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《2023年辽宁省本溪市、辽阳市、葫芦岛市中考英语真题卷(含答案与解析).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2023年辽宁省本溪市、辽阳市、葫芦岛市中考英语真题卷(含答案与解析).docx(43页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、A. chancesB. problemsC. habitsD. grades2. While staying in Beijing, the foreigners like toin Beijing hutongs.A. hang outB. bring outC. try outD. set out3. Is thishat?2023年本溪辽阳葫芦岛市初中毕业生学业考试英语试卷考试时间100分钟 试卷满分120分考生注意:请在答题卡各题目规定答题区域内作答,答在本试卷上无效。第一部分选择题(共50分)I .单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)从下面各题的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。

2、easily.1. Thanks to the teachers help I solved all theYes, I got it from my grandfather as a birthday gift.A. hisB. herC. yourD. my4. The tomato and beef soup tastes.Td like a little more.A. harmfulB.funnyC. terribleD. delicious5. Is this red jacket Tonys?No, itbe his. He doesnt like red.A. cantB. m

3、ustntC. needntD. wouldntthe rain stops.6. Its raining too hard outside. We wont leaveA. ifB. afterC. whenD. untilonline.A cheaplyB. badlyC. activelyD. safely7. My mother was very happy because she bought a beautiful scarfJohns English is the8.I have trouble with my English.in our class. You can ask

4、him for help.A. worstB. bestC. fastestD. slowestof them had it.9.1 tried to buy the dictionary in two bookstores, butA. bothB.allC. neitherD. none59 .世界上越来越多的人喜欢学习汉语。like to learn Chinese in the world.60 .下周我们学校将有一个艺术节。an art festival in our school next week.61 .多美的一首诗啊!62 .这个男孩经常被他的老师们表扬。63 .我爸爸买这辆

5、轿车已经五年了。(B)语篇翻译(共2小题,每小题2分,共4分)。阅读下面短文,将短文中画线部分的句子译成中文。Happy birthday! You have grown a little more. Everybody has a birthday party every year. But what abouttrees? Trees dont have birthday parties. They have rings (年轮).How can we know a trees age? 1. We can count its rings. The rings are inside the

6、 trunk (树干).A ring has a light part and a dark part. The light parts show winter and spring. The dark parts show summer and autumn. Each tree ring means one year. So an old tree has many rings.2. If you want to see the rings inside a tree, you need to cut it down. But no one wants to do that.VD.完形填空

7、(共10小题,每空1分,共10分)根据短文内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文完整、正确(每个词只能用一次,有两个多余词)。shape awful make too either become middle and special leave without historyThere is lots of delicious food in Xinjiang. But no food is as 66 as nang(馔)It is usually round and flat (平的),thick on the edge (边缘)and thin in the 67. The food

8、 is quite popular in Xinjiang. People theresay they can go a day if they dont eat meat, but cant live a day 68nang. As fbr visitors, they cant miss it, 69.Nang has different sizes, tastes and 70. Its not difficult to make nang. It is made of flour (面粉).71nang more delicious, people add sesame (芝麻),m

9、ilk, sugar, salt, meat or other things to it. Hot nang tastes good. You can have it with tea, soup or other things.Nang has a 72 of over 2,000 years. Here is a story about the start of the special food. On a very hot day, a man found some dough (生面团)was73 outside and was cooked (熟的). It smelt and ta

10、sted good.He shared the food with others 74 they all liked it. Then people began to make the food and it 75 more and more popular.Now nang is very popular in Xinjiang. Many people in other parts of China are also trying the special food and falling in love with it.VI任务型阅读(共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)Passage 5阅

11、读下面短文,简略回答所提出的问题。When people around the world talk about ping-pong, they must think of China. Without doubt, ping-pong has been Chinas national sport fbr a long time. Why do Chinese ping-pong players always dominate (称霸)the worlds major (主要的)ping-pong events (比赛项目)? One of the reasons is that there

12、is a large fan base (基础)for the sport in China. Almost everyone can play a little. You can hear the sound of ping-pong almost everywhere in China. People of all ages like this kind of sport.My father, for example, has played it for more than 50 years. Every day, he goes to the park and plays ping- p

13、ong with his old friends for two hours. It is part of his life. He was even named one of the “Beijing Masters (高 手)“ when he was 70.Not only the old people, but also kids are practicing hard in any ping-pong club in China. Many children hopethat they can be excellent players one day. The great playe

14、rs9 spirit of never giving up encourages the young to stick to their dreams. Also, many kids say playing ping-pong helps them relax after doing schoolwork.Chinese people take part in this sport, not only to win, but also to have fun, to socialize (社交)and to live a healthy life.76. Who always dominat

15、es the worlds major ping-pong events?77. How long has the writers father played ping-pong?78. What does the great players spirit encourage the young to do?79. Why do many kids play ping-pong after doing schoolwork?80. Do Chinese people play ping-pong just to win?Passage 6阅读下面短文,完成表格。As we all know,

16、food waste can be seen everywhere. To help deal with it, our whole class did a survey. Here is the food waste report.In homesWe find that there is serious food waste in homes. Some people finish only about half of the meat, vegetables or fruit they have already bought. They throw away the rest of th

17、e food. Some people dont check what food they have before shopping. So its wise for people to plan meals. They should check what is in their fridges. And they can read some books about cooking to deal with the food they have.In schoolsA lot of food is wasted in schools. Too much food is ordered from

18、 food suppliers (供应商).Many students often dont like the food that their schools serve them. So schools should order less food. And students should be educated to know the importance of saving food. They can also play a part in deciding menus with the school cooks.In restaurantsFood waste is a seriou

19、s problem here. Too many fresh ingredients (食材)are ordered every day. And food goes stale (不新鲜的)soon and is wasted during cooking. Some restaurants serve customers more than they can eat up.For these reasons, food must be properly stored (储存)and kept at the right temperature. And customers should be

20、 encouraged to take away the food they cant eat up.A Food Waste ReportIntroductionSuggestionsIn homesSome people eat half of the food and throw away81.Some people dont check what food they have before shopping.They should plan meals82.They should check the food in their fridges.They should read book

21、s about cooking.In schoolsSchools order too much food.Students waste the food they dont like.Schools should order less food.Students should know ifs important to83and they can play a part in deciding menus.84Some restaurants order too many ingredients.Restaurants serve customers more than they can e

22、at up.Food must be properly stored and kept85.Customers should take away the food they cant eat up.X.书面表达(共20分)根据要求完成小作文。(共5分)86 .学校将举办九年级学生毕业典礼(graduation ceremony) o请你以班长刘丽的名义,向各位家长发出 邀请。请家长和孩子于7月7日上午9点准时到达学校操场,参加典礼并观看表演。短文开头已给出,不计 入总词数。词数:30词左右。Dear parents,Our school will hold a graduation cerem

23、ony for the students in Grade Nine.Liu Li根据要求完成大作文。(共15分)87 .同学们,我们的班级将开启一次愉快的毕业之旅,每名同学都可以参与这次旅行的策划。假如你是 王海,请用英文给班主任吴老师写一封电子邮件,从旅行地点、所带物品及师生活动等方面,谈谈你的想法。 词数:80100词。要求:(1)语意连贯,层次清晰,书写规范。(2)文中包括所提示内容,可适当发挥,但不得出现真实姓名和校名。(3)邮件开头已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Ms. Wu,Im happy to hear that our class is going to take a gr

24、aduationtrip.Yours,Wang Hai参考答案I .单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)从下面各题的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。1. Thanks to the teachers help, I solved all the easily.A. chancesB. problemsC. habitsD. grades【解析】【详解】句意:多亏了老师的帮助,我轻而易举地解决了所有的问题。考查名词辨析。chances 机会;problems 问题;habits 习惯;grades 成绩。根据“Thanks to the teachers help,I solved all

25、the”可知是在老师的帮助下,解决了所有问题。故选B。2. While staying in Beijing, the foreigners like to in Beijing hutongs.A. hang outB. bring outC. try outD. set out【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:在北京逗留期间,外国人喜欢在北京的胡同里闲逛。考查动词短语。hang out闲逛;bring out生产;try out试验;set out出发。根据“in Beijing比可知, 指在胡同里闲逛,故选A。3. Is thishat?一Yes, I got it from my gra

26、ndfather as a birthday gift.A. hisB. herC. yourD. my【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意: 这是你的帽子吗? 是的,这是我祖父送给我的生日礼物。考查代词辨析。his他的;her她的;your你的;my我的。根据“Yes, I got it firom my grandfather as a birthday gift.”可知,是问对方这是否是“你”的帽子,应用第二人称,故选C。4. The tomato and beef soup tastes, Id like a little more.A. harmfulB. funnyC. terrible

27、D. delicious【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:西红柿牛肉汤尝起来很美味。我还想再来一点。考查形容词辨析。harmful有害的;funny搞笑的;terrible糟糕的;delicious美味的。根据“Fd like a little more可说明西红柿牛肉汤尝起来很美味,故选D。5. 一Is this red jacket Tonys?-No, it be his. He doesnt like red.A. cantB. mustntC. needntD. wouldnt【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意: 这件红夹克是托尼的吗? 不,不可能是他的。他不喜欢红色。考查情态动词。can

28、t不可能;mustnt禁止;neednt不需耍;wouldnt将不。根据He doesnt like red.”可知 这件红夹克不可能是托尼的,表示有把握的否定推测应用cant故选A。6. Its raining too hard outside. We won9t leave the rain stops.A. ifB. afterC. whenD. until【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:外面雨下得太大了。雨停了我们才能离开。考查连词辨析。if如果;after在之后;when当时候;until直到。此处是notuntil直至才”结构,故选D。7. My mother was very h

29、appy because she bought a beautiful scarf online.A. cheaplyB. badlyC. activelyD. safely【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:我妈妈很高兴,因为她在网上便宜地买了一条漂亮的围巾。考查副词辨析。cheaply便宜地;badly差地;actively积极地;safely安全地。根据“My mother was very happy because she bought.可知,妈妈高兴是因为以低价买到了漂亮的围巾。故选A。8. I have trouble with my English.一Johns English i

30、s the in our class. You can ask him for help.A. worstB. bestC. fastestD. slowest【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意: 我的英语有困难。约翰的英语是我们班最好的。你可以找他帮忙。考查形容词辨析。worst最坏的;best最好的;fastest最快的;slowest最慢的。根据“I have trouble with myEnglish.”和“You can ask him for help丁可知英语有问题可以找约翰帮忙,说明约翰的英语很好,故选B。9.1 tried to buy the dictionary in tw

31、o bookstores, but of them had it.A. bothB. allC. neitherD. none【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:我试着在两家书店买这本字典,但它们都没有卖。考查代词辨析。both (两者)者B; all (三者及以上)者卜neither (两者)都不;none (三者及以上)者 不。根据tried to buy the dictionary in two bookstores, but.可知,这两家书店都没有我想买的书。故选 Co10. 一Will Mr. Li come to the party?Yes. He my invitation hap

32、pily.A. reachedB. acceptedC. achievedD. expressed【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:李先生会来参加聚会吗? 是的。他愉快地接受了我的邀请。考查动词辨析。reached到达;accepted接受;achieved实现;expressed表达。根据“my invitation”可知,是 接受了我的邀请,会来参加聚会。故选B。11. _is it from your home to school?一About three kilometers.A. How longB. How muchC. How farD. How often【答案】C【解析】【详解

33、】句意:从你家到学校有多远? 大约三公里。考查特殊疑问句。How long多长,多久;How much多少,多少钱;How far多远;How often多久一次。根据About three kilometers.”可知,问句询问距离多远。故选C。12. ril visit the old peoples home this weekend, but I dont know.一You can ride a bike.A. how I should go thereB. who I should go withC. when I should come backD. where I should

34、 stay【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意: 这个周末我要去敬老院,但我不知道该怎么去。你可以骑自行车。考查宾语从句。how I should go there我该怎么去那儿;who I should go with我该和谁一起去;when I should come back我什么时候回来;where I should stay我该待在哪里。根据You can ride a bike.”可知,是指去敬 老院的方式,应用how引导宾语从句,故选A。13. The boys the exciting soccer game when the teacher came in.A. talked ab

35、outB. talk aboutC. were talking aboutD. will talk about【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:当老师进来时,男孩们正在谈论那场激动人心的足球比赛。考查动词时态。根据when the teacher came in.”可知此处是含有when的过去进行时,主句用过去进行时, 从句用一般过去式,故选C。14. We should beour parents. They have done a lot for us.A. thirsty forB. thankful toC. angry withD. similar to【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:

36、我们应该感谢我们的父母。他们为我们做了很多。考查形容词短语辨析。be thirsty for渴望;be thankful to对感谢;be angry with对生气;be similarto 与相似。根据“We should be . our parents. They have done a lot for us”可知,父母为我们做了很多,所以我们要感谢他们,故选B。15. 一I will take the PE test tomorrow.A. Sounds goodB. Hurry upC. No wayD. Good luck【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:我明天要参加体育考试。祝你

37、好运!考查情景交际。Sounds good听起来不错;Hurry up快点;No way没门;Good luck祝你好运。对方耍参加 考试,空处应对此表达祝愿。故选D。II .补全对话(共5小题,每空1分,共5分)从所给的选项中选择恰当的句子完成此对话(有两个多余选项)。A: Hi, Lin Tao! I heard your speech was successful yesterday. Congratulations (祝贺)!B: 16A: Its a pity that I missed it. 17B: It was about traditional Chinese medici

38、ne.A: Traditional Chinese medicine? 18B: By joining a club.A: Im interested in traditional Chinese medicine, too. 19B: This Sunday morning. 20A: Sure, Id love to.C: Lefs meet at 8: 00 a. in. at the school gate.A: OK. See you!A. Of course.B. Thank you.C. What was it about?D. Where was it from?E. Woul

39、d you like to go with me?F. How do you know so much about it?G. When will you go to the club next time?【答案】16.B17. C 18. F 19. G 20. E【解析】【导语】本文是A和B的对话,内容主要是关于B做的关于中医的演讲以及B邀请A 一起去俱乐部。【16题详解】根据Congratulations (祝贺)!”可知,对于他人的祝贺要表示感谢,选项B“谢谢你! ”符合语境,故选B。【17题详解】根据It was about traditional Chinese medicine”

40、可知,问演讲是关于什么的,选项C是关于什么的?“符合 语境,故选C。18题详解】根据By joining a club.”可知,是问方式,选项F“你怎么知道这么多? ”符合语境,故选F。【19题详解】根据This Sunday morning”可是,是问时间,选项G“你下次什么时候去俱乐部? ”符合语境,故选G。【20题详解】根据“Sure,d love to”可知,此处表示邀请,选项E “你愿意和我一起去吗? ”符合语境,故选E。m.完形填空(共io小题,每空1分,共io分)根据短文内容,从各题所给的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。10. 一Will Mr. Li come to the par

41、ty?Yes. He my invitation happily.A. reachedB. acceptedC. achieved11. _is it from your home to school?一About three kilometers.A. How longB. How muchC. How far12. ril visit the old peoples home this weekend, but I dont know. 一You can ride a bike.A. how I should go thereB. who I should go withC. when I

42、 should come backD. where I should stay13. The boys the exciting soccer game when the teacher came in.A. talked aboutB. talk aboutC. were talking aboutD. will talk about14. We should be our parents. They have done a lot for us.A. thirsty forB. thankful toC. angry with15. 一I will take the PE test tom

43、orrow.A. Sounds goodB. Hurry upC. No wayII .补全对话(共5小题,每空1分,共5分)从所给的选项中选择恰当的句子完成此对话(有两个多余选项)。A: Hi, Lin Tao! I heard your speech was successful yesterday. Congratulations (祝贺)!B: 16A: Its a pity that I missed it. 17B: It was about traditional Chinese medicine.A: Traditional Chinese medicine? 18B: By

44、joining a club.A: Im interested in traditional Chinese medicine, too. 19B: This Sunday morning. 20A: Sure, Id love to.D. expressedD. How oftenD. similar toD. Good luckC: Lefs meet at 8: 00 a. m. at the school gate.T worked in a small office. I shared a small 21 with another three persons. In that sm

45、all fridge, there was a water filter pitcher (滤水壶).One person said the water in it tasted dirty”. It went on 22 a few days. And she was very 23 that I could still drink the water without any trouble. That made me think there was something wrong with my taste buds (味蕾).24 I was wrong. My taste buds w

46、ere OK. And the waterreally tasted fine.25、she found out the problem. It wasnt the water. It was her cup. She just 26 to clean hercup, so after a while, the water looked dirty. She cleaned her cup, then drank the water with no problem.I start to 27 the world we live in. When we meet problems, we 28blame (指责)otherpeople and other things without thinking twice. The world isnt perfect, I know. But I think we should ask29 some questions: What is the problem? Did I make a 30? How can I correct it? Can I bebetter?I want to tell you that you should always clean your own cup. Because when you do, t


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