Unit 4 Do it yourself第 4 课时 Writing(教师版).pdf

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1、Unit 4 Do it yourself第 4 课时 Writing知识精讲DIY 是英Do ItYourself 的缩写,译为“动做”。简之,就是“亲亲为”,原本是指不依赖或聘专业的匠,利适当的具和材料,来进居家住宅的修缮作。现在 DIY 概念不断扩化,演变成了种以休闲、发挥个创意或培养爱好为的的社会尚。那么怎么样写好有关DIY 的章呢?先我们要做到语准确、简洁、有条理,符合逻辑,思路清晰,让读者了然。在写作中要注意以下事项:第,对于所要描述的物品有较深刻的认识和了解,头脑中要像放幻灯样把材料和制作流程进次形象的再现;第,列出材料表,并注明各种材料的量;第三,列出写作中需要的关键词汇和句型

2、。在列举句型时尽量考虑到复合句、简单句、句和短句有机结合,富于变化,使章动。教材中出现的相关句型:1First,pick a piece of bread.Then put some tomato sauce on it.先,拿包。然后往上放些番茄酱。2I decided to.by myself.我决定亲3I.because.我因为4We had fun working together.我们起作很愉快。5Finally/In the end,.最后,其他拓展句型:1I need some paper,glue and a pair of scissors.我需要些纸、胶和把剪。2He lo

3、ves to repair things and decorate his house.他喜欢修理东和装饰他的房。3He once tried to put in a brighter light in his bedroom,but he made a mistake.他曾经尝试在卧室安装盏更亮的灯,但是他犯了个错误。4Cut out pieces of card with a pair of scissors.剪剪出张卡。能拓展分层提分题组 A能提升练昨天下午,你妈妈出去忙于购物,她没有时间做晚饭,于是你计划动制作份简单的三明治。过程:切开包,放上番茄酱,涂上奶油,夹上腿与蔬菜感受:这是第

4、次注意:1、请按事件的起因、过程与感受三个部分的顺序部分记叙;2、章开头已经给出,但不计总字数;3、章必须有必要的拓展,字数不得少于80。My mother went out for shopping yesterday afternoon.She didnt have much time to cook dinner for me.I_【答案】My mother went out for shopping yesterday afternoon.She didnt have much time to cook dinner for me.I decided to eat sandwiches

5、 for dinner.First,I cut the bread into pieces.Then I put some tomato sauce on apiece of bread.Next I put some ham and vegetables on it.In the end,I put another piece of bread on the top of itand got a wonderful sandwich.It took about 15 minutes to finish.Lots of things went wrong during that time.Im

6、ade a mistake when I read the instructions on the food bag.After that,I felt excited and had a good time having my sandwich and drinking coffee.This is the first time Icooked dinner for myself.I hope I will learn a lot about cooking meals.【详解】1.题解读:该题属于材料作写作,要求按照所给的要点提示写篇短,介绍你计划动制作份简单的三明治的过程。注意写作时要点

7、要全,同时也可进合理紧扣主题的发挥。2.写作指导:本应该第、三称来叙述;时态采般过去时;章开头已给出,写作时,注意承接上,根据要点提示具体请介绍我动制作份简单的三明治的起因、过程与感受;中定要包含题中列出的所有要点;可以运些短语和常句型为章增添彩;注意单词书写的准确度,语法运的准确度,上下注意连接的流畅度,以及逻辑合理。题组 B培优拔尖练A请阅读下的内容,写篇70词左右的短,介绍怎样做冷饮。What you need:some watermelon,1cup of orange juice,3spoons of sugar,ice creamHow to make one:1.cut the

8、watermelon;2.Put the watermelon in the fridge for 20to 30minutes;3.Mix and add;4.Put in a glass.要求:1.语通顺,条理清楚;2.开头已经给出,不计总词数。Many of you must want something cold and tasty to drink in summer.Now you can DIYsome,for example,awatermelon cooler._【答案】Many of you must want something cold and tasty to dri

9、nk in summer.Now you can DIYsome,for example,awatermelon cooler.To make a watermelon cooler,you need some watermelon,a cup of orange juice,3spoons of sugar and icecream.First of all,cut the watermelon into small pieces.Then put them into a fridge and take them out 20to 30minutes later.And then mix t

10、hem together with orange juice and sugar.To make the cooler nicer,you can add someice cream in it.Now,it is finished.Put it in a glass and enjoy it!【详解】1.题解读:本是篇材料作。要求根据要点提示,介绍怎样做冷饮。先要认真审题,根据提示内容,列出写作要点及每个要点中可能要到的表达;然后紧扣要点,动笔写作。2.写作指导:章时态般现在时,章要紧扣题的要点,围绕主题准确使定的语法、词汇、短语和句型等;语的表述要符合语法的结构,造句应该符合英语的表达习惯

11、;层次要分明、条理要清晰。B时代英语报 举次“活中的DIY”征赛。明打算写篇如何制作苹果拉的英语短参赛。明总结的制作要点如下:1)准备个碗.。2)把苹果洗净切成块,放碗。3)把其他你喜欢吃的果(例如:梨、葡萄、菠萝等)切成块,放碗。4)取瓶奶油,倒碗,与各种果搅拌均匀。要求:1、内容必须包括以上要点;2、语句通顺,意思连贯;3、字数80词左右。How to make fruit salad_【答案】How to make fruit saladFirst,you have to get a big bowl t ready.Wash up the apples,and cut them int

12、o small pieces.Next,put theminto the big bowl.You can also add some more fruit you like,such as pears,grapes,pineapples,etc.Cut them intosmall pieces too and put them into the bowl.Take out a bottle of cream and pour it in the bowl.Mix the fruit andcream together.Now the apple salad is finished!【解析】

13、这篇作要求我们以明的身份讲述制作苹果沙拉的过程,题中给出了具体的操作步骤,我们应正确的英语将这些内容表达出来。先我们应仔细审题,这篇短是说明,要求我将制作苹果沙拉的过程表达清楚,因此章中应第称来叙述,或者使祈使句。在章的结构上,我们要注意使表示先后顺序的副词,如first,then,next,finally 等,使叙述过程清晰、有条理。章中应恰当使些连接词,增强章的连贯性。另外还应注意英语表达和汉语的不同,不要写汉语式的英语。点睛:这是篇优秀的作,短内容完整,包含了题中要求的所有信息,叙述清晰、条理。其次短中使了正确的称和时态,语法规范,符合英语的表达习惯。短中主要使了些祈使句来叙述制作苹果沙

14、拉的过程。另外使了表示先后顺序的些词,如First,Next 等。短中以简单句为主,还了并列句,如Wash up the apples,and cut them into small pieces、Cut them into small pieces too and put them into thebowl、Take out a bottle of cream and pour it in the bowl、Mix the fruit and cream together 等。章中还使了些较好的短语,如have to,such as,putinto.,cutinto 等。C端午节是中国的传统

15、节。吃粽是中国的种传统习俗。每年农历五初,中国百姓家家户户要浸糯、洗粽叶、包粽。请根据以下提示,描写制作粽的过程。要求:1、制作过程必须包括以下的五个环节;2、词数80词左右(开头的句已给出,不计算在总词数内)。How shall we make Zongzi?To make this special food,we need to have _【答案】How shall we make Zongzi?To make this special food,we need to have one kilo of glutinous rice,half a kilo of beef,some red

16、 dates,twospoons of salt,some reed leaves and some strings.How to make Zongzi?First,put the glutinous rice into the clean water and keep it for two hours.At the sametime,wash some reed leaves and cut the beef into pieces.Next,shape the reed leaves by hand.Then,fill them withthe glutinous rice and be

17、ef pieces.Add some red dates if you like.And then,tie Zongzi with strings.Finally,steamthem.【分析】这是篇材料作,介绍制作粽的过程。【详解】1.题解读:结合所给材料,可知本主要考查般现在时态,称为第,称,注意主谓致问题,句结构主要为系表结构和动宾结构,注意些常句式的应,如:we need to,put the glutinous riceinto,fill them with等句式的应。写作中注意运代词,注意祈使句的运。写作中注意叙述顺序,符合逻辑关系。2.例点评:本结构紧凑,语简练。开头介绍了制作粽需

18、要的材料,接下来介绍制作粽的过程,最后介绍要蒸粽。此处need to do sth,one kilo of,at the same time,cut into,fillwith.等这些词组的运也让章增不少。D假设你叫Andy,你的好朋友Millie 的妈妈快过了,她打算给她妈妈做张卡,向你请教怎么做。请你回复封电邮件告诉她如何去做。具体步骤如下:1.取张净的卡;2.将其对折(fold it in half);3.在封画上或剪幅贴在封上;4.在卡写上祝福的话语,如。要求:1.邮件应包括上述所给信息,可以适当发挥;2.连贯,书写规范;3.词数80左右。Dear Millie,You asked m

19、e how to make a birthday card in your email.Here are some tips for you.Best wishes,Andy【答案】Dear Millie,You asked me how to make a birthday card in your email.Here are some tips for you.First,take a piece of clean white card.Then,fold it in half Next,draw a beautiful picture on the cover andcolour it

20、.You can also cut out a picture of colourful balloons or flowers with scissors and stuck it on the cover.Finally,write down some words inside the card.For example,you can say love you,Mum or I hope you willbe young forever.Im sure you can make a very nice card for your mum!Best wishes,Andy【解析】这篇作要求我

21、们以Andy 身份给Millie 写封信,告诉她如何制作卡,题中给我们列出了具体的制作步骤,我们需要英语将这些步骤表达出来。写作时,需要注意叙述这些步骤的时候要有条理,使些表示先后顺序的副词,如first,then,next,finally 等等,使章有条理,叙述清晰。还需要注意写完这些具体步骤之后,应有个较合理的结尾,如对Andy 提出希望,相信她定能做得很好等等。章中要多使简单句,注意英语句式和汉语的不同,正确使谓语动词的形式。穿插些并列句或者符合句,短句结合,让章富有节奏,表达流畅。点睛:这是篇优秀的作,短作者根据题要求给Millie 介绍了如何制作卡,整篇章叙述清晰、有条理,内容完整、

22、充实。短中分成三段,第段是题已经给出了的短的开头,从第段开始叙述了制作的过程,最后段给予Millie 信,让她相信能做好,使整篇短常的完整。短中的表达符合英语的习惯,句式简单、明了,表达准确,语法规范。短中也使了些较好的短语和句型,如First,takea piece of clean white card.Then,fold it in half Next,draw a beautiful picture on the cover and colour it 中表示先后顺序的副词的使;再如You can also cut out a picture of colourful balloons or flowers with scissors and stuckit on the cover.这个句的表示常准确;还有For example,you can say love you,Mum or I hope you willbe young forever.中for example 这个短语的使等等。


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