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1、 济南市历下区 2016 中考二模试题120 (略)II. 读音选词 根据所给句意和音标,从每题 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,找出一个最佳答案。(5 分)21.-_ /wt/ is your favorite subject, Grace?-_ Math, Miss Smith.A. What22.I_ /i:t/ lots of healthy food and do sports everyday.A. cat B. eat C. hat D. sat23. The kids are going to the farm by _/baik/ if it doesnt rain.A. boo

2、k B. lake C. like D. bike24. Anna used to have _ /:t/ hair. Now she grows it long.A. shout B. shut C. short D. shoot25. No matter when I have any _ /dfklti/. Ill ask my parents for help firA. difficulty B. different C. discussion D. disagreementB. WaterC. WatchD. WhiteIII. 选择填空 从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最

3、佳答案。(30 分)26. -What _ would you like for breakfast today, honey?-One banana, Mum.A. sport B. fruit C. teaD. color27. -Are you going fishing _ boating with your parents next week?-Well go fishingA. so B. orC. andD. but28. My aunt lives in Paris. I sometimes visit_ in the summer vacation.A. him B. she

4、 C. her D. he29. -Thank you for the nice cake.-_.A. Im glad you like it B. Yes, it is. C. Sorry to hear that D. Its terrible30. -Excuse me, Linda. Whats in the bag?-Look, theres _ soccer ball in it.A. a B. an C. the D. /31. Whenever the baby sees his mother, he _ happy and smiles.A. are B. tastes C.

5、 becomes D. runs 32. _ Paul and Alan want to be singers in the future so they go to singing lessons every day.A. Both B. All C. Each D. Either33. -_ do you usually go to sleep every night, Bill?-At around 10:00.A. HowB. WhereC. What timeD. Who34. I always get up _ every morning because my home is fa

6、r from the school. I dont like tobe late.A. early B. badly35. In Jinan, you can often see many people dance outside together if it _ in the evening.A. rains B. doesnt rain C. will rain D. wont rain36. My old mobile phone is too big. I want to buy a _ one.A. fatter B. longer C. later D. smallerC. eas

7、ilyD. slowly37. -Jason, what is your idea for _ the air pollution?-We should take the bus instead of driving.A. cutting down38. Jims parents were worried because he _ too much time chatting online.A. cost B. spent C. took D. paidB. taking after C. falling downD. coming out39. -Mum, could you buy a n

8、ew watch for me ?-I m afraid I _,dear. The old one can still work.A. needntB. cantC. wouldntD. mustnt41. -I cant go to your party tonight. There will be a math test tomorrow.-_. Maybe next time.A. It doesnt matter B. My pleasure42. -Look! Its raining outside.C. I dont think soD. Glad to hear that-Wh

9、at a pity! Im afraid we have to _ the plan of hiking.A. give up B. stay up C. put up D. make up43. -Jim, who teaches you French?-I learn it _.A. by mistakeB. by accidentC. by handD. by myself44. -Will you take the medicine according to the _,Mike?-No problems.A. invitationsB. inventionsC. interviews

10、D. instructions45. Mike is new in school. He hopes to make friends _ more students. eA. from46. It is Kittys _ visit to Baotu Spring. She has never been there before.A. one B. first C. two D. second47. Its very cold. Would you mind me_ the window?A. to close B. closing C. to open D. opening48. You l

11、ook tired. Whats the matter?-I studied _ midnight last night so I didnt get enough sleep.A. unless B. if C. until D. since49. All the children like Mr. Wang very much because he often _ them laugh in class.B. withC. atD. underA. makesB. tellsC. pushesD. helps50. -_ nice weather it is!-Yes. Lets go c

12、amping.A. HowB. WhatC. What aD. What an51. _ away from the river ,girls. It is dangerous.A. Stays B. Staying C. To stay D. Stay52. -Whats wrong with Alice?-She is unhappy because_.A. she is fineB. she feels left out C. she becomes better D. she loves reading53. -Hi, Tom. Im _ to work in the Central

13、Hospital to help the sick children this summer.-Really? That sounds great.A. waiting for you D. taking out the rubbish54. Yang Lei _ a volunteer in the small village since three years ago.A. was B. has been C. became D. has becomeB. making a plan C. doing homework55. -Could you tell me _ ?-At the be

14、ginning of July.A. how can I get to the bankB. how soon he will be thereC. when you will start your vacation D. how long he has been backIV. 完形填空。阅读短文,从每题 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。(10 分)One day after school, I went to the teachers office to see my teacher, but _56_ was there.As I was about

15、 to leave, I _57_ a piece of paper on the floor. I picked it up and saw the works“FINAL EXAMINATION”at the top. I put the paper into my schoolbag _58_ and ran out ofthe room. After I came back home, I took out the paper quickly. It was the exam paper of my worstsubject, history. I felt _59_ . My hea

16、rt heat fast. I took out my history book and startedworking on the answer. I had never answered any questions so seriously.On the day of the history exam, I went into the exam hall confidently. When the paper wassent to me. I dreamt of getting the _60_ mark in the whole grade and could not help smil

17、ing.“My history teacher always encouraged me to work hard and get better grades, but I let him downtime and time again. This time I will give him a big_61_”I thought.When the teacher said we could start, I turned the paper over. To my surprise, all thequestions were _62_. Later I felt nervous. In th

18、e end, I almost left the paper undone. After theexam, I ran to the toilet, took out the paper and carefully read it from the top. Oh! It was lastyears exam paper. I read all the questions but I hadnt read the _63_.This is a lesson in which I know I have to put my _64_ on the ground. I felt sorry for

19、 doingsuch a silly thing. After that, I told my teacher the truth and I promised to be _65_. From thenon, I worked harder than ever before.56. A. every body57. A. put B. threw58. A. slowly B. secretlyB. some bodyC. noticedC. politelyB. disappointedC. anybodyD. lookedD. nobodyD. clearlyC. sad59. A. e

20、xcited60. A. highD. angryD. longestD. reportD. easyD. pagesB. higherB. surpriseB. similarB. answersB. armsC. highestC. choice61. A. present62. A. same63. A. books64. A. hands65. A. honestC. differentC. dateC. legs D. feetC. outgoingB. kindD. friendlyV. 补全对话 阅读对话,从每题 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案完成对话。(5 分)A

21、. Hi, Alice. _66_?B. Fine, thanks. Bill. Tomorrow is Jims birthday. Will you go to his party?A. Yes. _67_.B. Me, too. And I think Ill go to the party with Karen and Anna.A. Thats great. _68_B. I think I will wear jeans to the party.A. Oh, I like wearing dress better I think it fits me well. B. OK, _

22、69_A. About 7 p.m.B. Will you take a taxi to the party?A: No, I think Ill take a bus because of the heavy traffic.B: Well. _70_ See you then.A: See you.66. A. Are you free?B. How are you?C. Can I help you?D. Hows the weather?67. A. Who will you go to the party with?C. Are you free this Sunday?68. A.

23、 Can you come to the party?C. When will you go to the party?69. A. When will the party start?C. Where do they live?B. How about you?D. Do you want to go with me?B. Will you wear jeans to the party?D. What will you wear to the party?B. How can I get there?D. When did she arrive?70. A. Thats a good id

24、ea.C. I feel so sorry.B. I prefer singing to dancing.D. Dont let them in.VI. 阅读理解 阅读下列短文,从每题 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。(15 分)AA few years ago, mu husband and I were on an island for a long weekend with our 3-and 4-year-old daughters. As we went back and wondered what to do next, our girl

25、s jumped in and toldus what they wanted to do. “We want to go to the butterfly museum,” said Ariela and Eliana.As soon as we walked into the main area of the museum, we saw thousands of beautifulbutterflies with their colorful wings. My girls jumped up and down happily. I turned to ourmuseum tour gu

26、ide and asked, “How long do butterflies live?” She said, “About ten days.” “Whatcan butterflies do in ten days?” I asked.The guide stopped, looked at me, and said, “They make the world a more beautiful place.”“Wow,” I said, “I never thought about butterflies like that. Thank you”After we said goodby

27、e, I couldnt stop thinking about what the guide had said. She was right.We all have something to offer to the world with the time we have. When we give attention totaking care of each other each day, we can make a difference.Try to do something nice for your family, friends, and neighbors. Like a bu

28、tterfly, you haveyour own way of making the world a little better for everyone. 71. The writers family went to _ for a long weekend a few days ago.A. an island B. the butterfly museum C. the beach D. the mountains72. How many people in the writers family went to see butterflies?A. Two73. How long do

29、 butterflies live?A. About a week B. About six daysB. ThreeC. FourD. FiveC. About nine days D. About ten days74. How did the writers daughters feel when they see butterflies?A. Sad B. Happy C. Worried D. Angry75. From the passage, which of the following is NOT true?A. The writers daughters like butt

30、erflies .B. The writer agrees with the guide in the end.C. The writer has learned something from the visit.D. If you like butterflies, you will be a nice person.BAround 200 years ago, a well-known English poet called John Keats attacked science. He saidthat British scientist Isaac Newton had “ unwea

31、ved (拆解) the rainbow”. Newton explained howlight forms a rainbow. For Keats, this explanation meant rainbows could no longer be beautiful.This is just one example of many. We often hear people talk of problems with science, or saythat it is boring. Some people, like Keats, also say that science take

32、s away the beauty of the world.But is this fair?First of all, science helps us get things done. We need to study science to produce certain kindsof people. After all, where would we be without engineers and doctors? When you are studyingscience in school, remember that one day you might be using tha

33、t knowledge to build a bridge, orsave a life. Next time you use your phone to send a message, remember that this is possible thanksto science. When Keats criticized (批评)Newton, the very paper he wrote on was created throughscience.Beyond helping society and getting things done, science also makes us

34、 think in a certain way.It asks us to believe things only through evidence(证据). It teaches us never to trust ourassumptions (假设). It teaches us that sometimes, the truth is stranger than fiction.When you study science, remember what it means. Science has changed the world, and it canchange you too.

35、Humans once looked up at rainbows, and said that they were beautiful. Scienceexplained them, and they were no longer mysterious to us.But discovery never stops. Through science, we can find new rainbows: mysteries that lie beyond the stars themselves.76. Why did John Keats criticize Newton around 20

36、0 years ago?A. Because he didnt believe what Newton said about rainbow.B. Because he thought Newtons explanation took away the beauty of rainbow.C. Because he thought rainbows would disappear because of Newtons explanationD. Because he was angry that Newton didnt like rainbows.77. John Keats might t

37、hink science was _.A. interestingB. helpfulC. bad for artD. attractive78. Science helps us in the following ways EXCEPT _.A. it helps us get things done.B. it helps society develop.C. it helps us study literature.D. it helps think in a certain way.79. Which of the following is the way science makes

38、us think?A. Believing things only through evidence.B. Believing what we see with our eyes.C. Believing what is said in books.D. Believing things that are beautiful.80. The tittle of the passage can be_.A. How Can We Get the Truth?B. The History of Natural Science.C. Why Should We Study Science?D. Th

39、e Things We Need to Do for ScienceCAYear Living in the ISSWhat is it like to live in space for almost a year? Scott Kelly has the answer. The US astronautstayed in the International Space Station(ISS) for 340 days. And on March 2, he returned to theearth. It was the longest amount of time a US astro

40、naut has spent in space at one time.Usually, living in the ISS for such a long time can be boring. But Kelly made his lifeinteresting. Lets take a look!Good morning, everyone!Its time to enjoy a sunrise. But for Scott Kelly, it was different in space. He saw 16 sunrisesand 16 sunsets each day in the

41、 ISS. According to NASA, the ISS travels at a speed of 5 miles(about 8 km) per second and circlesthe earth about every 90 minutes. As a result, during the year in the ISS, Kelly experienced morethan 5,000 sunsets. So cool!Work comes first.During his time in the ISS, Kelly and his workmates did about

42、 400 science experiments(实验).Last August, they successfully made some red romaine lettuce(红生菜). Making fresh vegetableswill be helpful for longer space journeys in the future. They also planted flowers, which were thefirst to blossom(开花) in space. This was good practice for growing space tomatoes in

43、 the future.Also, their job included fixing things in the ISS, and they might do spacewalks sometimes.Feel bored? Why not do something for fun?Kelly shared about his life in space with the world on social media. Kelly posted more than2,000 messages during his year in the ISS. He also took amazing ph

44、otos of storms, the Milky Way,auroras(极光) and night scene of different cities.This made him a famous person online, and even US President Barack Obama is his fan.Its lunch time!Most food in the ISS is frozen. Astronauts need to heat it up before eating. But what ifastronauts want to drink a cup of coffee? Look at this coffee ball, it is made of recycled urine(循环处理的尿液). To save water, the ISS embers have recycled 730


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