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《【课件】Unit+1Reading+and+thinking+课件人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册+.pptx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【课件】Unit+1Reading+and+thinking+课件人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册+.pptx(30页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、选择性必修二Unit 1 T o r a i se n ew q u est i on s,n ew po s s ibilitie s,to regard old problems from a new angle,requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science.Albert Einstein&Leopold Infeld 提出新的问题,发现新的可能,从新的角度审视已存在的问题,这些需要创造性的想象力,并标志着科学的真正进步。阿尔伯特爱因斯坦 利奥波德英费尔德Understand the questioning

2、mind1 Discuss the following stages of scientific research in groups.What order would you put them in?P.22 Skim the passage to see if the order you decided in Activity 1 was correct.P.23 Read the passage again and complete the chart below.4 Match the following headers with the letters from the chart

3、above.Write AE in the blanks.P.3airfood or watermarked on a mapdiedwater pumphadntdrinking water from the pumpcholera germshandleDCBEA5 Write out the questions according to the answers.P.3did Snow think caused cholera did Snow have the handle of the pump removed?was the cholera threat defeated 6 In

4、groups,discuss the following questions.P.3 He used maps and statistics to analyse where the deaths occurred.He didnt use a microscope,for example.He didnt test the water,nor did he draw blood or examine patients.The reason he did not use medical equipment such as a microscope was that they did not e

5、xist during his time.Further,understanding of germs and bacteria was still developing,and so he had to innovate methods himself based on the theory he believed.1 What was the most important tool Snow used to defeat cholera?What common medical tools,e.g.,a microscope,didnt he use?Why?2 How has John S

6、nows work affected our daily lives?Snows work has provided readily available clean water to drink,for example,as well as an emphasis on hygiene such as the need to wash hands after they become dirty.He also showed how to prevent cholera epidemics,and transformed the way scientists study diseases,whi

7、ch has allowed for(顾 及)more protection from once common diseases such as cholera.germ和bacteria的区别:前者指病菌等有害细菌,而后者包括有益的和有害的细菌Language study2 Skim the passage to see if the order you decided in Activity 1 was correct.P.2cholera U 霍乱(malaria U 疟疾;tuberculosis U 结核病 pneumonia U 肺炎 influenza U 流感)stroke C

8、 中风;卒中 heart attack C 心脏病发作 headache C 头疼 cold C 伤风、感冒cancer C&U 癌症 fever C&U 发烧、发热_2 Skim the passage to see if the order you decided in Activity 1 was correct.P.2defeat vt.(在战争战争战争战争、竞争、比赛等中)打败、战胜(敌人、对手)(问题等)把某人难住;使失败 C&U 失败;战胜、击败e.g.The French defeated the English troops.(战争中打败)The United States

9、were defeated by 3 goals to 2 at last.(比赛中战胜、打败)The last question on the paper defeated the majority of students.(难住)Unfortunately,they suffered a narrow defeat in the final.(C 惜败)beat vt.(在下棋等游戏、径赛、比赛或选举等中)战胜、打败、击败(对手)胜过、比强win vt.(宾语通常是战争、战斗、胜利、游戏、比赛、名次或奖等而不能是敌人或对手)e.g.The Democrats defeated/beat t

10、he Republicans and Joe Biden won the presidency._法国人打败英国军队。美国队最后以3比2落败。试卷上的最后一道题把大多数学生难住了。不幸的是,他们在决赛中惜败。民主党(Democrats)战胜共和党(Republicans),乔拜登(Joe Biden)赢得总统职位。王蓓叶子娴张卓妍陈欢张宇鑫2 Skim the passage to see if the order you decided in Activity 1 was correct.P.2overcome vt.克服(困难)、控制住(某情感);解决(问题等);受到(情绪)困扰、影响;战

11、胜e.g.The two parties have to overcome their differences on the issue.(弥合分歧)In the final game,Sweden easily overcame France.(战胜、打败)Her parents were overcome with grief at the funeral.(受情绪困扰)We should try our best to overcome all difficulties to achieve our goals.(克服)_两党得弥合弥合关于这个问题的分歧。决赛中,瑞典队轻松战胜了战胜了法

12、国队。葬礼上,她的父母悲痛欲绝。我们应尽力克服一切困难实现我们的目标。2 Skim the passage to see if the order you decided in Activity 1 was correct.P.2hit vt.&vi.(疫情、灾难等突然)侵袭、发生在(某地)e.g.Typhoons often hit coastal provinces.(袭击;侵袭;发生在)Now and then earthquakes hit Sichuan Province._台风常常发生在发生在沿海省份。四川时常发生发生地震。2 Skim the passage to see if

13、the order you decided in Activity 1 was correct.P.2rise to become 逐渐成为(某领域得重要人物)e.g.After years of hard work,he rose to become chairman of the company.China is rising to become one of the super powers._2 Skim the passage to see if the order you decided in Activity 1 was correct.P.2attend to 处理、料理(事务

14、)e.g.I may be late I have got one or two things to attend to.(处理)I have some urgent business to attend to before I go out._2 Skim the passage to see if the order you decided in Activity 1 was correct.P.2give birth(to sb.)分娩分娩、(妇女)生(孩子)e.g.At 9:40 Claudia gave birth to a nine-pound baby boy.Two years

15、 after she was married,she gave birth to a female child._2 Skim the passage to see if the order you decided in Activity 1 was correct.P.2theory 理论、原理、原则 U (未证明的)推测、看法、意见看法、意见 C e.g.Theory is only valuable when it serves practice.(理论)At times,there are various theories about the same issue.(看法、意见)_2

16、Skim the passage to see if the order you decided in Activity 1 was correct.P.2subscribe to sth.同意同意、赞成赞成(某观点);持有(某意见)e.g.The authorities no longer subscribe to the view that disabled people are unsuitable as teachers.I subscribe to the view that education can change ones life._2 Skim the passage to

17、see if the order you decided in Activity 1 was correct.P.2proof U (&C)(证明某情况属实的)证据、证明证据、证明 evidence U 证据、依据;(法律上的)证据e.g.Can you provide any proof of identity?There is no proof that he is to blame for the accident.(没有证据证明)Do you have any proof that the document is authentic?(你有证据证明吗?)Some witnesses w

18、ere asked to give evidence at the trial.(作证)_2 Skim the passage to see if the order you decided in Activity 1 was correct.P.2severe adj.(语气比serious重,指疾病、损害等负面情况难以忍受地)极其严重极其严重 e.g.The Covid-19 pandemic has caused severe impact on the whole society.The fire caused severe property damage and casualties

19、(伤亡).serious(各种情况下需引起关注的)严重、重要严重、重要 e.g.Were facing a serious environmental crisis that requires immediate action.He made a serious mistake that cost the company thousands of dollars._2 Skim the passage to see if the order you decided in Activity 1 was correct.P.2why adv.(引导表示原因的名词从句或替代上文涉及地某一名词从句)的

20、原因的原因e.g.She had to pick up her daughter from school.Thats why she left so early.I know you were absent from school yesterday.I just want to know why(you were absent).注意:大多数其它wh-引导词引导的名词从句也能承上省略前面已经出现的主谓结构省略前面已经出现的主谓结构:e.g.Id like to help in some way,but Im not sure how(I can help).He came to see me

21、 once,but I dont remember when(he came to see me).Someone has taken away my dictionary by mistake,but I dont know who(has taken it)._她得去接她的女儿下学。这就是她那么早走的原因她那么早走的原因。我知道你昨天没来上学。我就是想知道原因原因。我想帮点忙,可不知道该怎么做怎么做。他来看过我一次,但我不记得那是什么什么时候候。有人误拿走了我的词典,但我不知是谁。杨迪余奥匡琳淼胡静雲王思辰P.2begin/start by doing sth.先做先做 e.g.Ill b

22、egin by thanking you all for being here tonight.At the meeting,he started by explaining some basic legal concepts._首先我要感谢大家今晚来到这里。龚晨钰会上,他先解释了一些基本的法律概念。何千一P.2Snow began by marking on a map the exact places where all those who died had lived._ 主语 谓语 介词+动名词动名词(作状语作状语)动名词状语 marking的宾语 修饰动名词的宾语的定语从句 修饰th

23、ose的定语从句 主 句 P.2multiple adj.多个多个 death U 死亡死亡 C 死亡的人死亡的人e.g.He died of multiple injuries.(多处受伤)There is a growing number of traffic deaths with private cars increasing._P.2household C(同一屋居住的一家人)家庭;户家庭;户 e.g.Most households now own at least one car.The average American household consisted of 2.5 peo

24、ple in 2022.In 2021,there were about 83.91 households counted in the United States._P.2suspect vt.(认为某一不好的情况发生了)怀疑怀疑、觉得、觉得 (肯定肯定肯定肯定一种不好的事情一种不好的事情)doubt vt.(认为某情况不一定是真的或不可能)怀疑、不信怀疑、不信(否定否定否定否定一种不一定不好的事情一种不一定不好的事情)e.g.She strongly suspected that her husband was lying to her.(怀疑)He was suspected of gi

25、ving away secrets to the enemy.(涉嫌)I suspected her motives(动机)in offering to help.You can complain,but I doubt if itll make any difference._P.2Sb./sth.is to blame for sth.(某人或某物)应该对应该对负责负责;(某事的发生)应该怪某人应该怪某人/某物某物 e.g.Online games are to blame for some students failure to progress.The United States is

26、 largely to blame for the suffering of Ukrainian people._P.2accordingly adv.(根据前面所说或所做的)相应地;相应地;(连接句子)从而、因此从而、因此e.g.His mother still considers him a child and treats him accordingly.(相应地)Some laws were contradictory,accordingly,measures were taken to clarify them.(因而)_P.2stop(sth./sb.)(dead)in its/o

27、nes tracks(突然)停下脚步停下脚步;使突然使突然停止、中断停止、中断(进行的事)e.g.The conspiracy(密谋)was stopped in its tracks soon after it started.The gunshot in the distance stopped us dead in our tracks.They stopped in their tracks and stared at him in amazement._阴谋刚开始不久就被阻止了。远处的枪声让我们停下了脚步。他们停下脚步,惊奇地盯着他。P.3raw adj.(食材)生的、未烹制的生的、

28、未烹制的;(材料等)自然状态的、未经加工的;自然状态的、未经加工的;(信息等)原始的、未处理的原始的、未处理的 (人)没经验的、不熟练的没经验的、不熟练的e.g.How can raw food be preserved longer?_P.3tireless efforts(不知疲倦的努力)不懈努力不懈努力 e.g.Tireless efforts will eventually pay off.We should make tireless efforts to realize our ambitions._不懈的努力不懈的努力终将有回报。我们应该为实现我们的抱负而不懈努力不懈努力。P.3世界各地的霍乱威胁世界各地的霍乱威胁大大大大大大大大减少。减少。(sawsaw的的的的拟人用法拟人用法)substantial adj.(数量、价值或重要性等)大;大量的;重大的大;大量的;重大的e.g.We have the support of a substantial number of parents.(相当多的)The document requires substantial changes.(文件需要作大量修改。)_


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