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1、Unit 3 The internetReading and thinking: Stronger Together: How We Have Been Changed by the Internet 教案文本简析本单元阅读文本的话题是互联网对人们的积极影响:互联网不但给人们的生活带来便利,而且能促进人与人之间的相互帮助,使人们变得更加强大。该文本是叙事性文本,讲述了英国一位名叫简的英语教师辞职后,借助互联网得到了帮助,并主动帮助他人的事例。从表层意义讲,文本讲述了互联网是如何改变人们的生活方式的;从深层意义来看,本文进一步表达互联网带给人与人之间的“连锁反应”:互联网作为媒介,连接着人与人之

2、间的互助,激发着人们积极向上的正能量,传递着人们之间的互相关爱。全文共五段,文本结构清晰。第一段阐明了互联网带给人们的积极影响;第二、三、四段讲述了简失业在家及接触互联网后心理和行为上的变化;第五段通过简自己的话语,解释了她愿意帮助别人的原因,体现了相互帮助带来的积极效应。本文可以围绕标题中的关键词“change, stronger, together”展开教学,主要通过静默阅读提取文本信息、提问处理相关语言、人物鉴赏学习优秀品质、写作迁移训练语言能力等几个教学策略达到本文的阅读课教学目标。第1课时一、教学内容提取标题中“stronger, together, change”和“Interne

3、t”四个关键词。梳理关于互联网、人物和描述变化的语言。抓住“变化”主线,梳理文本,系统化地处理信息。二、课时目标1. 通过分析标题关键词,理清标题与文本的内在联系,掌握文本主要内容。2. 理解表示变化、互联网等的话题语言,能够在关键词的帮助下,复述主人公简的故事。3. 通过记者与简之间角色扮演,进一步梳理简的故事,训练语言的综合运用能力。三、教学过程Activity 1 Finding out the key words of the title本活动为实现课时目标1而设计。1. Brainstorm the use of the mobile phone.Ask the students t

4、o think about the functions of the mobile.Q:What can we do with the mobile?【设计意图】通过让学生头脑风暴手机的功能,激发学生的背景知识,激活相关语言,如:to make phone calls; to listen to music; to stream videos; to order food; to play games; to take pictures; to pay the bills; to shop online等等。2. Read the title and find out the key word

5、s.Ask the students to read the title and find out the key words.Q: What are the key words of the title?【设计意图】让学生反复朗读标题Stronger Together: How We Have Been Changed by the Internet,找到标题的关键词,提高学生抓取关键词的能力。Activity 2 Reading carefully to find out the information of “change”.本活动旨在落实课时目标1和2。1. Look at the w

6、ord “change” and predict the changes mentioned in the text.Let the students answer the following questions.Q1: When you look at the word “change”, what questions do you have in mind?Q2: What has been changed? Read the passage and try to find out the answers.【设计意图】通过让学生预测“变化”,能够有效激活原有的图式,排除干扰,提高阅读的专注

7、力。通过搜寻发生的变化,让学生认真阅读文本,提高整理信息的能力。2. Read the second paragraph and find out the detailed information about Jan.Let the students answer the following questions.Q1: Who have been changed?Q2: Who is she?Q3: Where is she?Q4: When did it happen?Q5: What happened to her?Q6: What did she do?Q7: Why did she d

8、o that?Q8: How did she feel?Q9: What did she realise?【设计意图】通过让学生查寻有关于Jan的事实性信息,训练学生快速阅读并抓取关键信息和具体信息的能力。3. Retell Jans story according to the key words given on the screen.Let the students retell Jans story according to the words given.develop a serious illness; quit her job; find herself and at home

9、; keep sb. company; explore the world; the greatest benefits; its ability to remove 【设计意图】通过关键词整合信息,训练学生口头表达的能力。通过口头表达,进一步梳理文本的信息。Activity 3 Reading carefully to find out the information of “stronger”.本活动旨在落实课时目标1和2。1. Read the paragraphs and fill in the blanks.Ask the students to read the passage a

10、gain and fill in the blanks.WhoWhatChangea 59-year-old manlearnt how to apply for work _;found a _ job;take care of _independenta 61-year-old womanstarted an _ company;_ feels lonely;her company was _.successfulchildren in poor countriesa charity website to _ money for thembetter-educated(possible a

11、nswers: online; great; himself; online; no longer; successful; raise)【设计意图】训练学生快速阅读抓取关键信息和具体信息的能力。通过运用表格的形式将信息条理化。2. Think about the differences between “before” and “later”. Find out the change brought to them.Q1: How did the 50-year-old man find a job?Q2: What did the 61-year-old woman do?Q3: What

12、 help will children in poor countries get?【设计意图】培养学生概括的能力、发现规律的能力。学生能够从具体事例总结到普遍现象,如从人物的个人变化推理到发生的变化为independent, successful, better-educated,进而推理到因特网使人们变得更强“stronger”。Activity 4 Reading the passage again and thinking why the title says “together”本活动旨在落实课时目标1和2。Find out the phrases indicating “toget

13、her” from each paragraph.Q1: Can you find the words or phrases relating to “together”?Q2: What do all the phrases indicate?【设计意图】通过让学生寻找关于“互相帮助”的特定的语言与信息,进一步建立关键词与文本内容的关系,建立起文本与标题的联系。如从“online communities and social networks; joined an online group where; people she met online; she and her friends;

14、many people; together with two friends; take online classes; meet others”这些语言中可以得出,人与人之间最主要的是相互帮助。Activity 5: Interviewing as Jan and a reporter本活动为实现课时目标3而设计。Ask the students to role play as Jan and a reporter.T: Suppose A is a reporter from BBC and is going to interview Jan. B is Jan. Make prepara

15、tions for the interview. A prepares questions to ask and B tries to remember the information about Jan.Encourage some of the pairs to present the interview in front of the class. Pay attention to the important information, such as who, what, when, how, why.【设计意图】通过两个同学之间角色的扮演,重新梳理文本内容,通过问答的形式,转换形式进行

16、信息的输入与输出,达到训练语言表达的目的。Activity 6 AssignmentAsk the students to write either an interview report or a diary.T: In pairs, one writes a report about Jan. The other writes a diary about her past events.At least 5 of the following words should be used.make more convenient; updated information;download sof

17、tware; find oneself;keep sb company; the greatest benefit;remove the distance; inspire;bridge the digital divide; have access to;第2课时一、 教学内容通过查找语篇标记定位段落主要信息,梳理文本总体框架结构;阅读文本搜寻相应内容提炼简的性格特点;使用文本语言进行写作,训练迁移输出。二、课时目标1. 通过定位语篇标记,寻找文本主要信息,提高理解分析语篇的能力;2. 提炼简的性格特点,引导学生形成积极的情感态度价值观。3. 能够模仿简的故事,运用相关语言,撰写一个类似的故

18、事,提高语言的输出能力。三、教学过程Activity 1: Sharing the writing本活动衔接第一课时,同时为进入第二课时而设计。Encourage the students to present their writing to their partners.Q1: Can you read your writing to your partner?Q2: Is your partners writing interesting?【设计意图】学生通过对第1课时作业的展示,提高鉴赏与表达能力。Activity 2: Analysing Jans personality本活动为实现

19、课时目标2而设计。1. Talk about the network.Ask the students to look at the PPT.Q1: What is very important in the network, the Internet or the people?【设计意图】让学生的注意力集中到人的因素上来。让学生体会到因特网只是一个媒介,人在其中起的作用更加重要。2. Talk about the title.Let the students think about the relationship of the key words.Q2: Whats the meanin

20、g of the title- Stronger Together: How We Have Been Changed by the Internet?Q3: Whats the relationship among the key words?【设计意图】在第1课时抓取标题关键词的基础上,分析关键词之间的逻辑关系,理解标题的含义,提高学生逻辑分析的能力。3. Analyse Jans personality.Ask the students to read the passage again. Pay attention to what Jan has done and said, and

21、think about some words to describe what kind of person she is.Q4: What kind of person is Jan?Q5: Why do you think so?【设计意图】通过思考简的性格特点,提高提炼人物性格的能力。通过让学生在文本内找到依据,能够有效训练学生比较、推理、归纳等逻辑思维能力。4. Learn to analyse a difficult sentence.Let the students read the long sentence “It is highly important to bridge t

22、he digital divide and make sure that everyone has access to the Internet and knows how to use new technology.”Q6: Can you understand “bridge the digital divide”?Q7: What is the meaning of “has access to”?【设计意图】通过学生思考句子的意思,理清句子的结构,提高分析长句子的能力。学习“bridge”名词作动词,“divide”动词作名词的用法。理解“have access to”的意思,并尝试使

23、用。Activity 3: Finding out the outline of the passage.本活动为实现课时目标1而设计。1. Find out the main idea of each paragraph.Ask the students to read the paragraphs and find out the key words.Q: What is the main idea of each paragraph?【设计意图】通过让学生快速再次阅读段落,概括段落主要信息,提高概括段落大意的能力。2. Find out the outline of the passag

24、e.Let the students find out the relation between the paragraphs.Q1: Can you find out the structure of the passage?Q2: What is the function of each paragraph?ParasMain ideaOutlinePara.1Our lives have been changed by the Internet.General ideaPara.2Jan was changed by the internet.An examplePara. 3Many

25、people have been changed by Jan and her friends.Para.4Jan wants to change children in poor countries.Para.5Jans experience inspired her to change others.【设计意图】理清文本结构,从结构的层面梳理文本信息。从功能的角度分析每个段落在整个文本中所起的作用。Activity 4 AssignmentWriting a passage similar to Jans.本活动为实现课时目标3而设计。Q: Do you know such a story

26、 where someone has been helped or has helped others by the internet? If so, write down the story and what you think of it in about 150 words and share it with the classmates tomorrow. You can use paragraph 2 as an example. The following questions may help you.Who is the personWhere is the personWhen did it happen?What happened to the person?What did the person do?Why did the person do that?How did the person feel?What did the person realise?【设计意图】使用文本语言进行迁移,训练语言的综合运用能力。


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