(人教版)高考英语全套课件:必修5 Unit 5 First aid.ppt

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1、 Unit 5 First aid【诵读诵读积积累累】(2013宁宁德德模模拟拟)假假如如你你是是宁宁德德市市某某中中学学高高三三(1)班班班班长长,你你班班王王伟伟同同学学昨昨天天下下午午在在放放学学回回家家路路上上看看到到一一位位老老奶奶奶奶摔摔倒倒在在地地,他他立立刻刻将将她她扶扶到到安安全全的的地地方方,同同时时打打电电话话给给120,使使老老奶奶奶奶得到了及得到了及时时救治。救治。请请你就此事倡你就此事倡议议全班同学向他学全班同学向他学习习。倡倡议议要要点点如如下下:(1)简简述述王王伟伟的的事事迹迹;(2)发发表表感感想想;(3)提提出倡出倡议议。参考参考词汇词汇:美德:美德vir

2、tue;和和谐谐的的harmoniousDear classmates,Im more than pleased to share with you Wang Weis story.On his way home yesterday afternoon,Wang Wei noticed an old lady fall to the ground and went up to help her without hesitation/delay.After helping her to safety,he dialed 120 and the granny got timely treatmen

3、t in hospital.I was deeply impressed by what Wang Wei had done.There is no doubt that such a deed should be encouraged.Firstly,it has been one of the traditional Chinese virtues to help those in trouble.Secondly,people nowadays seem to be getting more and more unwilling to help others,especially the

4、 aged.Therefore,Wang Weis behavior is of great significance in awaking peoples awareness of helping others.Thirdly,it is our duty to make our world a more harmonious place to live in.In short,I strongly advocate(suggest)that all of us should learn from Wang Wei and always be ready to help others.Tha

5、ts all.Thank you.【尝试尝试运用运用】词汇词汇翻翻译译在某人回家的路上在某人回家的路上 _跌倒在地跌倒在地 _毫不犹豫地毫不犹豫地/耽耽搁搁地地 _及及时时救治救治 _传统传统的中的中华华美德美德 _唤唤起人起人们们的的意意识识 _on ones way homefall to the groundwithout hesitation/delaytimely treatmentthe traditional Chinese virtuesawake peoplesawareness of一一词词多多译译总总之之 _句型句型积积累累某事某事给给某人留下深刻印象某人留下深刻印象 _

6、毫无疑毫无疑问问 _做某事是某人的做某事是某人的职责职责 _in short/in a word/in brief/all in allsth.impress sb./sb.be impressed by/with sth.There is no doubt that.It is ones duty to do sth.单词盘单词盘点点核心速核心速记记1._(n.&vt.)帮助;援助;帮助;援助;资资助助2._(adj.)暂时暂时的;的;临时临时的的3._(vi.&vt.)(使使)噎住;噎住;(使使)窒息窒息4._(vt.&vi.)榨;榨;挤挤;压压榨榨5._(n.)症状;征兆症状;征兆6._



9、有效使用;有效_(n.)申申请请人人_(n.)申申请请swellswollentighttightlyfirmfirmlytreattreatmentapplyapplicantapplication.短短语语互互译译1.(对伤对伤患者的患者的)急救急救 _2.烧伤烧伤 _3.触触电电;电电休克休克 _4.榨出;榨出;挤挤出出 _5.区区别对别对待;有影响;起待;有影响;起(重要重要)作用作用 _6.fall ill _7.over and over again _first aidget burnedelectric shocksqueeze outmake a difference生病生病

10、反复;多次反复;多次8.in place _9.a number of _10.put ones hands on _在适当的位置;适当在适当的位置;适当若干;若干;许许多多找到找到.句型透句型透视视1.as引引导导非限制性定非限制性定语语从句从句So _(正正如如你你们们可可以以想想象象的的),if your skin gets burned it can be very serious.2.if省略句省略句Remove clothing using scissors _(如如果果需需要要的的话话)unless it is stuck to the burn.as you can imagi

11、neif necessary3.when用作并列用作并列连词连词John _(正在学正在学习习)in his room _(突然突然)he heard screaming.4.强强调调句句_(正是正是约约翰的迅速行翰的迅速行动动)and knowledge of first aid _(救了斯莱德女救了斯莱德女士的命士的命).5.毫无疑毫无疑问问_(毫无疑毫无疑问问)Johns quick thinking and the first aid skills he learned at school saved Ms Slade s life.was studyingwhenIt was Joh

12、ns quick actionthat saved Ms Slades lifeThere is no doubt that.语语篇完形篇完形 The skin is your bodys largest 1._.If your skin gets 2._ it can be very serious.Burns are usually divided into three types,3._ on which layers of the skin are burned.First degree burns affect only the top layer of the skin.They

13、are 4._ painful.Second degree burns are commonly caused by contact with a hot object or severe sunburn and they have 5._ surface and are extremely painful.Third degree burns are very severe injuries,6._ burns by electric shocks,burningorganburneddependingmildlywateryincludingclothes,or severe petrol

14、 fires.You feel little or no pain if nerves are 7._.First aid is a very important first step in the 8._ of burns.You can perform first aid as follows:Taking clothing off the burned area 9._ it is stuck to the burn;cool burns with cool water;dry the burned area gently.But do not rub in case it may br

15、eak any blisters and the wound may get 10._.If the injuries are second or third degree burns,get the victim to the doctor or hospital at once.damagedtreatmentunlessinfected1.选选用框中用框中词汇词汇的适当形式完成句子的适当形式完成句子squeeze,treat,apply,in place,fall ill(1)This cream is best _ to the face at night.(2)The news ca

16、me out that king and queen suddenly _.(3)The car was full but I _ in any way.(4)He _ them to a good dinner on New Years Day.(5)The proposal is not quite _.appliedfell illsqueezedtreatedin place2.选选用句型透用句型透视视中的句式仿写句子中的句式仿写句子(1)正如已正如已经经指出的指出的,这这本本书对书对每个人都有益。每个人都有益。_(2)如果可能的如果可能的话话,我想去我想去钓鱼岛钓鱼岛看看。看看。_(

17、3)我正要外出我正要外出,这时这时天突然开始下起雨来。天突然开始下起雨来。_As has been pointed out,this book is of benefit to everyone.If possible,I want to go to visit the Diaoyu Islands.I was about to go out when it began to rain.(4)是他的到来使是他的到来使问题问题得以解决。得以解决。_(5)毫无疑毫无疑问问,中国人民中国人民热爱热爱和平和平,但我但我们们并不惧怕并不惧怕战战争。争。_There is no doubt that th

18、e Chinese people love peace but wedont fear war.It was his arrival that made the problem settled.核核心心考考点点treat3年年1考考apply3年年1考考in place及相关短及相关短语语3年年4考考1.aid n.&vt.帮助;援助;帮助;援助;资资助助(1)aid sb.with sth.以某物帮助某人以某物帮助某人aid sb.in(doing)sth.在某方面帮助某人在某方面帮助某人aid sb.to do sth.帮助某人做某事帮助某人做某事(2)come/go to sb.s ai

19、d 来来/去帮助某人去帮助某人with the aid of 在在的的帮助下帮助下They aided that poor village with money.他他们们用用钱钱帮助那个帮助那个穷乡穷乡村。村。I aided her to continue her study.我我资资助她助她继续读书继续读书。They aided us in solving the problem.(句型句型转换转换)=They aided us _ _ the problem.to solve2.squeeze vt.&vi.榨;榨;挤挤;压压榨榨The lemon looks dry to me,but

20、you may be able to squeeze out a few drops.这柠这柠檬看起来有点干檬看起来有点干,但你也但你也许许能能挤挤出几滴出几滴柠柠檬汁来。檬汁来。Latin and Greek will be squeezed out of school timetables.拉丁拉丁语语和希腊和希腊语语将退出学校的将退出学校的课课程表。程表。Five of us squeezed into the back seat of the car.我我们们中有中有5个人个人挤进挤进了汽了汽车车的后座。的后座。【归纳归纳】写出下列短写出下列短语语_ 榨出;榨出;挤挤出出_ 把把排排挤

21、挤出去出去;将将 排除在外排除在外_ 挤进挤进squeeze outsqueeze.out of/from.squeeze into/through.3.treat vt.&vi.&n.治治疗疗;对对待;款待;招待待;款待;招待(1)treat sb.as.把某人当做把某人当做treat sb.for.给给某人治某人治病病treat sb.to.用用招待某人招待某人Its my treat.我我请请客。客。(2)treatment n.治治疗疗;对对待待have/receive treatment 接受治接受治疗疗give treatment to sb.给给某人治某人治疗疗under tre

22、atment 正在接受治正在接受治疗疗(2012陕陕西西高高考考)Candidates with tattoos or nose rings should _ _ _.那些文身或者戴鼻那些文身或者戴鼻环环的求的求职职者者应该应该受到公平的受到公平的对对待。待。Do not _ this serious matter _ a joke.不要把不要把这这件件严肃严肃的事情当儿的事情当儿戏戏。The dentist is treating me for my teeth.牙医正在治牙医正在治疗疗我的牙我的牙齿齿。be fairly treatedtreatasShe treated each of

23、the children to an ice cream.她她请请每个孩子吃了个冰激凌。每个孩子吃了个冰激凌。Lets go out for dinner my treat this time.咱咱们们出去吃出去吃饭饭吧吧这这次我次我请请客。客。【高考高考链链接接】(2011四川高考四川高考)All visitors to this village _with kindness.A.treat B.are treatedC.are treating D.had been treated【解解析析】选选B。考考查查被被动动语语态态。句句意意:所所有有到到这这个个村村庄庄的的游游客客都都会会受受到

24、到善善意意的的款款待待。visitors与与treat之之间间是是一一种种被被动动关关系系,要用被动语态要用被动语态,并且该动作与过去无关并且该动作与过去无关,故选故选B。4.apply vt.涂;敷;搽;涂;敷;搽;应应用;运用用;运用 vi.申申请请;请请求;使用;有效求;使用;有效What you said doesnt apply to me.你所你所说说的并不适合我。的并不适合我。You cant apply this rule to every case.你不能将你不能将这这个个规则应规则应用于所有的状况上。用于所有的状况上。Apply some medicine to his w

25、ound.给给他的他的伤伤口上点口上点药药吧。吧。She applied to the international school for a job as an English teacher.她向她向这这所国所国际际学校学校应应聘英聘英语语教教师师的工作。的工作。He applied himself to learning English.他他专专心学英心学英语语。【归纳归纳】写出下列短写出下列短语语_ 适用于适用于_ 把把应应用到用到;把把涂到涂到_ 向某人申向某人申请请_ 专专注于;注于;专专心做某事心做某事apply toapply.to.apply to sb.for.apply o

26、neself to(doing)sth.【助助记记】The applicant applied himself to applying for a post for teaching applied chemistry,saying that he would apply what he learnt to his teaching.这这位位申申请请人人专专心心于于申申请请一一份份教教应应用用化化学学的的工工作作,并并且且说说他他会会把把他所学到的他所学到的应应用到他的教学中去。用到他的教学中去。【高考高考链链接接】(2010江西高考江西高考)Parents _ much importance

27、 to education.They will do their best to give their children that priceless gift.A.attach B.pay C.link D.apply【解析解析】选选A。句意:家长很重视教育。他们会尽最大努力句意:家长很重视教育。他们会尽最大努力给孩子这份无价之宝。给孩子这份无价之宝。attach importance to 重视;重视;pay attention to 注意;注意;link to 联系;联系;apply to 运用运用,涂。涂。根据句根据句意选择意选择A项。项。5.fall ill 生病生病此此处处fall

28、是是系系动动词词,后后接接形形容容词词作作表表语语,表表示示处处于于某某种种状状态态中中。例如:例如:fall behind 落后落后fall sick 生病生病fall asleep 入睡入睡fall silent 沉默沉默 He _ _ suddenly and was sent to the hospital immediately.他突然就病了他突然就病了,被立刻送到医院。被立刻送到医院。All the students in the classroom _ _.教室里所有的学生都陷入了沉默。教室里所有的学生都陷入了沉默。Work hard,or we will fall behind

29、.努力学努力学习习,否否则则我我们们就会落后。就会落后。fell illfell silent6.in place 在适当的位置;适当在适当的位置;适当She likes everything to be in place before she starts work.她喜她喜欢东欢东西都西都摆摆好再开始工作。好再开始工作。With everything in place,she started the slide show.一切就一切就绪绪,她开始放幻灯片。她开始放幻灯片。Her dress was quite _ _ at the ceremony.在那个典礼上在那个典礼上,她的服装非常得

30、体。她的服装非常得体。in place【拓展拓展】翻翻译译下列短下列短语语out of place _in the first place _in place of=in ones place _代替代替,取代取代 _代替某人;就座代替某人;就座 _发发生生,举举行行 _不在合适的位置不在合适的位置首先首先,第一第一代替代替take the place of.take ones placetake place7.make a difference区区别对别对待;有影响;起待;有影响;起(重要重要)作用作用make no difference(to sb./sth.)(对对某人某人/物物)没有作

31、用或影响没有作用或影响make some difference(to sb./sth.)(对对某人某人/物物)有一些作用或影响有一些作用或影响tell the difference(between A and B)辨辨别别,区分区分(A和和B)We must make a difference between the two types of contradiction.我我们们必必须须区区别对别对待待这这两种矛盾。两种矛盾。A false step will make a great difference to my future.错错走一步走一步对对我的前程会我的前程会产产生很大影响。生很

32、大影响。Does it make any difference whether she will come to our party?她来不来参加我她来不来参加我们们的聚会有什么关系的聚会有什么关系吗吗?That _ _ _ to me what you say.你你说说什么什么对对我都没影响。我都没影响。The twins are so alike;its difficult to _ _ _.这对这对双胞胎双胞胎长长得太像了得太像了,很很难难分辨出来。分辨出来。makes no differencetell the difference8.John was studying in his

33、room when he heard screaming.约约翰正在房翰正在房间间里学里学习习,突然听到一声尖叫。突然听到一声尖叫。when在在此此句句中中为为并并列列连连词词,意意为为“就就在在这这时时,恰恰恰恰在在这这时时”,多多用用在下列句型中:在下列句型中:be doing.when.正在做正在做这时这时be about to do.when.正打算正打算做做这时这时be just going to do.when.正要做正要做这时这时had just done.when.刚刚做了做了这时这时be on the point of doing.when.正正要做要做这时这时He was

34、sleeping when there was a knock at the door.他正在睡他正在睡觉觉,这时这时有人敲有人敲门门。The thief was on the point of putting his hand into the ladys handbag when the bus suddenly stopped.小小偷偷正正要要把把手手伸伸进进那那位位女女士士的的手手提提袋袋中中,这这时时公公共共汽汽车车突突然然停停了。了。We _ _ _ to work _ the machine broke down.我我们刚们刚开始工作开始工作,这时这时机器坏了。机器坏了。I _

35、_ _ _ _ _ someone knocked at the door.我我刚刚想出想出门门,这时这时有人敲有人敲门门。hadjustbegunwhenwas about to go out when【高考高考链链接接】(2011浙浙江江高高考考)One Friday,we were packing to leave for a weekend away _ my daughter heard cries for help.A.after B.while C.since D.when【解解析析】选选D。考考查查连连词词用用法法。句句意意:有有个个星星期期五五,我我们们正正收收拾拾行行囊囊准

36、准备备外外出出度度周周末末,这这时时女女儿儿听听到到了了求求救救声声。“was/were doing.when”为为常常用用句句式式,表表示示“正正在在做做这这时时”,此此时时when用作并列连词。用作并列连词。.选择选择适当的适当的词词填空填空1.The peace agreement has at least _ stopped the civil war.(temporary/temporarily)2.The twin brothers _ for their country and died without any regrets.(bleed/bled)3.The United N

37、ations appealed to the people of the developed countries for _ those of the backward countries.(aid/aiding)temporarilybledaiding4.Josephine must have had the disease very _ as she showed no symptoms.(mild/mildly)5.Police say theyre _ it as a case of attempted murder.(treating/treated)6.You must surr

38、ender your old passport when _ for a new one.(applying/applied)7.There are _ of plants in the garden.(various/varieties)mildlytreatingapplyingvarieties8.The driver of the car received serious _ to the legs and arms.(injures/injuries)9.Her arm was beginning to _ up where the bee had stung her.(swell/

39、swelling)10.Some mushrooms are good to eat;some are _.(poison/poisonous)injuriesswellpoisonous.用所用所给给短短语语的适当形式填空的适当形式填空first aid,fall ill,get burned,electric shock,squeeze out,over and over again,in place,a number of,put ones hands on,make a difference1._new products have been successfully trial-pro

40、duced.2.The meeting was cut short when the chairman _.3.Does his absence _to your work?4.The books were all neatly _,carefully arranged.A number offell illmake a differencein place5.However,the naughty boy didnt listen to his mother,and _as a result.6.He pulled the drowning man from the water and ga

41、ve him _.7.He has found it difficult to _cheap whisky these days.8.I got an _from that faulty light switch.9.He _the last bit of toothpaste from the tube.10.This is what she has been saying _I dont know how many times.got burnedfirst aidput his hands onelectric shocksqueezed outover and over again.话

42、题话题写作写作先将下面几个句子翻先将下面几个句子翻译译成英成英语语,然后然后连连成一段小短文。成一段小短文。1.毫毫无无疑疑问问,懂懂得得一一些些急急救救知知识识很很有有必必要要,因因为为危危险险无无处处不不在在,事故事故时时发时时发生。生。2.以以烧烧伤伤为为例例,根根据据皮皮肤肤烧烧伤伤的的层层次次有有一一度度烧烧伤伤、二二度度烧烧伤伤和和三度三度烧伤烧伤。3.一一度度烧烧伤伤不不严严重重,把把伤伤处处放放在在缓缓缓缓流流动动的的自自来来水水下下冲冲洗洗一一会会儿就可以了。儿就可以了。4.二二度度和和三三度度烧烧伤伤较较为为严严重重,尽尽管管适适当当的的冷冷敷敷(cold compress

43、)可以起一定作用可以起一定作用,但重要的是必但重要的是必须马须马上把患者送到医院。上把患者送到医院。_【参考范文参考范文】There is no doubt that it is necessary to know some knowledge of first aid as dangers lie everywhere and accidents happen from time to time.Take burns for example,which are called first,second and third degree burns,depending on which layers of the skin are burned.The first degree burns are not serious and it is OK to place burns under gently running water for a while.The second and third degree burns are more serious and proper cold compress can make some difference,but it is vital to get the victim to hospital at once.


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