高考英语人教版一轮复习课件:选修6 Unit 1 .ppt

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1、选修六选修六第一部分Unit 1Art1 1话话 题题 词词 句句2 2基基 础础 回回 扣扣3 3考考 点点 串串 讲讲4 4层层 级级 训训 练练话话 题题 词词 句句1appreciation n_2artist n_3vivid adj._4works n_5_ adj.受欢迎的;流行的6on exhibition_7sense of beauty _8take up_欣赏 艺术家 栩栩如生的;鲜艳的 著作;作品 popular 在展示中 美感 从事 9the key to success_10long for _11enrich ones life_12for sale_13show

2、 ones talent for._14_ ones character塑造某人的品格15_ ones horizons开阔某人的眼界成功的关键 渴望;向往 丰富某人的生活 待售 展现对的天赋 shape widen 1The film is usually more interesting and _.电影通常更有趣而且更容易理解。2We are always _ in Shakespeares poetry.我们不断地在莎士比亚的诗歌中发现美妙之处。3He thinks to read the original work _ to see the film _ it.他认为读原著比看由原著

3、改编的电影更好。it is easier to follow finding new beauty is better than based on 基基 础础 回回 扣扣.单词识记1_ n.C,U努力;尝试;企图vt.尝试;企图2_n.C画像;身材;数字vt.计算(熟词生义)_3_n.C目标;目的vi&vt.瞄准;(向某方向)努力_adj.没有目标的;无目的的_adv.漫无目的地;无目标地4_vi.有感染力;呼吁;求助(熟词生义)vt._n.C,U呼吁;恳求;吸引力_adj.吸引人的词汇素养 attempt figure 认为;估计 aim aimless aimlessly appeal 将

4、上诉 appealing 5_vt.采用;采纳;收养_adj.被收养的;被采用的_adv.U收养;采用6_n.U信任;信心;信念_adj.忠实的;守信的_adv.忠实地7_vt.拥有;具有;支配_n.U拥有_财产8_n.C,U巧合(的事);(事情、口味、故事等)相合_adj.同时发生的;一致的;符合的adoptadoptedadoptionfaithfaithfulfaithfullypossesspossessionpossessionscoincidencecoincident9_vt.预言;预告;预测_n.C,U预言10_n.C,U喜爱;偏爱_v.喜爱;偏爱11_adj.典型的;有代表性

5、的_adv.典型地12abstract adj._13delicate adj._14specific adj._15exhibition n_16reputation n_抽象的;深奥的脆弱的;容易生病的;精致的确切的;特定的展览;陈列;展览会名声;名誉predict prediction preference prefer typical typically.词汇运用1Sometimes we are _ by the desire to be rich and do everything we could to make the dream come true,but finally w

6、e will find out that the _ of wealth may not necessarily bring happiness.(possess)2I have _ in the employee because he has worked for us _ for a long time,and I think he is a _and honest friend.(faith)3I missed the bus and _ was late for school.(consequence)4Well give _ to children and the aged.(pre

7、fer)possessed possession faith faithfully faithful consequently preference 5We should take some _ measures to protect the environment,which _ by the human activities.(effect)6Many famous paintings are _ in the gallery.All visitors to the _ must report to the main service desk.(exhibit)7It is _ that

8、he is sure of winning the case,because he has enough _.(evident)effective is affected exhibited exhibition evident evidence.单词巧记1ion名词后缀exhibition n展览;陈列;展览会discussion n讨论construction n建设expression n表达;表情connection n连接interruption n打断invention n发明prevention n预防;防止2合成名词(n.n.)masterpiece n杰作;名著website

9、 n网站motorbike n摩托车handbag n手提包teammate n队友earthquake n地震3形容人性格的形容词集锦aggressive好斗的;敢作敢为的easygoing随和的cooperative有合作精神的strongwilled意志坚定的independent独立的humorous幽默的ambitious有雄心的determined有决心的creative有创造力的selfless无私的4“目标,目的”家族:aim ntarget n.intention n.purpose n.objective n.destination n.短语默写1_(对某人)有吸引力;(使

10、某人)感兴趣;呼吁2_ 巧合地3_集中;全神贯注于4_ 对过敏5_ 结果6_ 大量;非常7_ 与此同时8_(可是)另一方面短语速记 appeal toby coincidenceconcentrate onbe allergic toas a consequencea great dealat the same timeon the other hand9_ 活着的;本人10_ 在于11_ 大量;许多12_占有;拥有in the fleshlie inscores ofin possession of.短语填空1I like dogs but unluckily I _ them.2_,we

11、arrived at the gate at the same time.3Since I left my hometown,it has changed _.4I want to go to the party,but _ I ought to be studying.5It is a fact that China has been _ Huangyan Island since ancient times.6The government _ the public to remain calm in case of emergency.am allergic to By coinciden

12、ce a great deal on the other hand in possession of appealed to 2含词根vis(看)的单词一览visual adj.视觉的visible adj.可见的visibility n能见度visit vt.&n参观television n电视supervise vt.监督;管理revise vt.复习;修正句式悟通背会原句知晓考点我会仿用1.This is because the Impressionists encouraged artists to look at their environment in new ways.这是因为印

13、象派画家鼓励艺术家用新的方法观察环境。This is because.“这是因为”,because引导表语从句。1.(安徽卷)从太空上看,地球是蓝色的。这是因为地球表面大约71%都由水覆盖。From space,the earth looks blue._ about seventyone percent of the surface is covered by water.This is because 背会原句知晓考点我会仿用2.Without the new paints and the new technique,we would not be able to see the many

14、 great masterpieces for which this period is famous.没有新的颜料和新的(绘画)手法,我们就不能看到很多使这一时期著名的杰作。without引起的含蓄虚拟条件句。2.(2015重庆卷)没有战争的经历,海明威就写不出他最著名的小说永别了,武器。Without his wartime experiences,Hemingway _ his famous novel A Farewell to Arms.wouldnt have written 考考 点点 串串 讲讲(1)achieve ones aim 达到目的;实现目标take aim(at)向

15、瞄准with the aim of.以为目标(2)aim at sth./doing sth.瞄准;对准be aimed at(doing)sth.旨在(主语多为物)aim to do sth.目标是;旨在(3)aimless adj.无目的的aimlessly adv.无目标地精 研 词 汇 短 语1aim vt.瞄准;对准vi.旨在;以为目标n目的;目标;瞄准单句语法填空。(2016上海高考)More recently,the Paris Agreement,stuck by nearly 200 countries,also aims _(limit)global warming.Aft

16、er hours of walking in the forest _(aim),we were lost.高考小作文。(2015全国卷书面表达)我们校报上有一个“外国文化”栏目,旨在介绍美国风俗习惯。In the newspaper of our school there is a column called“Foreign Cultures”,_ introduce American customs.to limit aimlessly aiming to adopt a(n)attitude/approach/policy采取态度/方法/政策adopt a suggestion/plan

17、采纳建议/计划adopt a child收养孩子2adopt vt.采用;采纳;收养用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。_(adopt)measures to protect wildlife,we can see the number of wild animals increasing.The couple are unable to have children of their own,so they want to have a baby _(adopt)For many childless couples,_(adopt)is the best solution.People expect

18、 their country _(adopt)a new policy to improve their living conditions.Having adopted adopted adoption to adopt(1)be possessed of具有(某品质、能力等)(2)possession n(常作复数)所有;财产in possession of占有;拥有;持有in sb.s possessionin the possession of sb.为某人所有;在某人的控制下get/take/gain possession of拥有;占有3possess vt.拥有;具有;支配in

19、possession of表主动,意为“拥有;占有”,主语通常为表示人的词语;in the possession of表被动,意为“被占有”,主语通常为表示物的词语。单句语法填空。When you get out of the taxi,make sure that none of your _(possess)are left behind.Although he doesnt possess much money,he is possessed _ good health.Technical progress would put our firm in possession _ the h

20、ome market.possessions of of 一句多译。据我所知,他拥有一个大公司。As fas as I know,he is _ a large company.As far as I know,a large company is _ him.As far as I know,he _ a large company.in possession of in the possession of gets/takes/gains possession of convince sb.of sth.使某人相信某事convince sb.that.使某人相信be convinced t

21、hat/of.相信convince sb.to do sth.说服某人做某事4convince vt.使相信;使确信;说服We were convinced that he was honest convince your boss of your ability to finish the task convince the children that convince my father to give up smoking 5attempt n&vt.努力;企图;尝试attempted to convincemade an attempt to convincemade an attem

22、pt at convincing(1)predict sth.预测某事;预示某事predict that.预测;预示It is predicted that.据预测(2)prediction n预告;(天气等)预报predictable adj.可预料的;可预测的6predict vt.预言;预告;预测Population experts predict It is predicted that(1)appeal to sb.对某人有吸引力;使某人感兴趣appeal to sb.for sth./to do sth.向某人呼吁/恳求(2)make an appeal to sb.for sth

23、.为向某人呼吁或请求make an appeal to sb.to do sth.呼吁/恳求某人做某事(3)appealing adj.有吸引力的;恳求的7appeal vi.呼吁;要求;求助于vt.控诉n呼吁;要求;吸引力to help to 翻译句子。(2015浙江高考)We tend to have a better memory for things that excite our senses or appeal to our emotions than for straight facts.相对于直白的事实,我们对于激发自己感觉或唤起自己情感的事物,记忆往往更加深刻。高考小作文。(

24、广东高考)作者向我们呼吁要对动物更加友好。The author _ be more kind to animals.(appeal v)The author _ be more kind to animals.(appeal n)appealed us to made an appeal to us to(1)figure on打算;指望figure out理解;想出;计算出(2)keep ones figure保持体形have a good figure身材好a political/public figure一位政治/公众人物8figure n画像;人物;身材;体形;数字v估计;计算;认为f

25、igure on going abroad figure out what they were saying to keep her figure 高考小作文。(2016北京高考书面表达)中国历史上我最喜欢的人物是魏源,他是晚清的一位思想家。_,it must be Wei Yuan,a great thinker in the late Qing Dynasty.As for my favorite figure in Chinese history It is a coincidence that.是巧合的(It is)no coincidence that.并非巧合9by coincid

26、ence巧合地By coincidence It is no coincidence/It cant be a coincidence(1)on(the)one hand.;on the other hand.一方面;另一方面(却)(2)first(ly).;second(ly).第一;第二(3)for one thing.;for another.一则;二则10on the other hand(可是)另一方面(常与on the one hand对应使用)On(the)one hand on the other hand for one thing for another 该句使用了虚拟语气

27、,表示与过去事实相反的情况。精 析 句 型 结 构 1If the rules of perspective had not been discovered,no one would have been able to paint such.如果透视法没被发现,那么就没有人能画出虚拟语气可用在if引导的虚拟条件句中,主、从句谓语结构形式如下:情况从句谓语形式主句谓语形式与现在事实相反动词过去式would/should/could/might动词原形与过去事实相反had过去分词would/should/could/mighthave过去分词与将来事实相反动词过去式should动词原形were t

28、o动词原形would/should/could/might动词原形knew would have met rained/should rain/were to rain would be 本句为介词短语位于句首时引起的完全倒装句式。(1)out,in,into,down,up,away,here,now,then,there等表示方位和时间的副词和表示地点的介词短语置于句首,且主语是名词时,句子用完全倒装。(2)当作表语的形容词、分词提到系动词前面时,句子也要全部倒装,构成“形容词/分词系动词主语”结构。2Among the painters who broke away from the t

29、raditional style of painting were the Impressionists,who lived and worked in Paris.在这些脱离传统绘画风格的画家中就有生活和工作在巴黎的印象派艺术家们。Among is included On the top of stands Lying on was 句式升级。They arrived at an old church.A big crowd of people stood in front of the old church.They arrived at an old church,_.in front of which stood a big crowd of people 层层 级级 训训 练练


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