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《上海市杨浦区中考英语三模试卷.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《上海市杨浦区中考英语三模试卷.docx(32页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、上海市杨浦区中考英语三模试卷I.Choose the best answer(选择量恰当的答案)(共20分)1(1分)Which of the following words is pronounced as /sel/?()AsaleBsellCsailDshall2(1分)Sending email has almost taken _ place of writing letters()AaBanCtheD/3(1分)The church caught fire _ Monday, causing major damage to the centuriesold building()Ao

2、nBinCatDby4(1分)Lets eat somewhere with fast service I only have _ time()AfewBa fewClittleDa little5(1分)Which can go_, a racing bicycle or a mountain bicycle?()AfastBfasterCfastestDthe fastest6(1分)This drink tastes_, but in a good way!()AstrangeBwellCbadlyDbeautifully7(1分)The teacher asked the boys t

3、o be quiet, but they just kept_()AtalkBtalkingCto talkDto talking8(1分)Is_ a gas station nearby, please? My car is running out of petrol()AitBhereCthisDthere9(1分)Its difficult for me to tell cheese_ butter()AaboutBbyCfromDbetween10(1分)Cakes from the supermarket are usually terrible, _ I always bake m

4、y own cakes()AorBbutCforDso11(1分)I _ find the remote control Have you seen it anywhere?()AcantBneedntCmustntDshouldnt12(1分) _ is it from the nearest hospital? About 200 metres()AHow farBHow longCHow manyDHow much13(1分)You _ Tim, one of the team guides as soon as you arrive at the centre()AmeetBwill

5、meetCmetDwould meet14(1分)My grandpa is getting so forgetful I have to remind him _ his medicine()AtakeBtakesCto takeDtaking15(1分)Last night in Garden City, many trees _ down in the storm()Abe blownBare blownCwere blownDhave been blown16(1分)_ everything was going according to the plan, there is no ne

6、ed to worry()ASinceBAlthoughCUnlessDBefore17(1分)_ beautiful way to celebrate Easter! I wish we could have been there()AWhatBWhat aCWhat anDHow18(1分)Can I borrow your calculator, please? Sorry, I_ it to work out the figures at the moment()AuseBwill useCusedDam using19(1分)How do you feel about Tinas d

7、ress? _()AShe likes itBShes too thinCIt feels softDIt is lovely20(1分) _ Id like to, but I have guitar lesson()AWhy cant you wash your dirty socks sometimes?BIf you like, I can help you with that project tomorrowCWould you like to go to the book fair on Saturday?DWould you mind helping me with the ma

8、ths problem?II.Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word or phrase can only be used once(将下列单词或词组填入空格每空格限填一词,每词或词组只能填一次)(共8分)21(4分)Aelectric B amount C all the way D turn down E turn onOur eyes need light to see When we walk into the sun,(1) a lamp, or look at a

9、screen, light enters our eyes There are many kinds of it Some are visible, and some are not visible Light comes in several different colors Each color has a different(2) of energy Blue light has the most energy, and it is everywhere, Of course, you can see it in the sky, but it is also common in(3)

10、lights Computers, TVs, and phones all produce lots of blue light, too Our eyes are bad at blocking blue light because it is very strong It can reach(4) to the backs of our eyes That is a problem because too much blue light causes damage22(4分)Afeet B mood C blind D prevent E protectThe most harmful b

11、lue light comes from screens Looking at them too much gives you eye strain Blue light from screens also affects your sleep Your body thinks you are looking at the sun all the time So, it stops creating the chemical that makes you sleepy Too much blue light can even make you(1) We cant avoid all blue

12、 light, and we wouldnt want to It keeps us in a good(2) during the day However, we can(3) our sight from it There are special glasses and apps that block blue light They are very helpful Also, try following the 202020 rule Every 20 minutes, look at something 20(4) away Do that for 20 seconds each ti

13、me It gives your eyes the rest that they needIII.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)(共8分)23(1分)The grade is very important for students who want to get into the right school (nine)24(1分)If we win the next three , we could still go through to

14、 the final (match)25(1分)My view is that pet owners should leave their pets at home (person)26(1分)In football you always need a bit of luck and this time luck is on side (we)27(1分)The museum in the town is so huge that its to see everything in one day (possible)28(1分)Everyone sat in a room, listened

15、and took notes (quiet)29(1分)Nothing gives him more than helping those in trouble (please)30(1分)Remember to your notes very carefully before giving a speech (organization)IV.Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子每空格限填一词注意句首大写)(共14分)31(2分)The children had a good time in Disneyland(改

16、为一般疑问句) the children a good time in Disneyland?32(2分)This smart phone belongs to Peter(对划线部分提问) this smart phone belong to?33(2分)Jack, what was your childhood like? asked the journalist(用宾语从句改写句子)The journalist asked Jack his childhood like34(2分)They will publish the results in the media soon(改为被动语态

17、)The results will in the media soon35(2分)Both my friend and I have signed up for the course(保持句意基本不变)I have signed up for the course and my friend36(2分)Linda never becomes angry easily(保持句意基本不变)Linda never her easily37(2分)did, company, your father, which, work for(连词成句) ?V.Reading comprehension(阅读理解

18、)(共50分)Choose the best answer (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)(12分)38(12分)Welcome to Our Web Site!AFTER SCHOOL FUNat Chester Elementary School March 10 May 23 (There will be no classes during Spring Break, April 1418) After School Fun begins at 3: 15 Pick up is at 4: 15 You MUST be picked up each day by 4:30 at th

19、e latest After 4: 30 the school is locked All classes are free, but for some youll need special supplies Sign up by March 3 Classes fill quickly! This is a great way to fill the time between school and dinner! Beading Teacher: Kate Moss In this class, you can make a beautiful beaded necklace Youll a

20、lso learn how to put together cute friendship pins Beading is fun and easy Anyone can learn! (The teacher can tell you where to buy supplies) Friday, Art Room Games Your Grandparents Played Teacher: Susan Taylor This class will show you how children played long ago Youll jump rope and play running g

21、ames Youll play board games and cards You ll learn counting rhymes The games your grandparents played were really fun! Wear comfortable clothes Mondays, GymiSpanish, Si! Teacher: Juan Alvarado, Did you know that Spanish is spoken by more than 17 million Americans? After a few weeks with Juan Alvarad

22、o, youll be able to talk about the weather Youll be able to name the people in your family Youll be able to name clothes and animals For the last class, you will go to a real Mexican restaurant and order a meal in Spanish! Mexican food is truly delicious! Tuesdays, Library Kung Fu Teacher: Nina Pan

23、Kung Fu is a Chinese martial art Kung Fu is better than just a sport It teaches you to move beautifully It teaches you to believe in yourself and have respect for others Kung Fu is fun, but it is more than that It can make you into a better person Nina Pan is the best Kung Fu teacher around Youll lo

24、ve her class Wear loose, comfortable clothing Thursdays, Gym(1)Which of the following dates is the Spring Break? A Mar 3B Mar 10C APR 16D May 23(2)What can we learn from the underlined sentence Classes fill quickly? A Time flies quickly in these classesB classes are popular with studentsC Supplies f

25、or classes will be providedD Classes are full of fun activities(3)Students practice DIY (Do It Yourself) skills in classA BeadingB Games Your Grandparents PlayedC isPanish SiD Kung Fu(4)What information is NOT given about each class? A Teacher in chargeB Days and timesC Place to meetD Number of stud

26、ents(5)Students are expected to in Kung Fu classA develop communication skillsB become confident and respectfulC play a lot of old and fun gamesD meet some Chinese Martial artists(6)The website page mainly A introduces afterschool clubsB offers information on homeworkC displays the school scheduleD

27、lists the upcoming sports eventsChoose the best answer and complete the passage (选择最恰当的选项完成短文)(12分)39(12分)There are many elderly people in Erdingford who live on their own and find it difficult to go out and to look after themselves Yet most of them love their homes and want to go on living in them

28、as long as possible Helping Hand is a registered charity that helps such people to live independent lives in their own home environments But our work (1) volunteers, many of them young people, who visit our clients and help them with the activities of daily living, or just provide some friendly comp

29、any for an hour or so Some of the elderly clients we help have failing eyesight and often they like to be read to Others just enjoy an opportunity for some friendly conversation or playing a (2) such as cards or chess What you do for your client is discussed and (3) by you, your Volunteer Support Of

30、ficer, and the person you are helping You will not be asked to do anything you are not happy to do A Helping Hand volunteer can be trusted link with the outside world, helping to keep our senior citizens independent But its not a onesided benefit: volunteers learn so much from their clients experien

31、ce of life as well as gaining new skills by taking on the (4) of caring role As Roy(18)said: I thought voluntary work would be a matter of doing little jobs for an old person I didnt know, and then feeling (5) myself because Id done something good But it wasnt really like that It was more like a fri

32、endship: I leant so much from Margaret about her generation, how things were in the past, and about life itself And she seemed to take me (6) , and to listen to what I had to say(1)A deals withB depends onC stands forD worries about(2)A gameB ballC trickD character(3)A markedB recordedC provedD agre

33、ed(4)A interestB effectC responsibilityD adventure(5)A familiar withB pleased withC embarrassed aboutD disappointed in(6)A slowlyB badlyC carefullyD seriouslyRead the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)(14分)40(14分)Ive always known that dogs are intell

34、igent animals, but even I was surprised when I heard about a dog called Red, at the Batter sea Dogs Home in London The Home has been caring for lost and unwanted animals for over 140 years (1)R ,the staff there got a shock when they came to work in the morning They found that some of the dogs had go

35、t out of their kennels during the night, opened cupboards and taken out food and toys And it happened again, and again The manager, Becky Blackmore, (2)d that the only way to solve the mystery was to put in cameras to record how the dogs were getting out When she and her staff played back the record

36、ing , they saw Red, a threeyear old lurcher, put his nose through the bars of his kennel and use his teeth to press the button that opened his door That was (3)c enough, but Red did more: he unlocked the kennels next to his and let those dogs out too The group went along the corridor, broke into cup

37、boards and (4)s dog biscuits and toys to play with Becky Blackmore said,Its surprising, because lurchers arent famous for their intelligence Its (5)a that he worked out now on how to open his own kennel, but also that he then let all his friends out Like most of us , I suppose , Red didnt like to ha

38、ve a party (6)a ! The story has a happy ending: after Red was shown on television, several people came forward and offered to give him a new home as a family pet We are very happy about this, said member of staff at the Dog Home Lurchers are usually difficult to find homes for When Red arrived here

39、four months ago, he was very thin and in poor (7)c Now he can look forward to a comfortable new life with an owner who wants himAnswer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题)(12分)41(12分)Los Angeles, Californiaon October 7, Michelle Wood climbed into her kids tree house It was a good place, she thought, for a mo

40、ther to go on strike(罢工) Mrs Wood, 36, was tired of having her three children talk back to her She was tired of driving them everywhere without thanks and doing more than her share of the work around the house Until things changed, Mrs Wood was going to stay up in the tree Mrs Woods strike got her k

41、ids attention, of course But thats not all that happened Word of the fed up mother spread Before long, a camera crew from televisions Today Show pulled into the Woods yard Now people all across America were going to find out about the kids who drove their mother up a tree As the cameras rolled, the

42、three Wood kids stood with their father near the tree house Katie Green, the Today Show host, had a question for themWhat do you think about your mum on strike in that tree house? she asked I am kind of embarrassed, said Misty Im really shocked, said Joseph I did not think it would go this far Rache

43、l added, I think shes pretty weird But Mrs Wood had made her point If the kids wanted her back, they knew what they had to do When the TV crew left, Misty, Rachel, and Joseph went into their house and got busy Not long after that, Mrs, Wood climbed down from the tree and went back to being a mom(1)M

44、ichelle Wood has got three children , hasnt she? (2)Where did Mrs Wood go on strike? (3)How old is Mrs Wood? (4)How did people across America find out about the Wood kids? (5)When the kids went back into the house, what do you think they did? (6)When Mrs Wood went back, what do you think the kids wo

45、uld say to their mom? VI.Writing(作文):(共20分)42(20分)Write a story of at least 60 words based on the given situation Give your story a title(根据所给情境,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标题自拟,标点符号不占格)Situation: One day, you woke up late You left home in a hurry and tried to get to school on timeThe following points are for reference only(以下内容仅供参考) how you tried to get to school on timewhat happened on the way to schoolhow you dealt with it what happened in the end


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