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《初中英语2024届中考写作句式汇总(共三大类).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《初中英语2024届中考写作句式汇总(共三大类).doc(4页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、中考英语写作句式汇总一、将来时1.I will go to the park tomorrow.(我明天会去公园。)2.She will study abroad next year.(她明年将出国留学。)3.They will buy a new car in the future.(他们将来会买一辆新车。)4.We will have a party on Saturday.(我们星期六会举办一个聚会。)5.He will start his own business someday.(他将来会创办自己的事业。)6.The company will launch a new product

2、 next month.(公司下个月将推出一款新产品。)7.I will meet my friends for dinner tonight.(今晚我会和朋友们吃饭见面。)8.She will become a doctor in the future.(她将来会成为一名医生。)9.They will travel around the world after they retire.(他们退休后会环游世界。)10.We will start a new project next week.(我们下周将开始一个新项目。)11.The sun will rise in the morning.

3、(太阳将在早上升起。)12.He will take a vacation next month.(他下个月会休假。)13.She will learn to play the guitar in the future.(她将来会学习弹吉他。)14.They will graduate from college next year.(他们明年将从大学毕业。)15.We will visit our grandparents during the summer break.(暑假期间我们会去看望祖父母。)16.The team will win the championship this sea

4、son.(这个赛季球队会赢得冠军。)17.I will finish my homework before going to bed.(我会在睡觉前完成作业。)18.She will start a new job after graduation.(她毕业后会开始一份新工作。)19.They will save money to buy a house in the future.(他们未来会存钱买房子。)20.We will celebrate our anniversary with a romantic dinner.(我们将用一顿浪漫的晚餐庆祝我们的纪念日。)21.He will c

5、omplete the project before the deadline.(他会在截止日期之前完成项目。)22.She will learn a new language in her free time.(她在闲暇时间会学习一门新语言。)23.They will adopt a pet in the future.(他们将来会领养一只宠物。)24.We will have a family reunion during the holidays.(假日期间我们会有一个家庭聚会。)25.He will become a professional athlete someday.(他将来会

6、成为一名职业运动员。)26.She will attend a conference next week.(她下周会参加一场会议。)27.They will move to a new city for better opportunities.(他们会搬到一个新城市追求更好的机会。)28.We will start a new chapter in our lives.(我们将会开启新的生活篇章。)29.He will pursue his passion for painting in the future.(他将来会追求自己对绘画的热情。)30.She will achieve her

7、dreams through hard work and determination.(她将通过努力和决心实现自己的梦想。)31.They will build a sustainable future for generations to come.(他们将为后代建立一个可持续的未来。)32.We will support each other no matter what happens.(无论发生什么,我们都会互相支持。)33.He will become a famous author one day.(他总有一天会成为一位著名作家。)34.She will organize a ch

8、arity event to help those in need.(她将组织一场慈善活动来帮助那些有需要的人。)35.They will start a family together in the future.(他们将来会一起组建一个家庭。)36.We will find a solution to this problem eventually.(我们最终会找到解决这个问题的方法。)37.He will overcome his fears and pursue his true passion.(他将战胜恐惧,追求自己真正的激情。)38.She will achieve academ

9、ic excellence through hard work and dedication.(她将通过努力和奉献取得学术卓越的成就。)39.They will make a difference in the world through their actions.(他们将通过自己的行动改变世界。)40.We will create a better future for the next generation.(我们将为下一代创造一个更美好的未来。)41.He will follow his dreams and pursue a career in music.(他会追随自己的梦想,追求

10、音乐事业。)42.She will find true love and build a happy family.(她会找到真爱,组建一个幸福的家庭。)43.They will explore new frontiers and push the boundaries of human knowledge.(他们将探索新的领域,推动人类知识的边界。)44.We will embrace change and adapt to new circumstances.(我们将拥抱变化,适应新的环境。)45.He will become a leader in his field and inspi

11、re others.(他将成为自己领域的领导者,并鼓舞他人。)46.She will make a positive impact on society through her work.(她将通过自己的工作对社会产生积极的影响。)47.They will contribute to environmental conservation and sustainability efforts.(他们将为环境保护和可持续发展做出贡献。)48.We will never give up on our dreams and aspirations.(我们永远不会放弃自己的梦想和志向。)49.He wi

12、ll use his talents to make a difference in the world.(他将利用自己的才华在世界上产生影响力。)50.She will create a legacy that will be remembered for generations to come.(她将创造一个被后人记住的遗产。)使用 be going to 表示将来的句子:1.I am going to attend a concert next week.(我下周要参加一个音乐会。) - Entertainment2.They are going to renovate their ho

13、use in the spring.(他们打算在春天装修他们的房子。) - Home improvement3.She is going to start a fitness program next month.(她下个月要开始一个健身计划。) - Health and wellness4.We are going to visit our grandparents during the summer vacation.(暑假期间我们要去看望爷爷奶奶) - Family5.He is going to learn a new language this year.(他今年要学一门新语言。)

14、- Personal development使用 be about to 表示将来即将发生的句子:6.She is about to graduate from university.(她就要从大学毕业了。) - Education7.They are about to board the plane for their vacation.(他们就要登机去度假了。) - Travel8.I am about to start a new job next week.(我下周就要开始一份新工作了。) - Career9.We are about to finish our project.(我们

15、就要完成我们的项目了。) - Work10.He is about to propose to his girlfriend.(他就要向女友求婚了。) - Relationship二、将来进行时一般将来进行时用于表示将来某个时间正在进行的动作或事件。以下是20个一般将来进行时的例句,包括中文翻译和分类:1.I will be studying for my exam this time tomorrow.(明天这个时候我会正在备考。) - 学习2.They will be traveling to Paris next month.(下个月他们会正在巴黎旅行。)- 旅行3.She will b

16、e working on a new project all day tomorrow.(明天整天她会忙于一个新项目。)- 工作4.We will be celebrating Christmas with our family this year.(今年我们会和家人一起庆祝圣诞节。)- 节日5.He will be playing soccer at the park this weekend.(这个周末他会在公园踢足球。)- 运动6.They will be attending a wedding ceremony tomorrow evening.(明天晚上他们会参加一个婚礼仪式。)-

17、社交7.I will be cooking dinner when you arrive.(你到达时,我会正在做晚餐。)- 烹饪8.She will be studying abroad for six months next year.(明年她会出国留学六个月。)- 教育9.We will be watching a movie at the cinema tonight.(今晚我们会去电影院看电影。)- 娱乐10.He will be giving a presentation at the conference tomorrow.(明天他会在会议上做报告。)- 工作11.They wil

18、l be renovating their house over the summer.(他们将在夏季装修房子。)- 家居12.I will be attending a concert with my friends this weekend.(这个周末我会和朋友们一起去参加音乐会。)- 娱乐13.She will be studying medicine at university next year.(明年她将在大学学习医学专业。)- 教育14.We will be waiting for you at the airport when you arrive.(你到达时,我们会在机场等你

19、。)- 旅行15.He will be working late tonight to meet the deadline.(为了赶上最后期限,他会工作到很晚。)- 工作16.They will be preparing for the party all day tomorrow.(明天他们会整天准备派对。)- 社交17.I will be learning how to play the piano in my free time.(在我的空闲时间,我会学习弹钢琴。)- 个人发展18.She will be attending a yoga class every morning befo

20、re work.(她会每天上班前参加瑜伽课程。)- 健身19.We will be traveling around Europe for two months next summer.(下个夏天我们会在欧洲旅行两个月。)- 旅行20.He will be working on his novel for the next few weeks.(接下来的几周,他会专注于写作小说。)- 个人发展三、过去将来时过去将来时用于表示在过去某个时间点或某个动作之前预计或计划发生的动作或情况。以下是 20 个使用过去将来时(would + verb)的例句,包括中文翻译和分类:1.He said he w

21、ould call me later.(他说他稍后会给我打电话。) - 沟通2.We thought she would come to the party, but she didnt.(我们以为她会来参加聚会,但她没有来。) - 社交3.They promised they would help us move to our new house.(他们承诺会帮助我们搬到新房子。) - 帮助4.I knew he would pass the exam because he had studied so hard.(我知道他会通过考试,因为他学得很努力。) - 学习5.She said sh

22、e would buy me a present for my birthday.(她说她会给我买生日礼物。) - 礼物6.We were afraid it would rain, so we brought umbrellas.(我们担心会下雨,所以带了伞。) - 天气7.He knew he wouldnt have time to finish the project by the deadline.(他知道他没有时间在截止日期前完成这个项目。) - 工作8.They said they would visit us next summer.(他们说他们明年夏天会来看望我们。) - 家

23、庭9.I thought she would like the book I recommended, but she didnt.(我以为她会喜欢我推荐的那本书,但她并不喜欢。) - 个人兴趣10.He promised he would take care of the pets while we were away.(他承诺在我们离开期间照顾好宠物。) - 宠物11.We were worried that the train would be delayed, but it arrived on time.(我们担心火车会晚点,但它准时到达了。) - 旅行12.She said she

24、 would help me with my homework after school.(她说放学后会帮我做家庭作业。) - 学习13.They thought they would have enough time to finish the project, but they didnt.(他们以为他们有足够的时间完成这个项目,但实际上没有。) - 工作14.I knew he would win the race because he was the fastest runner.(我知道他会赢得比赛,因为他是最快的选手。) - 运动15.She said she would cook

25、 dinner for us tonight.(她说今晚会给我们做晚餐。) - 烹饪16.He was worried that he wouldnt find a job after graduation.(他担心毕业后找不到工作。) - 职业17.We thought they would arrive early, but they were late.(我们以为他们会早点到,但他们迟到了。) - 沟通18.I knew she wouldnt eat meat because she is a vegetarian.(我知道她不会吃肉,因为她是素食主义者。) - 饮食19.They said they would donate money to the charity organization.(他们说会向慈善机构捐款。) - 慈善20.I thought he would be angry, but he was actually understanding.(我以为他会生气,但实际上他很理解。) - 情感4


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