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《2021年上海市浦东新区中考英语二模试卷.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021年上海市浦东新区中考英语二模试卷.pdf(27页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2021年上海市浦东新区中考英语二模试卷一.Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)(1 5 分)1.(1 分)Molly noticed that there was unusual box in her garden.A.a B.an C.the D./2.(1 分)When a beautiful butterfly flew into the window,the girl rubbed(揉)her eyessurprise.A.in B.at C.on D.to3.(1 分)Its amazing that most countries have own si

2、gn languages.A.their B.theirs C.them D.themselves4.(1 分)Detective Chinatown 3 and Hi,Mom are two wonderful films.You can chooseof them.A.neither B.e汕er C.all D.none5.(1 分)important it is to protect personal information on the internet!A.What B.How C.What an D.What a6.(1 分)To be healthier,she ate les

3、s junk food and fruit and vegetables than before.A.many B.much C.more D.most7.(1 分)By the end of last March,We fifty trees in the schoolyard.A.plant B.were plantingC.had planted D.will plant8.(1 分)The parents how to educate their children well in the next room when I passedby.A.will discuss B.have d

4、iscussedC.are discussing D.were discussing9.(1 分)Early robots to do simple things in factories,but now they have entered ourlifeA.were built B.builtC.build D.are building10.(1 分)Nowadays,teachers ought to consider more time on teaching research.A.spend B.to spend C.spending D.spent11.(1 分)Mei Lanfan

5、g was the first person Beijing Opera to the whole world.A.introduce B.introducingC.introduced D.to introduce12.(1 分)Children under 120 cm tall pay full fare for the exhibition.A.cant B.mustnt C.shouldnt D.neednt13.(1 分)My uncle prefers watching Cookery Programme to cooking,?A.does he B.doesn*t he C.

6、is he D.isnt he14.(1 分)it is a rainy day,my younger brother is still having fun in the park.A.Although B.Before C.Because D.Until15.(1 分)Get enough sleep,you will always be full of energy in class.A.but B.for C.or D.and二.Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box.Each can on

7、ly beused once(将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填词,每词只能填一次)(8 分)16.(4 分)A.heavy B shape C be used to D.electricity E.flexiblePeople have treasured gold for thousands of years.What makes gold so expensive?There aresome important reasons.First,it is very(1).It can be made into thin sheets without cracks(裂痕).Theseshee

8、ts can(2)decorate artworks or buildings.Second,it has an attractive yellow colorand reflects light well,so it*s a perfect material for jewelry.Third,it keeps its(3)andcolor for a long time,which means that gold objects can pass from generation to generationand become more expensive over time.Fourth,

9、(4)can pass through gold very well,so we can often find gold inside some electrical appliances.17.(4 分)A.symbol B.exists C.careful with D.usually E.connected withIn addition,the price of gold depends on the fact that it is rare.Gold(1)in many placesthroughout the world,but it is not easy to find.Peo

10、ple(2)have to work very hard toget even tiny amounts of the precious metal.Since people want to get more,the price of goldis always increasing.Finally,gold is expensive because people think it is a(3)of wealth.We stillvalue it fbr many of the same reasons that gold has been(4)wealth and power in the

11、history.三.Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。52-57 题,每 空格限填一词。)(14分)18.(2 分)Blair is chatting with his mother on the phone n o w.(改为一般疑问句)Bl ai r with his mother on the phone now?19.(2 分)The ox stands for the spirit of hard work in Chines。cu ltu re.(对划线部分提问)the ox stand for in

12、 Chinese culture?20.(2 分)I climbed to the top of the mountain in order to have a bird view of the to w n.(保持句意不变)I climbed to the top of the mountain I could have a bird view of the town.21.(2 分)The students should write all the answers on the answer s h e e t.(改为被动语态)All the answers should on the a

13、nswer sheet by the students.22.(2 分)Roddy said,I enjoy the Great Wave attraction very m u ch.(合并为一句)Roddy said that the Great Wave attraction very much.23.(2 分)Lily borrowed the book The Adventures of Tom Sawyer two weeks a g o.(保持句意不变)Lily has the book The Adventures of Tom Sa wye r two weeks.24.(2

14、 every month,offer,some volunteers,smartphone training,to the elderly(连词成句)四.Reading comprehension(阅读理解)(50 分)25.(12分)Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)Your body is more than what you see when you look in the mirror-BrainThe brain allows us to experience the outside Skinworld.We remember,have f

15、eelings,solve We all have skin.It covers our whole body andproblems,and control our bodies in our lets the good things in and the bad things out.brain.Nerves(神经)from our senses send Its our first line of protection against the outsidesignals to the brain to let the brain know what environment.Just l

16、ike our eyes,nose,andis going on in the outside world.The brain ears,it houseone of our five senses.It alsoalso sends signals to muscles by using nerves absorbs sunlight for vitamin D and heat,in order to make our body move.The brain may not move,but it needs lots ofenergy.Energy is sent to the brai

17、n by blood.The brain actually uses around 20%of thebody*s energy.Muscles(肌肉)Muscles are how we move and live.Allmovement in the body is controlled bymuscles.Skeletal muscles help us to movearound.Smooth muscles control organswithin our body,Cardiac muscle is special.It can pump our heart and blood.(

18、1)What can nerves do in our body?A.hey can control signalB.hey can deliver signals.C.hey can move our bodyD.They can feel the outside world.(2)To get enough energy,the brain must need the help of our.A.musclesB.sensesC.nervesD.blood(3)According to the passage,which part(s)of our body is the largest

19、one?A.Brain.B.Eyes.C.Skin.D.Nose.(4)The underlined word house1 means A.takes charge ofB.turns onC.gives upD.puts off(5)How many types of muscles are mentioned in the passage?A.2.B.3.C.4.D.5.(6)Which of the following can be put in the in the first sentence?A.Your heart beats over 10,000 times a dayB.

20、There are many different parts that have different jobsC.Our body uses 5 different systems to work properlyD.Our body looks the same on the left as it does on the right side26.(12 分)Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)What comes to mind when you think of archaeol

21、ogists(考古学家)?Are they as cool as thecharacters in Hollywood hit movies?Do they experience new adventures every day?Letsdiscover the world of archaeologists.Reaching spotsHistorical treasures are often buried underground.To locate the proper place for(1),archaeologists do surveys to search for signs

22、of ancient spots.These signs may beanything just like broken pieces of ancient tools.It*s difficult work.They walk across the areas in all kinds of weather,so it is oftendone by walking.Besides,it requires much experience and(2)knowledge to tell anordinary rock from a stone tool,or tell a natural hi

23、ll from a grass-covered historic site.ResearchingArchaeologists spend a lot of time in the lab studying the discoveries.(3),they are now closer to answering those mysteries than ever with modern technology.The first thing they need to do is to recognize the age of the items discovered.They also(4)bo

24、nes of humans or animals to find out the cause of their death and whatthey ate during their lifetime.After that,archaeologists draw the pictures of them oncomputers based on collected data.Restoration(修复)Ancient objects can be damaged in different ways.(5),bowls and cupsare often broken into pieces,

25、while metal tools usually get rusty(生锈的).Before repairing,they use X-rays to look for damage.If the rust is harmful,they need to remove it and repairthe object with special metal powder.In this process,restorers have to be extremely patientand careful so as not to damage the(6)of the objects.Since t

26、he job can be physically tiring outdoors or need a long time work in thelab,most archaeologists are proud of their work.It*s their hard work that has brought the losttreasures back to life.(1)A.livingB.restingC.diggingD.sightseeing(2)A.juniorB.generalC.major0.professional(3)A.CarefullyB.FortunatelyC

27、.BeautifullyD.Immediately(4)A.contactB.followC.examineD.develop(5)A.For exampleB.In additionC.At leastD.In return(6)A.secretB.temperatureC.weightD.value27.(14 分)Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母己给)Can living a zero-waste lifestyle be true?One

28、New Yorker is proving it*s not only possible,but it looks fun as well.The New Yorker,Ms.Singer didnt grow up in a really green home.My family isntlike this at alb n she said.They were the least f(1)to environment ever.*Theidea to have a no-waste life didnt come to her mind until she learned environm

29、ental studiesat university.In 2013,Ms.Singer decided to c(2)as little rubbish as possible.Sheliked going to the farmers market,where she began shopping by giving up packaging.Shelearned how to store food in her apartment to keep it f(3)longer.All food shecouldnt finish went into a large bowl in her

30、fridge,which she emptied once a week at herplants.She would r(4)glass bottles to buy milk,beer and only buy otheritems that usually come in paper boxes.She also began to buy clothes at secondhand shopsinstead of buying new ones.Ms.Singer even began finding out how to make her own cleaningp(5),from t

31、oothpaste to house cleaner,from toilet paper to washing powder.She*s proudly living a no-waste life.Bit by bit,Ms.Singer was h(6)making any non-recyclable rubbish.In fact,every piece of rubbish shes got over the last three years stays in a single jar.nIts babysteps,one thing after another,she said.A

32、fter she had a quick reduction in her rubbish pile,she started a company.She and her staff travel around the world sharing her s(7)and introducing her zero-waste lifestyle.Maybe,there will be more Singers all around theworld.28.(15分)Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题)This was my grandmothers first bi

33、rthday without grandfather,and before he passed away,we had promised him that we would make it her best birthday ever.Grandfather had alwayssaid that she expected her birthday party every day since it was also a time for family reunion(团聚).When my mom,dad,three sisters and I arrived at her little ho

34、use,we found she hadwaited up all night for our arrival.Once arriving,we immediately set to prepare for thebirthday celebration.We ordered a large three-tier birthday cake and decorated the house withcolorful belts and balloons.When everything was ready,I noticed something was missing.Wheres your sc

35、arf?HI asked.That scarf,faded(褪色的)and even older than my mom,was a necessary panof the yearly celebration.Grandfather gave it to grandmother forty years ago on their first date.But now,on her first birthday without him,the scarf was gone,too.*It must be here somewhere,”she said.Your grandfather alwa

36、ys packed everythingso carefully.1Then we started to search every corner for the missing scarf.As we emptied box afterbox and found no scarf,my grandmothers eyes were filled with tears.However,seeing ourworried looks,she soon hid her disappointment.Check it out!This may be a gift from Grandpa!u my s

37、ister shouted as she found awell-wrapped(包装完美的)box.Grandmother shakily opened the box.With great joy,she pulled out a brand-new red scarf with a note.Her voice trembled(颤抖)as she read it aloud:Dear,I noticed some tiny holes in your scarf when I washed it.So 1 thought itwas time for a new one.I hope

38、it can bring you as much joy as the first one did.Happybirthday!Love,Bryant.Finally,grandmother blew out the candles in her new scarf,as if grandfatherwere still with her.It also brought my grandfather home in each of our hearts and made theparty our best birthday celebration ever.(1)Grandmother loo

39、ked forward to her birthday party,didnt she?(2)What preparations did her family members make for her birthday?(3)How long had grandmother owned the old scarf?(4)How did grandmother feel when she couldnt find the old scarf?(5)Why did grandfather buy a new scarf for grandmother?(6)Besides buying grand

40、mother a new scarf,what other details also show grandfathers deeplove?(List 2 of them.)Detail 1 :_Detail 2:_五 Writing(作文)(20 分)29.(20 分)Write at least 60 words about the topic A(n)with love(请以“爱的”为题,写一篇不少于60字的短文,标点符号不占格)在上文中,祖母收到的生日礼物包含了祖父对她真挚的爱。我们的生活也充满了爱,我们一定收到过带有满满爱意的物品。请你分享一下关于这个物品的故事,并谈谈你的感受或它对

41、你的影响。注意:(1)短文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名等个人信息,否则不予评分。(2)照抄阅读语篇不得分。2021年上海市浦东新区中考英语二模试卷参考答案与试题解析一.Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)(1 5 分)1.(1 分)Molly noticed that there was unusual box in her garden.A.a B.an C.the D./【解答】a 一个,修饰以辅音音素开头的单词;an一个,修饰以元音音素开头的单词;the表示特指;/零冠词。这里泛指一个不寻常的盒子。unusual是以元音音素/A/开头,用 an修饰。故选:B o

42、2.(1 分)When a beautiful butterfly flew into the window,the girl rubbed(揉)her eyessurprise.A.in B.at C.on D.to【解答】在英语中,介词in 后常接抽象名词表示一种状态,既可以作表语,也可以作状语。题中surprise是抽象名词,所以用i n,构成固定短语in surprise,在句中作状语,意为 吃惊地“。故选:A o3.(1 分)Its amazing that most countries have own sign languages.A.their B.theirs C.them

43、D.themselves【解答】A 形容词性物主代词,B 名词性物主代词,C 人称代词宾格,D 反身代词,根据固定短语ones own.自己的,故选:A o4.(1 分)Detective Chinatown 3 and Hi,Mom are two wonderful films.You can chooseof them.A.neither B.either C.all D.none【解答】A 两者都不,B 两个中任何一个,C 三者或以上全都,D 三者或以上全不,根据汉语意思:唐人街探案三和 你好,李焕英是两部非常好的电影,你可以选择他们中任何一个。故选:B o5.(1 分)importa

44、nt it is to protect personal information on the internet!A.What B.How C.What an D.What a【解答】important重要的,为形容词;it i s 是主语和谓语;to protect personal informationon the internet是句子的真正主语;根据题干和标点可知本题为感叹句,符合H ow 引导的感叹句句式:how+形容词/副词+主语+谓语!故选:Bo6.(1 分)To be healthier,she ate less junk food and fruit and vegetab

45、les than before.A.many B.much C.more D.most【解答】many许多,修饰可数名词复数;much很多,修饰不可数名词;more更多的;most最多的。根据than before”比以前”可知,两者比较,用比较级more”更多的”。故选:Co7.(1 分)By the end of last March,We fifty trees in the schoolyard.A.plant B.were plantingC.had planted D.will plant【解答】因为By the end of last March,这是过去完成时的时间标志词,结构

46、为had done,只有C 符合结构。A 一般现在时,B 过去进行时,C 过去完成时,D 一般将来时。故选:Co8.(1 分)The parents how to educate their children well in the next room when I passedby.A.will discuss B.have discussedC.are discussing D.were discussing【解答】首先看到句中的w hen,要想到它的用法:当从句是一般过去时的时候,主语通过为过去进行时;再结合着翻译,父母们应该是正在隔壁讨论,根据passed可知事情发生在过去,故要用过去

47、进行时。A 一般将来时,B 现在完成时,C 现在进行时,D 过去进行时。故选:D。9.(1 分)Early robots to do simple things in factories,but now they have entered ourlifeA.were built B.builtC.buildD.are building【解答】首先根据 early(早期)判断时态为一般过去时,排除B 一般现在时和D 一般现在时;其次根据翻译,机器人应该是被制造,故判断用被动语态,其结构是be done,排除B 和 C;再结合着时态为一般过去时可知此处应为were builto故选:A o10.(

48、1 分)Nowadays,teachers ought to consider more time on teaching research.A.spend B.to spend C.spending D.spent【解答】spend花费,动词原形;to spend不定式;spending动名词/现在分词;spent过去式。consider doing sth”考虑做某事”固定搭配,填动名词spending。故选:C o11.(1 分)Mei Lanfang was the first person Beijing Opera to the whole world.A.introduce B.

49、introducingC.introduced D.to introduce【解答】the first后加to do不定式为固定用法,作后置定语,the first person to introduceBeijing Opera to the whole world意为”第一个把京剧介绍给全世界的人故选:D o12.(1 分)Children under 120 cm tall pay full fare for the exhibition.A.cant B.mustnt C.shouldnt D.neednt【解答】根据语境,设空处表”不必要、不需要”买全票,故应用neednt符合语境。

50、A 项”不能”,表不允许;B 项“不准”,表严禁、禁止;C 项”不应该二表义务、责任、建议等;这三项均不符合语境。故选:D o13.(1 分)My uncle prefers watching Cookery Programme to cooking,?A.does he B.doesnt he C.is he D.isnt he【解答】反义疑问句的构成有两种,1.陈述部分肯定式+疑问部分否定式可记为前肯后否定。2.陈述部分否定式+疑问部分肯定式可记为前否后肯定.前面是prefers动词的第三人称单数,后面要用助动词does反问,前肯后否定。故选:B o14.(1 分)it is a rain


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