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《(山东临沂)2021-2023年中考英语真题分类汇编02-选词填空.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(山东临沂)2021-2023年中考英语真题分类汇编02-选词填空.docx(8页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、山东省临沂市2021-2023年中考英语真题分类汇编选词填空2023年山东省临沂市中考英语试题二、选词填空(共10小题;每小题1分, 计10分)阅读下面短文, 根据短文内容从方框中选出恰当的单词或短语填空, 使语意通顺 完整。第一个方框供3640小题选用, 第二个方框供4145小题选用。每个选项只能使 用一次, 每框有一项剩余。A. into B. came from C. successfully D. completed E. pleased F. angrilyOne day, Ammaar Reshi was playing around with a chatbot called C

2、hatGPT. A chatbot is a computer program that can imitate (模仿) human thinking and writing. Reshi wondered if he could use the program to produce a childrens book 36_. The book must be interesting for children to read. The idea for the books story 37_ a conversation Reshi had with ChatGPT. The convers

3、ation was about a girl named Alice. Reshi wanted to use another Al program Midjourney to create illustrations (插图) for the book. Midjourney can translate words 38 _ pictures. Reshi couldnt wait to start his work. A few days later, Reshi 39_ a 12-page book, Alice and Sparkle. “Anyone can use these AI

4、 tools,” he said. “They are easy to get, and not hard to use.” But in fact, not everyone was. 40_. A. instead of B. searches C. spread D. without E. opinions F. ifWhen Reshi shared the book online, a discussion started. Some people thought he was clever. But artists had different 41_. The problem, t

5、hey said, was not just the poor quality (质量)of the artwork. It was the way the artwork was made. Midjoumey 42_ through millions of pictures across the Internet to create new pictures. Think of the artists who put their works online. Their works were used. 43_ their permission (许可). This might be har

6、mful to them. Many artists and writers are nervous about their future. Will people pay them for their work 44 _ it can be done more cheaply by an AI program? Some companies are already choosing AI over human talent. “As somebody who makes money and finds joy in writing, I feel deeply worried to see

7、people choosing cheap AI work 45_ real human writing,” a reporter says. Reshi says there should be protection for artists and writers. “Its really important to let artists and writers take part in these AI tools.”答案:36._ 37. _ 38. _ 39. _ 40. _41. _ 42. _ 43._ 44. _45._2022年山东省临沂市中考英语试题一、短文选词填空阅读下面短

8、文,根据短文内容从方框中选出恰当的单词或短语填空,使语意通顺完整。第一个方框供1-4小题选用,第二个方框供5-8小题选用。每个选项只能使用一次,每框有一项剩余。Ahad toBunlessC got lostDborrowE. if A long time ago, there was a kind businessman named Antonio in Venice. One day, his friend Bassanio wanted to ask a lady named Portia to marry him. But he didnt have any money to buy

9、clothes and travel to her city. The man then tried to 1 some money from his friend Antonio. However, Antonio had spent all of his money on some ships at sea. So he decided to borrow money from Shylock, a money-lender. “I can lend you money,” said Shylock. “But 2 you dont return it on time, you must

10、give me a pound of your own flesh (肉).” Antonio agreed. Bassanio asked Portia to marry him successfully, but Antonios ships 3 at sea. This meant that he had no way to return the money to Shylock. He 4 face Shylock in court (法庭). AwithoutBcut offC herselfDwithE. punishedBassanio wanted to help his fr

11、iend, but he didnt know what to do. Then portia dressed 5 up as a male lawyer (律师) and followed Bassanio to the court. She checked the contract (合同) between Shylock and Antonio. Then, she told the court that Shylock could 6 one pound of Antonios flesh. But he had to do it 7 making Antonio lose blood

12、. This, of course, was impossible. The court 8 Shylock for trying to kill Antonio. The court took half of his money and gave the other half to Antonio.2021年山东省临沂市中考英语试题二、短文选词填空根据短文内容,从方框中选出恰当的单词或短语填空,使语意通顺完整。Athat have diedBthat has grown upC make their city greenerDask for helpE. celebratesIn San F

13、rancisco, there is a special group of volunteers. They call themselves Friends of the Urban (城市的) Forest (FUF). These volunteers want to 9 . Every year, the FUF plants nearly 1,000 trees.The FUF welcomes new volunteers all year round and in all parts of its work. On Weekend Planting Days, FUF volunt

14、eers work with common citizens (市民) to plant trees. The planting usually runs from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. After the work is done, everyone 10 over a community lunch.On Thursday Planting Days, the FUF plants “replacement (替换) trees”. As their name suggests, these trees replace trees 11 . Planting Leaders a

15、re very experienced volunteers. They are able to help other volunteers at planting events. Planting Leaders usually wear a special FUF T-shirt. Some new volunteers know little about “replacement trees”. They can easily find Planting Leaders and 12 .根据短文内容,从方框中选出恰当的单词或短语填空,使语意通顺完整。Aso thatBset upC in

16、 order toDwheneverE. make sureIn 1995, the FUF 13 a program called Tree Care. The purpose is to improve the health of street trees in San Francisco. The FUFs tree experts make “house calls” to every newly-planted street tree once a month. They 14 the trees are growing well. Through Tree Care, people

17、 learn why trees are important and how to take care of them.There are also Emergency Tree Care Volunteers at the FUF. These volunteers save young trees that have fallen or are leaning (倾斜). They set out to work 15 the FUF informs (通知) them of a tree in need.The FUF sends newsletters to people 16 pla

18、nt a love for trees in every citizen. It also offers tree tours and planting training. The FUFs Youth Program trains teenagers like you to plant and care for trees.答案:2023年山东省临沂市中考英语试题16C 17B 18A 19D 20E 21E 22B 23D 24F 25A【导语】本文通过讲述Ammaar Reshi用ChatGPT等AI工具创作儿童图书的故事,讨论了人工智能对艺术家和作家的影响。16句意:Reshi想知道他

19、是否能利用这个程序成功地制作出一本儿童读物。句子完整,空处应填副词修饰动词produce,表示“成功地”制作出一本书。故选C。17句意:这本书的故事来源于Reshi与ChatGPT的一次对话。句子缺少谓语动词,在介绍这个想法的来源,B项“来自”符合语境。故选B。18句意:Midjourney可以把单词翻译成图片。translate . into .“把翻译成”,固定搭配。故选A。19句意:几天后,Reshi完成了一本12页的书Alice and Sparkle。句子缺少谓语动词,表示“完成”了一本书。故选D。20句意:但事实上,并不是每个人都满意。根据“But in fact”可知,空处与前文

20、含义相反,Reshi认为用AI进行创作很好,但有些人对此不满,E项“满意的”符合语境。故选E。21句意:但艺术家们有不同的观点。空处应填名词作宾语,且different后接名词复数,表示艺术家们的不同“观点”。故选E。22句意:Midjourney在互联网上搜索数百万张图片来创建新的图片。句子缺少谓语动词,表示用这个工具在网上“搜索”图片。故选B。23句意:他们的作品未经他们许可就被使用了。根据“Think of the artists who put their works online.”可知,艺术家把作品放到网上后,作品很容易被盗用,也就是“没有”经过他们的允许。故选D。24句意:如果人

21、工智能程序可以更便宜地完成工作,人们会为他们的工作支付报酬吗?句子缺少从句引导词,前后是条件关系,F项“如果”符合语境。故选F。25句意:作为一个在写作中赚钱并找到乐趣的人,看到人们选择廉价的人工智能成品而不是真正的人类写作,我深感担忧。根据“choosing cheap AI work real human writing”可知,人们选择人工智能制作的东西“而不是”人类真正创作的东西。故选A。2022年山东省临沂市中考英语试题1D 2E 3C 4A 5C 6B 7A 8E【导语】本文是威尼斯商人的一段情节,巴萨尼奥因为要求婚所以向安东尼奥借钱,安东尼奥以割自己一磅肉的条件向夏洛克借了钱,但是

22、无法及时偿还,但最终在巴萨尼奥的帮助下法庭惩罚了夏洛克。1句意:然后,该男子试图从他的朋友安东尼奥那里借钱。根据“But he didnt have any money to buy clothes and travel to her city. ”可知,该男人应该要向朋友借钱,borrow“借入”。故选D。2句意:但是如果你不按时归还,你必须给我一磅你自己的肉。根据“you must give me a pound of your own flesh”可知,不按时归还是假设的条件,应用if引导条件状语从句。故选E。3句意:巴萨尼奥成功地向波西亚求婚,但安东尼奥的船在海上迷路了。根据“This

23、 meant that he had no way to return the money to Shylock.”可知,船迷路了,他无法还钱,got lost “迷路”。故选C。4句意:他不得不在法庭上面对夏洛克。根据“This meant that he had no way to return the money to Shylock. ”可知,他不能还钱,所以不得不在法庭上面对夏洛克,had to“不得不”。故选A。5句意:然后,波西亚打扮成一名男律师,跟随巴萨尼奥来到法庭。根据“dressed up as a male lawyer ”可知,此处指打扮成男律师,dress onese

24、lf up“打扮自己”,herself“她自己的”。故选C。6句意:然后,她告诉法庭,夏洛克可以割下安东尼奥的一磅肉。根据“one pound of Antonios flesh”可知,此处指割下肉,cut off“割下”。故选B。7句意:但他必须在不让安东尼奥失血的情况下做到这一点。根据“But he had to do it making Antonio lose blood.”和“This, of course, was impossible.”可知,割肉不流血是不可能的, without“没有”。故选A。8句意:法庭因夏洛克试图杀害安东尼奥而惩罚了他。根据“The court took

25、 half of his money and gave the other half to Antonio.”可知,法庭惩罚了夏洛克,punished“惩罚”。故选E。2021年山东省临沂市中考英语试题9C 10E 11A 12D【分析】本文介绍了旧金山的一个特殊支援小组的主要工作内容。9句意:这些志愿者想让他们的城市更环保。根据“the FUF plants nearly 1,000 trees”可知,种树可以让城市更环保,C选项“make their city greener 让他们的城市更加绿色”符合,故选C。10句意:工作完成后,每个人都在社区午餐上庆祝。根据“After the wo

26、rk is done”及备选词,可知,工作完成后会庆祝,E选项“celebrates庆祝”符合,故选E。11句意:顾名思义,这些树取代了已经死去的树。根据“these trees replace trees ”可知,新的树会替代某些树,备选词A选项“that have died已经死的”符合,故选A。12句意:他们可以很容易地找到种植领袖并寻求帮助。根据“Some new volunteers know little about “replacement trees”可知,寻找对方是要寻求帮助,D选项“ask for help寻求帮助”符合,故选D。13B 14E 15D 16C【分析】文章介

27、绍了FUF成立了一个名为树木护理的项目,以及这个项目的目的以及工作情况。13句意:1995年,FUF成立了一个名为树木护理的项目。根据“a program called Tree Care”及备选词汇可知,此处指的是“成立项目”,故选B。14句意:他们确保树木生长良好。根据“The FUFs tree experts make “house calls” to every newly-planted street tree once a month.”FUF的树木专家每个月对每棵新种植的街道树进行一次“上门拜访”。可知,这样做的目的是确保树木健康成长,故选E。15句意:无论什么时候,只要FUF通知他们有一棵树需要帮助,他们就会工作。根据句意及备选词汇可知,此处指的是“无论何时”,故选D。16句意:FUF向人们发送时事通讯,以便让每一个公民种植一棵爱心树。分析句子可知,“The FUF sends newsletters to people”的目的是“plant a love for trees in every citizen”,此处应用in order to“为了”,故选C。


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