外研版七年级下册英语Module 1 - Module 6 作文练习(Word版含答案).docx

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1、外研版七年级下册英语Module 1 - Module 6作文练习Ml书面表达。15分李华昨天在图书馆遗失了一个紫色的书包。这个书包对他来说很重要,他希望找回来。假如你是 学校英文广播站的播音员,请为李华播报一则英文寻物启事。内容包括:1 .弄丢书包的时间和地点,并描述书包以及里面的物品;2 .表达李华急切需要找回丢失书包的心情;3 .留下联系方式。Good afternoon, everyone! Welcome to our English Broadcast. Here s today s lost and found notice.Yesterday Li Hua(丢失他的书包)in

2、the library(匆匆 忙忙). It is(紫色的).(有)a pencil box, an English book and a wallet in it. The pencil box is brown and new. The English book is for Grade Seven. The wallet is black (里面有一些钱).Li(担心)his bag now.(对他来说很重要)to find the bag(因为这是他奶奶送给他的礼物).He really wants it back!(如果你找到了), please call Li Hua at 896

3、7 5332 or you can give it to us.Thank you!Dear Bob,Next Saturday is my birthday. Y m going to hold a birthday party in the evening at home. It will start / begin at 7:30.1 am writing to invite you to come to my party. I also asked some other classmates of ours and some of my friends.I live at 17 Qin

4、ghui Garden Road, Shunde District, Foshan. Let me tell you how to get here from our school. First, walk out of our school at Gate 5 and then turn left. Next, walk along the street and you will see a bus station. You can take bus No. 918 and get off at the stop / station of Qinghui Garden. Finally, g

5、o across the road and my home is just on the other side of the road. It7 s a red house with a white door. You can t miss it. If you have any problem, please call me.I am looking forward to your coming.Yours,Li Hua近期Paul所就读的国际学校正在评选优秀学生领袖(Excellent Student Leaders)来组成年级学 生领袖会。假如你是上文中的Paul ,下星期你将参加优秀学

6、生领袖竞选,请你写一篇80词左右的竞 选演讲稿,内容包括以下要点:4 .简要进行自我介绍(姓名、班级),并介绍自己参加竞选的原因;5 .自己参加竞选的优势(至少3点);6 .竞选上优秀学生领袖后的承诺。Good morning, everyone! r m Paul, a student from Class 1, Grade 7. Today I am glad to have the opportunity to stand here. I want to become one of the Excellent Student Leaders because I want to(尽全力帮助

7、更多学生).Now I am the class monitor in my class. I(不仅 擅长数学和物理), (而且学习刻苦)so I often (获得最高分)in school. At the same time, I(对他人友善)and(总是 乐于帮助)my classmates so I(和他们相处融洽). In addition (此外),I can(篮球打得好)so I(加入校篮球 队).We can play basketball together and(保持健康).Choose me as one of the Excellent Student Leaders,

8、 I(承诺帮助)all of you.Thank you!M3书面表达。暑假即将来临,疫情也暂时稳定了。你父母想你为暑假的家庭出游列一个为期3天的旅游计划。内容包括:1 .外出旅游的地点,选择去那里的原因及交通方式;2 .分享三个计划在旅游中进行的活动安排;3 .表达自己对暑假家庭出游的期待。My family plan to travel outside during the summer holiday. I would like to plan a five- day trip to Beijing, because Beijing is(是我们国家的首者B) and my brothe

9、r would like to visit the famous universities there. Beijing is a little(是巨离遥 远)Guangdong Province, so we are likely to(乘飞机)there.Beijing is a modern city (有着悠久的 历史)as well.(将会有很多有意思的事情做)in Beijing. We are also(观光)to some places of interest, such as the Great Wall, Forbidden City and Beihai Park. Wh

10、at s more,(做是一个好主意)enjoy the local foodBeijing roast duck. Before leaving, we are going shopping Wang Fujing Shopping Street to(为买一些礼物)our family.It s so interesting that we all look forward to(玩的开心)in Beijing.M4书面表达15分随着时代的发展,越来越多像上文中Dr. Robot的新事物将出现,我们的未来生活也将大变样。 假如你是Kate,下星期将参加学校举办的主题为畅想20年后的美好生活

11、”的英语演讲,请你写一 篇80词左右的演讲稿,内容包括以下要点:1、 畅想二十年后的生活变化(如学习、工作、衣食住行等,选两个方面);2、 你梦想二十年之后想做什么,为什么;3、 呼吁同学们努力学习,为美好的未来生活而奋斗。Good morning, everyone. I m Kate, a student from Class L Grade 7. Today I m happy for a chance to talk about life in the future.Life(二十年后)will be very different. So what will it be like? F

12、irst of all, I think students need to go to school(将不再).They II study at home.(有)classmates and teachers in the online classrooms and a lot more free time, study will be (甚至更有趣).What; s more, robots will help people (做困难且繁重的工作)/ so people will (spend 花更多时间估攵)creative jobs and(去观光)in different places

13、.I always want to be a teacher in twenty years. As a teacher, F II meet lots of kids. More importantly, I will be able to help them(开拓视里予)and(给他们一个好的开始)in life.To have a better life in the future, I hope we can work harder from now on.M5书面表达(15分)随着网购的发展,团购逐渐成为了购物的新趋势。但是它给人们的生活带来方便实惠的同时,也给 人们带来了很多烦恼。

14、请你以Buying in group为题写一篇文章,谈谈你的看法。内容包括:1 .你对团购的看法;2 .赞成或不赞成的原因;3 .呼吁人们注意团购安全.Buying in groupBuying in group is more and more popular nowadays.But I don t like buying in group(尽管)it can it can(省下很多的时间和金钱).Buying in group(有一些缺点).(首先),the products you buy may(与.不同) what you see(在网上).(其次),shopping(在网上)is

15、 not always(安全).Additionally, we can t see the products or(试穿衣服)(在网上).(最后),you canz t go shopping with your friends(面又寸面地)and(臂挽臂地).So we should(对一/匕)the(安全)of buying in group.When we(支付)the products, we should choose the safe way. We should(选择)the teammates wisely when buying in group.假设你是李华,下星期六是你

16、的生日。你准备在家里开一个生日晚会,并邀请部分同学和朋友参 加。请给你的好友,你校的美国交换生Bob写一封邮件邀请他参加你的生日晚会,内容包括:1 .邀请他参加晚会,晚会的时间和地点;2.你的地址以及如何到达;3.你很期待他来。Dear Bob,Next Saturday is my birthday. T m going to(举办生日晚 会)at home. It(将在 7:30 开始). I am writing to invite you to come to my party. I also asked(一些我们其他的同学)and some of my friends.I(住在清晖园

17、路 17 号),Shunde District, Foshan. Let me tell you (如彳可至I这)from our school. First,(走出)our school at Gate5 and then turn left. Next,(沿着街走)and you will see a bus station. You can(坐918路公交车)and get off(在清晖园路站). Finally(过马路)and my home is just on the other side of the road. Itz s a red house with a white d

18、oor. You can t miss it. If you have any problem, please call me.I(期待你的到来).参考答案:Ml作文Good afternoon, everyone! Welcome to our English Broadcast. Here s today s lost and found notice.Yesterday Li Hua lost his schoolbag in the library in a hurry. It is purple. There is a pencil box, an English book and

19、a wallet in it. The pencil box is brown and new. The English book is for Grade Seven. The wallet is black with some money in itLi Hua is worried about his bag now. It is important for him to find the bag because it s a present from his grandmother. He really wants it back!If you find it, please call

20、 Li Hua at 8967 5332 or you can give it to us. Thank you!M2作文Good morning, everyone. I m Paul, a student from Class 1, Grade 7. Today I am glad to have the opportunity to stand here. I want to become one of the Excellent Student Leaders because I want to try my best to help more students(尽全力帮助更多学生).

21、Now I am the class monitor in my class. I not only do well in maths and physics(不仅擅 长数学和物理), but also work hard(而且学习刻苦)so I often get the best score(获得最高分)in school. At the same time, I am friendly to others(又寸他人友善)and I am always ready to help (总是乐于帮助)my classmates so I get on well with them(和他们相处融

22、洽).In addition (it矽卜I can play basketball well(篮球打得好)so I join the school basketball team(加入校篮球队).We can play basketball together and keep fit and healthy(保持健康).Choose me as one of the Excellent Student Leaders, I promise to help(承诺帮助)all ofyou.Thank you.M3作文My family plan to travel outside during t

23、he summer holiday. I would like to plan a five-day trip to Beijing, because Beijing is the capital of our country and my brother would like to visit the great universities in Beijing. Beijing is a liitle far from Guangdong Province, so we are likely to take a plane there.Beijing is a big city with a

24、 long history. There will be many interesting things to do in Beijing. We are also going sightseeing to some places of interest, such as the Great Wall, Forbidden City and Beihai Park. What s more, it s a good idea to enjoy the local food Beijing roast duck. Before leaving, we are going shopping Wan

25、g Fujing Shopping Street to buy some presents for our family.It s so interesting that we all look forward to having fun/enjoying ourselves in Beijing.M4作文Good morning, everyone. I m Kate, a student from Class L Grade 7. Today I m happy for a chance to talk about life in the future.Life in twenty yea

26、rs will be very different. So what will it be like? First of all, I think students won t need to go to school any more. They7 II study at home. With classmates and teachers in the online classrooms and a lot more free time, study will be even more interesting. What s more, robots will help people do

27、 the heavy and difficult work, so people will spend more time doing creative jobs and going sightseeing in different places.I always want to be a teacher in twenty years. As a teacher, Y II meet lots of kids. More importantly, I will be able to help them broaden their minds and give them a good star

28、t in life.To have a better life in the future, I hope we can work harder from now on.M5作文Buying in groupBuying in group is more and more popular nowadays.But I don t like buying in group although (尽管)it can it can save much time and money (省下很多的时间和金钱).Buying in group has some disadvantages (有一些缺点).F

29、irst of all(首 先),the products you buy maybe different from(与不同)what you see 0n the Internet(在网 上).Besides(其次),shopping on the Internet(在网上)is not always safe(安全).Additionally, we can7 t see the products or try on the clothes(试穿衣月员)on the Internet(在网上).Finally(最后), you can t go shopping with your friends face to face(面对面地)and arm in arm(臂挽臂地).So we should be careful with(又寸刁/)the safety(安全)of buying in group. When we pay for (支付)the products, we should choose the safe way. We should choose(选择)the teammates wisely when buying in group.M6作文


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