第15天 claim~collection(英汉互译+词形转换+短语提炼+单句填空+语篇填空)-2024年高考英语3500词汇一遍过(教师版).docx

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第15天 claim~collection(英汉互译+词形转换+短语提炼+单句填空+语篇填空)-2024年高考英语3500词汇一遍过(教师版).docx_第1页
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《第15天 claim~collection(英汉互译+词形转换+短语提炼+单句填空+语篇填空)-2024年高考英语3500词汇一遍过(教师版).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《第15天 claim~collection(英汉互译+词形转换+短语提炼+单句填空+语篇填空)-2024年高考英语3500词汇一遍过(教师版).docx(7页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、第15天claimcollection-2024年高考英语3500词汇一遍过(英汉互译+词形转换+短语提炼+单句填空+熟词新意)第15天 教师版 维度一:背诵版50个(claimcollection)701.claim klem vt. 声称;索要;夺去生命702.clap klp vi. 拍手;鼓掌 703.clarify klrfa v. 澄清, 阐明704.class kls n. (学校的)班;年级;课 705.classic klsk a. 一流的, 典型的, 有代表性的706.classical klskl a. 传统的;古典的 707.classify klsfa v. 分类,

2、归类708.classmate klsmet n. 同班同学 709.classroom klsrum n. 教室 710.claw kl n. 爪711.clay kle n. 黏土, 陶土712.clean klin vt.擦干净 a. 清洁的, 干净的 713.cleaner klin n.清洁工.,清洁器.,清洁剂 714.clear kl a. 清晰;明亮的;清楚的 715.clearly kll ad. 清楚地, 无疑地 716.clerk klk n. 书记员;办事员;职员 717.clever klev a. 聪明的, 伶俐的 718.click klk v. 点击(计算机用语

3、) 719.client klant n. 当事人;客户720.climate klamt n. 气候 721.climb klam v. 爬, 攀登 722.clinic klnk n. 诊所 723.clock klk n. 钟 724.clone kln n.克隆 725.close klz a. 亲密的ad.靠近 vt.关闭 726.cloth kl n. 布 727.clothes klz n. 衣服;各种衣物 728.clothing kl n. (总称) 衣服 729.cloud kl n. 云;云状物;阴影 730.cloudy klad a. 多云的, 阴天的 731.clu

4、b klb n. 俱乐部732.clumsy klmz a. 笨拙的, 不灵巧的733.coach kt n. 教练;马车;长途车 734.coal kl n. 煤;煤块 735.coast kst n. 海岸;海滨 736.coat kt n.外套;涂层vt.给穿外套;涂上 737.cock kk n. 公鸡 738.cocoa kk n. 可可粉 739.code kd n. 行为;编码;代码740.coffee kf n. 咖啡 741.coin kn n. 硬币 742.coincidence knsdns n. 巧合, 巧事743.coke kk n. 可口可乐 744.cold k

5、ld a. 冷的, 寒的 n. 寒冷;感冒, 伤风 745.cold-blooded kld bldd a. (动物) 冷血的 746.collar kl n. 衣领; 硬领 747.collapse klps vi. 倒塌;昏倒748.colleague kli n. 同事 749.collect klekt vt. 收集, 搜集 750.collection klekn n. 收藏品, 收集物 维度二:英译汉版(claimcollection)701.claim klem vt. _702.clap klp vi. 拍手;鼓掌 703.clarify klrfa v. _704.class

6、 kls n. _ 705.classic klsk a. _706.classical klskl a. _707.classify klsfa v. _708.classmate klsmet n. _ 709.classroom klsrum n. _ 710.claw kl n. _711.clay kle n. _712.clean klin vt. _ a. _ 713.cleaner klin n. _ 714.clear kl a. _ 715.clearly kll ad. _ 716.clerk klk n. _ 717.clever klev a. _718.click

7、klk v. _ 719.client klant n. _720.climate klamt n. _721.climb klam v. _ 722.clinic klnk n. _723.clock klk n. _724.clone kln n. _725.close klz a. _ad. _vt. _ 726.cloth kl n. _727.clothes klz n. _728.clothing kl n. _ 729.cloud kl n. _ 730.cloudy klad a. _731.club klb n. _732.clumsy klmz a. _733.coach

8、kt n. _ 734.coal kl n. _735.coast kst n. _ 736.coat kt n. _vt. _ 737.cock kk n. _738.cocoa kk n. _739.code kd n. _740.coffee kf n. _ 741.coin kn n. _742.coincidence knsdns n. _743.coke kk n. _ 744.cold kld a. _ n. _ 745.cold-blooded a. _746.collar kl n. _ 747.collapse klps vi_748.colleague kli n. _

9、749.collect klekt vt. _750.collection klekn n. _优点英语维度三:汉译英版(claimcollection)优点英语701. _ klem vt. 声称;索要;夺去生命702. _ klp vi. 拍手;鼓掌 703. _ klrfa v. 澄清, 阐明704. _ kls n. (学校的)班;年级;课 705. _klsk a.典型的, 有代表性的706. _ klskl a. 传统的;古典的 707. _ klsfa v. 分类, 归类708. _ klsmet n. 同班同学 709. _ klsrum n. 教室 710. _ kl n.

10、爪711. _ kle n. 黏土, 陶土712. _ klin vt.擦干净 a. 清洁的, 干净的 713. _ klin n.清洁工.,清洁器.,清洁剂 714. _ kl a. 清晰;明亮的;清楚的 715. _ kll ad. 清楚地, 无疑地 716. _ klk n. 书记员;办事员;职员 717. _ klev a. 聪明的, 伶俐的 718. _ klk v. 点击(计算机用语) 719. _ klant n. 当事人;客户720. _ klamt n. 气候 721. _ klam v. 爬, 攀登 722. _ klnk n. 诊所 723. _ klk n. 钟 724

11、. _ kln n.克隆 725. _ klz a. 亲密的ad.靠近 vt.关闭 726. _ kl n. 布 727. _ klz n. 衣服;各种衣物 728. _ kl n. (总称) 衣服 729. _ kl n. 云;云状物;阴影 730. _ klad a. 多云的, 阴天的 731. _ klb n. 俱乐部732. _ klmz a. 笨拙的, 不灵巧的733. _ kt n. 教练;马车;长途车 734. _ kl n. 煤;煤块 735. _ kst n. 海岸;海滨 736. _ ktn.外套;涂层vt.穿外套;涂上 737. _ kk n. 公鸡 738. _ kk

12、n. 可可粉 739. _ kd n. 行为;编码;代码740. _ kf n. 咖啡 741. _ kn n. 硬币 742. _ knsdns n. 巧合, 巧事743. _ kk n. 可口可乐 744. _ kld a. 冷的n. 寒冷;感冒, 伤风 745. _ kld bldd a. (动物) 冷血的 746. _ kl n. 衣领; 硬领 747. _ klps vi. 倒塌;昏倒748. _ kli n. 同事 749. _ klekt vt. 收集, 搜集 750. _ klekn n. 收藏品, 收集物 维度四:词形转换版(claimcollection)1.clarify

13、 v. 澄清, 阐明clarification n n. 澄清,阐明2.class n. (学校的)班;年级;课 classmate n. 同班同学 classroom n. 教室 classic a. 一流的, 典型的, 有代表性的classical a. 传统的;古典的 3.classify v. 分类, 归类classification n. 分级;类别4.clean vt.擦干净 a. 清洁的, 干净的 cleaner n.清洁工;清洁器;清洁剂 5.cleara. 清晰;明亮的;清楚的 clearly ad. 清楚地;无疑地 6.clevera. 聪明的, 伶俐的 cleverly

14、ad. 聪明地7.climbv. 爬, 攀登 climber n. 登山者8.clinic n. 诊所clinical a. 诊所的,医务室的;临床的9.close a. 亲密的ad.靠近 vt.关闭 closely ad. 严密地;紧密地10.clothn. 布料 clothes n. 衣服;各种衣物 clothing n. (总称) 衣服 11.cloud n. 云;云状物;阴影 cloudy a. 多云的, 阴天的 12.clumsy a. 笨拙的, 不灵巧的clumsily ad. 笨拙地13.coast n. 海岸;海滨coastal a. 近海的,沿海的15.cold a. 冷的,

15、 寒的 n. 寒冷;感冒, 伤风 coldly ad. 冷淡地;不友好地coldness n. 寒冷;冷淡16.collect vt. 收集, 搜集 collector n. 收藏家collection n. 收藏品, 收集物 维度五:短语背诵版(claimcollection) 1.claim to do 声称做某事2.make a claim on sth对索赔 3.clap ones hands 鼓掌4.clarify ones stand 阐明立场5.attend class 上课6.the upper class 上层阶级7.classic literature 经典文学8.clas

16、sical music 古典音乐 9.classify into把分类成10.clean up打扫:整理11.make it clear that清楚表明12.be clear about对清楚13.clear up 放晴;澄清14.It is clever of sb to do sth.某人做是聪明的15.an alarm clock 闹钟16.close down关闭;倒闭17.bringto a close 结束18.be close to doing 差一点要;快要19.keep a close eye on 密切关注20.a peiece of cloth一块布料 21.an ar

17、ticle of clothes 一件衣服22.on the coast在海岸23.off the coast临近海岸 24.scan the code 扫码 25.a coffee cup 一个咖啡杯26. what a coincidence 真凑巧27.by coincidence 因为巧合28.catch a cold 患感冒29.catch sb by the collar 抓住某人衣领 30.collect ones thoughts整理思绪31.a collection of一系列,一组32.collect money for为募捐 维度六:单句填空版(claimcollecti

18、on)阅读下面句子,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。1. We can classify these expressions _ four types.2. _(give) time, hell make a first-class tennis player.3. It is strange that the man slept with his eyes _(opening) and his mouth _(close).4. We left the road and _ (climb) the hill towards the wood.5. Watch the pet

19、s _ (close) when they are left outdoors.6. It was _ (cloud) this morning, but it turned out fine.7. _(attack) by terrorists, the tall building collapsed.8. I _(collect) my thoughts, took a deep breath and entered the interview room.9. This oven _(clean) easily.10. He claimed to_(treat) badly in the

20、supermarket when he was doing shopping yesterday.11. Thank you for writing and allowing me _(clarify) the present position. 12. The car got the medal, but its driver came close to _(kill). 13. That theory must be _(close) connected with practice is a basic rule we should always keep in mind. 14. I t

21、ried _(collect) my thoughts but I was too excited.15. The _(collect) has _ large collection of rare coins and records. He plans to donate them to a charity collective _(collect) money for poor children.【答案】1.into 2.Given 3.open, closed 4.climbed 5.closely 6. cloudy 7. Hving been attacked 8.collected

22、 9.cleans 10.have been treated11. to clarify 12.being killed 13.closely 14. to collect 15. collector, a, to collect维度七:短语填空版(claimcollection)clean up, clear up, close down, close to, make it clear that, clap ones hands, attend class, by coincidence 1. You know that restaurant round the corner? Its b

23、een _.2. _ and move your arms and legs from time to time.3. The teenagers _the city park every Saturday. 4. _, my best friend and I ended up working at the same advertising firm.5. A short discussion can _ the clouds between two persons. 6. What is the most convenient time for you to _? 【答案】1.closed

24、 down 2.Clap your hands 3.clean up 4.By coincidence 5.clear up 6. attend class维度八:熟词新意 (claimcollection)1.To ride a shared bicycle, scan QR code first. _2. A classic is a literary work that has stood the test of time._3. Click on the links below to find out more. _4. He cleared his throat before del

25、ivering a speech._5. He was rushed to the clinic when he fainted._6. Lauren is close to completing her study. That is to say, she will graduate._7. The police are searching for clues._8. He coached her for English examinations._【答案】1.编码,代码2.经典作品 3.点击链接4.清清喉咙 5.诊所 6.劳伦快要完成她的学业 7.线索 8.辅导维度九:写作应用版(clai

26、mcollection)(一)完成句子1. He chose to _ (上舞蹈班) after his retirement.2. When I came in, they _ (正在拍手) to the music.3. Susan enjoys _ (古典音乐) while her little brother likes pop music.4. _ (很显然) your life in your country is quite different from mine.5. It was said that the Germans _ (擅长) inventing things.6.

27、 The island _ (气候寒冷).7. First _ (靠近) him and them make friends with him.8. These measures are aimed at _ (缩小差距)between the rich and poor.9. We _ (严密监视) the prisoners.10. We invite you _ (加入俱乐部).11. There are many islands _ (在沿海的海面上).12. If you _ (多参加体育锻炼), you will not _ (感冒) so easily.13. We volunt

28、eered _ (筹集资金) to help the victims of the earthquake.14. The library has _ (8万册藏书) and 90 kinds of newspapers an magazines.15. _ (凑巧) a bus arrived as we reached the empty bus top, but we ignored it.16. As the saying goes, _(事物都有两面性).【答案】1. attend dancing class 2.were clapping their hands 3.classica

29、l music 4.It is clear/obvious/apparent that 5.were clever at 6.has a cold climate 7.get close to 8. closing the gap 9. kept a close watch/eye on 10. to join a club 11.off the coast 12.take more physical exercises 13. to collect money 4.a collection of 80,000 books 15. By coincidence 16.every coin ha

30、s two sides (二)汉译英1. 有些人声称上网就是浪费时间。_2. 我以优异的成绩毕业,在班上名列前茅。_3. 我们被要求写一篇关于这个话题的课上作文。_4. 离学校很近的地方有一个美丽的公园,四周树木环绕。_5. 无论身在何处,我们都能得到食物、衣服和住处,还有关爱我们的人。_【答案】1. Some people claim that surfing the Internet is a waste of money. 2.I graduated at the top of the class with honours. 3. We were expected to write an

31、 in-class essay about the topic.4.Close to the school there was a beautiful park with many trees around it. 5.No matter where we are, we always have food, clothing, shelter as well as people who love us. 维度十:语法填空版(外刊原创)印度“月船3号”月球探测器发射升空India Launches Lander, Rover to the Moon当地时间7月14日下午,印度“月船3号”月球探测

32、器发射升空。报道称,如果该月球探测器8月着陆成功,印度将成为第4个在月球表面软着陆的国家。阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。An Indian spacecraft traveled to the far side of the moon Friday. Indias space agency said it is a follow-up mission to its 1 (fail) effort nearly four years ago.Chandrayaan-3, the word 2 moon craft in Sanskrit(梵语), took of

33、f from Sriharikota in southern India. 3 (thousand) of Indians cheered outside Satish Dhawan Space Center and waved the 4 (nation) flag as they watched the spacecraft rise into the sky.A successful landing would make India the fourth country after the United States, the former Soviet Union, and China

34、 to do so. Part of Chandrayaan-3 has equipment 5 would provide data to the scientific community on the scientific makeup of moon soil and rocks. Several countries and private companies are in a race to 6 (successful) land a spacecraft on the moons surface. In April, a Japanese companys spacecraft is

35、 thought to have crashed while 7 (attempt) to land on the moon. 8 Israeli organization tried to do something similar in 2019, but its spacecraft 9 (destroy) on hitting the moon.With India becoming the worlds fifth-largest economy, Prime Minister Narendra Modis government is ready to show off the cou

36、ntrys strength in 10 (secure) and technology.【答案】1.failed 2.for 3.Thousands 4.national 5.that/which 6.successfully 7.attempting 8.An 9.was destroyed 10.security1. failed。考查词性转换。此处应用形容词修饰名词effort。failed adj.不成功的;流产的;破裂的。failed effort不成功的努力。句意:印度航天局表示,这是对四年前不成功的努力的后续任务。2.for。考查介词。句意:Chandrayaan-3,在梵语中

37、是“月球飞船”的意思,从印度南部的Sriharikota岛起飞。the word for sth.代表某事的词。3.Thousands。考查名词的复数。hundreds/thousands/millions+of 修饰可数名词的复数形式表泛指“数百个”“数以百计的”,“数千个”“数以千计的”,“数百万个”“数以百万计的”, 数词/a+hundred/thousand/million 修饰可数名词复数形式,表具体数字。4.national。考查词性转换。此处应用形容词修饰名词flag。national adj. 国家的;民族的;国有的。句意:成千上万的印度人在萨蒂什达万航天中心外欢呼,并挥舞着国旗,看着宇宙飞船升入天空。5.that/which。考查定语从句关系代词。that/which指代先行词equipment,在从句中作主语。句意:Chandrayaan-3的一部分拥有设备,此设备可以向科学界提供有关月球土壤和岩石的科学组成的数据。6.successfully。考查词性转换。in a race to do sth. 在做某事的竞赛中,此处应用succes

  • 第15天 claim~collection(英汉互译+词形转换+短语提炼+单句填空+语篇填空)-2024年高考英语3500词汇一遍过含答案.docx第15天 claim~collection(英汉互译+词形转换+短语提炼+单句填空+语篇填空)-2024年高考英语3500词汇一遍过含答案.docx
  • 第15天 claim~collection(英汉互译+词形转换+短语提炼+单句填空+语篇填空)-2024年高考英语3500词汇一遍过含解析.docx第15天 claim~collection(英汉互译+词形转换+短语提炼+单句填空+语篇填空)-2024年高考英语3500词汇一遍过含解析.docx
  • 第15天 claim~collection(英汉互译+词形转换+短语提炼+单句填空+语篇填空)-2024年高考英语3500词汇一遍过(原卷版).docx第15天 claim~collection(英汉互译+词形转换+短语提炼+单句填空+语篇填空)-2024年高考英语3500词汇一遍过(原卷版).docx
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