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《高中英语2024届高考书面表达高分佳句积累0130(共五组).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语2024届高考书面表达高分佳句积累0130(共五组).doc(8页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、高考英语书面表达高分佳句(一)1.Through the cultural exchange activity, we exchanged views with each other on cultural shock.通过这次文化交流活动,我们就文化冲击交流了看法。(活动介绍)2.The man at the table looked up, smiled and exchanged glances with me.桌边的那个人抬起头来,微笑着和我交换了一下眼色。(读后续写神态描写)3.The activity is specially designed to promote student

2、s safety awareness.这个活动旨在提高学生的安全意识。(活动介绍)4.The guy pushed him by design, making him annoyed.那家伙故意推他,惹他生气。(读后续写情感描写)5.The twins were anxious to get the breakfast done.双胞胎急于做好早餐。(2021新高考卷读后续写)6.As the sky gradually darkened, a wave of anxiety seized/flooded over/swept over him.天色渐暗,他感到一阵不安。(读后续写之情感细节)

3、7.Im anxious to complain about the noise that is constantly annoying me.我急于投诉一直打扰我的噪音。(投诉信)8.Sally was annoyed at the children for making so annoying noise, slamming her fist on the table in annoyance.孩子们弄出这么烦人的噪音让莎莉很生气,她恼怒地用拳头捶桌子。(读后续写情感描写)9.So fantastic are the paintings that I am deeply impressed

4、 by the talent of the painters as well as the charm of traditional Chinese culture.这些画作极好,画家的才华和中国传统文化的魅力给我留下了深刻的印象。(2021浙江高考应用文)10.Father has always impressed on me that hard work will pay off one day.父亲总让我明白,努力总会有回报。(读后续写主旨升华)11.A thousand words will not leave so deep an impression as one deed.千言万

5、语不如一个行动。(读后续写主旨升华)12.It is a good idea to concentrate your efforts on improving your oral English.集中精力提高英语口语是个好主意。(建议信)13.Italian industry is concentrated mainly in the north.意大利的工业主要集中在北部。14.I feel much more confident of our winning in the coming football game.我相信,我们会在即将到来的足球赛中取胜。(告知信)15.The most b

6、eautiful thing you can wear is confidence.你能穿在身上最好的衣服就是自信。(读后续写主旨升华)16.Breathing deeply, I calmed down and walked onto the stage with confidence.我深呼吸,平静下来,满怀信心地走上舞台。(读后续写情感描写)17.Dont annoy her, and just leave her alone.别烦她,让她一个人待着。18.By opening a novel, I can leave behind my burdens and enter into a

7、 wonderful world.打开小说,我就能抛下烦恼,进入一个奇妙的世界。19.I look forward to reading every issue of the Youth.我期待读青春的每一期。(2021新高考卷应用文)20.Get down to studying hard, and you will get your studies improved.开始努力学习吧,你的成绩会有所提高的。(建议信)21.Mary turned to the left and walked along the path leading to the huge garden with wide

8、 lawns and winding walks.玛丽向左拐,沿着小路走去,这条小路通向一个巨大的花园,花园里有宽阔的草坪和蜿蜒的小径。(读后续写写景)22.What if it isnt a real opportunity?如果不是真正的机会怎么办?(2020全国卷参赛短文)23.What if we go out to visit a flower show next Sunday?我们下星期天去看花展怎么样?(2021北京高考道歉信)24.After I arrived in America, I found myself living in a completely strange

9、foreign culture.我来到美国之后,发现自己生活在完全陌生的异国文化中。(求助信)25.The twins found it delightful to prepare breakfast for their mother.这对双胞胎觉得为母亲做早餐很愉快。(2021新高考卷读后续写)(二)1.Im wondering how many periods of the course there are each week, for I prefer having / to have some time at my disposal.我想知道这门课程每周有几节课,因为我更喜欢有一些时间

10、由我自由支配。(询问信)2.As you have a preference for traditional Chinese culture, your suggestions will be greatly helpful to us.因为你喜欢中国传统文化,你的建议将对我们大有帮助。(2021全国甲卷求助信))3.Though very frightened, we preferred to grab the garlic bread and throw it at the bear rather than shoot it / we would rather grab the garli

11、c bread and throw it at the bear than shoot it.虽然我们非常害怕,但我们宁愿抓起蒜蓉面包扔给熊,而不是开枪。(2021浙江高考读后续写)4.I recommend the book to you since you are interested in traditional Chinese culture.因为你对中国传统文化很感兴趣,所以我向你推荐这本书。(推荐信)5.The doctor recommended I should be under treatment in hospital, so I could not accompany y

12、ou to Xian.医生建议我住院治疗,因此我不能陪你去西安。(道歉信)6.I recommend you to practice Tai Chi, a traditional Chinese sport, for practicing it regularly will help you stay healthy physically and mentally.我建议你练中国传统运动太极,因为练太极能助你身心健康。(建议信)7.Though facing challenges, he keeps trying and never loses confidence.尽管面临挑战,他还是不断尝

13、试,从未失去信心。(人物介绍)8.I am confident enough to challenge the good players to a game.我有足够的信心向优秀选手挑战。9.Youd better sign up for the advanced course in advance.你最好提前报名参加高级课程。(通知)10.The lecture has done much to advance our understanding of art.讲座提高了我们对艺术的认识。(报道)11.As scheduled, we will have a class meeting ne

14、xt Friday.依照计划,我们下周五有一节班会。(2021全国甲卷求助信)12.The exhibition is scheduled to last from January until March.展览安排在一月举行,并持续到三月份。(2021浙江高考应用文)13.I was content with second place as I tried my best.得第二名我已经知足了,因为我尽最大努力了。(读后续写情感描写)14.We should never content ourselves with book knowledge only.我们切不可仅仅满足于书本知识。(读后续

15、写主旨升华)15.I tried to attract the waiters attention, but in vain.我试图引起服务员的注意,但是没用。(投诉信)16.What attracts me to the job most is the chance to introduce traditional Chinese culture to foreigners.这份工作最吸引我的是向外国人介绍中国传统文化的机会。(申请信)17.The lecture will focus on the history and development of Chinese characters.

16、讲座主题是汉字的演变。(通知)18.Much to my surprise, my video became the focus of attention, making me an instant hit.压根儿没想到我的视频成了关注的焦点,使我一炮而红。(2021浙江高考读后续写)19.I probably would have continued trying to keep up with him for the rest of my high school life, but when my family moved, everything changed.在我高中生活的剩余时间里,

17、我可能会继续努力赶上他,但我搬了家后,一切都变了。(2020天津高考发言稿)20.The good idea John came up with did help Bernard earn some money.约翰提出的这个好主意的确帮助伯纳德赚了一些钱。(2020新高考卷读后续写)21.The lecture deals with a pearl in traditional Chinese art, Peking Opera.讲座涉及中国传统艺术的明珠京剧。(邀请信)22.Frozen with fear, he stood rooted to the spot, unknowing h

18、ow to deal with the situation.他吓呆了,一动不动地站着,不知道如何应付这个情况。(读后续写情感描写)23.You will find it very rewarding to participate in the voluntary work.你会发现参加义工很有意义。(邀请信)24.I consider it no use taking online courses without self-discipline.我认为不自律的话,上网课没用。(2020北京高考短文投稿)(三)1.Im writing to apply for the voluntary job

19、, which I think I am qualified for.我写信申请这个志愿工作,我认为我完全能够胜任该工作。(申请信)2.After applying a little ointment to his hand, Jeff soon applied himself to cleaning up the kitchen.杰夫在手上涂了一点药膏后,很快就专心打扫厨房。(2021新高考卷读后续写)3.With a goal in mind, you will be amazed at your potential if you strive for that goal.心中有了目标,努

20、力为之奋斗后,你会惊讶于自己的潜力。(建议信)4.It amazed me that you had given up the chance to go abroad.让我吃惊的是你竟然放弃了出国的机会。(读后续写写情感)5.To her amazement, she found that nearly all the neighbors came.她惊奇地发现几乎所有的邻居都来了。(读后续写写情感)6.I have made arrangements for you to be met at the airport.我已安排人到机场接你。(告知信)7.I have arranged with

21、 the neighbors about feeding the cat while we are away.我们外出期间喂猫的事,我已和邻居安排妥当了。(告知信)8.He is universally recognized as one of the greatest scientists in the world.他被公认为世界上最伟大的科学家之一。(介绍人物)9.Dont wait for a smile to be nice, and dont wait to be lonely to recognize the value of a friend.不要等到别人对你微笑你才对人友善,不

22、要等到孤独才明白朋友的价值。(读后续写主旨升华)10.During the Mid-Autumn Festival, families gather together to admire the moon and enjoy delicious moon cakes.在中秋节,家家户户欢聚一堂赏月,品尝美味的月饼。(传统文化)11.I show great respect and admiration for Yuan Longping, Father of Hybrid Rice.我非常尊敬和钦佩杂交水稻之父袁隆平。(2020全国卷参赛短文)12.If you have any furthe

23、r questions, dont hesitate to contact me.如有其他问题,请立即与我联系。(回复信)13.I will make/have contact with you once I have some information about the activity.一旦有了与活动相关的信息我就会与你联系。(回复信)14.Our school requests us to attend/All are requested to attend the lecture on time.学校要求大家准时听讲座。(通知)15.The pianist listened to ou

24、r request that he should play in the charity sale.Joy and laughter filled the room, and everyones heart leapt for joy.钢琴家听取了我们的请求,答应在义卖上演出。屋子里欢声笑语,大家欢喜雀跃。(读后续写场景)16.She approached me and made a request for some water.她走近我,请求给点儿水。17.On the way to the farm, attractive scenery came into view, and you c

25、an imagine how thrilled we were.在去农场的路上,迷人的景色映入眼帘,我们兴奋不已。(2020全国卷活动介绍)18.There was nobody in view except some sheep in the grassland.草原上看不到一个人,只能看到几只羊。(读后续写写环境)19.These mountains are a splendid sight when viewed from the valley floor.从谷底看上去,群山壮丽。(读后续写写景)20.At the sight of the gift you sent me, I fel

26、t delighted and moved.看到你送给我的礼物,我既高兴又感动。(感谢信)21.Harry turned and caught sight of Cho, who was grinning.哈利转过身看见了秋,她正在咧着嘴笑。(读后续写写动作)22.If you are not careful, youll lose sight of what really matters.一不小心,你就会忘记什么是真正重要的。23.The hard training at my college will make up for my lack of working experience.我在

27、大学所受到的严格训练可以弥补我工作经验的缺乏。(自荐信)24.With life being made up of ups and downs, it is not always easy to maintain a good and enthusiastic attitude.人生起起落落,要保持积极向上的态度并不总是那么容易。(读后续写主旨升华)25.The more you learn and the more you try, the more you will be able to take control of your food and your schedule.你学得越多,尝

28、试得越多,就越能控制你的饮食和日程安排。26.There was nothing we could do about it the situation was beyond our control.A wave of desperation swept over us.形势已经无法控制,我们束手无策,彻底绝望了。(读后续写写情感)27.The twins are learning in June, but other than that, theyll have fun traveling.这对双胞胎在六月份开始学习,除此之外,他们将开心地旅行。28.Im more than amazed a

29、t the beautiful scenery of Beijing.北京美丽的景色让我惊叹不已。(2021天津高考短文投稿)29.It was last Sunday that witnessed a 5 km cross-country running race held by our school.上周日,我校举行了5公里越野赛。(2020新高考卷应用文)30.It was he that/who dealt with every detail with a clear purpose.就是他有的放矢地处理每一个细节。(2022浙江高考读后续写)31.It was not only th

30、e breakfast, but the love of the children for her that moved her very much.这份早餐和孩子们对她的爱使她深受感动。(2021新高考卷读后续写)32.It was at the moment that he was discouraged like a deflated ball.就是在那一刻,他灰心丧气,像一个泄气的皮球。(读后续写写情感)33.Lying on the bed was their beloved mother.躺在床上的是他们深爱着的母亲。(2021浙江高考读后续写)34.Then came a fam

31、iliar voice, which made Jane wild with joy.接着传来一个熟悉的声音,简欣喜若狂。(读后续写写情感)35.On his face stood an expression of horror.他脸上露出恐惧的表情。(读后续写写情感)36.It is clear/obvious that online learning has its advantages and disadvantages.显然,网络学习既有优点也有缺点。(2021全国乙卷发言稿)37.It is a pity that I will fail to go out with you thi

32、s Sunday as appointed.本周日我不能按约定和你一起外出真是遗憾。(2021北京高考道歉信)38.It is thought that black is cool and elegant.人们认为黑色冷静优雅。(四)1.It is an honour/I feel honoured to be invited to make a speech here.我荣幸受邀在此演讲。(演讲稿)2.The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated in honour of an ancient poet, Qu Yuan.庆祝端午节是为了纪念古代诗人屈原。(传

33、统文化)3.My mother has been honoured with the best teacher for her excellent work.我的妈妈因为工作出色荣获优秀教师的称号。(2020全国卷参赛短文)4.Sports teach us to accept challenges and face difficulties with determination.运动教会我们接受挑战,坚定地面对困难。(短文投稿)5.Amazed at their fluent oral English, I was determined to be as good.他们流利的英语口语让我惊叹

34、不已,我决心也要学得一样好。(短文投稿)6.I was wearing a seatbelt, without which I would have been injured.我当时系着安全带,否则我就受伤了。7.He lost control of the car, crashed into the truck and got seriously injured.他的汽车失控,撞上了卡车,因此他受了重伤。8.They removed the injured with such great skill and were so cool in the emergency.他们熟练地将伤者移走,在

35、紧急情况下表现得十分冷静。9.Im sorry to inform you that I will fail to go out with you this weekend.我很抱歉地告诉你,周末我不能和你外出了。(2021北京高考道歉信)10.The true failure is the failure to learn from failure.真正的失败是未能从失败中汲取教训。(读后续写主旨升华)11.Words failed the mother when she wanted to express her thanks to the twins.当母亲想向双胞胎道谢时,她不知道说什

36、么好。(2021新高考卷读后续写)12.We will compete with other volleyball teams for the championship.我们将与其他排球队争夺冠军。(告知信)13.Life is like a long competitive race in which we compete against others to go beyond ourselves.人生就像一场漫长的竞赛,我们与别人竞争以超越自己。(读后续写主旨升华)14.Frank turned away, pretending not to notice me, and hurried

37、away.弗兰克转过身去,假装没看见我,匆匆走开了。(读后续写动作描写)15.Despite a feeling of desperation, he pretended to his family that everything was going well.尽管很绝望,但是他对家人佯称一切顺利。(读后续写情感描写)16.Youd better arrive a little earlier as the Chinese lay stress on punctuality.你最好早点到,因为中国人重视守时。(建议信)17.It must be stressed that we should

38、have a good understanding of its advantages and disadvantages.必须着重指出的是,我们应更好地理解其优缺点。(2021全国乙卷发言稿)18.Although their strength was giving out, no competitors gave up halfway.尽管所有参赛者筋疲力尽,他们都没有半途放弃。(2020新高考卷应用文)19.Never give in to any difficulties; keep trying and you will make it one day.决不向任何困难屈服;继续努力,

39、总有一天你会成功的。(劝慰信)20.You can ask the teacher to speak slowly so that you can make sense of what he says.你可以请老师讲慢一点,这样你就可以理解他讲的内容了。(建议信)21.It makes sense to work out a solution to the problem before it gets out of control.在形势失控之前着手解决该问题是明智之举。(建议信)22.Small acts of kindness can really make a great differe

40、nce to others.小善举真能给他人带来很大影响。(读后续写主旨升华)23.It made no difference to me whether they pretended to have found out the truth or not.不管他们是否假装已知道真相,对我来说无关紧要。(读后续写主旨升华)24.My friends differed in their attitudes to my participation in the play, making me quite annoyed.朋友们对我参与演出态度各异,让我很恼火。(读后续写情感描写)25.Childre

41、n are compared to young trees because they are still growing and can still be shaped.人们把儿童比作小树,因为他们都还在成长,还能被塑造。26.Compared with the past, my fitness has improved a lot.与过去相比,我的身体素质有了很大的提高。27.My favorite season is autumn as the weather is more agreeable in comparison with summer.我最喜欢秋天,因为与夏天相比,秋天的气候更

42、加宜人。28.Facing up to your problems rather than running away from them is the best approach to working things out.解决问题的最好办法是面对而不是逃避问题。(建议信)29.It was the twins rather than their father that were taking the breakfast upstairs.送早餐上楼的是这对双胞胎,而不是他们的父亲。(2021新高考卷读后续写)30.In the beginning, learning English well

43、 seemed to be so challenging that I wanted to give up without even trying.一开始,学好英语似乎很难,我甚至没有尝试就想放弃。(求助信)31.Actually, everyone may go through a time when things seem to be going wrong, so there is no need to worry so much.事实上,每个人都似乎有诸事不顺的一段时期,因此不必太担心。(建议信)32.I have been reading Youth since I entered

44、my senior high school.自我上高中以来,我一直在读青年。(2021新高考卷应用文)33.Im tired out for I have been training all afternoon for the football game.我累坏了,因为我整个下午都在为足球比赛训练。(读后续写情感描写)(五)1.Sweet memories came flooding back and Jane was in floods of tears.甜蜜的回忆涌上心头,简哭得泪人似的。(读后续写情感描写)2.A great sense of relief and pride flood

45、ed over my father.我的父亲深感宽慰和骄傲。(读后续写情感描写)3.She drew the curtains and the sunlight flooded in.她拉开窗帘,阳光洒了进来。(读后续写写景)4.Affected by these selfless doctors, I have developed a deep affection for the career.在这些无私的医生的影响下,我喜欢上了这个职业。(2021天津高考短文投稿)5.Large amounts of donations have been flooding into the affect

46、ed areas.大量捐款源源不断地涌入受灾地区。(报道)6.You cant change the past, but you can ruin the present by worrying about the future.你改变不了过去,但如果你忧虑未来,将会毁了现在。(读后续写主旨升华)7.On returning to the town, they were shocked to find their neighborhood in ruins.当他们回到镇上时,他们震惊地发现他们家附近成了废墟。(读后续写情感描写)8.Since she graduated, my mother

47、has buried herself in teaching, receiving high praise.我母亲自毕业以来,全心扑在教学上,获得了高度赞扬。(2020全国卷参赛短文)9.Father paced in, his hands buried in his pockets.父亲双手插在口袋里踱步进来。(2021新高考卷读后续写)10.Do pay a visit to Jiuzhaigou, which is well worth the effort!九寨沟很值得一游。(2021天津高考短文投稿)11.Lets start now and spare no effort to do a little bit every minute!让我们从现在开始,每分钟不遗余力地做好点滴!(倡议书)12.She took a deep breath and sat up slowly with great effort.她深吸一口气,缓慢而吃力地坐了起来。(读后续写动作描写)13.My hometown used to suffer from problems such as poor road conditions and dirty environment.我的家乡曾饱受糟糕的道路条件和肮脏的环境等问题的困扰。(短文投稿)14


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