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《2024《试吧大考卷》二轮专题闯关导练英语【新高考】阅读理解技能保分练(五).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2024《试吧大考卷》二轮专题闯关导练英语【新高考】阅读理解技能保分练(五).doc(12页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2024试吧大考卷二轮专题闯关导练英语【新高考】阅读理解技能保分练(五)阅读理解技能保分练(五)推理判断题观点态度类 A2020郑州市高中毕业年级第二次质量预测Time magazine listed its top inventions of 2019, some of which will surely become a big part of our everyday lives over the next decade. Here are some were most looking forward to.Virtual surgeryAccording to Harvard Busi

2、ness Review, our current system of training surgeons cant keep up with the speed of technological development. “Even after 4 years of college, 4 years of medical school and 5 years of advanced training after working, 30% of graduates still cant operate on their own,” said Justin Barad, who is the CE

3、O and cofounder of Osso VR.They create software to give doctors the virtual operating room experience so they can practice and prepare for surgery. Apparently, it works. Dr. Gideon Blumstein conducted a study on using Osso VR. His team found that participants overall surgical performance improved by

4、 an astonishing 230% over traditional training methods.Vending veggies (出售素食)“Eat happier.” Thats the Farmers Fridge advertising message. It is a good one, as this company wants to bring fresh, healthy food to people.Its trying to change more than just food, though. It also wants to change the deliv

5、ery method. Farmers Fridge has created its very own automatic machines. They can be placed in hightraffic areas. These supersmart vending machines can know their contents at any moment, and can allow customers to reserve things and pay in advance. They can even learn about what customers want. Shayn

6、a Harris is the companys Chief Growth Officer. “We have developed salads, sandwiches and breakfast items that taste as fresh as if you just made them in your home kitchen,” she said in an interview with Insider Trends.Recycling pollutionWhen we write with black ink, were writing with soota powder ma

7、de by burning coal or oil. Cars are machines that produce soot. To collect the soot, Anirudh Sharma, creator of AIRINK, made a device called Kaalink, which is attached to a vehicles exhaust pipe (排气管). Once collected, its made into ink color and mixed with vegetable oil to create inks, markers and p

8、aints with the brand AIRINK.“I dont know if its pollution, but the quality of the ink is really special,” said artist Kristopher Ho. “Its black, really thick and dries extremely quickly.”The Guardian describes AIRINK as “remarkably green”. Each 30milliliter pen contains between 4050 minutes of air p

9、ollution, while each 6liter spray can hold 2,000 minutes of diesel exhaust (柴油废气). In the past year, Sharma said, his team has cleaned nearly 1.7 trillion liters of air in India and Hong Kong.1What can be known about Osso VR?AIt is an assistant to help surgeons do operations.BIt can perform operatio

10、ns on patients automatically.CIt offers doctors a virtual environment to practice surgery.DIt is a piece of software to help medical students do research.2What makes Farmers Fridge different and special?AWhy its advertisement works.BWhat its vending machines sell.CHow its vending machines operate.DW

11、here its vending machines serve.3What attitude does Kristopher Ho hold towards AIRINK?ADoubtful. BCasual.CDisapproving. DPositive.4What is the authors main purpose in writing the passage?ATo encourage scientists to make technological inventions.BTo tell readers some of the latest inventions in techn

12、ology.CTo call on people to keep up with technological development.DTo raise everyones awareness of the environmental protection.B2020“四省八校”高三第二次质量检测AileyCamp is a free, sixweek program aimed at young people in financial need or who have school, social or family difficulties. It was created in 1989

13、in Kansas City, Missouri by worldfamous dancer and director Alvin Ailey. About 1,000 students in 10 US. states take part in AileyCamp every year.In addition to dance, the camp introduces students to visual arts, creative writing and other communication skills. It also teaches them how to eat well, s

14、olve conflicts and become leaders.American Anai Espinoza is in the eighth grade. This summer, she took part in AileyCamp. Each morning, she and other campers would say several sentences together. Her favorite is this:“I am in control.” Espinoza said, “It makes me believe I have the power to choose t

15、he right thing.”Dianne Caroll directs the AileyCamp in Atlanta, Georgia. When the camp is over, the citys professional ballet company offers 10 students a fulltuition scholarship for a year of training. The scholarship can be renewed.Kameron Davis received one of those scholarships when he was a you

16、ng man. He trained with the Atlanta Ballet for three years. Then he became a dance teacher. Davis said he does not think his mother could have paid for dance classes without the scholarship.Davis said children at school made fun of him when he began dancing. AileyCamp, he said, offered him a safe pl

17、ace and increased his confidence. Today, he enjoys giving back to the program by helping new campers build their confidence, too.“Its an open door to finding new things, doing new things,” Davis said. “When I got to AileyCamp, it just reassured me that, Hey, its okay. Everybody is different. You sho

18、uldnt be judged by what you do just because not a lot of people do it.”5What do we know about AileyCamp?AIt is aimed at poor people of all ages.BIt prepares campers for future jobs.CIt is a nonprofit camp providing various courses.DIt provides 2month dancing courses in the summer.6What does Espinoza

19、 mean by showing her favorite sentence?AShe is determined. BShe is confident.CShe is a dancelover. DShe is eager to camp.7What do Davis and Espinoza have in common?AThey were laughed at. BThey got scholarships.CThey helped campers. DThey got selfimproved.8Whats Davis attitude towards AileyCamp?ANega

20、tive. BSupportive.CIndifferent. DCritical.C2020福州市高三毕业班适应性练习卷As a kid, Joanna Buckley wasnt interested in scienceuntil she had a chance to try it. That happened when she got a chemistry set as a gift.“Over the course of a few weeks, Id completed every experiment. But in the process, I polluted my pa

21、rents dining room carpet and burnt the kitchen worktop with the spirit burner,” she says.Now science is Buckleys job. She works in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Sheffield in England. “I realize, firsthand, how important it is to have something or someone to show you why science is

22、 so great,” she says. Now the good news is that citizen science appears.Citizen science takes the fun of experimenting a step further than Buckleys athome experiments. Thats because these experiments are real, looking for novel answers.“Compared with a oneoff experiment, whats cool about citizen sci

23、ence is that students get that this has a purpose,” says Amy Prunuske, who teaches microbiology and immunology at a medical college. “Students want to do a good job, because they know scientists are going to use the new data in their own research.”Jennifer Longs job is to coordinate (协调) education a

24、nd outreach. She agrees with Prunuske. “Kids like that its real. And they like that its important, and that it matters.” Citizen science projects have made big discoveries. One found a previously unknown galaxy cluster (星系团). Another project helped assess how much damage a big earthquake had caused

25、in Japan. And one of the first citizen science projects helped scientists learn where monarch butterflies go every winter.Some adults worry about teens losing interest in science. They hope that fun, exciting citizen science projects can help them keep engaged, Long says. And she has some evidence t

26、hat its working. “Last year, we did have a couple of students say, I really think I want to be a scientist now”9What is the purpose of Paragraph 2?ATo show experiments can make teens interested in science.BTo prove failure is the mother of success in science.CTo state that Buckley has a talent for s

27、cience.DTo praise Buckley for her strong will.10Why is citizen science more fun?AIt needs to seek for new solutions.BIt carries out experiments frequently.CIt must carry out experiments in groups.DIt is supposed to handle complex problems.11What can we know from what Prunuske said?AShe participated

28、in the experiment.BShe took pride in what students took up.CCitizen science is popular with students.DScientists are willing to employ students.12What is Longs attitude towards citizen science?AConcerned. BSupportive.CDoubtful. DUnclear.阅读理解技能保分练(六)推理判断题文章出处类A2020深圳市高三第二次检测Amanda Seyfried didnt grow

29、 up with dogs. With her busy work schedule, she didnt think she could take care of a dog. In fact, she wasnt looking for a furry friend at all.But then she met Finn. Today, the 34yearold actress, whos known for the film Mamma Mia, is a dog owner and a spokeswoman at the welfare organization Best Fri

30、ends Animal Society.“I cant imagine my life without him,” Seyfried says of the Australian Shepherd Finn, who is allowed on her US. sets. If for some reason he cant join Seyfried on locationlike on a trip when she traveled from France to China, Seyfried requests twicedaily videos of him from her dog

31、sitter.And with a new video for Best Friends Animal Society, she also calls herself Finns “stage mother”Seyfried and Finn shot a video for the #9,000 Steps Challenge, which asks animal owners to walk 9,000 steps with their pets on the ninth day of the month to raise awareness of the fact that more t

32、han 9,000 dogs and cats are euthanized (使安乐死) in shelters each day because theres not enough room.As for the video shoot, in which Seyfried and Finn walked the 9,000 stepsit was more exhausting than a long walk. Seyfried was Finns trainer on the shoot. She believes that instead of being Finns costar

33、, shell go back to being his BFF.1Why did Seyfried originally refuse a pet dog?AShe wasnt yet a spokeswoman.BShe wasnt used to being with a dog.CShe was too busy to care for a dog.DShe had not enough room for a dog.2Who does the underlined word “him” in Paragraph 3 refer to?AFinn. BSeyfried.CThe dog

34、 sitter. DFinns best friend.3Why did Seyfried shoot the video together with Finn?ATo show how deep she loves Finn.BTo train Finn to have a long walk.CTo take part in an animal show.DTo call on the public to pay attention to pets life.4Which section of a newspaper is this text most likely from?ANews.

35、 BLife.CEducation. DSports.B20192020洛阳市高三第二次统一考试Plastic is the workhorse material of the modern economy. Light and durable, its been used to make a vast number of products since its introduction over 100 years ago.However, a study carried out by the World Economic Forum, the Ellen MacArthur Foundati

36、on and McKinsey & Company showed the breakdown of the status in the global plastic system. A full 32% of the 78 million tons of plastic packaging produced annually is left to flow into our oceans.The Ocean Cleanup, a startup founded in 2013, is the brainchild of Boyan Slat, who came up with the idea

37、 for the company when he was just 17 years old. Since then, its received more than $2 million in funding (基金). The company plans to use a large device that will be fixed to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. This will have arms that spread out over 100 km, getting all of the plastic garbage pushed int

38、o its nets. This is then collected by a 10,000metrecube container that will be emptied monthly.Most recently, the Ocean Cleanup launched a team of explorers aboard a specially refitted C130 Hercules aircraft heavily loaded with specialized sensor equipment. It discovered that the problem was worse t

39、han expected with an abundance of plastics measuring up to 1.5m across and at a higher density than previously thought. The organization will continue to pilot the device and will start removing the pile before the end of the decade.Once the plastic is out, what should we do with it? The foundation

40、(基金会) hopes that the plastic from the ocean will have a commercial value which can help to fund the project. Ocean plastic is not easy to use, for its mixed with everything from intact PET bottles to microplastics. However, some of the worlds biggest companies also see the chance to market products

41、made of ocean plastic.Transforming todays plastic economy from its present form (takemakewaste) to a zero waste circular economy (takemaketakemake) is a difficult challenge. However, with cooperative action from producers, recyclers, governments and consumers alike and continuing innovation, it can

42、be done.5Whats Boyan Slats idea about?AA way to collect ocean plastic waste.BA new product made of ocean plastic.CA machine to recycle plastic garbage.DAn organization to research into plastic.6Which of the following can replace the underlined word “density” in Paragraph 4?AFlexibility. BThickness.C

43、Width. DStrength.7What do some biggest companies expect of the ocean plastic?AItll be turned into treasure.BItll sponsor the foundation.CItll be recycled by the government.DItll take the form of takemakewaste.8Where is this text most likely from?AA diary. BA guidebook.CA novel. DA magazine.C2020普通高等

44、学校招生全国统一考试(模拟卷)Organic food is very popular. It is also expensive. Some organic food costs twice as much as nonorganic food, but new parents and pet owners are willing to pay up to 200% more for organic food. However, there are people who think it is a waste of money.There is one main difference bet

45、ween organic and nonorganic food. Organic farms do not use agricultural chemicals, such as pesticides (杀虫剂). In many countries organic foods have special labels. These guarantee that the products are natural.Some people think organic means locally grown. Originally this was true. Over time organic f

46、arming became more difficult. The demand for organic food grew larger than the supply. Small companies had to sell out to large companies. There werent enough organic ingredients (原料), such as grain and cattle. This made it difficult for many organic companies to stay in business. Today, many large

47、companies have an organic line of products.Is organic food more nutritious? This is part of the debate. Many farmers and consumers believe it is. They think agricultural chemicals cause health problems such as cancer. Many health professionals disagree. Few studies prove that organic foods prevent h

48、ealth problems. Health specialists worry more about bacteria (细菌), such as E. coli and salmonella. These can get into contact with organic and nonorganic food. Doctors recommend washing produce very carefully. Handling meat carefully is important too.Most people agree that naturally grown food tastes better. Is tastier food worth


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