四年级英语上册Unit 2 My schoolbag Period 1同步讲练测(含答案).doc

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1、Unit 2 My schoolbagPeriod 1开心回顾1Its cold . _ the window, please.A. Close B. open C. Open【答案】A【解析】句意是“天冷了,请关上窗户。”,而且句首字母应大写,故选A。2 _ the window. A. Turn on B. Put up C. Open【答案】C【解析】A. Turn on“打开,指打开某种电器”; B. Put up“张贴”;C. Open “打开”。只有C符合题意。3 ALets_ school.A. go to B.goC.to【答案】A【解析】Lets+动词原形“我们一起去做吧”,

2、 go to school“上学”,故选择A。4 _clean the desk.A. Let B. LetsC. Lets【答案】B【解析】Lets+动词原形意思是“我们一起去做吧”, clean the desk “擦桌子”。故选B。5 _is my mum.A. This B.HeC.It【答案】A【解析】介绍某人的句型是This is 。选项B是指男性,C通常指物,故选A。6 _is in the bag?A. WhenB. WhereCWhat【答案】C【解析】对什么进行提问,使用特殊疑问词What。in the bag “在书包里”,故选择C。二、情景交际。()1.你想询问书包里有

3、什么,你应说:_AWhats in the bag?BWheres the bag?()2.你想介绍你的新朋友张鹏,你应说:_AThats Zhang Peng.BThis is Zhang Peng.()3.你想询问别人的座位在哪里,你应说:_AWheres your seat?BWheres my seat?()4.你想表达自己喜欢苹果,你应说:_AI like apples.BI like dogs.【答案】1. A 2. B 3. A 4. A【解析】1. “什么”应用疑问词what,故本题答案为A。2. 向第三者介绍某人时应用句型This is ,故本题答案为B。3. “你的座位”

4、your seat,故本题答案为A。4. “苹果” apples,故本题答案为A。课前导学一、教学板块Lets talk &Lets play二、词汇全解1. wow interj. (感叹词)哇,呀【发音】字母组合ow在wow中发/ au /音。【形近词】how如何【综合运用】Wow, its beautiful!哇,它很漂亮!2. book n.书【发音】字母组合oo在book中发/ u /音【形近词】look看【短语】open the door打开书,close the door合上书【综合运用】A good book is a good friends.好书如挚友。3. fat adj

5、胖的【发音】字母a在fat中发/ /音。【形近词】cat猫【对应词】thin瘦的【短语】a fat panda一只胖熊猫4. pencil n. 铅笔【发音】字母e在pencil中发/ e /音【联想】pen钢笔【巧记】pen(钢笔)+cil= pencil(铅笔)5.ruler n. 尺子【发音】字母u在ruler中发/u:/音【巧记】rule(规则)+r = ruler(尺子)三、句型突破如何询问对方某处有什么物品Whats in your ?【课文应用】Whats in your schoolbag?你的书包里有什么?An English book, a maths book, thre

6、e storybooks and 一本英语书,一本数学书,三本故事书和 【句型结构】来源:Z。xx。k.Com问句:Whats in your +其他(room, bag)?I have+物品(a chair, three pens )【重点解析】此问句是what引导的特殊疑问句,用于询问对方某处有什么物品。作业设计一、单项选择( )1.- I have a new schoolbag. -_? What colour is it? A. Good B. Really C. No 【答案】B【解析】根据题干及填空后的问号可知句意为:我有一个新书包。真的吗?它什么颜色?真的吗?对应的英文表达为R

7、eally?( )2. I have English book and Chinese book. A.a; a B.a; an C.an; a 【答案】C【解析】本题考查不定冠词。a后的单词以辅音开头,an后的单词以元音开头。English以元音/ i/开头,所以前面需用an;Chinese以辅音/ t/开头,前面用a。 ( )3. in your hand? A. Where B. Whats C. How many【答案】B来源:学科网【解析】根据题干可知句意为:你手里是什么?where 在哪儿,how many 多少,whats 是什么,所以答案为B。 ( )4. - is the p

8、en? -Blue. A. What B. What colour C. How many【答案】B【解析】根据答句“Blue. 蓝色”可知问句在问钢笔的颜色。what 什么,what colour什么颜色,how many 多少,所以答案为B。来源:学_科_网( )5- Whats in your pencil-case?- _ A. Two rulers and a pen. B. Its a math book. C. A bag.【答案】A【解析】问句句意:你的铅笔盒里有什么?B、C两项的单词都不是铅笔盒里的东西。答案选A 。二、连词成句。 1.colour what it is ?

9、_ 2.a new have I schoolbag . _ 3.is schoolbag heavy my . _ 4.what your in is pencil box ? _ 5.blue white it is and . _【答案】1. What colour is it?2. I have a new schoolbag.3. My schoolbag is heavy.4. What is in your pencil box?5. It is blue and white. / Its white and blue.【解析】1. 根据所给单词和标点可知句意为:它是什么颜色的?

10、所以答案为What colour is it?2. 根据所给单词和标点可知句意为:我有一个新书包。有have,新的new,一个书包a schoolbag,所以答案为I have a new schoolbag.3. 根据所给单词和标点可知句意为:我的书包重。所以答案为My schoolbag is heavy.4. 根据所给单词和标点可知句意为:你铅笔盒里有什么?在铅笔盒里 in . pencil box,所以答案为What is in your pencil box?5. 根据所给单词和标点可知句意为:它是蓝白相间的。所以答案为It is blue and white. / Its whit

11、e and blue.三、情景会话。1你想知道别人书包里装了些什么东西,你该怎么问:_A.Whats in your pencil-case?B.Whats in your schoolbag?C.My schoolbag is heavy.【答案】B【解析】“schoolbag”书包。pencil-case铅笔盒。3妈妈想知道你的盒子里装的是什么东西时,她会问:_AWhats in your box? BWhos this? CDo you like this box?【答案】A【解析】what“什么”, in your box “在你的盒子里”。4你想知道Lisa的洋娃娃是什么颜色时,你可

12、以说:_AThe doll is a red doll.BWhat colour is it ?C. Its black and white.【答案】B【解析】What colour is it ?“它是什么颜色?”四、句子配对。( )1.What colour is it? A. Its yellow.( )2.Whats in your bag? B. OK! 来源:Zxxk.Com( )3. I have a new schoolbag C. Three pencils and many books.( )4.Lets clean the window. D. Really? ( )5.

13、May I see it? E.Sure. Here you are.【答案】1. A 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. E【解析】1. 句意:它什么颜色?黄色的。2. 句意:你包里有什么?三只铅笔和许多书。3. 句意:我有一个新书包。真的?4. 句意:咱们擦窗户吧。好的。5. 句意:我能看看吗?当然,给你。五、阅读短文,根据短文内容判断下列句子的对错,对的在括号里写“Y”,错的写“N”。 Look! This is my new schoolbag. Its big. Its blue and white. I have an English book, a Chinese book, a

14、 math book, three notebooks and a pencil-case in it. In my pencil-box, you can see a ruler, two pens, seven pencils and a notebook. Oh, where is my schoolbag? Its on my chair.( )1.My schoolbag is small.( )2.I have three Chinese books.( )3.My pencil-case is in my schoolbag .( )4.There are six pencils

15、 in the pencil-case.( )5.The schoolbag is on the chair. 【答案】1. N2. N3. Y4. N5. Y【解析】1. 根据This is my new schoolbag. Its big. 可知我的新书包大,所以题干错误。2. 根据I have an English book, a Chinese book, . 可知我有一本语文书,而不是三本,所以题干错误。3. 根据. and a pencil-case in it. 可知我的铅笔盒在新书包里,所以题干正确。来源:学&科&网Z&X&X&K4. 根据In my pencil-box, you can see a ruler, . seven pencils 可知我有七只铅笔,而不是六只,所以题干错误。5. 根据where is my schoolbag? Its on my chair. 可知我的书包在椅子上,所以题干正确。


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