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《北师大版必修2高考英语一轮复习unit6design单元主题语篇训练二.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《北师大版必修2高考英语一轮复习unit6design单元主题语篇训练二.docx(7页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Unit 6 单元主题语篇训练.完形填空Do you think you have what it takes to be a successful scientist? A successful scientist is generally a good observer.He makes full _1_ of the facts he observes.He doesnt accept ideas which are not _2_ on obvious facts, and therefore _3_ to accept authority as the only reason for

2、 truth.He always checks ideas _4_ and makes experiments to prove them.The rise of _5_ science may perhaps be considered to _6_ as far back as the _7_ of Roger Bacon, the wonderful philosopher of Oxford, who lived _8_ the years 1214 and 1292.He was probably the first in the middle ages to suggest tha

3、t we must learn science _9_ observing and experimenting on the things around us, and he himself _10_ many important truths.Galileo (15641642), however, who lived more than 300 years later, was the greatest of several great men in Italy, France, Germany, and England, _11_ began to show how many impor

4、tant _12_ could be discovered by observation by degrees.Before Galileo, learned men believed that large bodies fell more _13_ towards the earth than small ones, _14_ Aristotle said so.But Galileo, going to the _15_ of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, let fall two _16_ iron balls and proved Aristotle was w

5、rong.It was Galileos _17_ of going direct to nature, and proving our _18_ and theories by experiment that has led to all the discoveries of modern science.What _19_ those people good scientists? From the example of Galileo, we know it clearly that successful scientists are those whose observations h

6、ave _20_ better results.1A.useBtimeCspeed Dtrust解析:选A 根据语境可知,此处是指一个成功的科学家通常是一个好的观察者,他充分利用他观察到的事实。make full use of意为“充分利用”。2A.relied BbasedCinsisted Dcentered解析:选B根据语境可知,作为一个科学家,要充分利用事实,自然不能接受不以明显事实为根据的想法。be based on .意为“以为基础/根据”。3A.refuses BdesiresCintends Dregrets解析:选A根据空格前后的“He doesnt accept ideas

7、 . and therefore _ to accept”可知,他不接受不基于显而易见的事实的观点,因此拒绝接受把权威视作事实的唯一理由。此处指的“拒绝”。4A.casually BcarefullyCquickly Dsecretly解析:选B结合空格前后的“He always checks ideas _ and makes experiments to prove them.”可知,此处是指他总是会仔细地核对各种想法和观点,并做实验来证明这些想法。5A.natural BphysicalCancient Dmodern解析:选D根据第三段最后一句“. that has led to al

8、l the discoveries of modern science.”可知,此处表示的是现代科学。6A.date BkeepClook Dcome解析:选A根据下文的“. the years 1214 and 1292”可知,现代科学的兴起可追溯到很早的时候。date back为固定搭配,意为“追溯到”。7A.study BtimeCyear Dbirth解析:选B根据空格后面的“. the years 1214 and 1292.”可知,此处表示现代科学的兴起也许可以追溯到罗杰培根那个时代。8A.both BeachCbetween Damong解析:选C本句是指罗杰培根生活在1214年

9、至1292年之间。between . and .意为“在和之间”。9A.in BwithCon Dby解析:选D根据后面的“observing and experimenting on the things around us”可知,此处是指通过(by)观察和检验我们周围的事物。10A.brought BdiscoveredCtook Dgave解析:选B结合下文“many important truths”可知,本句是指他自己发现(discovered)了许多重要的真理。11A.who BwhenCthat Dwhere解析:选A本句是定语从句,先行词为“Galileo”,指人要用关系词wh

10、o。12A.truths BproblemsCpeople Dsubjects解析:选A由空格后的“could be discovered by observation by degrees”和第二段最后一句中的“many important truths”可知,很多真理可以通过观察得到发现。13A.slowly BrapidlyClightly Dheavily解析:选B根据空格前后的“large bodies fell more _ towards the earth than small ones”可知,在伽利略之前,学者们认为从同一高度下落,重的物体比轻的物体自由落体的速度更快。14A

11、.although BbecauseCwhen Dif解析:选B根据空后的“Aristotle said so”可知,这里表明因为(because)亚里士多德是这样说的。15A.place BfootCtop Dceiling解析:选C根据常识可知,伽利略从比萨斜塔的顶部,扔下了两个铁球。16A.big BsmallCequal Dunequal解析:选D根据上文的“large bodies fell more _ towards the earth than small ones”可知,此处表示扔下了两个不同重量的铁球。17A.spirit BskillCtheory Ddiscovery解

12、析:选A这是伽利略探索自然的精神(spirit)。18A.plans BopinionsCworld Dability解析:选B此处与后面的“theories(理论)”相呼应,是指通过实验证明我们的观点(opinions)和理论。19A.makes BpreventsCconsiders Dpromises解析:选A由下文的“are those whose observations have _ better results”可知,此处是说“是什么使这些人成为优秀的科学家?”make意为“使成为”。20A.foreseen BrejectedCproduced Dchallenged解析:选C

13、根据语境可知此处是指我们清楚地认识到,成功的科学家是那些通过观察得出更好的结果的人。.阅读七选五Do you ever draw? Most of us dont.The reason we usually leave drawing to the artists is that were not very good at it.Who wants to do anything theyre bad at? _1_ Studies have found drawing has many benefits, artist or not.Here are just a few reasons fo

14、r picking up a pen or pencil of any kind.It pushes you to be patient.Were used to things happening fast these days.Drawing is not fast._2_ Thats OK.And as something comes together over time, youll be reminded of the value of patience.Drawing is an object lesson that not everything good comes quickly

15、, which is an easy thing to forget._3_ A few of my drawings are really kind of great.I can look at them with pride.But plenty of my little drawings are nonsense or unfinished.It doesnt matter.I still have the experience of drawing and the benefits that brings.Even if youre not naturally “good” at dr

16、awing, youll get better over time if you practice._4_ Your drawing doesnt have to mean anything or do anything useful. Sometimes you will even fail.No big deal.It makes memories stick. I draw in order to capture (捕获) moments from my life.Im not great at drawing, but thats not the point.Sometimes I d

17、raw the view from the window of my hotel room whether its a great view or not.Remember, the idea is to capture the moment, not create a masterpiece.Other times I draw from my dinner table._5_ATake the pressure off.BIts a good reminder that failure is OK.CIt is something that can show your talents.DI

18、t takes time to create something interesting.EBut maybe we should rethink this assumption.FIf you draw fast, you might ruin your drawing.GThese drawings can always bring me back to that moment.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了绘画的三个好处,呼吁人们拿起画笔进行创作。1选E空前提到人们不愿意做自己不擅长的事情,空后讲述绘画给人们带来很多好处,由此可知,该句起承上启下的作用。故选E。2选D空前后内

19、容都与时间有关,介绍绘画是需要时间的,不是很快就能做成的。故选D。3选B此处缺少的是本段的中心句。根据本段内容尤其是最后两句“Sometimes you will even fail.No big deal.”可知,B项符合语境。故选B。4选A空后内容是作者开导人们不要太过在意自己的画是否有意义或者是否有用,所以联想此处应是让人们在绘画时不要有压力。故选A。5选G空前内容介绍作者时常会用画来记录生活中的瞬间,所以这些画能够让作者想到之前的那个美好瞬间。G项呼应本段主题,符合语境。.语法填空The Palace Museum, also known as the Forbidden City,

20、is a muchvisited and muchphotographed tourist _1_ (attract)This Chinese palace with a history of about 600 years receives millions of visits every year and lots of TV programs have showed the place in recent years.However, it still _2_ (have) secrets, and a new program _3_ (design) to explore those

21、unknown areas and the stories within is set to show the palace in a new light.The variety show, Shang Xin Le Gu Gong, broadcast its first episode (一集)That first episode won wide acceptance from audiences and _4_ (think) highly of on D.“It brings many elements (元素) together, and everything in the sho

22、w is _5_ (perfect) matched and turns out amazing,” said _6_ online user.“It brings me the thrill I felt when I stepped into the Palace Museum for the first time.”In each onehourlong episode, the actors and actresses switch between playing guides and historical figures _7_ emperors and royal family m

23、embers of the Qing Dynasty (16441912)They focus on areas _8_ are still not accessible to the public and the stories _9_ (surround) them.In the show, the actors and actresses are also joined by designers who will create _10_ (product) based on what they see.The most popular ones, based on an online v

24、ote, are to be turned into souvenirs for sale.语篇解读:本文是一篇新闻报道。文章讲述了一个旨在揭秘故宫博物馆秘事和探索其不为人知地区的节目上新了故宫,以一种全新的角度带领观众了解故宫,节目一经播出就好评如潮。1attraction考查名词。本空所在结构是“冠词形容词名词短语”结构,前面有a,此空应用其单数形式。故填attraction。2has考查时态。and后面的句子,其谓语动词是一般现在时,前后两句时态保持一致,又因为主语it是单数,故填has。3designed考查过去分词。is set 是谓语动词,design和is之间无连词连接,所以de

25、sign为非谓语动词;因为a new program和design之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,表被动,故填designed。4was thought考查时态和语态。and连接的前后两句时态要保持一致;又因为That first episode和think之间是被动关系,故填was thought。5perfectly考查副词。副词修饰动词,此空应用副词形式。故填perfectly。6an考查冠词。此处泛指一位网络用户,表泛指用不定冠词,online以元音音素开头,故填an。7like/including考查介词。此处表示举例或包括,like意为“类似,像”,including意为“包括在内”。故填

26、like/including。8which/that考查定语从句关系词。areas后面接了一个定语从句,areas是先行词,指物,在从句中作主语,故填which/that。9surrounding考查非谓语动词。areas和the stories是并列名词,所以此空为非谓语动词;the stories与surround之间是主动关系,故填surrounding。10products考查名词复数。designers 后面是一个定语从句,从句谓语动词create后面缺乏宾语,此空应用名词作宾语;且此处表复数概念,故填products。tips 语法填空之提示词为动词 (2)第一步:若句中已有谓语动词,又不是并列谓语动词时,应考虑该空考查非谓语动词。第二步:根据非谓语动词在句中所作成分、句式的特殊要求,确定用非谓语动词的哪种形式。第三步:确定非谓语动词与其逻辑主语之间是主谓关系还是动宾关系。例如文中第9题:They focus on areas _8_ are still not accessible to the public and the stories _9_ (surround) them.分析:考查非谓语动词。句中已有谓语动词focus,因此应用其非谓语动词形式,又因为stories与surround之间为主谓关系,因此用现在分词形式。


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