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《高中英语2024届高考常考词组汇总(共两组200句).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语2024届高考常考词组汇总(共两组200句).doc(5页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、高考英语常考词组(一)1.采取行动 take action2.就与某人争论 argue with sb.about/over3.同意(建议等) agree to sth.4.向某人保证:使某人相信 assure sb.that/of sth.5.把添加到 add .to6.(向)申请 apply (to.) for7.避免做 avoid doing8.瞄准;目标在于 aim at9.买得起;承担得起 afford sth./to do10.根据 according to11.(向某人)查问,打听 ask(sb.)about12.担忧 be anxious about13.听从某人的建议 tak

2、e/follow ones advice14.旅游胜地 tourist attraction15.on account of 由于16.企图做,尝试做 attempt to do17.感激(某人)做 appreciate (ones) doing18.在前面;胜过 ahead of19.再三地,反复地again and again =time and (time) again over and over(again)20.不在;自缺席 be absent from21.相册/集邮簿 photo/stampalbum22.别无选择,只得 have no alternative but to do

3、23.尽可能地 as .as possible as .as one can24.预先,事先 in advance25.总共 in all26.在机场 at the airport27.安排做 arrange for .to do28.酸雨 acid rain29.吩咐某人做某事 ask/tell sb.to do sth.30.同意(某人)的意见;(气候、食物)适合(人);与一致 agree with31.因授予某人奖 award sb.sth.for = award sth.to sb.for32.害怕 be afraid of33.吸引某人的注意力到上 draw ones attenti

4、on to34.为向某人道歉 apologize to sb.for, make an apology to sb.for35.(连)好像as if=as though36.可接近;可进入;可利用have access to37.反对;违背;违反 be against38.与某人有约会have an appointment with sb.39.店员,售货员shop assistant40.建议某人做 advise sb.to do41.对的态度 attitude towards42.担任,充当act as43.最重要的是 above all44.in arms 武装着(的)45.对的优势 a

5、dvantage over46.在各方面in all aspects47.把应用于 apply .to48.除之外(还) in addition to, apart from49.平均on(the/an)average50.问题的回答/信的回复answer to the question/letter51.看起来与年龄相符 look ones age52.呼吁;上诉;吸引 appeal to53.偶然地,意外地by accident/chance54.恐怕 Im afraid (that).55.急救 first aid56.注意 pay attention to57.使适应 adapt .t

6、o58.(连)正如:正当 just as59.就达成共识 agree on60.由发生、出现arise from61.在中取得巨大成就 make great achievements in62.(充分)意识到 be(fully/well) aware of/that/wh-63、毕竟,终究,归根结底 after all64、对感到羞愧be ashamed of/to do/that65.准许进入 admit .to/into66、渴望 be anxious for/to do/that67.许多/少量观众 a large/small audience68.私事/家事/外交事务private/f

7、amily/foreign affairs69.(向某人)要某物 ask(sb.) for sth.70.全神贯注于 be absorbed in 71.为做安排 make arrangements for72.对大感惊讶 be amazed at/to do/that, be astonished at/to do/that73.旅行社/新闻社 travel/news agency74.与有关 be associated with75.合计达 add up to76.电气制品/家电electrical/household appliances77.对生气 be angry at/to do/

8、that, be annoyed at sth./with sb.78.(充分)利用;趁机利用 take(full) advantage of79.开户头open an account80.某事物的学习、研究、处理方法 approach to sth.81.说明,解释;占(百分比) account for82.保持某人的注意力 hold ones attention83.允许做allow doing84.到达(小地方);达成(结论、协议等) arrive at85.为征求登广告 advertise for86.某物对某人来说可得到sth be available to sb.87.达成协议 r

9、each an agreement88.分配(任务)给某人;布置(作业)给某人assign sb.sth.= assign sth.to sb.89.对起作用;按照行动 act on/upon90.胃口好/不好have a good/poor appetite91.追赶;追求 be after92.承认做过 admit doing/having done.93.此外 in addition94.on the air 在广播95.be attached to 依附于,附属于96.指责/控告某人 accuse sb.of97.怀里抱着;拥抱 hold.in ones arms98.在/超过/不到岁

10、 at/beyond/under the age of99.answer for 对负责100.把考虑在内 take .into account(二)1.属于 belong to2.抚养长大 bring up3.吹嘘 boast about/of/that4.不是而是 not .but .5.因应受责备 be to blame for6.洗澡 have/take a bath7.做生意 do business8.向某人借某物 borrow sth.from sb.9.在方面落后(于) fall/be behind(.) in10.逐渐地bit by bit11.牢记 bear/keep sth

11、.in mind, bear/keep in mind that .12.在的后面 at the back of13.爆发break out14.某事物使某人受益,某人得益于某事物sth.benefit sb.=sb.benefit from sth.15.人们普遍认为 It is generally believed/considered/thought that .= sth./sb.be generally believed considered/thought to do16.禁止做 ban .from doing17.(介)要不是but for18.从逃离;从脱离,与断绝关系brea

12、k away from19.在之初 at the beginning of20.在船(飞机、车)上on board21.引起,导致 bring about22.正要做某事 be about to do sth.23.营业时间 business hours24.撞上;碰见 bump into25.(中间)休息 have/take a break26.(介)因为because of27.对感到厌烦 be bored with28.忙于 be busy with sth./be busy doing29.从一开始from the beginning30.对有害 be bad for31.沸点boil

13、ing point32.最好不做 had better not do33.anything but 根本不34.行为检点,守规矩 behave oneself35.(机械等)出故障 break down36.除了没什么要做的 have nothing to do but do37.以为基础(动词词组) be based on38.生于 be born in39.从心底里,发自内心地from the bottom of ones heart40.铺床 make a/the/ones bed41.安全带seat/safety belt42.一定会;负有义务的be bound to do43.消防队

14、fire brigade44.因公出差 on business45.售票处booking office46.最有效利用make the best/most of.47.像以前一样 as before48.屏息hold ones breath49.树立信心build up ones confidence50.按按钮 press the button51.显现出;使问世bring out52.把归咎于某人 blame sb.for sth.= blame sth.on sb.53.破坏生态平衡upset/disturb/destroy the balance of nature54.上床睡觉 go

15、 to bed55.突然大哭/大笑burst/break into tears/laughter=burst out crying/ laughing56.信任;相信有价值 believe in57.生来具有 be born with58.不能忍受做 cant bear/stand doing/to do59.尽自己的一份力量do ones bit60.简言之 in brief61.什么都不能做,只得 can do nothing but do = cant do anything but do62.举止得当/恶劣 behave well/badly63.理发店 the barbers64.按

16、铃 ring the bell65.肢体语言 body language66.竭尽全力做 do/try ones best to do67.打碎;(使)(关系)破裂 break up68.游泳衣 bathing suit69.公共汽车站 bus stop70.不仅而且 not only .but (also) .71.人 human being72.爆炸blow up73.引进 bring in74.在某人背后,背地里 behind ones back75.强行闯入某地 break into sp.76.在的底部 at the bottom of77.信不信由你 believe it or n

17、ot78.生;产生 give birth to79.只有;只不过nothing but80.由开始 begin/start with81.以为基础(介词词组) on the basis of82.埋头于,专心于be buried in = bury oneself in83.布告栏 notice board84.卧(病)在床 be (ill)in bed85.喘不过气来(介词词组) out of breath86.给某人买某物 buy sb.sth.= buy sth.for sb.87.比以前更 than before88.形成come into being89.生来平等 be born equal90.担负起的重任bear/carry/shoulder the burden of91.一点也不not a bit92.突破break through93.劳逸结合 keep a balance between work and play94.使某人恢复知觉bring sb.to95.至多;充其量也不过at best96.不关你的事none of your business97.从头到尾,自始至终from beginning to end98.黄油面包 bread and butter99.(象、狮子等)大猎物big game100.在海滩 at/on the beach5


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