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《全国卷2023届高三英语下学期三轮冲刺模拟试题4含解析.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《全国卷2023届高三英语下学期三轮冲刺模拟试题4含解析.docx(19页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、(全国卷)2023届高三英语下学期三轮冲刺模拟试题4第一部分听力(略)第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分35分)第一节(共10小题;每小题2.5分,满分25分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A“Were counting on you and your raised hands to bid for the street art selected by the MB.A.students and go home victoriously!” said Arnaud Oliveux at the French auction(拍卖) house Artcurial

2、.Mr Oliveux walked theatrically across the stage and officially opened the second edition of the charity auction Street for Kids.The event is organized by 33 students who major in art management,with a focus on the international art market,at the Icart School of Arts.Over the past six months,as thei

3、r final project,the fifthyear students planned their first public auction.They persuaded famous street artists and galleries to donate pieces;they drafted the communication strategy;they designed and built the exhibition space.Julien GarciaToudic,22,was among the students charged with collecting the

4、 donated street art.He said,“It was for charity and it would be financing childrens access to art.”Their goal was to raise money for the Muse en Herbe,whose mission(使命) is to bring art to children.Founded more than 40 years ago,the 6,400squarefoot space provides exhibitrelated activities for those “

5、between the ages of 3 and 103”“Were a little alien in the world of art,” said Sylvie Girardet,the museums director.She was a graduate in art history and archaeology(考古学) when she created the museum with two friends.At the time,she had been shocked to learn that the majority of the French population

6、did not visit museums.“Childhood is when a lot of core(核心) values are formed,” said Ms Girardet.“If we introduced children into the world of art,then as future adults they wouldnt have this mental block.”“Young parents who came to visit the museum when they were little now come back with their child

7、ren,” Ms Girardet said.“It means they remember and they keep fond memories of their time here.”21What was Arnaud Oliveux doing at the beginning of the text?AGiving a lecture.BSelling artworks.CPerforming a play.DOrganizing an exhibit.22What can we learn about the organizers of the event?AThey are st

8、udents from an art school.BThey donated artworks to the auction.CThey have planned several public auctions.DThey have prepared for the event for a year.23How might Ms Girardet feel when talking about the museum?ACautious. BAnxious.CCurious. DProud.BMarkus Rehm can leap much farther than the length o

9、f your family car.Hes a world champion long jumper.But he only has one leg.He wears a prosthesis(假肢) in place of his missing leg.Youd think that a missing leg would cause problemsespecially for an athlete.But the prosthesis Rehm wears is specially designed to propel(促使) him forward.Its a lightweight

10、 metal blade(片状物)At a 2015 competition for athletes with disabilities,he sailed 27.6 feet(8.4 m)That distance would have beaten the nondisabled gold medalists at the 2012 and 2016 Summer Olympics.Rehm wanted to compete in the 2016 Summer Olympics.But some thought his blade leg gave him an unfair adv

11、antage.And he couldnt prove that it didnt.Researchers have conducted tests on the benefits of bladeshaped legs when it comes to running and jumping.The main benefit of a blade leg is that it weighs much less than a typical leg and foot.That means an athlete can move the leg more quickly.However,a bl

12、ade leg also has drawbacks.A real leg has many muscles and joints(肌肉和关节) that all act independently.A runner can reposition all of these parts as needed to make each stride(跨步) more efficient.A prosthesis,though,“is an entirely passive system,”said David Morgenroth of the University of Washington.“T

13、hat could be a disadvantage when youre trying to get up to speed as a runner.”Over time,though,engineers will continue to improve blade legs.They may eventually offer as much or more efficiency compared to a real leg.What does Rehm think of all this?He just wants to do his best.“I always say I want

14、a fair competition,” he told World Para Athletics.“I dont want to have any advantage out of a prosthesis.I just want to do what I love and train really hard to achieve outstanding performances.I dont want to say sorry for it.”What do you think?Should athletes with blade legs compete alongside nondis

15、abled athletes?24What do we know about Rehms prosthesis?AIt is heavy in weight.BIt looks like a real leg.CIt enables him to jump.DIt is uncomfortable to wear.25Why didnt Rehm compete in the 2016 Summer Olympics?AHis athletic ability was said to be unnatural.BHe didnt receive proper training.CHis dis

16、ability was too severe.DHe didnt sign up for it.26What is Rehms attitude to blade leg technology?AOpposing. BPositive.CCautious. DUncaring.CThat old saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” may hold some truth.In fact,one study found that almost half of the deaths in America caused by heart dis

17、ease,stroke,and type 2 diabetes(糖尿病) were linked to poor diet.But knowing you should eat healthfully and actually doing it are two different things,and making the right choice isnt any easier.The Fresh Food Pharmacy(药店) aims to change that.A pilot program created by the Geisinger Health System,a hos

18、pital network in Pennsylvania and southern New Jersey,this pharmacy resembles a grocery store stocked(贮存) with fresh produce,canned beans,and more.Even better,its all free.Under the program,patients with type 2 diabetes are prescribed a weeks worth of food for their entire household,and dietitians s

19、how them how to transform it into healthy meals.After the first year,all 180 participants had improved in key health measurements.In 2012,the estimated(估算的) costs associated with diabetes in the United States were 245 billion.Geisinger will spend only about 1,000 annually on each foodpharmacy patien

20、t.David Feinberg,Geisingers president and CEO,calculates that “a decrease in HbA1c of one point saves us about 8,000”With many of the patients dropping three points,the program could save 24,000 or more a year in healthcare costsas well as reduce the risk of blindness,and other complications.Geising

21、er isnt the only organization experimenting with produce prescriptions.Nonprofits,food banks,and even doctors offices around the country have conducted programs that bring the “food is medicine” concept to life.In 2010,the nonprofit organization Wholesome Wave started the Fruit and Vegetable Prescri

22、ption Program.Doctors give each family member 1 per day to spend at a participating farmers market or grocery store.In 2014,almost half of the patients decreased their body mass index(体质指数),thus lowering their risk for heart disease,some cancers,and many other health conditions.A new study guesses t

23、hat losing weight can save up to 16,000 per person in direct medical costs,depending upon age and the amount lost.How do you like them apples?27What does the author say about eating healthily?AIt cannot replace medicine.BIt is a guarantee of a slim figure.CIts hard to practice for most people.DIt sh

24、ould be a habit developed from childhood.28What can be learned about Geisinger?AIts an international organization.BIt offers patients healthy diets for free.CIt provides hospitals with advanced medicines.DIts intended for patients without family members.29What do the figures in Paragraph 4 show?AHea

25、lthy food is the best medicine.BDiseases like diabetes can be cured now.CThe number of patients with diabetes is decreasing.DGeisinger can save much money for the government.30Why is the Fruit and Vegetable Prescription Program mentioned?ATo recommend a good program.BTo encourage people to eat healt

26、hily.CTo prove the truth of Geisingers program.DTo stress the importance of fruit and vegetables.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Did you make financial decisions last New Years Eve?Did they fall by the wayside?If so,you are not alone. 31 .Make a smart budgetDid you plan

27、 to make a budget and fail to do so?This is a perfect time to start,as you are heading into the new year.You may be able to stop yourself from overspending if you realize how overextended you are.If youve taken no other financial steps this year,start by setting a realistic budget. 32 .Control your

28、spendingEven if you had a budget,were you able to stick to it? 33 .Use it as a psychological advantageyou have less to spend so you need to shop harder for bargains and research prices.Impulse buying(即兴购买) will be less likely to attract you and your spending should be more focused as a result. 34 Yo

29、u had a savings goal,didnt you?If you didnt have a specific goal,it may be why your savings effort failed.Set a smaller savings goal now,and use that to build a larger savings goal for the upcoming year.Make sure that you equate(使等同) your savings with a specific goal.Reduce your debtDebt reduction i

30、s an important goal,especially in the case of highinterest debt such as credit cards.Its easy to get into an unrecoverable increase of debt if you have no plan to keep debt in check.It is a longerterm goal,but one you need to start right away. 35 .That may be a tall task,which is all the more reason

31、 to start immediately.AIncrease your savingsBHave a clear goal for your debtCYou will go on with your new decisionsDMost other financial improvements will followEStart small by setting a spending budget for your shoppingFBut this year,you can make some progress on your financial goalsGAttack the deb

32、t with the highest interest rate,and control your spending第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。In most parts of the world a “good nights sleep” means more or less eight hours without interruption.However,the 36 of an eighthour sleep is fairly recent.

33、 37 ,history textbooks only tend to record memorable events.Sleep is so 38 that it isnt mentioned.However,some historians 39 references to a “first sleep” and a “second sleep” in documents covering several centuries and countries.The first sleep started after sunset and lasted until around midnight.

34、Then people would lie 40 for a while and chat or pray.Some neighbours 41 used to take the opportunity to visit each other between 42 .After a few hours,they would 43 their second sleep,until dawn.36A.character BendCresult Dconcept37A.Naturally BFinallyCHopefully DCasually38A.practical BcommonCimport

35、ant Dcomplex39A.dropped BpreferredCunderstood Dnoticed40A.asleep BaloneCawake Dangry41A.even BseldomCstill Donly42A.floors BdaysCmatches Dsleeps43A.limit BhaveCcheck DloseBy the time electric lighting was introduced,the twosleep pattern had 44 ,for most people had lights and could stay up late if th

36、ey wanted to.Its a 45 we lost the twosleep habit because being awake for a period at night is beneficial.It 46 the bodys natural energy and sleep rhythms and is the perfect time to 47 the day and to take it easy.The twosleep habit used to be quite widespread,but it wasnt 48 .Sleep patterns vary betw

37、een different cultures.Some cultures dont have a fixed 49 for sleeping.People sleep for short periods throughout the day or night.Sleep patterns also vary according to 50 .While older adults and preteens are 51 happy with early mornings,teenagers have a 52 of staying up late at night and getting up

38、later.In many modern families,parents are always 53 that teenagers wont get up in the mornings.Really,it shouldnt 54 .Getting up late isnt lazy.Maybe we should 55 what our body clock is telling us and sleep when our body says its tired.44A.developed BreturnedCdisappeared Dexisted45A.pity BblessingCp

39、uzzle Drelief46A.evaluates BfollowsCpredicts Dproves47A.mix with Bbelong toCthink about Dwait for48A.universal BinterestingChealthy Dregular49A.place BnameCreason Dtime50A.race BageCspace Dseason51A.suddenly BhardlyCgenerally Dgradually52A.fear BhabitCchance Dmeasure53A.complaining BpersuadingCheari

40、ng Dsuspecting54A.work BoccurClast Dmatter55A.guess BreportCconsider Drisk第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。(2019江西上高二中模拟)Almost all the ice covering the Bering Sea has melted(融化),scientists have confirmed,56. (throw) communities living around 57. (it) shores into disorder.

41、The regions ice cover 58. (normal) lasts for at least another month,and this year it has disappeared earlier than any other year except 2017.Living in 59. northern Pacific Ocean between Alaska and Russia,the Bering Sea is experiencing the climate change and has drawn attention this year for recordbr

42、eaking levels of winter melting.In February,rising Arctic temperatures 60. (lead) to around half the regions disappearing in the space of two weeks.A report 61. (send) by the International Arctic Research Centre at the University of Alaska Fairbanks has outlined the realworld effects of these surpri

43、sing environmental 62._ (change) on the many communities 63. live in the Bering Sea region.In their report,the International Arctic Research Centre scientists wrote that while not every year will be as bad as this one,ice 64. (form) is likely to remain low if the Bering Seas waters remain warm.They

44、also warn that communities will need to “prepare for more winters 65. low sea ice and stormy conditions”第四部分写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节应用文写作(满分15分)(2019山东日照一模)假定你是新华中学高三学生李华,英国某中学代表团下周三将到你校访问交流。请你代表师生写一篇欢迎词,内容包括:1欢迎来访;2介绍活动安排(参观学校,文化交流,观看演出等);3表达祝愿。注意:1词数80左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 第二节读后续写(满分25分)阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使

45、之构成一个完整的故事。After working many years in a large hospital,my work as head nurse in a small local hospital turned out frustrating.Occasionally we lacked supplies or equipment and sometimes the food was less than desirable.The biggest problem was the lack of qualified help.Still,everyone working there had a genuine love for the patients,an


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