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1、宁波市2023年初中学业水平考试英语试题考生须知:L全卷分试题卷I、试题卷II和答题卷。试题卷共8页,有6个大题,61个小题,满分为95 分。考试时长为90分钟。J甘您口 9 m对您住 1 口1百汆伍甘您爸 1匹咏江且Hi 用韦休不、休仲3。付用您也 II答案用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔书写,答案必须按照题号顺序在答题卷II各题目规定区域内 作答,做在试题卷上或超出答题区域书写的答案无效。试题卷I一、完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共计15分)佳选项。阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出My grandfather often said “I wont to show h

2、is dislike of dishonesty (不诚实).When he was young, he worked a furniture (家具)maker. One day, a neighbor invited him to make some furniture. When arriving, he noticed the wood provided was a little 2 so he said, I wont start right away. He chose to let the wood dry for a month. He knew working with we

3、t wood could cause 3 later on.Around the same time, another furniture maker was also asked for a 4 job by a different family. Unlike my grandfather, he 5 working right away. As a result, the neighbor started doubting my grandfather, thinking he was trying to make more money by 6 the work. However, m

4、y grandfather waited 7, Hewanted the best quality for the furniture he was making.A month later, the other furniture maker received his 8 and went back home. My grandfather began to 9 strong and beautiful furniture when the wood was completely dry. A few months passed and the furniture made by that

5、maker began to break. The neighbor then regretted 10 my grandfather and said sorry to him. People came to understand his 11 and skill, spreading his fame far and wide.Influenced by my grandfather, my father also follows the 12of I wont”. He always provides thefreshest food, which makes his restauran

6、t very 13 in town. Once a trader wanted to sell some cheap but smelly seafood to my father, he said “No!” and stopped the 14.Now, my brother and I keep in mind 15 our grandfather and father taught us. Through ups and downs in life, weve come to deeply understand our family value behind this saying一t

7、o be truthful and honest. 1. A. asB.byC.likeD.with2. A. hardB.lightC.softD.wet3. A. fireB.illnessC.pollutionD.problems4. A. magicB. normalC. similarD. special5.A. beganB. canceledC. keptD. stopped6. A. checking outB. giving upC. putting offD. turning down7. A. excitedlyB. patientlyC. sadlyD. worried

8、ly8. A. foodB. furnitureC. moneyD. wood9. A. cleanB. makeC. moveD. repair10. A. answeringB. believingC. comfortingD. doubting11. A. fairnessB. honestyC. loveD. politeness12. A. joyB. planC.shapeD. value13. A. beautifulB. convenientC. peacefulD. popular14. A. businessB. competitionC. interviewD. surv

9、ey15. A. howB. whatC. whenD. why二、阅读理解(本题有15小题,每小题2分,共计30分)阅读下面材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。(A)How can I help you?Dr. Know will try her best to help with all your problems.Dear Doctor,I am a sixteen-year-old student and Ive been experiencing lots of back pain and headaches lately. Vm unsure about the

10、 cause. Like some of my friends, I spend my evenings playing computer games and surfing the internet. Whats more, I carry a heavy schoolbag to school daily. Tm just an ordinary student, but these health problems are starting to worry me. What can I do?AdamDear Adam,Im unable to tell you exactly what

11、s wrong, but I can offer some advice. First of all, dont spend too much time on your computer, and stop using it late at night. Its important for teenagers to get enough sleep. Also, you get headaches from looking at computer screens for a long time. If you sit on a chair for long, it can make your

12、back sore too. As for your schoolbag, its important to manage its weight. Take anything you dont need out of your schoolbag. If possible, leave some books or materials at school.I hope my advice is helpful. Anyway, I strongly recommend (推荐)you visit a local doctor for that.Dr. Know16. How does Adam

13、probably feel about his situation?A. Angry.B. Excited.C. Happy.D. Worried.17. Which of the following is Dr. Knows advice for Adam?A. To see a local doctor.B. To leave all books at school.C. To take some medicine.D. To stop using his computer.18. In which section of a newspaper may this passage appea

14、r?A. Science StudyB. Sports NewsC. Teenagers LifeD. Travel Stories(B)It was the last day of the school year. The classroom was filled with excitement. When our teacher, Mr. Johnson, walked in, holding a CD player, everyones face lit up with a smile. We knew that this wasnt going to be another normal

15、 day, but a special one.“Please calm down and sit J said Mr. Johnson, Im glad everyones here for the final reading test of the year.” When everyone cried, Mr. Johnson laughed, saying it was just a joke. Then he reminded us that we still had a job to do“You need to clean out your desks and put all yo

16、ur things into your backpacks,“ he added gently.As we began our task, Mr. Johnson turned on the CD player. The lively music made the room feel like a party. Some of us started singing along with the music, others were dancing around their desks while they were cleaning themout. Even Mr. Johnson show

17、ed us a few dance steps, making everyone laugh heartily. After we finished cleaning, someone asked, When is break time?” Mr. Johnson took out some balls and started playing with them. Suddenly, he let the balls drop and said, Break time starts . now!”Just as we were about to rush out, our headmaster

18、, Mrs. Miller, appeared at the door. Mr. Johnson!, she cried out. A moment of silence fell over the room as we thought, Mr. Johnson might be in trouble. However, to our surprise, Mrs. Miller couldnt help but laugh at the sight and left us to enjoy our break.During break time Mr. Johnson surprised us

19、 with another treat. He went to the cafe and came back with icecreams for everyone. We all cheered for him!As we walked back to the classroom, we passed Mrs. Millers office. Someone joked, Dont play with the ice creams, Mr. Johnson! We all laughed together.19. What is the correct order of the follow

20、ing activities?Mr Johnson played with balls. Students got ice creams happily.Students did the cleaning.Mr. Johnson joked about having a test.A.B.C.D.20. What does the underlined word them in Paragraph 3 refer to?A. Balls.B. CDs.C. Desks.D. Backpacks.21. Which sentence in the passage shows that the h

21、eadmaster is kind?A.Mrs. Miller, appeared at the door.B. Mr. Johnson might be in trouble.C. Mrs. Miller couldnt help but laugh.D. “Mr. Johnson! she cried out.22. Which of the following most probably happened at the end of the story?A. The students went back home happily.B. Mr. Johnson became angry w

22、ith the students.C. The students still had a reading test.D. Mrs. Miller came out running afterthe students.(C)Have you ever thought about whats more important, looking fashionable or feeling comfortable? You might have noticed many people choosing style over comfort and some even go to extremes (极立

23、用)to follow fashion. But we should remember: being fashionable isnt everything. Its more important to be healthy.Some people believe that they need to be a certain size to look good. So, they start extreme diets (日常饮 食)that are not good for their health. They might not eat meals or eat too little, w

24、hich can make them feel sick. Is it a healthy way to live?Also, many girls wear shoes with very high heels. They might think high heels make them look taller. But these shoes can actually hurt their feet and make it hard to walk comfortably, and it can increase risks of falls. Some even wear tight (

25、紧的)clothes that influence blood circulation (循环)making it hard to breathe. Should we put fashion over comfort and physical health?Besides, some boys and girls spend a lot of time and money changing their hair color. The material they use is usually harmful to their health. To make their hair straigh

26、t or curly, they also use tools that are hot enough to burn their hair. But using these tools too often or at very high temperatures can make the hair dry or even burnt. Is it really worth it to risk our health, spending so much time and money?So, lefs rethink whafs really important. Is it fashion o

27、r is it our well-being? Clothes or hairstyles dont tell us anything about a persons character. Instead of spending a lot of time choosing clothes, we could use that time to do fun things with friends. And instead of following extreme diets, lets eat properly and exercise regularly. Remember, your wo

28、rth is not decided by your appearance, but by who you are as a person.23. Why do some people go on extreme diets according to the passage?A. Because the diets are healthy.B. Because they just want to look good.C. Because they want to save time.D. Because they want to save money.24. What is the write

29、rs purpose of using a question in each paragraph?A. To ask for help from readers.C. To describe the latest fashion.B. To tell how to spend time and money.D. To lead readers to think about the topic.A. Growth.B. Health.C. Warmth.D. Wealth.25. What does the underlined word well-being“ in Paragraph 5 m

30、ean?26. Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage?(D)Plants are more than just pretty to look at. They give us fruits, vegetables and food we eat. Some plants even provide materials for medicine or building things. But do you know that plants can do something even more amazing?

31、They can make our homes, schools and workplaces much healthier.We spend a large part of our day indoors. Unluckily, the air inside buildings can often be full of chemicals (化 学物质) from many things around us. This poor air quality (质量)can make us feel sick, causing sore eyes and throats, and even mak

32、ing it hard for us to breathe. When the air inside buildings gets really bad, people even call them “sick buildings”.The good news is that plants are like natures little superheroes. They have a magic power fighting against bad air. Plants breathe in carbon dioxide (CO2) and breathe out oxygen (O2)

33、which we humans need to live. They can also add moisture to the air if its too dry, making it more comfortable for us to breathe.Scientists have discovered that plants have the ability to take in harmful chemicals, making the air around us safer to breathe. They set up a completely closed building c

34、alled “bio-home“ fbr experiments. Before they added plants, the air inside was full of chemicals and people found it hard to breathe. But after they added plants, the air got much cleaner and it became easier to breathe. To make the air inside even better, the scientists used different kinds of plan

35、ts. After a while, the building wasnt a sick building“ any more. People could go inside without feeling unwell.So you see, plants are fantastic! They are not only beautiful to look at, but they also provide us with food, help create materials and play an important role in our health. They make our i

36、ndoor environments cleaner and healthier, making us feel better. Next time you see a plant, remember all the amazing things it can do for us!27. Which of the following is one way for plants to improve the air inside buildings?B. They produce oxygen.D. They make the air dry.A. They breathe out carbon

37、 dioxide.C. They give out harmful chemicals.28. Which can be the best to fill in the blank in Paragraph 4?A. But the most amazing thing plants can do is to clean the air.B. But one interesting thing plants can do is to build things.C. But plants can provide what humans need to eat.D. But plants can

38、be used to make medicine for humans.29. How does the writer support his opinion about plants improving air quality?B. By providing numbers and forms.D. By using scientific experiments.B. Plants make people look much better.D. Plants make it easier to build houses.A. By telling personal experiences.C

39、. By questioning famous scientists.30. What does the writer mainly want to tell us?A. Plants are important for providing food.C. Plants are good for indoor environments.三、任务型阅读(本题有5小题,每小题1分,共计5分)你所在的社区面向中小学生推出了丰富多彩的公益性暑期课程。假如你是志愿者,请为以下课程找到对应 的广告词(AF)。选项中有一项为多余选项。Energetic Community CenterNew courses

40、 starting now!B. Make Delicious Treats! Learn to make yummy cakes, cookies and tasty desserts. Join our class and become a master baker!C. Learn to Talk Confidently! Overcome your fear of speaking in front of others. Our class will teach you to be calm and sound confident. Get ready to shine!D. Reth

41、ink, Reuse, Recycle! Join our class and make cool cards, pretty bags and cute soft toys with used things. Let your creativity shine!E. Make Your Home Beautiful! Join us and learn easy tips to make your home welcoming with plants like roses, carnations, etc. Create a space you,ll love!F. Jump and Sta

42、y Fit! From beginner to advanced, explore different skipping styles to keep your body strong and healthy. Come and have fun while exercising!F Let Your Imagination Fly! Use bottles to create and send up your very own rockets. Show off your skills and have an amazing time!Come and join us for fun and

43、 fitness!试题卷II 四、词汇运用(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共计15分) A.根据下列句子及所给汉语注释,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式(每空一词)。31. Every time I meet difficulties, I always say to(我自己),“Yes, I can!32. If Mike works hard his(梦想)of being a scientist will come true.33. Clear waters and(绿色)mountains are as important as gold and silver.34. We help the

44、farmers near our school to pick(西红柿)every year.35. At last, the panda Yaya was(归还)to China in April.36. We should(从彳:)forget the people who have helped us.37. A Chinese-made C919 plane(降落)safely in Beijing on May 28, 2023.38. Simon talks about and(分享)everything with his parents.39. Dont trouble trou

45、ble(直至U) trouble troubles you.40. Tm proud of being Chinese because China is one of the(最伟大的)countries in the world.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次(每空一词)。nearby happen steal hour feelLast year, my friends and I went on a trip. We started early in the morning and traveled for several 46 on a bus. When we arri

46、ved, everyone was tired.While we were getting off the bus I noticed a young man, probably in his early twenties, standing very closeto one of my friends. Suddenly, I realized that he was trying to 47 my friends wallet from her bag! I48 really nervous, but I knew I had to take action to stop him. Luc

47、kily, I saw two police officers standing49 and got an idea. So I fell over and cried out painfully. The police officers heard that and came over tohelp. When they were by my side, I told them what was 50, They caught the thief right away.After that, we thanked the police officers and went on with ou

48、r trip happily.五、语法填空(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共计10分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。One day at school, something strange caught Anns attention. Lily 51 (quick) put a bag in her own desk, making Ann feel unusual. Later, she saw Lily secretly give something 52 Cindy under the desk. It seemed that they decided 53 (do) something without her. Ann thought, “How can my best friend plan something wit


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