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《高中英语2024届高考复习咨询求助信写作讲解与练习.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语2024届高考复习咨询求助信写作讲解与练习.doc(7页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、高考英语咨询求助信写作讲解与练习一、写作模版【介绍】求助信是因为特定事由向他人寻求帮助和建议的书信题材。求助的具体内容应该包括:背景信息、写信目的、求助原因、求助内容、寻求帮助、期待回复等,咨询信同。【例题】假定你是高三学生李华。因新冠疫情高考延迟了一个月。面对新形势,你对学习感到迷茫,所以写信给心理学家Dr.Smith询问缓解压力的方法。内容包括:1.写信目的; 2.咨询内容; 3.期待回复。【写作框架】第一段:求助背景/咨询事宜/写信目的首段句式参考:l I have some problems in doing.which bothers me a lot.So I have no ch

2、oice but to turn to you.l Im sorry to bother you, but I have some difficulties here and I need your assistance.l I tried to., but in vain, which makes me upset/which worries me a lot.l After reading your advertisement published in the magazine, I am writing to you for further/more information/detail

3、s about 第二段:具体咨询事宜/期望正文段句式参考:l Im lacking in experience/at a loss and accordingly confronted with many challenges and frustrations now.l The .barrier being my biggest problem, I feel .all the time and my life is in a messl I would appreciate it if you could be so kind as to give me some advice on th

4、e points I mentioned abovel I would be much obliged to you if you tell me the necessary procedures.第三段:表达感激/期盼回复尾段句式参考:l Id be grateful if you could lend me a hand/you could do me a favor at your earliest convenience.l Im eager to get your timely help.l Eagerly look forward to your response/replyl Y

5、our timely attention to my inquiry would be highly appreciated.l I am looking forward to your prompt reply to this letter.【参考范文】Dear Dr.Smith,Im Li Hua, a Senior Three student in China.Knowing you are an excellent psychologist, Im writing to consult you about ways of releasing pressure.As you know,

6、the spread of the COVID-19 in China leads to a one-month delay in the College Entrance Examination.Not knowing what the future holds, Im at a loss how to improve my study.Could you please be kind enough to offer some practical ways to ease my stress so that I can focus on my study?Your kind help wou

7、ld be greatly appreciated.I am looking forward to a reply at your earliest convenience.Yours,Li Hua【结构模版】模板一Dear _,How is everything going.I am writing to ask you for a favor.Recently I _.(描述自己情况)To begin with, _(具体问题1) has always been a big headache for me, which makes me feel upset sometimes, so I

8、 wonder if you could recommend_.(推荐方案) Besides, I also have difficulty in doing _(具体问题2) on which I sincerely hope you can provide some suggestions.Finally, Id appreciate it if you could be so kind as to give me some advice on the two points I mentioned above.Thanks again for your reading, and your

9、prompt attention to this letter will be highly appreciated.Yours,Li Hua模板二Dear_,_(自我介绍).Im encountering some problems which trouble me a lot.I have no idea how to deal with them and hope that you will be very kind to help me.Here are the problems that have been disturbing me lately.I find/feel it qu

10、ite/extremely difficult/hard to _(困难1).Besides, _is another terrible headache for me.(困难2).Whats more, what troubles me most is that _(困难3).Hopefully, your kind and timely help would be offered to me.I am looking forward to your earliest reply. Yours,Li Hua二、语料积累51.询问某事inquire about sth.2参加会议attend

11、a conference3帮我一个忙do me a favor4包括入场费cover the entrance fees5为某人提供某物furnish sb with sth6关于regarding/concerning7感激的obliged8必要的indispensable9额外收费additional charge10学习安排academic arrangement11面对confront12好的建议instructive advice13吸引exert a peculiar fascination on sb14更多的信息further information15很感兴趣take a g

12、enuine interest in16 指导方针recommended guidelines17咨询某人某事consult sb for sth18相关事宜issues concerned19对.感到困惑at a loss over20由于given/owing to21寻求一些有效的方法seek some effective approaches22一团乱麻be in a mess23因此accordingly/consequently24急需某物be in urgent need of25回复be in response to26在你方便时at your earliest conveni

13、ence27尽早适应目前状况adapt to current situation sooner28扮演重要的角色play a significant role in29有着很多的挑战和困扰with many challenges and frustrations30帮助某人做某事assist sb in doing31做某事有困难have difficulty/trouble (in) doing sth32遇到一些问题encounter some problems33忙于做某事be occupied with sth34为某事做准备make preparations for35学以致用put

14、 sth in use36让某人失望let sb down37克服恐惧overcome the fear38渴望做某事be anxious/eager to do sth39费心地去做某事take the trouble to do sth40提供一些有益的指导offer some constructive guidance三、美句赏析(一)首段1.情景你要去参加英文歌唱比赛,非常迷茫,就写信向外籍教师Jason咨询相关建议。_ 答案Having signed up for an English singing competition, Im writing to consult you fo

15、r some suggestions on issues concerned over which I am totally at a loss.2.情景你不敢和别人交流,和同学相处不是非常融洽,所以写信向你的外国笔友咨询。_答案Owning to lack of communication with others, I failed to get on well with my classmates, so Im writing to seek some effective approaches to address the problem.3.情景你正在计划星期天去伦敦旅游,互联网上一则广

16、告引起了你的注意,但一些具体信息不明确,请给该旅行社发一封电子邮件询问有关情况。_答案London exerts a peculiar fascination on me and I am considering going for a day tour, so I would like to know whether you can furnish me with information regarding it. 4.情景假定你是李华,计划暑假间去英国进行为期六周的英语学习,一则学校广告引起了你的注意,于是你给该校写封信询问有关情况_ 答案I am Li Hua, a student in

17、 China.Intending to attend a summer school in Britain during the vacation and your ad greatly arouses my interest, I am writing to inquire about your six-week English course.(二)正文段1.情景你向外籍老师请教唱英文歌时的发音技巧。_答案In order to polish up my performance, I wonder if you could instruct me in some pronunciation

18、skills. 2.情景你代表学生会向美国合作学习订购一批符合要求的杂志,为你校举办的美国文化节作准备。_ 答案To organize the festival, were now in urgent need of some American popular magazines that can reflect modern American society.3.释义:我们希望您寄送的杂志的内容能适合高中生阅读。_答案we would appreciate it if you could see to it that the contents of the magazines are sui

19、table for senior high school students.4.译文:最后,我想知道课程的费用是多少,并且住宿费是否包含在内。_答案Ultimately, Id also like to know how much I have to pay for the course and whether accommodation is included.(三)尾段1.译文:因此,如果您能就以上问题给我提些建议,我会非常感激。_答案Thus, I would be grateful if you could be so kind as to give me some advice on

20、 the two points I mentioned above. 2.译文:如果能得到您尽早的回复,我会非常感激。_答案I would be much obliged if you could reply at your earliest convenience.3.译文:非常抱歉打扰到您,并且对您的帮助致以感谢。_答案Sorry to bother you, and your kind help would be greatly appreciated.四、练习【填空】调查显示,中国长江江豚(finless porpoise) 受人类活动影响而频临灭绝,目前总数不足 1000 只。江豚的

21、生存环境十分糟糕, 航运 (shipping)、非法捕捞、气候变化、水污染等是导致江豚死亡的主要原因。假设你是李华,现请用英文给 WWF(世界自然保护基金组织)写一封信,请他们关注这一状况并提供帮助。内容应包括:1.说明写信目的2.简述江豚现状3.希望 WWF 如何帮助(比如:资助江豚保护项目等)4.表示感谢并期待回复Dear Sir or Madam,Im a student from Chongqing, China.Learning from the survey that Finless Porpoises _ _ (生存环境) is extremely terrible in Chi

22、na and they are _ _ (灭绝), I am writing to draw attention from you and _ (缓解) the situation.Due to lack of human protection, the number of Finless Porpoise is becoming worryingly smaller, only less than 1000 left at present.Therefore, its high time that immediate and effective measures should _ _ (ta

23、ke) to change the situation.I am hoping that WWF will play a significant role in protecting it by funding some programs aiming to helping Finless Porpoise or _ _ (起草) some rules on how to prevent it from dying out.I _ _ (呼吁) your kind consideration on my request.And I would appreciate it a lot if yo

24、u could provide some assistance.Im expecting your early reply.Yours,Li Hua答案Dear Sir or Madam,Im a student from Chongqing, China.Learning from the survey that Finless Porpoises living condition is extremely terrible in China and they are dying out, I am writing to draw attention from you and ease th

25、e situation.Due to lack of human protection, the number of Finless Porpoise is becoming worryingly smaller, only less than 1000 left at present.Therefore, its high time that immediate and effective measures should be taken to change the situation.I am hoping that WWF will play a significant role in

26、protecting it by funding some programs aiming to helping Finless Porpoise or drawing up some rules on how to prevent it from dying out.I appeal to your kind consideration on my request.And I would appreciate it a lot if you could provide some assistance.Im expecting your early reply.Yours,Li Hua【改错】

27、假设你是育才中学的学生会主席李华,受美国亚特兰大ELCA高中(Eagles Landing Christian Academy) 学生会主席Peter邀请,计划下个月带领10位学生会成员赴该校进行为期一周的交流,请你给对方写一封邮件咨询相关准备工作。内容包括:1.感谢对方的邀请;2.询问相关事宜(最佳到达时间、具体日程安排、需要携带的物品);3.期盼尽早得到答复。请找出下文10处错误:Dear Peter,Im Li Hua, Chairman of the Student Union of Yucai Middle School.Thank you so much for invite us

28、 to have a one-week communication activity at your school and I am writing to enquiry about further details.I am planned to take 10 members of our Student Union to go to your school next month, hoping to make good use of this opportunity to communicate and learn from each other.So Id like to know wh

29、at is the best date of our arrival.Above all, could you possibly send me a specific daily schedule of the activity in advance such that I can prepare better for the trip? Last but not the least, this being our first experience to go to America, would you be kind enough to offer some suggestions on w

30、hat necessities we special need to take with us?We are really exciting and looking forward to the activity.I would appreciate if you could give me a favorable reply at your earliest convenient.Yours sincerely,Li Hua答案Dear Peter,Im Li Hua, Chairman of the Student Union of Yucai Middle School.Thank yo

31、u so much for inviting us to have a one-week communication activity at your school and I am writing to enquire about further details.I am planning to take 10 members of our Student Union to go to your school next month, hoping to make good use of this opportunity to communicate and learn from each o

32、ther.So Id like to know what the best date of our arrival is.Above all, could you possibly send me a specific daily schedule of the activity in advance so that I can prepare better for the trip? Last but not least, this being our first experience to go to America, would you be kind enough to offer s

33、ome suggestions on what necessities we specially need to take with us?We are really excited and looking forward to the activity.I would appreciate it if you could give me a favorable reply at your earliest convenience.Yours sincerely,Li Hua【写作】 Mrs.Zhang最近在与儿子的相处中有点麻烦,特email某青少年杂志寻求帮助。内容包括:1.孩子随着年龄的

34、增加,身体出现了某些变化,如皮肤油腻、出现红点;2.母子争吵,孩子情绪焦躁,不听安慰,不想求医。注意:1.词数:不少于80字;2.可适当增加某些细节;_【答案】Dear Editor,Im writing to ask for advice on my relationship with my teenage son.To tell the truth, I often struggle to get along with him.Recently we have argued with each other a great deal.He is anxious about his skin

35、because it has started to become very oily, with lots of red spots.He is always angry these days and seems less confident.I keep telling him that these changes are normal, and that things will turn out just fine.Of course, I wanted to show my concern for his condition, so I asked him to see a doctor

36、.But then he became angry and we had a big argument.He told me that I was putting even more press on him by talking about his spots all the time.In the end, I sent him to his room.He finally calmed down, but it took some time.The whole experience was really terrible and I do not want to go through the same thing again.What should I do?Best wishes,Mrs.Zhang


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