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1、深圳市高中英语外研版新教材选择性必修部分教考结合复习模式指引深圳市教育科学研究院高中英语学科广东省基础教育高中英语学科教研基地二二二年九月深圳市教育科学研究院 广东省基础教育基地深圳市教育科学研究院 广东省基础教育基地深圳市教育科学研究院 广东省基础教育基地选择性必修二1.深圳市龙华中学白倩U1 Growing up2.深圳市龙华中学刘日红U2 Improving yourself3.深圳市艺术高中肖莉英U3 Times changed!4.深圳市格致中学高丹丹U4 Breaking boundaries5.深圳市龙华高级中学教育集团李艳芝U5 A delicate world6.深圳市龙华高

2、级中学教育集团杨伟U6 Survival7.深圳市龙华高级中学教育集团杨伟组长8.深圳市龙华高级中学教育集团王文轩编辑9 深圳市龙华区教育科学研究院丁丽云统稿及终审深圳市教育科学研究院 广东省基础教育基地深圳市教育科学研究院 广东省基础教育基地深圳市教育科学研究院 广东省基础教育基地1/27目录B5U1 Growing up.2Section I.Thematic expressions.2Section II.Thematic reading.3A.Growing pains.3B.Strangers under the same roof?.4Section III.Thematic wr

3、iting.5B5U2 Improving yourself.6Section I.Thematic expressions.6Section II.Thematic reading.8A.8B.9Section III.Thematic writing.10B5U3 Times change!.11Section I.Thematic expressions.11Section II.Thematic reading.12A.SMART HOMES TO MAKE LIFE EASIER.12B.13Section III.Thematic writing.14B5U4 Breaking b

4、oundaries.15Section I.Thematic expressions.15Section II.Thematic reading.16A.16B.17Section III.Thematic writing.18B5 U5Adelicate world.19Section I.Thematic expressions.19Section II.Thematic reading.20A.ADAY IN THE CLOUDS.20B.CLIMATE CHANGE REQUIRES THE WORLDSATTENTION.21Section III.Thematic writing.

5、23B5U6 Survival.24Section I.Thematic expressions.24Section II.Thematic reading.25A.25B.26The Sixth Extinction.26Section III.Thematic writing.27深圳市教育科学研究院 广东省基础教育基地深圳市教育科学研究院 广东省基础教育基地深圳市教育科学研究院 广东省基础教育基地2/27B5U1 Growing upSection I.Thematic expressionsdifferent stages of growing up 不不同同成成长长阶阶段段Befor

6、e 181.be born 出生2.infant 婴儿3.learn to walk and speak 学习走路和说话4.childhood 童年5.kindergarten 幼儿园6.primary school 小学7.junior high school 初中8.senior high school 高中9.be admitted into an university 考上大学10.puberty 青春期11.teenager 青少年After ing-of-age ceremony 成人礼13.fall in love 恋爱14.graduate from college 大学毕业1

7、5.adulthood 成人期16.grown-up 成年的17.enter the workplace 进入职场18.get married 结婚19.give birth to a baby 生孩子20.bring up children 抚养孩子21.middle-aged 中年的22.retirement 退休changes brought by growing up 成成长长带带来来的的变变化化1.be completely in charge of your own life完全掌控自己的生活2.get away from parentscontrol摆脱父母的控制3.make d

8、ecisions on ones own 自己做决定4.shoulder more responsibilities 肩负更多责任5.take many things into consideration 考虑很多事情6.deal with various relationships 处理多种关系7.think deeper about life 深入思考生活8.have a sense of achievement 有成就感9.be under pressure 有压力10.leave home and live by oneself 离开家,自己住11.make/earn a living

9、 谋生12.financially independent 经济独立13.pay taxes 纳税14.take care of oneself 照顾自己qualities of growing up 成成长长的的品品质质1.be self-motivated 自我激励2.ambitious 有雄心壮志的3.aim high 志存高远4.self-confident 自信的5.high self-esteem 自尊心强6.great perseverance 毅力坚强7.energetic and enthusiastic 充满活力和热情8.go all out 全力以赴9.never giv

10、e up 永不言弃10.face up to challenges and difficulties勇敢面对挑战和困难11.brave and courageous 勇敢有魄力12.generous and friendly 慷慨友好的13.kind and forgiving 善良宽宏14.mature 成熟的15.polite and patient 有礼貌有耐心的13.integrity and honesty 正直诚实14.interpersonal skills 人际交往能力15.independent-minded 有主见的16.be optimistic 乐观的17.offer

11、to make contributions to the society主动为社会做贡献quotes about growing up 关关于于成成长长的的名名言言1.Youth is not a time of life;it is a state of mind.青春不是年华,而是心境。2.Ones greatest tragedy is to refuse to grow up and mature.一个人最大的悲剧,就是拒绝成长拒绝成熟。3.Growth is the dilemma of persistence and compromise.成长是坚持和妥协的困境。4.Growing

12、 up,we must learn to face the war and chaos calmly.长大就要学会心平气和地面对兵荒马乱。5.A young idler,an old beggar.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。深圳市教育科学研究院 广东省基础教育基地深圳市教育科学研究院 广东省基础教育基地深圳市教育科学研究院 广东省基础教育基地3/27Section II.Thematic readingAGrowing painsMany teenagers feel lonely,as if no one understands them and the changes they are go

13、ing through.Day byday,everything seems different,yet the same.Life never seems to be going fast enough;yet,in other ways,like arace car,life seems to be rushing too fast and even going out of control.Has anyone else ever felt this way?These feelings are a common part of adolescencethe time of life b

14、etween child and adult.And,though itmay sometimes be difficult to believe,you are not aloneevery adult has gone through adolescence,and yourfriends are going through it right now along with you.It is common for teenagers to feel lonely and misunderstood.These feelings can be thought of as growing pa

15、insthe difficulties that teenagers face as they grow to adults.As teenagers grow,it is normal for them to become confused with the changing world both insideand outside of them.During adolescence,teenagers go through great physical changes.They grow taller and theirvoices get deeper,among many15 oth

16、er developments.Along with these physical changes,there come many psychological changes.Boys and girls tend tobe different in this regard.Many boys become risk-takersthey want to find their own limits and the limits ofthe world around them,but may not have the wisdom to make good choices in their be

17、havior.At the same lime,girls often want someoneanyoneto talk to,as they try to deal with their strong feelings.In the social world,as teenagers get older,they struggle to depend on themselves.They may badlywant and need their parentslove,yet feel distant;they may want to be part of the group,yet de

18、sire independence.Since teenagers have difficulty balancing these needs,they often question who they are and how they fit insociety.The good news is that these kinds of growing pains do not last.In the end everything turns outOKthe teenager becomes a healthy adult,and this period of change and chall

19、enge is traded for the changesand challenges of grown-up life.(选自苏教牛津译林版高中英语教材模块一 Unit 2 Growing pains)Think and answer:1.What does growing pains refer to?Do you have ever experienced that in your growth?Share your experience._2.How many aspects of changes for a teenager are mentioned in the passage

20、?What are they?_3.What kind of attitude should teenagers take towards growing pains?_深圳市教育科学研究院 广东省基础教育基地深圳市教育科学研究院 广东省基础教育基地深圳市教育科学研究院 广东省基础教育基地4/27BStrangers under the same roof?Does every dinner with your parents seem to turn into a battle?Have your once warm and openconversations become cold and

21、 guarded?Do you feel that you just cannot see eye to eye with them on anything?You are not alone.Heated arguments and cold silences are common between teenagers and their parents.Teenagers physical changes may result in such family tensions.You may feel anxious that you aredeveloping at a different

22、rate to your friends,shooting up in height or getting left far behind.You might worryabout your changing voice,weight problems or spots.When it all gets too much,your parents are often the firsttargets of your anger.It can be a big headache to balance your developing mental needs too.You enter a str

23、ange middle groundno longer a small child but not quite an adult.You have both a new desire for independence and acontinued need for your parents love and support.You feel ready to be more responsible and make decisionson your own.Unfortunately,your parents do not always agree and that makes you fee

24、l unhappy.“Why cant theyjust let me go?”you may wonder.On the other hand,when you are struggling to control your feelings,you wishthey could be more caring and patientsometimes they forget that growing up is a rough ride.It can be difficultwhen your parents treat you like a child but expect you to a

25、ct like an adult.All of this can lead to a breakdown inyour relationship.Although sometimes it may seem impossible to get along as a family,you can take action to improve thesituation.The key to keeping the peace is regular and honest communication.When you disagree with yourparents,take a minute to

26、 calm down and try to understand the situation from their point of view.Perhaps theyhave experienced something similar and do not want you to go through the same pain.After you have thought itthrough,explain your actions and feelings calmly,listen carefully,and address their concerns.Through this ki

27、ndof healthy discussion,you will learn when to back down and when to ask your parents to relax their control.Just remember that it is completely normal to struggle with the stress that parent-child tensions create,andthat you and your parents can work together to improve your relationship.The good n

28、ews is that this stormyperiod will not last.Everything will turn out all right in the end,and the changes and challenges of your teenageyears will prepare you for adulthood.(选自 2019 苏教牛津译林版高中英语教材模块一 Unit 2 Lets talk teens)Think and answer:4.What are the reasons behind parent-child tensions according

29、 to the passage?_5.Besides the solutions mentioned in the passage,do you have any other tips to improve parent-childrelationship?_6.Do you like the title of this passage?If yes,give your reasons.If no,replace it with a better one._深圳市教育科学研究院 广东省基础教育基地深圳市教育科学研究院 广东省基础教育基地深圳市教育科学研究院 广东省基础教育基地5/27Secti

30、onIII.Thematic writing假如你是李华,你的美国笔友 Mike 即将进入高中,开启新的生活,他写信向你诉说对未来的担忧和烦恼,涉及住宿、学习等方面,请你给他写一封回信,内容包括:1.表达关心和理解;2.给出建议;3.送出祝福。注意:1.词数 100 左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Mike,_Yours,Li Hua深圳市教育科学研究院 广东省基础教育基地深圳市教育科学研究院 广东省基础教育基地深圳市教育科学研究院 广东省基础教育基地6/27B5U2 Improving yourselfSection I.Thematic expressionsImprov

31、ing yourself by using time 时时间间管管理理Time management 时时间间管管理理1.distraction 分散注意力的事2.multitask多任务处理3.schedule工作计划;日程安排安排;为安排时间;预定4.reject拒绝5.prioritize优先处理6.efficiency 效率7.tight schedule 紧凑的时间表8.break down into 把.分成9.set deadlines设定最后期限10.mapping计划11.focus on 集中注意力12.set.aside 留作之用;留出用于13.stick to 坚持;紧

32、随14.assign 布置(工作、任务等)15.top priority tasks最高优先级任务16.blocks of time 一段时间17.urgent 紧急的;急迫的18.make use of利用19.analyse分析20.small matters 小事21.precious time 宝贵的时间Procrastination management 拖拖延延症症管管理理1.put off 推迟;拖延;敷衍2.tempt 诱惑3.interrupt 打断4.due 到期;预期5.underestimate/overestimate 低估/高估6.struggle with 与.斗

33、争7.run out of用光.8.unrelated task 不相关的任务9.stay up 熬夜10.assume 假设;认为11.end up doing 最终.12.under pressure 在压力下13.get into the habit of.养成.的习惯14.lack initiative 缺乏主动性15.get started 开始16.rewarding 值得做的17.get motivation 获得动力18.find your limits 找到你的极限19.a lame excuse 站不住脚的借口20.get rid of the procrastinatio

34、n triggers 摆脱拖延症的诱因21.turn off your phone 关闭手机Improving yourself by self-control 自自控控力力管管理理1.self-discipline 自律2.stay off social media 远离社交媒体3.be addicted to 沉迷于;上瘾4.accomplish goals 实现目标5.be absorbed in 全神贯注;专心致志6.promote motivation 提高动机7.regulate emotions 调节情绪8.keep.in mind 牢记9.engage in 从事,参加10.s

35、elf-regulate 自我调节11.fight temptations 对抗诱惑12.actively exercise willpower积极锻炼意志力13.take control of feelings and actions控制情绪和行为14.lack self-regulation 缺乏自律16.deal with stress,anger,or anxiety处理压力、愤怒或是焦虑17.feel at ease 感到轻松自在18.boost your self-control 增强你的自控力19.keep track of 跟踪;记录20.set achievable and

36、realistic goals设定可达成的且实际的目标21.destroy peace in mind 打破内心的平静22.keep an eye on;notice 注意23.maintain a healthy lifestyle 保持健康的生活方式24.stay on track 走上正轨25.have negative consequences 有负面后果26.face-to-face 面对面27.reward yourself 奖励自己28.rid.of 摆脱29.build relationships with.与.建立关系深圳市教育科学研究院 广东省基础教育基地深圳市教育科学研究

37、院 广东省基础教育基地深圳市教育科学研究院 广东省基础教育基地7/2715.suspension 停学Improving yourself by using money 理理财财意意识识1.stick to a budget 坚持预算2.do a budget 做预算3.credit risk 信贷(用)风险4.make savings 节省开支5.end up in debt 最终负债6.unexpected costs 计划外开销7.save up for.为.攒钱8.living costs 生活费/成本9.cut back 缩减;削减10.cancel取消11.keep a spend

38、ing diary 记消费日记12.keep a note of 记下;保留13.work out 计算出14.make up a large chunk of spending占开支的很大一部分15.unpredictable 不可预测的16.review your budget and your spending审查你的预算和支出17.get squeezed 被压缩18.owe money on credit cards 信用卡欠款19.pay back 还钱20.personal loan 个人贷款21.cover 足以支付22.energy bills 能源账单(如:电费)23.se

39、t a savings goal 设定节约目标24.set aside any money as savings 把钱存起来作为储蓄25.have some emergency savings 有一些紧急储蓄26.fall back on.转而用做.27.in a sticky situation 在棘手的情况下28.get back on your feet 恢复元气;从头开始29.take out a loan 贷款30.invest 投资31.struggle financially 努力挣钱32.one-off payments 一次性付款33.top up your regular

40、income 增加你的固定收入34.make ends meet 使收支相抵Improving yourself by self-reflection 自自我我反反思思1.give serious thought to 认真考虑2.advantages and disadvantages 优缺点3.behaviour 行为4.considerate 考虑周到的5.make adjustments 做调整6.value 珍惜7.get stuck 碰到;陷入;上当8.taking time for self-reflection 花时间反思9.reflect on 反思10.cloud your

41、 judgment 模糊你的判断11.return to 返回;恢复到12.ignore 忽视13.respond more effectively 更有效地回应14.react to 对.做出反应15.in a reactive mode 以一种反应的模式16.consequences 结果;后果17.promote learning and Understanding促进学习与理解18.evaluate 评价19.keep a journal 记日志20.take stock of 评估21.mental health 心理健康22.list out the highlights and

42、lowlights 列出亮点和不足23.improve on 改进;对.加以改良24.miss out 错过;遗漏25.empower 授权;控制局势26.inner truth 真正的内心27.an in-depth personal reflection 一次深度的自我反思28.live life to the fullest 充实地生活29.the unexamined life 浑浑噩噩的生活30.lose sight of 看不见31.be conscious of 意识到32.calm and stable lives 平静稳定的生活33.pursue goals 追求目标34.l

43、oosen up your mind 放松你的思想35.sacrifice 牺牲36.reveal 暴露;揭露;显露37.cultivate 培养38.identify 确认39.problematic aspects of 有问题的方面40.take baby steps 一步一步;小步走41.shift your behavior 改变你的行为42.take several attempts to.尝试去.43.enhance 提高;增强44.the best version of ourselves 最好的自己深圳市教育科学研究院 广东省基础教育基地深圳市教育科学研究院 广东省基础教育基

44、地深圳市教育科学研究院 广东省基础教育基地8/27Section II.Thematic readingATo phone or not to phone?In the USA,the Amish-a Christian group-are famous because they drive carriages instead of cars,do notuse TVs or refrigerators,and do not have personal telephones.Many people assume the Amish must havereligious reasons for

45、their many rules,but this is not true.In truth,whenever a new technology is introduced,theAmish meet and discuss its advantages and disadvantages.They then vote on whether they will accept it.TheAmish reject cars because they like having tight communities where everyone lives close together.They hav

46、e noTVs or refrigerators because their homes do not have electricity-they do not think it is necessary and dislikedealing with strangers,such as the people who work at the electric company.There are disadvantages to the telephone,as well.For example,no matter what the circumstances,when thephone rin

47、gs,everything stops so that the call can be answered.Your family could be eating dinner or chattingtogether,yet this will be interrupted.However,most phone calls are not really that important;certainly,theycould not be more important than family time.Then,when you are absorbed in a book or simply tr

48、ying to rest,the phone always seems to be ringing,destroying whatever peace you might have.However,the person calling isoften merely a salesman or someone who has dialled the wrong number.With mobile phones,these problems increase.How many times have you been talking with a friend,only foryour frien

49、d to interrupt the conversation to answer a call?For some reason,a typical mobile phone call is nearlyalways given greater importance than a face-to-face conversation.Yet,once again,most mobile phone calls areabout rather small matters.When asked later what the call was about,your friend always answ

50、ers,“Oh,nothingreally.”If the call was really about“nothing”,then why was it so important as to interrupt your conversation andwaste your precious time?Of course,using the mobile phone for text messages is the worst.In one study,girls average 80 text messagesa day,and boys average 30.What do people


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