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《北师大版必修1高考英语一轮复习unit2heroes单元主题语篇训练二.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《北师大版必修1高考英语一轮复习unit2heroes单元主题语篇训练二.docx(7页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Unit 2 单元主题语篇训练.完形填空The snow was falling and the roads had become dangerous.The schools were dismissed early, but much to my surprise, my _1_ wasnt canceled.So I went, feeling especially heroic.As far as I could see, I was risking my life to keep my _2_.Snow or no snow, I would be on time for my sch

2、eduled donation at the local _3_ center.When I got there, I discovered I wasnt _4_.Four more “herotypes” were already lying back in donor chairs with lines _5_ to their veins, and machines quietly pumping away to _6_ their lifesaving gifts.Seeing my fellow donors honoring their own commitments, I re

3、alized why I was there.I lay back in my donor chair, ready to make a difference in the life of someone I would never _7_.To be honest, Id never really thought about why I donate.I just do it.But a few months ago, during one of my _8_ donations I learned that my blood was specifically for a cancer pa

4、tient and for a newborn baby both patients needed what I would give in order to live.Ive viewed my visits to the blood center _9_ ever since.My wife Karen is a _10_, too.And more importantly, she has been on the bone marrow (骨髄) list for fifteen years, ever since she signed up to provide bone marrow

5、 to a kindergartner with leukemia (白血病)That little girl died before Karens bone marrow could help her, _11_ Karen was called again recently.Her test results were still on file, and it turned out she was a potential _12_ for someone else.The caller asked Karen if she would still be willing to become

6、a bone marrow donor.“Yes,”she said and then immediately began answering questions on the pages of paperwork for further testing.It was a race _13_ time.I wish I could say that this _14_ was won.It wasnt.The caller later thanked Karen for her participation and asked a few more questions including whe

7、ther or not shed _15_ on the donor list.“Of course,” Karen answered.Last week Karen gave blood and next week Ill make my usual donation.Ill _16_ an afternoon from my schedule and make an appointment.I dont know whose life my donation may _17_.Most likely it will be a _18_, but on any day the person

8、needing a blood product could be you or me or maybe a loved one.It is worthwhile to _19_ our time to donate.I really do feel _20_ every time I donate.And I like the feeling.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章通过作者志愿参加献血的活动告诉我们:你献出的每一份小小爱心,都可能有大的影响。1A.appointmentBclassCmeeting Dflight解析:选A根据下文可知,作者要去参加献血活动,即使下大雪了,他的预约(a

9、ppointment)也没取消。故选A。2A.secret BbalanceCshape Dword解析:选D因为下着大雪作者还是去了,所以说作者是冒着生命遵守诺言。固定短语keep ones word“遵守诺言”。故选D。3A.service BshoppingCblood Dcare解析:选C根据第四段的“blood center”可知,此处指血液(blood)中心。故选C。4A.alone BwelcomeClate Dlucky解析:选A根据“Four moreherotypes were already lying back in donor chairs with lines _

10、to their veins”可知,作者不是一个人(alone)。故选A。5A.exposed BattachedCapplied Dadded解析:选B另外四个“英雄”已经躺靠在捐赠者的椅子上,他们的血管上连着(attached)输液管。故选B。6A.examine BproduceCcollect Dclean解析:选C机器静静地抽走并且收集(collect)着他们的救命礼物血液。这里指采集可以挽救别人生命的血。故选C。7A.meet BforgetCmiss Drecognize解析:选A作者献血也许会帮助某个他从未谋面(meet)的人。故选A。8A.regular Bunexpecte

11、dCspecial Dpleasant解析:选B根据前句“To be honest, Id never really thought about why I donate.”可知,作者在一次意外的(unexpected)捐献中了解到了献血的重要性。故选B。9A.wisely BdifferentlyChesitantly Dcarefully解析:选B作者得知自己的血液是专门为一位癌症患者和一位新生儿捐献的后,他对献血这件事的看法改变了。故选B。differently“不同地”。10A.receiver BdoctorCpatient Ddonor解析:选D根据下文说她在捐赠骨髓的名单上可知,

12、作者的妻子一直都是一个捐赠者(donor)。故选D。11A.or BbutCand Dfor解析:选B根据句意可知,前后为转折关系。故选B。12A.risk BcustomerCmatch Dpartner解析:选C她的测试结果还在档案里,并且结果证明她仍然是一个潜在的匹配者(match)。这里指血型相匹配。故选C。13A.beyond BwithCagainst Dof解析:选C这就是指与时间赛跑。a race against time“与时间赛跑”,为固定短语,故选C。14A.honor BtestCprize Drace解析:选D根据上文“It was a race _ time.”可知

13、,这是一场比赛(race)。故选D。15A.rank BsignCappear Dremain解析:选D句意:打电话的人问凯伦是否愿意继续留在(remain)捐赠者的名单上。也就是她是否还愿意捐赠。故选D。16A.clear BseparateClose Dremove解析:选A根据“Ill _ an afternoon from my schedule and make an appointment.”可知,此处是指作者要在百忙之中抽出(clear)一个下午去做这件事。故选A。17A.touch BaffectCcreate Denrich解析:选B作者并不知道自己的捐赠可能会影响(affe

14、ct)谁的生命。故选B。18A.child BstrangerChero Dfriend解析:选B很可能是一个陌生人(stranger),但有一天,需要血液制品的人可能就是你,或者“我”,或者可能就是你所爱的人。故选B。19A.spend BsaveCkill Dtake解析:选D花费(take)“我们”的时间在捐赠上还是很值得的。故选D。20A.empty BgratefulCproud Dnervous解析:选C根据“And I like the feeling.”可知,作者为此感到骄傲(proud)。故选C。.阅读七选五If you have plenty of important ta

15、sks to accomplish and cant get anything done, then you are not working efficiently. _1_ You just need to know the following little secrets to increasing your productivity at work.Focus on your own work. _2_ Dont be afraid to say no to your boss and coworkers.When you are overwhelmed (招架不住的), you mig

16、ht make lots of mistakes and fail to complete an important project.Organize your desk.If the place where you work is in a mess, it will be difficult for you to find important notes._3_ Tidy your desk up to save time and work more efficiently._4_ Nowadays, the Internet and social networks will make y

17、ou wander in work.I know its hard to stop looking at them while at work, but you may end up wasting lots of time on social media websites instead of doing your work.Remember, you get your salary for good work, not for looking at social media.Try to avoid chatty coworkers as well.Take short breaks.Wh

18、en you have a lot of tasks to accomplish, you may not even think about having a rest._5_ Consider taking a few short breaks throughout the day or taking a short nap to feel more energetic and refreshed.This will help you to accomplish more tasks and avoid making mistakes.Dont eat at your desk; its b

19、etter to go elsewhere to have your lunch.AAvoid checking your email constantly.BAccomplish the more urgent tasks first.CAvoid things that prevent your concentration.DHowever, you wont be more productive if you feel tired.ETry not to take on too many responsibilities, especially if you feel stressed.

20、FYou will spend lots of precious time looking for them and delay your work.GActually, you can get more tasks done and even have some free time meanwhile.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了几种有效的方法帮助你成为一个高效工作的人。1选G空处上文提出了工作效率低的问题,空格提到“.the following little secrets to increasing your productivity at work”,G项承上启下,符合语境。

21、2选E由空后提到的“Dont be afraid to say no to your boss and coworkers.”可知,E项“不要去承担太多的工作,专注于自己的工作就好”承上启下,符合语境。3选F根据空前“it will be difficult for you to find important notes”可知,F项“你会浪费宝贵的时间寻找它们,耽误你的工作”承接上文,符合语境。4选C本空为段落的中心句。由空后一句“网络和社交网很容易让你工作时分心,你可能会浪费很多时间在社交媒介上而不是做工作”可知,A项“避免让你分心的事情”能概括本段内容。5选D根据空处上文和空后“Consi

22、der taking a few short breaks throughout the day .”可知,D项“如果你感到累,那么效率就不会高”承上启下,符合语境。tips 怎样解阅读七选五之段首主题句如果空格出现在段首,它通常是段落主题句。此时应认真阅读空格后的内容,根据段落一致性原则,推断出该段的主题句。特别是阅读空格后面的第一、二句,确定相关信息词,然后在选项中查找与之相关的内容。同时也要兼顾与其他段落主题句之间形式上的一致性。例如上文第4题,空格出现在段首,初步确定为段落主题句。先分析空后的内容“the Internet and social networks will make y

23、ou wander in work”“you may end up wasting lots of time on social media websites instead of doing your work”,再对比其他段落的段首句,形式上都是祈使句,两方面结合,可确定本题答案。 .语法填空During the teenage years, many young people can at times be difficult to talk to.They often seem_1_ (dislike) being questioned.They may be _2_ (willing

24、) to talk about their work in school.This is a normal_3_ (develop) at this age, though it can be very hard for parents to understand.It is part of _4_ (become) independent.They try to be adult while they are still growing up.Young people are usually more willing to talk if they believe that question

25、s _5_ (ask) out of real interest and not because people are trying to check up on them.Parents should do their best to talk to their sons and daughters_6_ their schoolwork and future plan_7_ should not push them to talk if they dont want to.As they try to be adult, _8_ (teenager) may experiment with

26、 drugs, alcohol or smoking, so parents should_9_ (careful) watch for any sign of unusual behavior_10_ may be connected with these and get help if necessary.语篇解读:这是一篇议论文。文章介绍了青少年的特点和问题,以及父母应对这些问题的策略。1to dislike考查非谓语动词。seem to do“似乎”,为固定用法,所以填to dislike。2unwilling考查固定句型。根据上文说他们不喜欢被询问可知,他们可能不愿意谈论他们在学校的

27、学业。be unwilling to do“不愿意做某事”,为固定句型,所以填unwilling。3development考查名词。前面有冠词,该空应用名词,所以填development。4becoming考查非谓语动词。介词之后接动名词形式,所以填becoming。5are asked考查动词的时态和语态。“that questions _ (ask) out of real interest and not because people are trying to check up on them”是一个宾语从句,描述一个客观事实,用一般现在时,“问题”和“询问”之间是逻辑上的被动关系,用被动语态,所以填are asked。6about考查介词。此处表示“关于”,所以填about。7but考查连词。此处表示转折关系,所以填but。8teenagers考查名词复数。该空作句子主语,表示“青少年”,是复数意义,应用名词复数,所以填teenagers。9carefully考查副词。该空修饰动词watch,应用副词,所以填carefully。10which/that考查定语从句。“_ may be connected with these” 是一个定语从句,先行词是any sign of unusual behavior,关系词在从句中作主语,指物,所以填which/that。


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