is an honour for sb to do sth.对某人来说做某事是一种荣誉。【句式点拨】当句子的主语是动词不定式、动名词或从句时,为了保持句子平衡,常使用it作形式主语,将真正的主语(从句)放在句子的后面。【归纳拓展】it用作形式主语的常见句式It is/was+形容词+that+从句.Its natural/likely/strange that显然/很可能/奇怪的是It is/was+名词+for sb to do

7、 sth或that+从句或v.-ing.Its a pity/shame/an honourfor sb to do sth.对某人而言,做某事是遗憾的/可耻的/荣幸的Its a pity/shame/an honourthat sb does sth.对某人而言,做某事是遗憾的/可耻的/荣幸的It is no use/no good/not much fun+doing sth.做某事无用/无益/无趣。It+不及物动词+that+从句.It seems/happens/turns out that似乎/碰巧/结果It is/was+过去分词+that+从句.Its said/well kno

8、wn/reported that据说/众所周知/据报道【活学活用】单句填空It is necessary (find)a new home for people in space, as the resources on Earth will run out.Now that our proposal has failed, its obvious we didnt try our best to do it.It is no good (invite)people to a meeting when they havent got time to consider the issues in

9、 advance.完成句子 of Beijing university because you are an important part of Chinas future.我在这里向北大的同学们发表演讲,之所以感到十分地荣幸,是因为你们是未来中国的重要部分。It is not unusual that teenagers of your generation are attracted to computer games and the online world. to computer games and the online world.(用不定式改写)二、acknowledge, in

10、sist01acknowledgeacknowledgevt.(to admit or accept that something is true or that a situation exists)承认,公认,公开感谢(1)acknowledge (doing)sth承认(做了)某事acknowledge sth / sb to be / as承认某事/某人是It is universally / generally acknowledged that是大家公认的。(2)acknowledgementn.承认;感谢【佳句背诵】(1)He is widely acknowledged as/

11、to be the best player in the world.普遍认为他是世界最佳球员。(2)It is universally acknowledged that vocabulary is crucial to English learning.普遍认为词汇对英语学习至关重要。【活学活用】单句填空There is now almost universal (acknowledge)that the programme has failed.With no solid evidence, he refused to acknowledge (steal)the ladys purse

12、.Generally (acknowledge)to be the finest poet in the land, he still lives a low-profile life.完成句子What I really admire is the way good health not only makes us more beautiful, but happier, too!我真正钦佩她的一点是,她认可健康的身体不仅使我们更美丽,而且更快乐!As is acknowledged, we can never expect a bluer sky unless we create a les

13、s polluted world. we can never expect a bluer sky unless we create a less polluted world.(用it形式主语改写)02insistinsistvi.&vt.(to say firmly or demand forcefully, especially when others disagree with or oppose what you say)坚持;坚决要求(1)insist on doing sth坚持做某事(2)insist (that)坚决要求;坚决主张从句用虚拟语气,即“(should)+动词原形

14、”的形式insist (that)坚持说;坚持认为(从句用陈述语气)【佳句背诵】Tu Youyou and her team members even insisted on testing the medicine on themselves to make sure that it was safe.屠呦呦和她的团队成员甚至坚持要求以身试药,以确保药物的安全性。【活学活用】单句填空Jenny insisted that the doctor who operated on her husband (take)full responsibility for this medical acci

15、dent.The lady insisted that she (do)nothing wrong and that she (treat)properly.完成句子You should respect the views of others, and at the same time .你应该尊重别人的观点,同时坚持你认为的是正确的。The teacher our handing in all the compositions on Monday.The teacher all the compositions on Monday.(用从句改写)老师坚决要求我们在星期一将所有的作文交上去。三

16、、 evaluate,obtain01crucialevaluatevt.(to form an opinion of the amount, value or quality of sth after thinking about it carefully)评价;评估(1)evaluate ones ability评估某人的能力evaluate ones work评估某人的工作(2)evaluationn.评估make an evaluation of对进行评估(3)evaluatedadj.评价的,估价的【佳句背诵】Her team examined over 2,000 old medi

17、cal texts, and evaluated 280,000 plants for their medical properties.她的团队查阅了2000多本古老的医药文献,并对280 000种植物的药用价值进行了评估。【活学活用】单句填空The way the guests were treated in the hotel influenced their (evaluate)of the service.It is widely acknowledged that students should (evaluate)in terms of overall quality.Besid

18、es, the (evaluate)result will be submitted to school leaders who will judge whether the teacher is qualified or not.完成句子Last Monday, three professors were asked the teaching plans devised by the new teachers.上周一,三位教授被请来对新教师设计的教学计划做出评估。02vitalobtainvt.(to get sth, especially by making an effort)(尤指经努

19、力)获得;赢得vi.(to exist)(规章、习俗等)存在;流行(1)obtainfrom从获取obtain advice/information/permission得到忠告/信息/许可(2)obtainableadj.可获得的,可得到的【佳句背诵】(1)They then tried boiling fresh wormwood, and using the liquid obtained from this to treat malaria, but this did not work either.然后他们尝试煮新鲜的青蒿,用从中取得的液体来治疗疟疾,但这也没有效果。(2)Scien

20、tists have obtained more evidence that plastic is finding its way into the human body.科学家们已经获得了更多表明塑料正在进入人体的证据。【活学活用】单句填空Nowadays, energy can (obtain)through various sources such as oil, coal, natural gas, solar heat, the wind and ocean tides.According to some theories (obtain)from psychoanalysis(精神

21、分析), life is supposedly easier and more pleasant when anxiety is overcome.完成句子Once you , you can then use it to determine how best to communicate with them.一旦你获得这个信息,你就可以利用它决定如何最好地与他们沟通。He had no choice but to watch it on TV at home because he .由于没有获得比赛的门票,他别无选择,只能在家里通过电视观看比赛。四、committed,objective01

22、committedcommittedadj.(willing to work very hard at something)尽心尽力的,坚定的(1)commitv.自杀;做出(错或非法的事);犯(罪或错等);承诺,保证commit a crime/murder犯罪/犯谋杀罪commit suicide自杀commit an error犯错误(2)commit oneself to sth/doing sth/do sth=be committed to sth/doing/do承诺/致力于(做)某事(3)commitmentn.奉献;承诺,保证make a commitment to do s

23、th承诺做某事【佳句背诵】(1)Tu Youyou, a committed and patient scientist, was born in Ningbo, China.屠呦呦出生于中国宁波,她是一位坚定而有耐心的科学家。(2)Both sides are committed to pushing forward this vitally important relationship between our two countries.双方都承诺致力于推进我们两国间这一至关重要的关系。【活学活用】单句填空In addition to her research, she has been

24、whole-heartedly (commit)to environmental protection.The companys (commit)to providing quality at a reasonable price has been vital to its success.Eric the Red was forced to leave Iceland because he (commit)a murder, for which he got into trouble.完成句子Pearl S.bringing Chinese culture to the Western wo

25、rld, has been honoured as “the human bridge that connects the Chinese and Western cultures”.赛珍珠一生致力于将中国文化传播到西方,因此被誉为“沟通中西方文化的人桥”。 the green economy, as is reported, is the driving force behind the success of the village.正如报道所说,致力于发展绿色经济是该村成功背后的推动力。02objectiveobjectiven.(something that you plan to do

26、 or achieve)目的,目标adj.客观的;宾格的(1)with the objective of带着的目标achieve/meet an objective达到目标set an objective制定目标(2)object to sth/sb反对object to (sb)doing sth不同意(某人)做某事(3)objectionn.反对;异议raise/have an objection to (doing)sth对提出异议/对表示反对温馨提示withtheintention / aim/ purposeof; beaimedat目的是【佳句背诵】In 1967, the Chi

27、nese government formed a team of scientists with the objective of discovering a new treatment for malaria, and Tu Youyou was among the first researchers chosen.1967年,中国政府组建了一支以探索治疗疟疾新方法为目的的科学家队伍,屠呦呦是其中首批入选的研究人员。【活学活用】单句填空The main (object)of this project is to improve peoples knowledge of malaria.As

28、long as you can guarantee safety and low cost, we dont have the slightest (object).The journalist had many pictures of the woman secretly taken even though she objected to (photograph).完成句子Many parents on the account that they dont want to separate with their children.许多父母反对将孩子送去国外留学,原因是他们不想和孩子分开。Th

29、e firm was formed in 1996, aimed at providing best service to each customer.The firm was formed in 1996, providing best service to each customer.(同义句改写)五、crucial,vital01crucialcrucialadj.(extremely important, because it will affect other things)至关重要的,关键性的(1)be crucial to/for对是至关重要的play a crucial rol

30、e/part in sth在某方面起关键作用be of crucial importance非常重要(2)It is crucial that是至关重要的。(从句用虚拟语气,should可以省略)(3)cruciallyadv.至关重要地【佳句背诵】Her research led to the discovery of artemisinin, a crucial new treatment for malaria.她的研究使青蒿素这种至关重要的抗疟疾的新疗法得以发现。【活学活用】单句填空Talent, hard work and strength of will are both cruc

31、ialcareer success.It is crucial that some necessary measures (take)before its too late.In the background of global economic development, resources are (crucial)important for national and regional development.完成句子It is advisable for people to take regular exercise for peoples physical and mental heal

32、th.定期运动是明智的,因为它对于人的身心健康而言非常重要。The fundamental aim of environmental protection is to improve the natural environment, .环境保护的根本目的是改善自然环境,这对我们的生存至关重要。02vitalvitaladj.(extremely important and necessary for something to succeed or exist)极其重要的,必不可少的(1)be vital to/for对是至关重要的(2)It is vital that是十分重要的。(从句用虚拟

33、语气,should可以省略)(3)vitallyadv.极其,绝对be vitally important to/for对是至关重要的【佳句背诵】Artemisinin has become a vital part of the treatment for malaria, and is thought to save 100,000 lives a year in Africa alone.青蒿素已经成为治疗疟疾的关键成分,有人认为青蒿素仅在非洲一年就能挽救十万人的生命。【活学活用】单句填空There is no doubt that the education of the youth

34、is vitalthe future of a country.The government had decided on a change in their policy which (vital)affected the future of the country.It is vital that enough money (collect)to fund the project.完成句子 for human beings to take immediate action to protect wild animals. to protect wild animals.(用从句改写)对人类

35、来说,立刻采取措施保护野生动物至关重要。附:参考答案一、01 On/Upon arrival atwhenOn/Uponhisreturnfromabroadthemomenthereturnedfromabroadimmediatelyhe returned from abroadhadhereturnedfromabroadwhenhadhereturnedfromabroadthan02 tofind that invitingItisagreathonourformetoaddressthestudentsItisnotunusualforteenagersofyourgenerati

36、ontobeattracted二、01 acknowledgement stealing/havingstolen acknowledgedshehasacknowledgedthatItisacknowledgedthat02 (should)take haddone;(should)betreated insistonwhatyouthinkisrightinsistedon;insistedthatwe(should)handin三、 01 evaluation beevaluated evaluatedtomakeanevaluationof/toevaluate02 beobtain

37、ed obtained haveobtainedthisinformationhadntobtainedaticketforthematch四、01 committed commitment hadcommittedwhocommitted/devotedherselfto/whowascommitted/devotedtoBeingcommittedtodeveloping02 objective objection beingphotographedobjecttosendingtheirchildrentostudyabroadwiththeobjective/purposeof五、01 to/for(should)betakencruciallyitiscrucialto/for/itisofcrucialimportancetowhichiscrucialto/foroursurvival02 to/forvitally(should)becollected Itisvital/vitallyimportantItisvital/vitallyimportantthathumanbeings(should)takeimmediateaction10


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