3 UNIT 4  Section Ⅲ 知能演练 轻松闯关.doc

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1、 单句语法填空1We see an old man sweeping the fallen(fall) leaves every morning when we pass the post office2Our teacher was very worried because there was only a little time left(leave) for us to finish this task3Generally speaking, the children brought(bring) up by grandparents tend to feel lonely someti

2、mes4It is amazing that he fell in love with the girl dressed(dress) in a red skirt at the first sight5As is known to us all, Tsinghua University, founded(found) in 1911, is one of the top universities in the world6There was an excited(excite) look on his face when the actress appeared7The players se

3、lected(select) from the whole country are expected to bring us honor in this summer game8They spent two hours discussing the plan designed(design) by the famous engineer9The confused expression on his face suggested that he was not able to work out the confusing problem(confuse)10The teacher wanted

4、our compositions handed(hand) in after class11Id appreciate it if you could suggest a good way to get my English improved(improve) in a short period of time12With all her business things arranged(arrange), Diana went on holiday13The speaker raised his voice but still couldnt make himself heard(hear)

5、14Back from his twoyear medical service in Africa, DrLee was very happy to see his mother taken(take) good care of at home 语法与写作1他们正在开会讨论这个人人都知道的严重问题。Theyre having a meeting to discuss the serious problem known_to_everybody2为了解决这个问题,我们应该满足顾客提出的需求。To solve the problem, we should meet the demand made_

6、by_the_customers3使他吃惊的是,他没有注意到钱包在公交车上被人偷了。To his surprise, he didnt notice_his_wallet_stolen on the bus4在所有客人就座之前,你最好不要动所有的菜。Youd better leave_all_the_dishes_untouched before all the guests are seated5这位年轻女士发现她珍贵的项链丢了,很恼火。The young lady was quite annoyed to find_her_valuable_necklace_lost6这对夫妇看到女儿在这

7、家新托儿所受到很好的照顾,感到很满意。The couple felt very satisfied to see their daughter taken_good_care_of in the new nursery 单句语法填空1MrBrowns room, filled(fill) with all kinds of books, looks as if it is a small library2To tell the truth, you must make every effort to improve your spoken(speak) English3(2019四川成都七中高

8、一诊断)To his surprise, Jack found his son dressed(dress) as Santa Claus on Christmas Eve4(2019山西实验中学高一联考)I once found my cell phone missing(miss) during my stay in the city5If you want to make yourself respected(respect), you are above all to respect yourself6The student likes reading stories written(

9、write) by the famous writer7Many used(use) computers will be sold in this market8Prices of daily goods bought(buy) through a computer can be lower than store prices9Today, there are many people visiting(visit) the park every day10We should pay attention to the physical and mental health problems cau

10、sed_(cause) by a lack of sleep11My cellphone has broken down and I have to get it repaired(repair) soon12I was surprised(surprise) to find my hometown changed(change) so much13John received an invitation to dinner, and with his work completed(complete), he gladly accepted it14Dont leave the water ru

11、nning(run) while you are brushing your teeth15The yoga club, opened(open) last month in our school, is popular among women teachers 阅读理解The first people in Canada crossed the Bering Strait from AsiaIn the north the Inuit lived by hunting seals, walruses(海象) and whalesThey also hunted caribou(驯鹿)On t

12、he west coast people hunted deer, bear and beaverThey also fishedOn the plains people lived by hunting buffaloIn the east people grew crops of beans, squash, maize and sunflower seedsThe first Europeans to reach Canada were the VikingsIn 986 a Viking called Bjarni Herjolfsson was blown off course by

13、 a storm and he spotted a new landHowever he sailed away without landingIn 1001 a man named Leif Eriksson landed in the new land, which he named Vinland(it was part of Canada)However Eriksson did not stay permanentlyLater the Vikings did establish a colony in North America but they abandoned it beca

14、use of conflict with the nativesHowever after the Vikings Canada was forgotten until the end of the 15th centuryIn 1497 the English king Henry sent an Italian named John Cabot on an expedition across the Atlantic to NewfoundlandCabot discovered rich fishing waters off the coast of CanadaThen in 1534

15、 and in 15351536 a Frenchman named Jacques Cartier(14911557) sailed on two expeditions to CanadaOn 10 August 1535 (St Lawrences Day) he sailed into the St Lawrence River, which he named after the saintHowever no permanent European settlements were made in Canada until the early 17th centuryIn 1603 a

16、 Frenchman named Samuel de Champlain(15671635) sailed up the St Lawrence RiverIn 1604 he founded Port Royal in Acadia(Nova Scotia)In 1608 Samuel de Champlain founded Quebec(The name Quebec is believed to be an Algonquin word meaning a narrow part of a river) In 1642 the French founded MontrealThe ne

17、w colony in Canada was called New FranceBy 1685 the population of New France was about 10, 000By 1740 it was 48, 000【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了加拿大人口的构成及城市逐渐形成的过程。1In which part of Canada did people grow crops?AIn the northBIn the eastCOn the west coastDOn the plainsB解析:细节理解题。根据文章第一段最后一句In the east people

18、 grew crops of beans, squash, maize and sunflower seeds可知答案。2Who was the first European to reach Canada?ALeif ErikssonBBjarni HerjolfssonCJohn CabotDSamuel de ChamplainB解析:细节理解题。根据文章第二段前两句The first Europeans to reach Canadacalled Bjarni Herjolfsson was blown off course by a storm and he spotted a ne

19、w land可知,Bjarni Herjolfsson是最早来到加拿大的欧洲人。3What is the last paragraph mainly about?AEuropeans set foot on CanadaBEuropeans started expeditionsCEuropeans fought against the nativesDEuropeans began to make permanent settlementsD解析:段落大意题。文章最后一段第一句为该段的主题句。4What is the best title for the passage?AThe Early

20、 History of CanadaBThe Languages of CanadaCEuropeans Started ExpeditionsDThe War Between Europeans and CanadiansA解析:标题归纳题。文章主要讲述了加拿大人口的构成及城市逐渐形成的过程。综合来看,文章讲述了加拿大早期的历史。 七选五Rainbows(彩虹) are one of the most beautiful works that nature creates1_If youve ever seen one, consider yourself luckyRainbows can

21、 be seen when light passes through raindrops, says Kristin Calhoun, a research scientist studying the conditions of weatherWhen sunlight passes through raindrops, the light bends, as it enters a dropletAs it leaves the droplet, the light separates into different wavelengths(波长)2_ The seven colorsred

22、, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violetbend in seven different directionsRed light, for example, bends in a different way than violet light3_It also explains why rainbows look like an arc(弧)Sometimes, however, rainbows can actually form a circle that you can see in a plane with the right co

23、nditions4_“There is an even better chance when the sun is at a lower level, early or later in the day,” Calhoun saysAnd another key is to face the rain and have your back to the sun5_“Small showers and storms often form in late afternoon in this area,”Calhoun says“These types of showers often produc

24、e heavy rain, but remain isolated(孤立的) over the center of the island”AThere are lots of stories relating to rainbowsBRainbows are created by light through raindropsCAnd each wavelength appears as a different colorDWith the conditions just right, Hawaii gets lots of rainbowsEThe best time to catch a

25、rainbow is when its sunny and rainingFBut they can be seen only if you are in the right place at the right timeGThis is why the person on the ground sees each color at a different location【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文。彩虹是大自然最美的作品之一,在什么样的条件下才能欣赏到美丽的彩虹呢?1F解析:上文Rainbows(彩虹) are one of the most beautiful works that na

26、ture creates与F项内容形成转折关系,即彩虹虽然美丽,但人们必须在合适的时间和地点才能看见它。2C解析:C项中的wavelength和color分别复现上文中的wavelengths和下文中的colors,起到承上启下的作用。3G解析:上文中的The seven colors bend in seven different directionsRed light, for example, bends in a different way than violet light与G项内容形成因果关系。4E解析:本段涉及彩虹出现的天气条件,E项内容符合该话题;且E项中的sunny and

27、raining与下文中的the sun和the rain 存在词汇复现关系。5D解析:下文中的this area和the island指代D项中的Hawaii,本段说明夏威夷气象条件合适,因此经常出现彩虹。 语法填空Winter in Quebec, Canada is very different from that in EnglandWhen I first arrived, I was 1_ (slight) worried about the winterI couldnt imagine 2_ it would be like to have 3 metres of snow an

28、d what on earth I was going to do when the weather was so badHowever, here, life goes on as usualTrains and buses continue, and people socialise and even better3_ number of new sports take overFor me, skiing means downhill skiing, in ski resorts(度假胜地), with ski lifts taking you up the mountainBefore

29、 4_(arrive), I did not know there were in fact different 5_(type) of skiingImagine a sunny but cold day, and you have taken a chairlift to the top of a mountain 6_(cover) in snowAn hour seems like a few minutes, as you carve your way down a run to the bottom, and then do it all againIt is my new fav

30、ourite sportIce skating on a frozen(结冰的) lake is another 7_(excite) sport for meOnce I could hardly stand on a pair of ice skates, but now I am able to make laps(圈) of the 3 km route on the lake, 8_ is frozen during January and FebruaryIndeed having 3 metres of snow was a bit frighteningSchool 9_(ca

31、ncel) once because of a big snowstorm, but I was 10_ busy enjoying all these cool sports that winter finished too soon!【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文。加拿大魁北克市冬季降雪量会达到三米。不过,别担心,这儿有丰富多样的冬季户外运动。1slightly解析:考查副词。设空处修饰形容词worried,表示“稍微”,故填副词slightly。2what解析:考查连接词。设空表示“我无法想象降雪量达到三米是什么样的情景”,故填what。what在此引导宾语从句。3A解析:考查不定冠词。由

32、下文的描述可知,此处表示“有许多新的运动”,故填A。a number of意为“许多,大量”。4arriving解析:考查动词ing形式作宾语的用法。设空处作介词Before的宾语,故填arriving。5types解析:考查名词复数。设空处表示“种类”,因为type是可数名词,由其前的were和different可知,此处应用其复数形式,故填types。6covered解析:考查过去分词作定语的用法。设空处表示“被积雪覆盖的山”,cover与mountain之间是动宾关系,故填covered。7exciting解析:考查形容词作定语的用法。设空处作定语修饰sport,表示“令人激动的”,故填形容词exciting。8which解析:考查关系代词。设空处引导非限制性定语从句补充说明lake,且在从句中作主语,故填which。9was cancelled解析:考查一般过去时的被动语态。设空处表示“有一次因为大暴雪学校还放了假”,school与cancel之间是被动关系,因为设空处表示的动作发生在过去,应用一般过去时,故填was cancelled。10so解析:考查副词。sothat意为“如此以至于”。


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