第20讲 (练)-2024年高考英语一轮复习讲练测(新教材新高考)(解析版) (原卷版).docx

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1、第20讲 完形填空记叙文(模拟精练+真题演练)根据文章选择正确的选项1.(2023年湖北省华中师范大学附中高三适应性试题)“Hey! You have a hairless spot on the back of your head!” Moms alarmed cry hit me like a shock.I tried to shrug it off. “Itll grow back.” I worked to sound 1 .At first, the loss was minimal. 2 the spot with my fingers became the top priori

2、ty every day. No new hair, smooth as an egg. Weeks later, the spot was a little larger, and there was still no 3 of any hair poking through the skin. I began to 4 , but continued to try to be cool about it.As days went by, my hair started to fall faster and more. 5 my fingers through it, I would sta

3、re at the alarming quantity of hair in my hands, willing this to 6 happening to me.We went to see a doctor, who diagnosed my condition as alopecia (脱发症). He recommended an injection to try, which would be 7 to the head skin. I underwent several costly injections over a few months, but in vain. 8 the

4、 injection began to trouble my sleep, and we finally had to stop the 9 . My hair still didnt grow back.I had to wear a wig (假发) to school every day, worried it might slip one day and that everything would 10 . Though aware that I should 11 the fact to my friends, I was scared, not knowing how they w

5、ould handle the information. 12 , hesitantly, I told them what was happening after days of struggle. To my surprise, they all thought nothing of it. This was a(n) 13 for me.I came to realize that what had happened was not my fault, and not something I should feel 14 of. I am learning that being bald

6、 doesnt change who I am, and if I dont let it affect my self 15 then other people are much more likely to accept me as I am, too.1AmildBcalmCupsetDrelieved2ACheckingBPolishingCClearingDCovering3AsenseBchanceCsignDway4AwonderBpanicCswingDwithdraw5AReachingBShiftingCFeelingDRunning6AdelayBavoidCceaseD

7、keep7AattachedBconnectedCguidedDapplied8AAfter allBWorse stillCIn briefDBy contrast9AmotionBprocedureCroutineDmission10Abreak outBdraw to a closeCfade awayDcome to light11ArevealBrestrictCdistributeDhighlight12AInsteadBFurthermoreCAnywayDThus13AblowBcreditCexceptionDmiracle14AproudBashamedCfondDguil

8、ty15AevaluationBintroductionCacceptanceDdependence2.(2023年河北省石家庄市质量检测试题)In 2019, I was staying at a fitness camp in Thailand. After doing 2.5 hours of kickboxing, I began to cough. Thinking it was probably from the intense workout, I brushed off the 16 .But over the next few hours, I started struggl

9、ing to 17 breathe and my heart began to 18 . I panicked and decided to get help. As I was 19 myself to the front desk, a Thai woman saw me and asked what was wrong. I tried to 20 that I couldnt breathe.The woman was so 21 . She was on the phone within 10 seconds, 22 a car to get me to a hospital. An

10、other Thai woman came and talked to me for a few minutes, 23 me I would be okay at the hospital. Ten minutes later, the car came. 24 , I was taken to a doctors office. The nurse couldnt speak English but 25 me the whole time she examined me. Then she 26 “bronchitis” (支气管炎) on her phone and gave me s

11、ome medications.When I got back to the 27 , many people asked me if I was okay. They checked in on me multiple times a day and brought me food. Over the next week, I 28 .It is hard to describe the 29 that I felt at the time, as well as the relief and thankfulness I felt being surrounded by so many 3

12、0 strangers who took care of me. I dont know what would have happened without them.16AdiscomfortBmisfortuneCtirednessDchallenge17AstillBalsoCevenDever18AbeatBraceCstopDwarm19ArecommendingBforcingCintroducingDdragging20AexplainBclaimCcomplainDargue21ApatientBefficientCconfidentDinnocent22ApurchasingB

13、drivingCrequestingDstopping23AassuringBremindingCpersuadingDshowing24ACertainlyBHopefullyCObviouslyDThankfully25Aturned toBsmiled atCobjected toDstared at26AsavedBmarkedCdeletedDtranslated27AofficeBhomeCcampDhospital28ArecoveredBescapedCretiredDcollapsed29AsurpriseBfearCsorrowDregret30AhumorousBambi

14、tiousChelpfulDtrustful3.(2023年湖南省雅礼中学高三适应性试题)Ive just read an interesting article. It says children of 36 mothers are less likely to stick to traditional roles of male 37 and female homemakers. Kids whose mothers have jobs 38 have a better chance of success later in life.When I was five, illness 39

15、me of my father. To support my family, my mum 40 a full-time job, which included long days. She 41 my two sisters and me on her own. My mum always tells me, “Being 42 is important. Why? Because if you can organize your own life and make your own decisions, you can 43 almost anything.” At 15, I got m

16、y first part-time job; later I 44 three more. As I got older, I realized the 45 of depending on myself and the amazing feeling I had when I 46 to get things I wanted by myself.Watching my mother work hard, I gradually developed a 47 attitude to work. That was why I was able to put myself through fou

17、r years of college on my own. Luckily I received a full-time job offer 48 before I got my degree certificate. I am 49 to my mum. She has given me so much love over the years and is the greatest 50 for me.36AworkingBthinkingCsingleDreliable37ApeacemakersBbreadwinnersChostsDsuccesses38AabsolutelyBcons

18、tantlyCprobablyDfortunately39AinformedBconvincedCremindedDrobbed40AlandedBrefusedCofferedDabandoned41AdressedBraisedCeducatedDinfluenced42AindependentBconfidentCintelligentDconsistent43AignoreBbearCattainDtransform44Agot backBgot throughCtook overDtook on45AsecretBbeautyCdifficultyDpossibility46Aint

19、endedBstruggledCmanagedDprepared47AcomplexBrelaxedCgeneralDpositive48AyetBstillCevenDagain49AfaithfulBcloseCsubjectDgrateful50AmodelBplaymateCdirectorDboss4.(2023年山东省潍坊市第一中学高考模拟试题)I had never been away from home, at least not for more than three days, much less two whole weeks. When I got the chance

20、 to go to Journalism Camp, I was 51 .What if I had to go home during camp time because I wouldnt be able to 52 ? What if my roommate and I didnt 53 ? What if I didnt know how to use a washing machine?Well, after the first night, nearly all of my 54 were answered. The students were amazing, and my ro

21、ommate was 55 . She always listened to me patiently!The two weeks nearly flew by, and I learned to take 56 for myself: washing clothes, cleaning and allocating (分配) my weekly pocket money to 57 it for all meals.However, in the process I didnt realize how 58 I had become to the routine of waking up e

22、arly, running to get to the newsroom in time, and coming back to a waiting room.On the last day, I couldnt get myself to 59 in my room keys. It couldnt be over. I become emotionally tied really easily, and it was 60 for me to pull away. I couldnt 61 away my tears.Returning home, I was in the state o

23、f 62 for a few days. I kept to myself, sleeping through most of the day so I wouldnt have time to look back.This was my 63 . Yet I needed to get adjusted to life at home again. I had to learn to 64 that the camp was over and that not all things 65 forever. I could still keep in touch with my new fri

24、ends and look forward to other experiences I will have.51AtiredBscaredCexcitedDsurprised52AmatchBbehaveCfollowDadjust53Awork outBpart withCget alongDmake up54AquestionsBsolutionsCdecisionsDfeelings55AperfectBskillfulCmeanDmodest56AimprovementBsympathyCresponsibilityDconsideration57AgetBbuyCspreadDta

25、ste58ApatientBtiedClonelyDdirect59AturnBputCtakeDhold60AwrongBsimpleChardDsure61AtakeBpushCsaveDset62AdisappointmentBangerCtensionDcuriosity63AawardBpracticeCmistakeDchallenge64AreceiveBwithdrawCappreciateDaccept65AenjoyBlastCholdDmiss5.(2023年湖南师范大学附属中学高三试题)My wife and I usually dont keep houseplant

26、s. But after having cancer, I 66 to be around some life. When my friend Mitch gave me a lucky bamboo plant in a bowl, I told Hannah I would 67 the plant myself. When it didnt immediately turn brown or lose all of its leaves, I was pleasantly 68 . Over the next few months, I recovered from surgery an

27、d completed the first round of 69 . It nearly doubled in height and its leaves were 70 and thick. Both the bamboo and I were thriving (苗壮成长). Then, surprisingly, it began to show 71 of illness. Whatever I did, the leaves kept 72 and dropping. I grew increasingly frustrated and 73 . Once I even yelle

28、d, “I cant even care for a simple plant! Im failing!” Suddenly, it dawned on me that I had 74 associated my devoted care of the plant something over which I had some control with my own 75 something over which I had little control. If my tumor (肿瘤) returned, it would not be because of any 76 on my p

29、art. As my anxiety decreased, I began to research how to 77 the plant. And we both began to thrive again. Whenever I look at the 78 , I think of Mitch and all the people who have supported me. If the plant 79 me, I hope it will comfort Hannah and remind her that our large community will continue to

30、80 her after I am gone.66AdeclinedBlongedChesitatedDagreed67Aplay withBcount onCkeep offDtend to68AdisappointedBanxiousCsurprisedDfrightened69AtreatmentBcompetitionsCapplicationDtalks70AdeadBshinyCcolorfulDdry71AexpectationsBhistoryCindicationsDrelief72AbrowningBrecoveringCthickeningDtrembling73Acur

31、iousBunwillingCthrilledDuneasy74AunluckilyBwronglyCimmediatelyDhardly75AadventureBexcellenceCsurvivalDjudgment76AfailureBconflictCthreatDcrisis77AcureBremoveCfeedDadopt78AcancerBmirrorCrootDplant79AabandonsBoutlivesCdisappointsDoutperforms80AforgiveBwarnCassistDtolerate6.(2023年湖南省长沙市第一中学高三试题)Once up

32、on a time the colors of the world started to quarrel. All 81 that they were the best, the most important, and the most useful.Green said: “Clearly I am the most important. I am the 82 of life and of hope. I was chosen for grass, trees and leaves. Without me, all animals would die. Look over the coun

33、tryside and you will see that I am in the 83 . I”Blue 84 : “Consider water and the sky. It is the water that is the basis of life and the sky gives space and peace. Without my peace, you would all be 85 . ”Orange chuckled: “I am the color of health and strength. I may be scarce, but I am precious fo

34、r I serve the needs of human life. I 86 the most important vitamins. Think of parrots, pumpkins, and papayas. I dont hang around all the time, but when I fill the sky at sunrise or sunset, my beauty is so 87 that no one gives another thought to any of you.”Red could 88 it no longer: “I am the 89 of

35、all of you. I am bloodlifes blood! Without me, there would be no life. I am the one who deserves the crown!”And so the colors went on boasting, each 90 of his or her own superiority. Suddenly, Rain started to pour down. The colors crouched down in fear, drawing close to one another for comfort.Then

36、Rain began to speak: “You stupid colors, fighting amongst yourselves, each trying to 91 the rest. Dont you know that you were each made for a special 92 , unique and different? Join hands with one another and come to me.” Doing as they were told, the colors 93 and joined hands. The Rain continued: “

37、From now on, when it rains, each of you will 94 the sky in a great bow of colors as a reminder that you can all live in peace.” And so, whenever a good rain washes the world, and a rainbow appears in the sky, let us remember to 95 one another.81AliedBsworeCclaimedDbet82AresourceBwishCsignDspring83Am


39、e92AoccasionBcaseCpurposeDexistence93AhesitatedBunitedCdepartedDfought94Ago aboutBrun intoCcut throughDstretch across95AappreciateBcontactCmissDsuspect7.(湖北省黄冈中学高三模拟试题)In my first years of college I must admit I was still an angry adolescent. One day I had a serious fight with my father.I saw him as

40、 96 and wanted to break free. We both exploded in shouts and I 97 out of the house and missed my bus to school. My mind raced with angry thoughts about him and I sighed all the way to school.As I ran across the campus towards the classroom, I suddenly realized that I didnt have the assignment that w

41、as 98 : a thought card. Professor Simon had explained that every Tuesday we must 99 an index card, on which we wrote a thought, a concern, a question or anything that was on our mind and that he would return the card every Wednesday with his 100 or answer on it. He stressed that the card was our 101

42、 to class on Tuesdays.Now, I raced down the hallway, ten minutes late to class. Just outside the door, I took out an index card and wrote on it “I am the son of an IDIOT!”, as I could only think about the 102 Id just had with my dad. Then I dashed into the room, handed the card to Professor Simon an

43、d took my seat. The moment I reached my seat, I 103 telling him that about my dad. I didnt want to 104 myself to him.Wednesday morning I got to the class early and hid in the back. Professor Simon began 105 our thought cards. On my card was written, “What does the son of an idiot do with the rest of

44、 his life?” His question got right to the 106 of the issue: Whose problem was it? Whose responsibility was it?Professor Simons comment kept coming up in my mind over the next few weeks. Slowly, my thinking began to 107 . People began to notice that I was taking 108 for my doings and choices. My grades improved. My relationship


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